S.....So hungry for games

>S.....So hungry for games
>Please someone give me something to play through this drought of games

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Have you gone through your whole backlog already?

>Posting the same thread over and over again
You are about as original as shitendo.

You could play Bloodborne....again. do chalice dunfeons. Fun endless content.



Play Kat's games please and thank you

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You have a parady to attend bitchboy

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Shadowbringers is literally right there waiting for you

lmao that's like, so gay

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I wish I had the luxury of having played every worthwhile extant game released up until now so that I'm actually starved for new games.

What does that feel like?

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how about you play with my butthole instead

If you have, or pretend to have, any serious investment in the "console war" you are a child whose mind never left your elementary school playground. If you had developed into a competent, well adjusted adult, you would either A) be successful enough financially that you would own every platform worth having, or B) be capable of handling the reality of your financial situation, and calmly work towards the day when you have the means to play the games you want to play on other platforms. But you haven't become a well-adjusted adult, so when confronted with the concept of an exclusive game on another platform you curl up into a ball and start screaming "I don't need it! I don't need it! Snoy! Nintenbabies! B-Buh-buh-BASED and REDPILLED!"

play shadow tactics


Imagine selling 100 million units for a console but having 2 worthwile exclusive games HAHAHAHA

PS4 is the default gaming system for any multiplat
you're a retard if you play downgraded versions on the switch and xbone is dead so...

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Yeah, turns out a backlog of 1 game doesn't mean much.

you can play Oninaki, Control, and Catherine in a few weeks and then Code Vein after that

and... and then wait for Medievil and Kojima's game

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>keep spamming the same thread
well you sure are busy with those nintendo games
no time to post on Yea Forums when you're a nintendo fan
too many games to play

>mfw having too much games, yet I somehow keep ending up playing old shit I've played a million times before
Still having fun though

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>default gaming system for any multiplat
That’s PC

>XBone X has better resolution and more consistant framrate on consoles for consoles multiplat
>Pc shits on boh of them

Delusional Sonyboy lol

>PS4 is the default gaming system for any multiplat
*laughs in masterace*

catherine is dreadful dogshit why would anybody waste their time on that epic kusoge

really enjoying all these edits you've been doing op

The Nintendo Switch™ doesn't have this problem.

postin in an ebin falseflag thread

>paying 1000$ premium for minuscule extras AND to not be able to properly share games with friends AND still miss out on all the ps4 and console only games
pcfags are the Iphonefags of gaming

Also most PC ports run like shit most of the time

>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls 3
>Yakuza 0
>Nier Automata
>GTA 4
>Resident Evil 4
>Sanits Row 2
>Arkham Knight

>paying 1000$ premium for minuscule extras
the up front premium is minimal and it pays for itself with cheaper games, easy piracy and free online
> not be able to properly share games with friends
steam has game sharing
>still miss out on all the ps4 and console only games
the 8th gen is the worst in terms of exclusives

most of these are last gen ports lmao

Yeah, your anal vore wojak threads are so much better.

>Dishonored 2
>Deus EX human revolution
>Call of Duty Ghosts
>Dynasty Warriors 8 Extreme Legends
>Mortal Kombat X
>Bioshock 2
>Spiderman 2

>cheaper games
fucking outdated
steam sales are the exact same fucking thing as console sales these days. Literally the same price cuts for the same games

>steam has game sharing
a complete shitty one. If someone wants play a shared game and the original owner logs in it throws the other player out and tells them to buy the game
on ps4 you can play both with a shared game at the same time, even online together
this means you can literally buy a game together with a friend, which instantly makes gaming on ps4 significantly cheaper than it is on a pc

ps4 also has physical copies for direct sharing, or as another way to buy cheap copies from others, or have an option to buy it from any store, meaning infinite sale options

you can also share ps+ like that, not even mentioning that ps+ is always on sale whenever it's about to expire, meaning you can easily get away with just paying 120$ for an entire generation of ps+ and get 150 full games with it

>no online

Sad sonys the only console with actual exclusives.

Is it true though? Don't have a ps4 so can't tell.

It's not just exclusives though

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they are not good

the fact you arent buying any ps4 games means you have some money leftover so buy a switch or upgrade your pc parts.

>someone saved my shitpost image

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>every platform worth having
so, a computer?

Why is the last of us 2 in the fridge, it's not even out.

>Death stranding
>Cyberpunk 2077

Plenty of good gaymes to look forward to, unlike you nintencel

>three multiplats and a movie

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I'm interested on MediEvil remake but I'm worried about the poor framerate and redesigns.

Doesn't Dishonored 2 run like shit on all platforms?


>posts 1 (one) game coming out this year
>it’s only july

Between PC/Xbox one X/PS4 pro the psR pro performs the worst with the lowest resolution.

How the fuck do you figure its the default? Because 100 million people bought it to play FIFA? No.

>Death stranding
Walking simulator multiplat OH NO NO NO
>Cyberpunk 2077
Another multiplat!

Wow! So this is the power of playstation!