>make it sound cool
a hideo kojima localization
Make it sound cool
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He has a point because the worst case scenario is turning Japanese phrases into "SHILLY SHALLY DILLY DALLY"
i read an article written by the guy who translated the entirety of mgs1 who was also responsible for a million different things that were absent in the japanese version and became very important to mgs as a whole (including the word "codec") who kind of lamented the fact that kojima got pissed that he made edits to the script to make it sound good in english rather than the comparatively stunted japanese. mgs1 sounded better than the other games because the rest were very literal, direct translations from japanese. i feel like death stranding is going to have the exact same problem
>it's another localizer claiming they "improve" and fix the problematic Japanese article
You aint a president of jack shit
Absolute lol at EOPs. Imagine playing any game cuckalized, ugh.
japs literally don't speak like most western people, their entire figure of speech is different.
>it's another shitter who doesn't even know English forcing us to see his pleb opinions
MGS1 is better in English.
uhh user?
Blaustein did a great job with MGS, you only have to look at the rest of the series to see what a difference more literal translations make.
>I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea. I will always be with you. Plant your roots in me. I won't see you end as ashes. You're all diamonds.
This is not a good line.
>it's another EOP subhuman
The proof is sitting there. The script in MGS 1 doesn't sound quite as awkward as MGS 2 or Twin Snakes, but the acting plays a major role in that too. People actually gave a shit back for MGS 1 when it was all new, but by MGS 2 people didn't give as much of a fuck. First it was attributed to the actors sucking, then to the script, then to Kris, but then Blaustein lauded Kris as an excellent voice director so maybe it really did fall to the newer scripts?
You can debate Blaustein's competency but I can agree with the sentiment of wanting to take minor liberties to improve natural flow where possible, but without going behind the author's back.
>it's another EOP calling native speakers ESLs and saying a language he's never played in or understands is worse
MGS 1:
>Fine, He can watch from inside there...
Twin Snakes:
>Fine, watch from your box seat!
MGS 2:
Basically Fortune's entire shtick
>The root of all my sorrows!
The list can go on but it's not worth the effort.
literally nothing wrong with what hes saying
fuck off spergs
i want cool one liners
>but without going behind the author's back.
The author doesn't have a fucking clue about what sounds good in English. You can't have a debate with Kojima about X over Y, because he can't understand the topic of conversation.
The author's own misguided idea of what translation should be really shouldn't factor into the equation. Unless you actually want RE1 and HotD2 tier dubbing and "translation".
Except that is a great line.
Your opinions aren't proof any anything.
Here we go again with this stupid narrative of trying to push Kojima as a hack for no fucking reason
>japs literally don't speak like most western people, their entire figure of speech is different.
It's not that. A lot of video game writing is awful, Japanese is no exception. Kojima fashions himself an auteur but he's at best fanfiction tier writer. Language in his scripts follow. Stinted writing is not an inherently Japanese problem, it's a bad writer problem.
>Yea Forums shits on localization non stop
>kojima game gets localized
>localization is great and is the reason I like it
They're the opinions of an American, native English speaker, but still opinion, I'll give you.
ah, it can't be helped
They shit on localization when its being used as an excuse to hide intent or censor materials. TRANSLATING THE INTENT has never been frowned upon. What the fuck are you on about? Are you trying to say Yea Forums gets angry when games get translated and the intent stays?
Not to mention, and this is very important, the localization that Yea Forums would be angry about is MG on NES. Outside of that, I'm pretty confident in saying that Kojima games have come over without any problem in translation. On the matter of quality of dialogue? That's completely subjective.
>retards are quick to yell EOP without realizing there are people that played MGS1 in both English and Japanese.
the translator being a better writer than kojima isn't exactly a surprise.
>Are you trying to say Yea Forums gets angry when games get translated and the intent stays?
Yea Forums quite literally does get angry at that. They get angry at pretty much all localization.
MGS1 read and sounded the most natural. I never realized this until I read enough MGS1 shilling which made me pay more attention to the actors' delivery of lines.
No, お前達の無念を海の藻屑にはしない。俺は常にお前達とある。俺はお前達の苗床だ。お前達を灰にはしない。お前達はダイヤモンドだ。 is a passable line.
The localisation is an incredibly stiff literal translation of those lines.
I don't care about MGS1. My point is general. Cuckalizations are for cucks.
bravo kojima
Nah, its a great line and was one of the rare times in PP to be delivered very strongly.
Ah yes, let's make shit up! Because what I said TECHNICALLY falls under your umbrella term despite the fact that you've not named an example that could be easily refuted as hiding or censoring intent and material.
You know what, whatever. I don't ever know why I willingly engage in containment threads. Have fun calling Kojima a hack, folks.
Weird that you're posting this shit in the thread about the one game that actually had a passable localisation, though.
MGS1's translation is about as close to ideal as you could get, given the differences between Japanese and English. Sure, for the other 99.99% of games out there? You play in Japanese, there isn't even any consideration for playing some awful piece from a failed writer.
Kojima's a hack though.
then i wonder if japs payed double for having someone do both translation and editing for them
>No, ching chong chang bing bang. long wang mang rang. shing shang ting tang. maling lang zing zang. ping pang hing hang. is a passable line
Then why don't you tell us what it means?
loling at EOPs is a favorite pastime of mine
Did you reply to the right post? I said nothing about PP or even MGS at all, but just that Yea Forums gets angry a lot.
Same basic gist, only it doesn't make Venom sound like the most pretentious faggot in the world.
How doesn't it?
I like chuuni writing. Please don't take it away from me, thanks.
Personally I think it's sound as retarded in Japanese as it does in English.
It's not a good line in Japanese either, because Kojima can't write, but it's a lot less grating.
Going from the pic related, Kojima learned his lesson as he's allowing the actors artistic freedom unless I'm reading it wrong.
Perhaps it's because in your native English things feel more intense. Whatever impression they generate is stronger than when they're in a foreign language.
My native is neither English nor Japanese and just imagining the line in it is making me cringe much more than either the English or Japanese does.
In other worse, a foreign language allows you a degree of separation from what is said. But yeah, this line is cringe in any language.
>implying Kaku didnt fuck MGS2's dialogue to high hell
bitch should be shot
This is more because he hired all his heroes, so he'll let them do whatever they want within reason. They still have to stick to whatever awful translated script he's giving them, though.
It's going to be fucking jarring hearing some random nip voices coming out of Mads and Reedus's mouths, but compared to the alternative it's just something I have to live with.
>In other worse
In other words*
lol typo
These Kojima hate threads are fucking baffling. It's like you're trying to convince people not to buy Death Stranding but nobody will even bite, yet you continue screaming at no one.
Sorry to hear that japo friendo but didn't the PS4 drop localization? Can't you just import the game? It's the same for us over here, anime with English voices are awful.
I can't play the game in English because Kojima doesn't understand the concept of translation, it's like every MGS after 1.
It's relatively easy to find English copies of games in JP Amazon. Can be expensive though. An easier way is to make an US PSN account and buy there. You can buy US PSN cash cards online to charge.
That article just made Blaustein sound like an egotistical retard honestly. I used to think he was alright before that.
Didn't this guy take issues with the way the original mgs games were translated.
Oh well, it can't be helped.
Yeah but those cards are usually cost something like $15 for a $10 card.
He is an egotistical retard, he turned SotN into a meme fest. But he's a better writer than Kojima.
Yes, he got upset about lines like "you must be a master at the Indian Stick pull and 4 man carry" (or something similar, I can't be bothered looking up the exact line) being translated to a "muktuk eating contest" joke because the original line was literally just Kojima bizarrely trying to brag about how he knew about the world eskimo-indian olympics during the Vulcan Raven fight.
Did he ever said why? It seems he's welcoming for the actors to be creatively free on DS
How about you two queers go suck each other?
I am going to use this thread to vent something that bothers me.
Localizations can be alright usually. But what the fuck is with it when they change names and proper nouns?
For example, Tales of Vesperia changed the ancient entity name to some Greek word.
And Yakuza they changed the dog name from Mahmay to Rex.
Why? Why change names? It's a name. There's no meaning that needs changing. Did devs think I wouldn't realize I was looking at a dog if they didn't change the name to Rex?
DL8, bro.
Free in their performance, not free in the script.
>submit my foreign art to an art show
>"hey bro i like it a lot but i'm going to paint over half of it because i know the local visitors will like it better that way"
Or you can buy them directly through American Amazon with only difference being conversion rate.
The rationale behind this usually is that the original is likely to evoke some association in the Japanese audience, so they choose a name that can do the same to the English one.
Homura -> Pyra is an obvious example.
>no, mads you're not creatively free to make minor changes to MY script on MY game
You sure Kojima will say this to Mads?
Those require an American bank account though. I'm talking about if all of your money is in Japanese yen. I'm assuming a Japanese person would have their money all in yen. If they have an American bank account then why even buy a card and not just directly from the store?
I had to look this shit up, his name was マメ, written mame, meaning "bean". It's very obvious why they changed it, it's a typical dog name, but a direct transliteration would confuse English speakers, because most people pronounce "mame" like "MAME", according to English pronunciation. If you change it to something like "mahmay", you keep the rough pronunciation, but you completely lose the reference.
Rex is a good localisation here.
He learned his lesson from ZOE2 where the English localisation is essentially machine translated and read verbatim, coming out extremely stilted and unnatural or just being utter nonsense at times.
Giving actors authority over the phrasing makes for a much better result.
You don't keep the bean reference with Rex though.
Not anymore though.
Give the script to a westerner and he'll turn it into SJW crap, like what happens in Nintendo.
That reads natural to me. Are you an English native speaker?
>Those require an American bank account though
Nah, you're thinking of direct PS Store purchases. You only need fake American address for Amazon purchases.
The "bean" reference is technically just a reference to the breed of the dog. Guess what the most popular name is for Mameshibas? It's Mame.
Rex is a good interpretation.
You can pay for things on American Amazon without using USD?
I mean that seems like the best course of option. Writer gives a vague translation, and it's moderated and approved with VAs ad libbing if need be to make it more natural. Rather than just telling the translator to just localize it "however", then you get NISA/xseed garbage.
The money will be converted to USD obviously. Bought digital Titanfall 2 for dirt cheap from American Amazon in Europe.
>Are you an English native speaker?
This is one of those things where it's grammatically correct but nobody would actually speak like that, especially with Dingo's voice and mannerisms.
The sentence is grammatically correct, but wordy in such a way that no one actually talks like that. Especially a character like Dingo. In that specific sentence, there's a lot of superfluous information that would realistically be omitted in conversational english.
"Forget it, let's talk when we're done." would lose nothing while being far more natural.
t. linglet
Neat. In my country if I buy off Amazon in my region I can do credit on delivery or pay at the door. Basically buy stuff without a credit card. Does American Amazon have that option too? Basically asking if I can go to American Amazon, give a phony address, order and then pay at my door in my local currency.
That would be incredibly convenient for me.
Video games are not and never will be high art. If the end goal is to make a buck, then making changes to appeal to a different demographic is okay.
I agree with a lot of the anti-localization posts ITT, it's simply a turd polishing exercise. No amount of revision will fix the fact that it was initially made by a creatively bankrupt race of gibbering drones who can't even properly animate cartoons. Autistic can't understand this because the cognitively lack human characteristics required to appreciate what makes substantive media.
dumb esl
Learn English.
Hmmm, so this is why sometimes I get called out for not being a native speaker when I know for a fact my sentence is grammatically correct?
>not a hack
I wouldn't be surprised if retards like you think the subtitles are what actually is being said in original language considering how you guys keep making these braindead takes on the process of translation.
Bitch I don't know your posting history.
That's part of it, synonyms are also a big deal in English, you should always try to avoid using the same word twice in a given sentence.
kys anglonigger keep worshipping slants in the hopes they'll give you some pity pussy.
He's right though. In the context of what people are saying here, your post means that Fukushima is the hack that wrote the shitty Japanese script that the translator improved. Haters are outright contradicting themselves left and right just to not like Kojima.
>Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg... And my arm... even my fingers... The body I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past!
Dr. Naomi Hunter:
Are you smoking?
Solid Snake:
Yeah, so what?
Dr. Naomi Hunter:
Didn't you know that cigarettes contain benzopyrene, a chemical that leads to lung cancer? We now know that when benzopyrene enters the body, it changes to benzopyrene diolepoxide and attaches to the receptors on the P53 gene, the gene which causes lung cancer. The BPDE attaches to the P53 gene in three specific locations and causes pre-cancerous changes to the lung tissue.
Solid Snake:
You know a lot about science, but you don't know how good a cigarette tastes in the morning.
I hate all of you
Never tried that. I was only doing digital purchases so far.
son I'm sorry to say, but you've got assburgers
I love how Kojidrones talk like fucking preteen girls without irony.
Maybe because, ever since MGSV, the MGS community in Yea Forums is just a bunch of hormonal, histerical teenage women in their period who spout nonsense which is accepted as long as it's shitting on Kojima.
Someone makes something up about him based on nothing but his asshurt, others pat him in the back and say they are right.
Yea Forums has become a safe space for the most autistic people in the planet.
>Shitting on Peace Walker because it's in the caribbean and you don't understand anything about El Che and Los Sandinistas
Poor form
lurk more newfag
I can't tell if this is b8 or not.
I like how this acknowledges that MGS games are nothing but movies, considering they only take into count the shitty plots.
I see. I doubt you can do digital purchases without a credit card.
mgs1 snake is the most charismatic
>we've sounded like faggots for years defending muh favorite consolebaby movie games!
Exposition is lazy storytelling and MGS is a bad stealth series, facts.
The man swallowed an entire carton of cigarettes whole just so he could vomit them up later and smoke them. You have to admire his determination.
those are two different characters
You don't even know wtf you are talking about. Localization can make great writing mean nothing. If the presentation is terrible, the result will be terrible. A direct translation of "great writing" would more often than not completely ruin the screenplay/actors performances.
MGS is literally designed for autistic people.
But what good are those cigarettes?
He's addicted to them moron.
someone post that Otakon's "Metal Gear REX's Flaw vs. Weakness" line
He left the plastic wrap on so they came out relatively fresh.
Kojima is an envious, ignorant faggot.
He still can't speak English despite being a huge westerner faggot. He was envious of Hayter because he got popular in the west.
People sucking his dick have no idea what kind of person he is.
Look between the lines, retards.
1:1 translations from japanese fucking suck dude.
t. hayter
Aside from the pure pleasure of smoking he can use them as an improvised Infrared Laser Detector.
>muh hayter
who gives a fuck about the dub actor? He's not Solid Snake, he does Solid Snake's voice for the English localization. Would you cry if Star Wars changed the Spanish faggot who dubs Mark Hamil as well?
>make up fantasies about a celeb
>gets made when people don't share them
So this is the power of autism
You know the imgae reminds me that japan lifted the ban on trying to mix human stem cells with animals. Supposedly that could lead to human animal hybrids, the reason is, to my understanding, that they hope they can grow human organs inside pigs or sheep for transplants. They supposedly also say that if an animal goes over 30-40% in human brain cells they'll cut the experiment. Interesting.
MGS can be enjoyed by anyone, it's just a dumb action movie and anime hybrid that even normalfags loved. Autists are the only ones who take it remotely seriously.
He can't speak english but he can understand it, read it, and write it. Who gives a shit about actually speaking it?
He can't do any of those things, though. He can politely nod along, and pick out a few words.
Humans (anglos) and honorary humans (anglophones)
MGS redditors treat MGS as if it was the LOTR of videogames but the plot was fucking stupid from the start, and even Kojima thinks is retarded.
Which is funny considering they then go to say that Johnny and his diarrhea are "classic" MGS humor.
jbcs was my desktop password like ten years ago
Is he the biggest hack in industry history? At least molyneux actually cared about gameplay
kojima is the george lucas of video games
If you dont realize how fucking retarded thet sounds you're either esl or a weeb
Being a shill for a mediocre game writer isnt a substitute for a personality
Same here regarding not being English or Japanese, but I actually thought the scene was good. I didn't see how it was cringy and neither did the other millions of players listening to it...
I honestly agree with you anons. But, I doubt that the Kojima devotees will even consider this being a possibility. I used to be a big MGS fan, but you could tell the narrative consistency and quality was declining past MGS1.
>This is not a good line.