What race do you choose?

what race do you choose?

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Other urls found in this thread:


You can't choose, you just dragonborn

I coinflip Breton or Dunmer every time.

Breton man who fight for woman rights in Skyrim

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Aryan race

sexy orc lady

based redgaurds so I can be wakanda

what do you call this body type

lizard wizard

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based on looks alone, imperial looks pretty good.

"Peak of the female body"

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Wow, thats deep in some way...

Do people actually like this stuff?


FUCK Altmer
FUCK Argonians
FUCK Bosmer
FUCK Bretons
FUCK Dunmer
FUCK Imperials
FUCK Khajiit
and FUCK Redguards

Skyrim belongs to the Nords.

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>Fuck Bretons
Why though?

Because they're mongrels.

There are no races we are all humans.

what about redgaurds? Their based

Human is a species, not a race.

how is this even a question

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whatever race that gets me to stop playing that horrible game as quickly as possible

and species and races are just words

Shut up, Altmer.

baka you racist

That's correct. They are words.

Having the physical strength of men and the magical affinity of mer doesnt seem like a bad thing.

hells yeah

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I always play as orcs in any game that lets me. One, the usually are the underdogs in the setting. Two, they perfectly mirror the mindless violence of the player. Three, you can make them look savage as fuck.

>Bro tier

>Ok tier

>Mostly shit, but some bros

>Shit tier

>Poop worshipper tier

Strong thick?


Is Ulfric the biggest, most dishonest cry baby in Tamriel? Maybe even of all time.
>Entire claim to fame is killing an old man and freeing a city from a bunch of primitive deer head wearing cavemen
>Chimps out over "MUH TALOS" when literally no one enforced the laws before he started stirring up shit
>Needs the Thalmor, the people he bitches about the most besides the Empire, to save his life just to keep the war going
>Doesn't find it suspicious the people he claims are evil and he is technically enemies with are aiding him
>Has intentions of going to war with the Thalmor after
I shouted this faggot straight into a wall. I don't know how anyone can side with him unless you're one of those "Skyrim is for the Nords" retards who have no argument beyond "Fuck magic, fuck elves, and fuck everything that isn't a nord".

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Agree, but the Dragonborn should lead the Stormcloaks. Skyrim is for the Nods!



slam pig

Reminder that only turbo-boomers support the Stormcoons.
> Korir is scared of magic
> Skald the Elder is basically Nigel Farage
> Dengeir of Stuhn is a tinfoil hat conspiratard
> Vignar Gray Mane is ok with betraying his city because kids these days don't respect that we wuz kings
> Laila is the only down to Earth stormcloak, and she distrusts Ulfric
The Empire is and has always been the thinking man's choice.

Redguard because, well, i'm black. However, I also like high elves, imperials, Bretons, and Nords. I hope tes6 takes place in hammerfell.

Gay male Nord who rapes and sells to slavery every male and bludgeons every female who stands in his way. Frequently makes Farkas and Vilkas make out
Might makes right

lizard mommy

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Big busty argonian lady that craves Nord dick.

>has to use the voice to win a fight against the high king

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High Tier
High Elves

Mid Tier

Shit tier

Why are redguards designed to look like black people but their whole land is based on Middle eastern cultures?



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If you’re a total fucking brainlet, sure.
>game in region! Me must play that region’s race!!

To be fair, you really don’t need an argument past “FUCK ELVES”.

Lightly armored, giant axe wielding Argonian

Any white human

Destroyer of furries and meatball subs.

Nord for everything except pure mage I use Dunmer for that

breton with conjuration and archery

>physical strength
They're the weakest tied with wood elves

You sound like you didn't even do the main story up to the embassy the Thalmor had nothing to do with the dragon attack at Helgen

Elenwen's party was at Helgen to release Ulfric if possible, you stupid nigger.
t. not even that user

I didn't claim they did. The Thalmor embassy has a notebook where they literally explain they were trying to intervene at Ulfric's execution to spare him so the war would continue indefinitely. They didn't side with the Stormcloaks, they just didn't want them to lose that fast. That is why Tulius ordered everyone get executed, he was trying to get the shit done before the Thalmor were able to swoop in and postpone his execution.

Undoubtedly if they confiscated him from Tulius, or just made them give him a trial or something, he'd have magically been able to escape in custody or something. Did you even read the books in the embassy? They spell all this shit out, that is why I don't get how you people can even think Ulfric is a decent option.

They're not strong and they have the build of a bleached pygmy. Lsd cats are the only race deserving of playtime. They have won the elder scrolls equivalent to the war on drugs.

People keep getting confused about him being an asset to the Thalmor thinking he works for them, he's simply useful as long as he doesn't win. When he does win they slaughter every Thalmor in sight like Ondolemar in Markarth and the rest flee. They still roam free under the Empire.

the white race.

Nord or Altmer

Female Nord.

Where's 9/11 goddammit?

Khajiit for fun, Breton for min-max

I'm a pretentious whiny cunt that thinks he's better than everyone else so I'll obviously pick Dunmer :^]

It's the only thing that makes sense.

First character I ever played was a female khajiit (I blame Katia); my current character is a female dunmer.

There is a difference between working for someone and being an asset. Ulfric is a useful idiot to the Thalmor. He's openly hostile towards the elves, and they know obviously if he wins he wouldn't be a friend. But they also know they'd be able to absolutely roll an independent Skyrim if they needed to. 90% of Nords not only don't use magic, they outright think its bullshit trickery or whatever and have disdain for it. Mages are pretty much the most powerful mortals in Tamriel, and the Thalmor have plenty of them. Ulfric claims he intends to defeat the Thalmor after the Empire when Tulius confronts him about it,the guy is not only delusional he is fucking retarded. Which goes back to what I said before, he is an unknowing, useful potato the Thalmor want to keep alive for as long as possible.

Sometimes Orcs or Redguards to go full unga bunga afterwards.
All other races are gay faglords.

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If Tullius was executing them to end the war then why didn't he start with Ulfric?

Because then there wouldn't be a civil war in the game.

Male Nord always siding with the empire because the Stormcucks are a bunch of retards.

That invalidates anons theory Tullius was executing them to end the civil war.
More likely the Thalmor allowed him to kill Ulfrics men in front of him before turning him over.
Tullius knows whose hand holds the leash.

Sup Neloth?

Name one good reason to side with the Empire that doesn't involve your distaste for Ulfric.
There isn't one.

So Azura is incapable of fucking with the Dragonborn’s future because he’s a Hero, right? Does that mean it’s okay to make the Black Star?

Which Neloth? The real one from Morrowind or the imposter from Skyrim.

The Empire has a better shot at defeating the Thalmor than a ragtag group of Nords that don't use magic.

What's wrong with Neloth in Skyrim?

Is there a good mod for Skyrim that replaces the magic casting animations? The default looks like a fucking troglodyte.
Playing as a male cause I'm not gay.

>Not rolling Khajiit
It's like you don't want to rogue optimally.

He’s likely a Shezarrine so technically he ”outranks” them i guess

Akatosh basically has dibs on the Dragonborn's soul, so no matter how many pacts you make with Daedric Princes, none of them have any claim to you.

>The default looks like a fucking troglodyte.
The modded ones look gay or pretentious so pick your poison.

Google the mystic knight anim replacer. It’s what I use.

The facts in evidence do not support your claim.
Look at Hammerfell. They turned things around once they were freed from Imperial "leadership".
At this point whatever remains of the Empire is a hindrance to the war effort.

Khajiit, I never level up and wear the pugilists so I can kill everything in 1 punch.

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It's motherfucking magic, if you don't look pretentious while casting you're clearly doing it wrong.
Does it fit male characters as well?

He is an imposter.

>Look at Hammerfell
They use magic. The vast majority of Stormcloak-loyal Nords don't.

They didn't need magic to deal with the Eyelids or Falmer.

The vast majority of all human armies use melee weapons it's easier to learn than magic the empire has no battlemages in skyrim

Breton Boys

What are the best follower mods for Skyrim SE?

I've been using Kaidan and Lucian.

/d/ calls them "Alpha females" and "Venus Body Type"

A demure little Breton wench who becomes a slave to the lizard cock of my Argonian husband.

Khajiit, Imperial, Breton

name my band, Yea Forums



a united empire has more chance to defeat the thalmor then one province of mead swilling shitters in the upcoming second war, anyone with half a brain would realise that

Used to only play cat man. Now I'm playing as a dumbmer slut

i'll always pick stormcloaks but never do the civil war quest, and it's all because of that bitch captain at the start who said ''fuck it, you get executed too''

Imperial of course, the master race suited to civilized the other inferior races

the Empire will prevail in Skyrim, we are the only hope against the knife-ear menace

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If there was an Empire still around sure. All that is available is a loose alliance between Cyrodil and High Rock and maybe Skyrim.

Empirefags haven't come to grips with the fact the Empire is gone.

The only thing that has saved the Empire is the fact the AD is worse at war than them.

the AD started a war with a surprise attack, they were winning until they got surrounded in the Imperial City
this is the thing, Elves cannot fight atrition wars and they know it
humans reproduce far greater than elves, so since the last war the Empire has had decades to recover loses and more, the only chance for the elves is divide and conquer

>Human is a species, not a race.

Couldn't agree more. That's why I say niggers and chinks are not human.

cat, because she gets my pp hard

Yes the Empire rebuilt its forces and promptly attacked Skyrim.
The crime committed?The Stormcloaks wanted to attack the AD.
So the Empire starts a war to stop the Stormcloaks from starting a war with the AD so the Empire can then go to war with the AD.

The Imperial war plan is pants on head retarded.

nord first playthrough because of the story (also 1st char back in morrowind)
khajit 2nd playthrough because hand to hand combat and dialogue mod

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how the fuck would nordniggers attack AD?

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Because making the orcs African is too on the nose

What about literally? Is the seeding of elf wombs part of the plan?

You see that large stretch of ocean? TheNords have these thing called boats. The AD navy is busy blockading the Rumare to keep the Imperial Navy from attempting a breakout. The nations the Nords will have to pass along they way are sympathetic, quite possible they will join in, giving the Nords an unfettered lane to conduct raids at the very least.

This puts the AD in a bad spot. Do they maintain the blockade or defend against the Nords.

Any other questions?

>look at hammerfell
You mean that province that withheld their support during the war with the thalmor thus weakening the Empire's position, only to use that as supposed evidence of the empire's weakness?

The Redguards never actually did their part or lifted a finger to help anyone but themselves.

the Aldmeri have had the best navy in Tamriel forever

What are you talking about?
My guess is when the AD shifted towards the IC the Emp crapped his pampers and tried to recall everyone to save his ass.
Some of the Imperial commanders discharged "disabled" veterans to bolster the Redguard forces as they still served the Empire not just Cyrodil.

The Emp had no need to panic as the Nords were already on the way when he called for everyone.

Debatable but even so it can't be at two places at once now can it?

...do you not?
unironically though, its called supernormal stimuls, "an exaggerated version of a stimulus to which there is an existing response tendency, or any stimulus that elicits a response more strongly than the stimulus for which it evolved." Basically an exaggerated version of traits we are attracted to. This isnt a modern phenomenon, there's a cave sculptures from 30,000 years ago with this body type, "Venus of Willendorf"

Hammerfell literally ignored their call to arms during the war. This is why they were so well manned and equipped to throw off a later Thalmor invasion: they'd literally done nothing till then.

Yes when the Emp went full coward the Redguard refused to abandon their homeland for his sake.
Thankfully the Imperial commanders agreed and discharged a fair number of "invalids" to aid the Redguard.


Which one has a small dick and nuts? I would like to know this feel.

the argonians didn't take the WHOLE of morrowind, just some of the south

Probably Bosmer or Breton. Dungmer are pretty tiny as well.

dunmer COPE

They rampaged the entire province until they got bored and went home.
The consensus is they have kept at least everything from Tear south.

Nord, Imperial or Breton.

Vvardenfell no :(

yeah no, they got stopped by House Redoran in the SOUTH of morrowind. We just know An-Xiheel reached Mournhold but no evidence of anything north of it.

They're sub-species actually.

This thread makes me want to play Skyrim again. I haven't played any DLC content anyway, so there's a decent reason to do it as well. Does Special edition include all DLC?

hmm lets see the different racial bonuses
>some magic resistance
>slightly higher proficiency with axes
>+5 to barter

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Made an Orc Hedgeknight.

They would build up their strength in Skyrim and then rebuild the Empire one province at a time. The fight against the AD is a generational struggle.

The Empire is dying. You're a moron.

You can get a waterbreathing ring/necklas pretty quick, along with any of these bonuses so choosing a race is just for looks mostly.
Theres like three instances your race is even mentioned by two redguard women and a cave harpie.

Of course you want to fuck all the races you dirty snow nigger.

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And yet the empire is the bet bet for a united mankind against sub-humans.

Nord or argonian, but no matter what I pick, I always kill every dungm*r I come across.

Orc every time, they looked the least retarded in Oblivion.

>Game has no content whatsoever underwater
You wrote that one in caps to outline how useless it is, right?

>viking race
>not being masters of ocean warfare
use ur head

Probably khajiit or redguard. They're pretty cool.

The Elves of Summerset Isle are literal Atlanteans.

This Racial bonuses in Skyrim are practically useless after the first few hours of gameplay (other than Imperial, but the amount of extra money isn't really that much in the long run).

Dawnguard is pretty short but has the best official NPC companion in the game, her AI is actually half-decent. Vampire Lord is a fairly mediocre transformation that gets boring after a while. Dawnguard line has some neat weapons but they're not that strong if you're already past mid-game gear. It also has Jiub's ghost, played by the same VA as in Morrowind. Nice to hear "the 200 packs of Red Mountain cigarettes a day" voice again.
Hearthfire is just a worse version of that one popular custom player home mod. The only real new feature of note is that you can adopt children.
Dragonborn is pretty neat and is the best DLC overall, with a lot of things brought over from Morrowind and its expansions, a large landmass (Solstheim), and a new realm of Oblivion to "explore". I'd play through Skyrim again just for this since it's got the best content (aside from Serana in Dawnguard) out of all the DLCs.

Dunmer. I like slutty grey women.

Plus the Thalmor are absolute cunts and the fact that their plan is to destroy everything so they can ascend to godhood should be the fucking clarion call for everyone to stomp some High Elven shit in. But no, the humans are fighting each other and the Khajit got grifted about an extended eclipse so they're sucking yellow cock. Argonians are too busy getting revenge and will probably fuck off into the Hist dimension, and who gives a shit about the Bosmer and the Pig Children? At least the Dunmer are diametrically opposed to them, even if all they do now is mill about in the slums being vagrants and sluts. You just feel good about ruining Thalmor plans as a Dunmer, because that's just what the Dunmer do. Ruin other people's things. They're like a shitty fucking cat knocking a glass off the table and just staring at you as it shatters.

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>the amount of extra money isn't really that much in the long run
I find it to be the other way around. The few extra gold isn't much on its own, but throughout a whole game it adds up into quite a lot.

What dawnguard faction should you roll with? While transformation is funny for a short time it gets boring quickly, like you say. Just like werewolf.
Any mods that considerably improve things and are so well developed that they don't feel "tacked on" but simply like a part of the experience.
And maybe something to tone down or somehow remove the awful level scaling?

Breton for Mage and Rogue builds
Khajiit for Brawler and Archer builds
Nord for Warrior and Spellsword builds

Always breton because im irish, if you arent playing your own race thats gay

What do I play as to be a slav? Specifically Balkan slav?

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I usually join the vampires because I'm a sucker for that kind of vampire clan with a secluded evil lair, but you can still get the transformation if you join the dawnguard and they give you some cool crossbows (you only miss out on some stuff that make your vampire form stronger, basically).

>I like slutty grey women
Since when are they ever slutty? Oh right, you must have modded the living shit out of your game to the point you can't even remember what stock Skyrim is like.

You never have to use it for anything besides building a house.
I dont remeber buying a single item since all the loot and potions kept me perfectly healthy unless I did something stupid to get myself killed.

>Since when is the race with the whore queen slutty

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Kajhit if you're a Bulgarian (we all know Bulgaria is more gypsy than anything else).

Can't judge an entire race on one individual.

I went with the Dawnguard since I didn't care for the transformation. There's some neat bonuses like the Dawnguard Rune Hammer (a 2H warhammer that places down runes when you hit, using stamina instead of magicka) and being able to hire trolls as companions.
Sorry, not really in to the modding scene. The last time I touched Skyrim was 2013 and I just checked my modlist and literally none have been patched since then, so I assume none were converted for SE.

this is what i did in every game
fuck the legion but fuck the civil war even harder

Slavs are the ghetto whites. Dunmer are the ghetto elves

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I keep getting an urge to play Skyrim but then I remember what its actually like.

>Since when are they ever slutty?
nigger the promiscuity of Dunmer women was emphasized since at least Morrowind

Can we talk about how underpowered the Thu'um is compared to it's status in the lore? So much missed potential, but that's just Skyrim in a nutshell for lore stuff.

A Dark Elf man killed his wife after catching her making love with another man.

When the magistrate asked him why he killed her instead of her lover, the man replied, "I considered it better to kill one woman than a different man every week."

Dunmer are indians.

>Tfw I've forgotten
Might actually play it some day. After I buy it again.

Yes buy five copies

I clearly don't remember then.


The writers at Bethesda definitely borrowed a lot from Indian history and culture as a source of inspiration when coming up with the Dunmer.

High-elf, I act superior ingame to cope for my inferiority complex in real life

Yeah, that's my point. Like how every race has history/culture/geography that can relate to a historical people from reality.

Not every person who plays will be able to find a race that matches they own. Doesn't make sense to try, better to roleplay.

I only still play Morrowind so of course I pick Khajiit to grind acrobatics

If you cannot then you are probably forgiven and exempt from 's Irish mad rage.
Who are Wood Elves by the way?

redguard because we wuz kangz.

The French.

How so?

Dawnguard are the good guys so don't join the vampires unless your character is a bit of an edgelord that has no problem viewing humans as cattle to be sucked dry

I just started up Skyrim VR, definitely not worth $300 just for that but if you already have a headset it makes the game feel surprisingly fresh. Even without any of the improved city mods they still feel big, due to actually having a sense of scale.

Also works with basically every Special Edition mod too, but the performance hit is way worse for graphical stuff.

The mental changes comes with the vampire corruption manifesting itself in your character. Even conventional vampirism will do if it hangs on for long enough, and your character doesn't have the willpower to resist.

i try to play other races but khajiit speak is too neat and no other race gets a mod like it

I remember my first character was a redguard and every Nord called me a nigger anytime I walked near them and that I should leave Skyrim.

Good times.

Your character can choose not to be one or get it cured by Falion though, you're accepting everything that lifestyle entails by joining Harkon as a human.

If you play an elf you should be gassed

no that's the Bretons.

One of the best racial bonuses is unironically the Orc one, because it actually makes them the best archers in the game while it's active.

argonian, except on morrowind. fuck being locked out of blinding boots

based dunmer

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if the thalmor couldn't occupy hammerfell what makes skyrim any different?

imperial because dumer voies sound female like and when i play elf i dont want to sound subhuman

It's my character. I can make up an excuse if I want to.
>Doesn't want to be cured because powers
>Believes he can control it
>Considers it his fate
>Quick to mentally "weaken"

>mfw NONE of the skyrim DLCs are comparable in quality to the Fallout New Vegas DLC Honest Hearts.

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shill me on modded LE vs modded SE

I really like Dragonborn, but that's mainly because I loved Morrowind and spent loads of time exploring Solstheim in Bloodmoon. Comparing the island and what's there was fun.

Leichte Edition weighs less.
Schwere Edition weighs more.

A dying Empire is not a "best bet" for anything. It's a failed cause. It will not survive the Second Great War. Mark my words.

The Roman empire was fractured and on the verge on collapse multiple times and only the last time didn't end in resurgence.

the empire is illegitimate the septims are dead and no one wants anything to do with it just let it die

Morrowind was my first TES game and tbhwy I was disappointed by Dragonborn. it was nice to see Solstheim again, but the story was totally predictable. there was nothing beautiful or human about it, just regular scifi/fantasy boilerplate. it was nice to see falx carius again though, and see what happened to him.

It's good for a dunmer character with the morrowind style armor sets and the house you get, most races have to wear nord shit because that's all there is in the area but dunmer can stand out on the mainland.

Ulfric is the Trump of elder scrolls

>tfw playing an Armenian wizard named "king gizzard"


Any mods that make playing a pure mage from start to finish viable?

Ulfric isn't a willing Thalmor puppet, nor does he lead the most powerful nation in the world. He's good with his voice though, I'll give you that.

That's just vanilla. Just don't facetank everything.


More like the Chinese

It's completely viable without it using enchanting and the marked for death shout to weaken anything too spongy like legendary dragons

>Ulfric isn't a willing Thalmor puppet

But he explicitly is

>the empire has no battlemages in skyrim
Blind user is blind

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>t. never actually played

Did you play the game?

How do you make yourself look like that while maintaining the vanilla look of the NPC's?

basierter brudi

The Stormcloaks are the only side that actively fights them during and after the war. As soon as you winMarkarth for them Ondolemar and his Thalmor crew disappear and end up in coffins in the Markarth hall of the dead.


>still no mod mega packs for Skyrim
why? All other games that can be modded have mega packs already

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Is there anything more painful than being an ESO lore fan?

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This just says that he was being used. Hes not allied to them fuckwit. Learn to read

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the real enlightened position is that
FUCK the empire
FUCK stormcloaks
FUCK elves

Add a custom race

Being a Morrowind/Dunmer lorefag when the books came out. Baar Dau crashing into Vivec and the soul powered machine were terrible.

BASED retard

Dunmeri are jews
Source: trust me you fucking goy

That would be High Elves.

Being a dunmerfag

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Seeing as this is a more general ES thread now, is Legends worth playing? How's the content if you're a F2Per?

Default in every TES

The Forsworn are the biggest idiots of all they call themselves the "natives of the reach" when they're racially Breton and act like a dwarven built city is their ancestral homeland when they just moved in while the Nords were busy fighting a war.

Being a furfag or a scalefag like some of these zealous faggots are.

Please tell me you at least pirated the game.

Being an ES fan.

Plus the deal they made with those fucking witches. Cringe

FUcking based. Fuck elves

Dunmer for the Nordcuck gibs.

I like big fat altmer tiddies.

skyrim modders are uniquely autistic about "muh mod authorship rights" and not only would actively dmca stuff like that, many of them would literally pull all of their mods off the internet altogether

It doesn't invalidate shit. Its called plot armor. If Tullius killed Ulfric right off the bat there'd be no civil war, and thus a huge driving force of the world and a swathe of quests would not be in the game.


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That's an incubus

oh you mean in the game, i like cat folk

Anything but nords and altmer because they fucking suck

what is the appeal of this

why no red-skinned race tho

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Nords were pretty cool a long time ago. After the Oblivion Crisis, they turned into close-minded isolationist retards. Not all of them, but most of them.

skyrim modding is like building a house of cards and there's like 5 different variations of each mod you would want

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My nigger

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what's the word on Blades?

Shit, filled with MTX, plays badly.

so typical bethesda
why the fuck did I even bother

Now bring the thought to its logical conclusion.
After the Thalmor let Tully throw his little hissy and kill Ulfrics men in front of him he was going to hand over Ulfric like a good little puppy.
Tully knew whose hand held the leash.

Yeah I know, but for some reason bethesda decided to make high elves and nords as unlikeable as possible in Skyrim


The Altmer without question. They're literally the master race.

>Longest lifespans
>The tallest race
>The best race at magic
>The first civilization
>Direct ancestors of the Aedra

Source: Your ass.

The Thalmor embassy ledgers prove everything I've said. You're projecting. There is a quest in the game where you break into a Thalmor prison to free a Nord being held captive. Except if you're in the Imperial Army, you can ask Tullius to write an order demanding his release. He does it, the Thalmor honor it, the guy gets released without a hitch.

The Thalmor only have authority as far as the White-Gold Concordat dictates. They can't pull shit out of their ass and do whatever they want. The biggest power it gave the Thalmor was permission to have Justiciars in Empire land to enforce the terms, mainly Talos worship. They have no authority beyond the powers they were given.


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any mods that change the colour palette to more than shades of gray?

the 2 that I found looked ok but they had some really weird bloom & lighting effects for some reason.

So the white gold concordant gives the Thalmor the right to imprison, torture, and murder imperial citizens in Skyrim?
If not then since Tully, per the quest you mentioned, is aware of the Thalmor torture fort why doesn't he do something about it?
Just more proof Tully answers to the Thalmor.

If so just more reason to hate the Empire.

Does Tully really know about the murder fort in game or are you pulling my leg?

Altmer Dominion is the only true answer.

Which game has your favorite beast-race appearances, since they change each game? I think Skyrim has the best designed ones, but I think Morrowind's oldschool, less human vibe is kind of nice too.

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The Bretons have remained fairly consistent from game to game.

>Reading some lore
>Suddenly retarded shit
>Look at the source
>Elder Scrolls Online

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The lore in ESO got so bad the Loremaster they hired just walked into the lead designers office and quit.

I like Altmer, Breton, and Argonian.

this, Argonian master race

sauce. Now

fuck all the race choice
always go with canon

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Argonian Sniper Lmao


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>God tier


>High tier


>Shit tier

everyone else(especially redguards because fuck niggers)

two handed nord warrior wielding wuuthrad with no time for gay ass shit like "archery" or "magic"
leading the stormcloaks to victory because **the empire fucking sucks**


Lots of Argonianbros, nice.

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Fucking slaves get you ass back here.

have fun being a khajit or argonian in skyrim
they wouldnt even let you in the city if you werent the main character

I enjoyed slaughtering all of you scum back at the Dren Plantation.

I can't play without Requiem.

>But they also know they'd be able to absolutely roll an independent Skyrim if they needed to.

As if they couldn't with a dying "empire" made of 2.5 provinces
Hell, they wouldn't even need to since the Empire already let them occupy its lands and do whatever they want there

Is it true the Thalmor tricked all the khajits into being their servants by making the moons disappear but kept it a secret so everyone else had no idea what was happening until they brought them back 2 days later and pretended they somehow found a way to restore them? I read it in a book from a quest mod I was playing.


Skooma is smoked, oblivionbabby

Betamales who desire to be dominated by strong muscular woman

And just like with house of cards one mode could ruin everything

Is there a more cucked faction in Tamriel than House "mmmh you like dat greyboi?" Dres?

>immune to disease
>actually alien and not just a differently colored human
the choice is obvious

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Khajit women were made for human dick

Every game I make a Breton Knight, I can hear it now though
>but user, Bretons have zero combat skills and a bunch of magic related skills

Just means my knight is not pigeonholed into a type of combat like twohanded axes, or one handed swords, only heavy armor, or light, etc. High Rock is home to chivalry in Tamriel with knight orders and temple orders. Why not a knight?

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It'll never not be a little creepy that all the races have the same silhouette in ES games

Altmer, baby. Kill the world, or don't!

Honest Hearts was the worst, the only redeeming factors were Joshua and Randall, and even that's not saying much because 2 out of the other 3 DLCs have equally well-written characters. The plot is dumb and neither ending is satisfying.
90% of it is literally doing chores and trying to Skyrim-jump up cliffs.

That's actually creative and resonates big dick energy
Based and redpilled post


The best race in TES, of course

>beat the shit out of the Falmer
>were taught the Thu'um and saved their own people from dragon enslavement
>conquered all of Northern Tamriel by themselves, including Resdayn
>helped Pelinal beat the shit out the Aylieds to free their Nedic brothers and sisters
>help carve out Empires built by divine right to rule
>beat the shit out of the Redguards and Bretons to take back land
>a culture of tradition, honor, and strength (much like based House Redoran)

Attached: TESNord12612858.gif (220x311, 32K)

>actual snow-apes
>best race

>t.absolutely ass hurt Oblivion baby who actually thinks the Mede Dynasty is the Septim Dynasty

>He thinks the Septim dynasty was actually good and not the Reman dynasty.

You forgot
>were so shit at magic that reality itself was rewritten so that the majority of them hated and feared it

youtu.be/xvukbcd927Y video concludes as no

I remember I left the Random Sex mod on during Ulfric's "I fight because I must" speech and halfway into it he started giving a footjob to one of his guards.

Either or, people who hate the Nords these days are clear as day Oblivion babbies. And for what it's worth Reman > Tiber "Kill my friends" Septim.

One of, if not the, greatest mage in TES was a Nord named Shalidor so there goes your "shit at magic" argument. Ancient Nords respected magic, Tsun even tells you in Skyrim they called it the "Clever Craft" and mages were referred to as the "Clever Men".

Breton. She ended up looking the best with all the lewd mods I had installed.

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Pale Orc-mutt, born by a nord mother who was raped by an Orc bull.

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Nah, that's just Ulfric being Ulfric.


You'd be a Nord then you moron. Not surprising from a cuckfag.

>were taught the Thu'um and saved their own people from dragon enslavement
That's baby-tier. Cliff Racers did a better job than that. Those mother fuckers drove the dragons out of Vvardenfell without the Thu'um. They did it through swarm tactics.

Attached: Cliff Racer.jpg (1080x1080, 155K)

>caring about cuck lore when 90% of posts are contra-lore

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Why did Nords start hating magic? Even before the Oblivion Crisis they still hated it.

Inconsistent writing and retcons. Oblivion shook up the lore, then Skyrim did it again.

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the guy thats good at stealth archery

It's literally a potion in morrowind

truth is the game was rigged from the start

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always c@s

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Orsimer with Sexlab Defeat installed

>all the lore shit about wars and battles and stuff
>can't stop imagining some huge epic battle like in LOTR, but when you get closer everyone's constantly yelling THIS IS THE PART WHERE YOU FALL DOWN AND BLEED TO DEATH and DIE IMPERIAL DIE

haha how stupid would it be if they made a hack and slash game with Ulfric right, like you play as Ulfric and you fight the Thalmor? lol that would be pretty stupid. and like imagine if you get some kind of 'dragon points' from beating Thalmor that you spend to unlock new combos and you can do brutal finishing moves on Thalmor scum. Hahah that wouldn't be fun at all I hope they don't make that, Ulfric Stormcloak is cool but he's not THAT cool right guys hahaha

I never knew there were black people in skyrim

You are right he is not.

Despite making up just 13% of the population in Tamriel, redguards commit 52% of all crimes.

A few of them are getting NORDED too.

>what is all of eastern africa


West Africa has it to with Mali,Mauritania,Niger, and chad

>why does a fantasy game have fantasy elements
fucking brainlet

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if it's more than one boat, it can...

Littlemudcrab on Hentai Foundry

>and each "army" is only like ten to fifteen identical people with the same exact voice
>they're fighting over a "city" with only 6 buildings in it

Nothing like Reguards. They're blatantly based on the Mideast.

Well that wasn't really until skyrim

>Why do people who live in a desert have dark skin?

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Redguards are based

Attached: reguard_real_life.jpg (600x900, 117K)

Because the orcs are already based on African culture

No they aren't you cuck

>being so insecure about difference in skin colour he can't even enjoy a dark skinned race in a fantasy setting

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High Elf
High Elf

orc > khajit > argonian > human races > elf races

Dunmer > Breton > Redguard > Argonian > Bosmer > Imperial > Khajiit > Altmer > Nord > Orc

Attached: argonian3.jpg (897x1280, 247K)

if only it were limited to skin color, and not virtually every trait that can positively or negatively affect society
and if only one group were not superior in virtually every one if these traits, if only it were some kind of give-and-take mix and not "one race is just worse to be and be around"


Go back to /pol/

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redguards are culturally magi-phobic... literally the only people who hate magic more than nords are redguards. get into the lore retard, also the imperials are allied against the nords with the thalmor, they are like the american industrial complex who only fight for Israels interest.

redguards have never stopped fighting amongst themselves to the point they were infighting so much they weren't able to stop their own continuity from being destroyed, and they're also the only people to have guns

sounds like niggers to me, desu

dream on ceasar the germanic brutes in the north in earth and nirn inherit your dying empire.

>redguards are culturally magi-phobic
IIRC, they're not necessarily phobic towards magic, they just really hate necromancy since it's disturbing their ancestors but are still into at the very least the restoration school.

In fighting isn't anything new to TES, several races do it. Bretons are famous for their numerous warring Kingdoms are the War of Chieftains for the Nords led to the collapse of their Empire.

>they were infighting so much they weren't able to stop their own continuity from being destroyed
You mean when they sword-nuked their own Island kingdom? Yeah Yokuda sank but not because of infighting. Wasn't that because one guy took the swordsinging to far and literally sank the whole island into the sea.

"Breaking their own continuity" is only if you believe Yokuda (and everything west of Tamriel) is literally in the past which i don't think necessarily is true.

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Why do all the darkskinned races end up destroying their homeland in TES?

Also, the system of the Crowns and the Forebears seems to be working better for them than for the Empire or Skyrim right now. They still haven't been conquered by the Aldmeri dominion. Also, imagine how much worse the infighting is in High Rock where politics is huge and the province consists of a shit ton of different minor kingdoms

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>You mean when they sword-nuked their own Island kingdom?
no, i mean when they literally came from their own timeline to the current one, you lorelet
>is only if you believe Yokuda
no, no
they're literally came from an entirely different world with help of their god to this one
they landed on Yokuda which is apart of this timeline
>In fighting isn't anything new to TES,
not to this degree

For the Redguards it was just to a story tool to further enforce their "make way" culture where they invade and cut out a piece of land for themselves i guess.

The Dunmer are just narcissistic and became cursed because of their megalomania. Tragically doomed to fail, rise from the ashes, just to fail again.

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>Dude the Dark Elves are fucking based lol! Vivec is fucking Epic!!! Hey do you know about CHIM? It's soo trippy dude lol.

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>imagine how much worse the infighting is in High Rock where politics
you literally do not understand the words that i am saying
they were so preoccupied with infighting that they literally damned a timeline, and than rather than learn from that when they arrived they've literally never stopped
it's not even fucking close to what the other races have done

So the Redguard are parasites and the dunmer are just bad at things.
Got it.

>they're literally came from an entirely different world with help of their god to this one
they landed on Yokuda which is apart of this timeline
>they were so preoccupied with infighting that they literally damned a timeline, and than rather than learn from that when they arrived they've literally never stopped

What's the source of this? Never read it anywhere for some reason.

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Not him but if something is stated as fact with nothing to support it in game the culprit is usually C0DA.

Don't you have anything else better to do with your free time?

>female commander
Why does Bethesda do this?

Not really, though neither do you since you took the time to reply.

Dunmer bringing the bants

Thats why i was asking. I havent read C0DA and i havent played ESO so i'm kind of out of my element there but maybe i've missed something, i mean there's always more to read

They're cucks

Why do Khajiit like their butts?

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It's something about how they transitioned between kalpas after theirs was doomed. There's nothing official in game that supports it, though there's bits about their afterlife and creation myth that mention "sliding through worldskins" if you want to read about it.

Canon wise it's in the same place Bethesda keeps most of MK's ideas, never directly dealt with but scatter vague references that would be otherwise meaningless if you didn't already know about the thing in question.

Basically it's not really worth caring about.

God damn I wish sex mods worked for the special edition of skyrim.

Usually Orc or Dunmer. I usually roll Dunmer as sluts, in keeping with Barenziah's legacy.

Söyboys usually like Bretons, Argonians, or meme non-races like Imga or Dwemer
t. knower

>"sliding through worldskins"
Oh yeah, i think it was "Walking in strange angles" or some shit like that. I always thaught that they were referring to the yokudans travelling from Yokuda to Tamriel.

Thanks for reminding me about that. It's a cool concept like a lot of the things that MK comes up with, but it's good that not everything is incorporated officially. Part of what i like about the lore is never knowing for sure.

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Redpill me on orcs. In most fantasy settings orcs are based, what about in TES

For Morrowind and Skyrim it does.

In Oblivion, your story is actually completely ambiguous and allows you play any race. Especially since you aren't le chosen one.

Stealth archer please

I know they mention Dark Elves can be outlanders too, but I feel like making the main character an outlander was done solely because they expected most people to play other races.

They're based. I'm sure this is gonna be flooded with memeing spergs claiming that they're literal shit, but that's just lorelets taking Boethiah's corruption of Trinimac and his followers far too literally.

I like playing as Nord in Morrowind. Just feels right that one of the worst things to ever happen to Vvardenfell was a Nord.

It in't "Can be an outlander" you are an outlander even if dumner

They were originally aldmer, a progenitor to all current elf races. They split off from the other elves due to religious reasons. Their main god Trinimac got corrupted by the daedric prince Boethia. When this happened Trinimac turned into Malacath and all his followers were cursed and turned into the Orsimer.

There are different versions of how Boethia corrupted Trinimac into Malacath but the most common one is that Boethia swallowed Trinimac whole and shat him out. It's apparently a common nursery rhyme/story in-universe. But just like said, it's taken a bit too literally.

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They were originally elves until their god got eaten and literally shitted out by a daedric prince, I think it was Boethiah and for some reason it effected them all as well.

Reading comprehension user.
>Dark Elves (the race) can be outlanders
>Dark Elves (the pc) can be an outlander

Lizard niggas. Coolest lore. Didn't give a fuck about the gates. Wish I could be a Naga or Werecrocodile.

Argonian pirates are fucking cool and gray is best scale color

I love how happy the dude looks. based.

>Honest Hearts
>Not Dead Money or OWB

What if I want to be a bad guy?

>too literally
There are very few things stated explicitly from the Dawn Era, but this is one of them. He’s a poop.


female wood elf with a hairy pussy mod

t. lorelet

'During the Oblivion Crisis, a faction known as the An-Xileel (an Argonian political faction comprised of several powerful clans, including the Scale-Song) rallied the Argonians against the Daedra after the Battle of Kvatch. When the Oblivion Gates opened in Black Marsh, the Daedra did not so much flood into Argonia as the Argonians did into Oblivion. The natives fought and defeated the Daedra on their own turf, doing so with such success that the Dremora lieutenants actually closed their Gates themselves to prevent being overrun, an occurrence unheard of in the other provinces. Thus, the An-Xileel held Black Marsh until Martin Septim ended the Oblivion Crisis and closed the Gates forever.'


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Elder Scrolls needs to add a new race with that body type. WoW did it, so why can't they?

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The Crown and the Carebears have been at each others throat from the get go.

No elder scrolls does not need to add a race of fat people.

politically yeah, but every race in Tamriel has infighting, even the Altmer

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>ameretards are attracted to morbid obesity
who knew?

The redguard infighting is akin to the muslim feud over Shia and Sunni.It is a full on bloodfeud.

My first playthrough was High Elf. New nothing of the series at the time. Now when I replay its always Nord. Goes for all games including ESO, even if my character is a magic user

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If I said Nords, because im white i'll get called racist

I usually go Nord but in Skyrim your height determines your movement speed so I went Altmer.
Everybody says the Stormcloaks are racist but they were quite nice to me.

They dont have giant lips or massive nose and some have straight hair so they are a mix

Realizing you will get called racist is racist. Probably a show of privilege as well.
Chances are you are male so the patriarchy is involved.
Face it you are a bad person.

I’ve been wanting to play this but a power outage fucked my computer. I hear the PS3 version is unplayable. Is that true?

I wont feel privilege until I can have the right to use you as a tree decoration again

The way the PS memory is set up fucks up Bethesda games.

>tfw you will never be a House Dres plantation owner with scaly and furry sex slaves

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I play as a Khajiit who's racist against the elves.

today, I will remind them

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>escorting Reeh-Jah, that argonian slave found east of Marandus
The skreeing just never ends. I really fucked up tho, should've brought the leezard to Telvani, since my character is thief who wants to be a mage.

I forget the one that can immolate themselves, that one

>white nationalists always pick Nord because "muh strong vikangz ancestors"
>they never realize that Nords are the race that behaves the most like literal jungle bunnies
oh my kek

The facts in evidence do not support your conclusion.
My guess is you are a Morrowind fan mad the Nords took the spotlight.
I have a prediction for you. If TES has even the slightest amount of interesting lore on the race featured the dungmer will be forgotten. So keep your powder dry.

Is there any mod that fixes the damage done to Whiterun after the civil war battle? I find it annoying the town stayed torn up even after completing the questline.

Fuck everyone else.
Fuck mer, kitties, and lizzies especially.
Bretons and nords are okay. Redguards too, but only the women.

you got the sauce for that map

>and lizzies especially.

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>we should make a race based on africans
>well not accurately or itll be offensive
>fuck it just give them the middle east's thing no one will,care

Breton Master Race

They are based on MOORS, middle eastern people of African descent.

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i want to FUCK khajiits

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dark elf. Always.

You just converted this Dunmer whore to join the empire.

Dunmer were never known for being all that bright so unsurprising.