Were TORtanic threads the Golden Age of Yea Forums or the beginning of the end?

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people had too much fun shitting on swtor that they tried to recreate the excitement by shitting on every big game that came out and ruined game discussion for years

the closest to being a new tortanic was Fallout 74

>What is Anthem

Take this for reference.

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Fallout 74, Anthem or ME:A were unfinished games.
TOR was actually pretty solid. Story content was good, the game wasn't filled with bugs or anything like that.
Engame content was lacking, but they kind of fixed it after some time. I honestly got no idea why Yea Forums hated swtor so much.

>Fallout 74

nice pic for ants

t. phoneposter

I hate mako, fuck anyone saying that tor is good as singleplayer game. Bitch constantly brags about being professional, but ditches contracts because target is a good guy. Still restored her loyalty with gifts

From what I remember from playing swtor this shit is what was the final nail in the coffin at launch.

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No kotor 3 is the reason i've never touched TOR

>Golden Age of Yea Forums
The closest thing to a golden age on Yea Forums was during a time when less than 5% of the current posters even knew this place existed.

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Who's the chink and the white trash?

hideo kojiima and norman reedus

>Please respond.

do you still have to pay for action bars


>be me
>start playing swtor
>got a character to level 40 which only took like 3-4 days
>immediately lose interest because I realized that it's just the same shit over and over again
>forget about it
>ffw to july 2019
>remember it
>download it again for shits and giggles
>half-assed gonna give it the benefit of the doubt
>dig through email account to find account name because I forgot
>sign in
>regret installing immediately upon spawning
>create new character
>yep, still only three races to choose from
>every other interesting one stuck behind a paywall, or "legacy" unlock which is only there to encourage you to subscribe
>look at GTN
>yep, beginner light sabers still being sold for millions of credits
>uninstall a second and final time

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It can be both of those at the same time

Pretty much. It grew annoying after a point.

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If it works it works.

I notice you're only posting the image that pushes your agenda, they offer the same images for all the other characters (male and female)

anthem was dead before having a thread

This is from 2012, they don't do it anymore and haven't since then.

Im amazed there was any hype at all for Anthem. It looked like complete shit from the word go.
I still have friends who defend it and think it's a good game, fucking christ.

I play ffxiv and it is far worse, if you don't play for a while they literally delete your housing and they let you know they are doing it too.

They were a dead cat bounce.

Anthem's problem was and is fact it was sold on lies from the get-go. At best it was just smoke and mirrors they used to sell the project to EA without any idea how to realize any of it in the final product. Basically, it's what happens when you make a studio develop something out of their comfort zone. Unlike with working on an MMORPG at least they had some TPS experience prior to Anthem, but it ain't no RPG. Not even on already streamlined Mass Effect level.

i did enjoy swtor as singleplayer i hope that ea will stay greedy and when they turn the servers off they will release version that can be played solo

that's because housing is finite in ff14, though. if you join an old server most of the house lots are already taken.

That's because they designed it that way.

It's like saying it's ok that your seat kills you, it's not their fault because that's how it was designed.

>TORtanic: portmanteau of TOR and Titanic
>servers haven't closed, and show no sign of closing anytime soon
>still has millions of paypigs
>still shits out updates and expansions
>Titanic sank while TOR still floats on
Lel makes me laff. Just cause it hit the 'berg and doesn't mean its sunk yet.

funny thing is TOR was really fun in the beginning it was pretty much like classic.

swtor was absolutely the downfall of Yea Forums
every single game that gets released now is constantly shit on in an attempt to recapture the tortanic days. its even more fucked that we've went so far that there are now people actually unironically defending swtor

>servers haven't closed,
Right merging most of them was nothing.

>[laffs in underwater]

I haven't played warframe for 2 years now, when I log back in I know all my pets are still there frozen and my dojo is there. On warframe they tried this with pets dying and there was such outrage they allowed people to freeze them.

Anthem was pretty much what everyone was expecting
with TOR, Fallout 76 and ME:A people expected them to be bad but not that surprisingly bad

>everyone on Yea Forums said it would die
>tortanic they said
>swtor came out in 2008
>the game is still running and getting updates
Any day now Yea Forums, any day now.

Last major patch was pretty good.


Why? Is it like Phasma return, just to kill him off again?

Let's be real, the updates are literally more of the same chores they have been putting out for years with a story that you could finish in like 2 minutes. They also update like what, every half a year or more for 5 minutes worth of content. It's been on life support for years thanks to two words.

I am amazed EA did literally nothing for TOR considering a brand new trilogy of movies came out since its release. In fact, EA's handling of the franchise has been criminally poor.

tortanic was great
shills on Yea Forums are still seething because their viral marketing fails whenever Yea Forums shits on whatever trash game they're shilling so they have to bring up the "BAWWWW VEE IS TRYING TO MAKE ANOTHER TORTANIC"
also horizon zero dawn is fucking trash, remember back when faggots on Yea Forums shilled this trash?

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The only thing which will force me to reinstall TOR is the quality of the sluttest oufit in the game.

The beggining of the end was DA2. Tortanic was already a desperate attempt to recreate the DA2 spontaneous shitstorm magic. It was already a shit-show.

But yeah, the board went pretty much downhill from there on. It was the moment where "I hate videogames!" was a joke used to mock the fact that a lot of people genuinely had decent standards and were disappointed in the state of the industry, into "look how COOL AND FUN IS TO HATE THINGS", and games actually completely fell out of the equation.

It was the definitive nail in the "hating something is COOL" coffin of this board.

>degenerated the board into epic contrarians screeching about how everything is shit almost 24/7
>is still making EA a ton of money to this day

how does it feel knowing all the memes amounted to nothing?

But why wouldn’t you hate modern vidya industry? Lazy rehashes, microtransactions, content cut off to be sold as DLC, SJW propaganda, demonization of people who actually used to love video games, it all is shit and deserves to burn.

Chink is moot, the founder of 9gag
The other one is some disabled friend of his

Because I'm actually old enough to have some fucking perspective on the industry, to know that things are SIGNIFICANTLY better than they used to be?

Because I don't have a fucking memory of a gold fish, and I don't draw all my opinions from fucking memes parroted on fucking Yea Forums?

Because I don't exaggerate every single tiny bullshit issue, and I don't actively live for pathetic on-line drama?

Fuck you. You are everything that is wrong with the board and the industry. If you think game's are bad, go and persue something else. Something you DO enjoy.
But the truth is - it does not matter at all what the industry is like: you actually think it's cool to be angry and angsty, and that is the whole story.

>references the past
>posts image from the past
Think you may be onto something, detective.

Why are you defending shit? Kill yourself.

it sold 4 million copies anyway.

Everyone bought it
Nobody played it. I mean if you're gonna flush your money down the toilet why not flush it EA's way?

>I'm amazed that EA sucks
Are you though?

yeah, she was too naive for Evil BH, originally you probably could ditch her for her evil "sister" or something to have evil Mako


I am amazed they would waste opportunities to make money like that.

Nah, I don't remember outrage threads being as bad before TORtanic. They were the beginning of the end. It broke Yea Forums.

>I broke up with my first gf 2 days before TOR came out
>People were excited about it online & even on Yea Forums
>Picked it up and dropped it after a few days
At least it taught me that things can get worse.

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Genuinely not a dicksucker here, but SWTOR is kinda fun if you pretend hard enough to see the better potential Singleplayer game hidden under all it's bullshit.
Lightside Sith Warrior is the most absolutely alpha route in any RPG i've played in a while.

SWTOR came out in 2012. December 2011 if you're being picky.
It went free to play in November of 2012. It didn't last a year with its subscription model.


>got it for like 60€ on release
>dropped it in like a week, absolute displeasure to play and no alien races
>free to play in half a year, people who bought it didn't get shit
>try it again later, everywhere was empty, everything required EA bucks

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>Came out December 11th
>By March, it was on 1.7 million subs
>By May, it was on 1.3 million subs
>By July, it was under 1 million, but apparently over 500k. This is when they announced F2P.
>In November, it went F2P, but it was under 500k subs at that point.

I don't think they ever recouped their expenses. During the announcement of F2P, WoW had a new expansion on the way & other MMO were doing great. If it didn't go F2P, it would've been empty.


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>that spacing
Ok Reddit

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>tortanic was 7 years ago
I don't want to die

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Wasnt like half of the game uncompressed audio files?

Look how much change went in Yea Forums during the good years. Yet current Yea Forums is still using the same frog meme from 2014.

Post the webm

And still most of the "dialogs" are npc alien gibberish with 5 generic lines from players like "whats in for me?", "ill do it... For a price".

They probably have by now, doubly so because game's been on life support since going F2P. But you have to keep in mind it's a Star Wars MMORPG and with those two things it most assuredly flopped.

yea its when the levies broke and inceldom became a real thing pushed publicly. Fucking buttmat virgins ruined Yea Forums. Just play fucking video games and let people enjoy things. fucking cucks.

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I'd say pessimism was worth the price of awakening a lot of people. Shit games can be fought back with good games which will back people's faith in the industry. Staying blind and just CONSUME NEW PRODUCTS industry serves you is the worst.

have sex

>yep, we got a shitlord over there

This has to be bait, literally anyone thinking things are "better" in current year is an objective lie.

No, no it didn’t. Because the pessimist stopped buying games but the masses didn’t so now all we get is Shit games.

They ran out of memorable villains

I can't remember why this game failed. I think it was because they spent like $300m on voice acting alone? Fun game but it looks like shit now and it prob has like ~1000 active players.

it was the peak
ME3 was pretty good too

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Culture as a whole is dead and being recycled in ever decreasing intervals.

A lot of stuff is better. A lot of stuff is worse.

Patching games (that aren't blizzard games) is no longer abject cancer where you might just not be able to for a week because the 1 fileplanet server that has the patch you need (because fucking sequential patches) is down. But games are hyper-commercialised now in terms of overall content to appeal to larger audiences. But we're allowed colours again after years of brown and bloom. However we have microtransactions out the ass. Etc

>ok its better to get rid of naysayers

every time, watching people try to censor criticism is too funny

Some elaboration is required.

If anything it's kind of sad how Biowares new games are so mundane and mediocre that people don't even bother to shit post them. Probably because even their most retarded fans hate them now

A golden age usually signals the beginning of the end.

meanwhile in 2019 Yea Forums is filled with npcs who always make EXACTLY the same threads

What did he mean by this?
Apologize to him Yea Forums.
Explain yourselves.
Who was in the wrong here?
Defend this.
What's his name again?
What the fuck was his problem?
Refute this.
Prove him wrong. Protip: you can't.
Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
Yea Forums BTFO.
Would you?
Is he "our" guy?
He did nothing wrong!
Will you buy his game?
Buy his game.
Convince me to NOT buy this game.
Find a flaw.
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
I'm glad we can all agree on this.
How did we go from this...to THIS?
Hold me Yea Forumsros.
How do we fix this?
Redpill me on this guy.
What was his endgame?
Whas it kino?
What am I in for?
What are some games that let me do this?
Name 1 (ONE) game that does this.
What went wrong?
Why is this allowed?
Will this save the gaming industry?
Can we get one of these threads going?
Keep it vidya.
Really makes you think.
Will you protect her smile Yea Forums?
Just played this, what did I think of it?
Now that the dust has settled...
X is in
Did you buy her game, Yea Forums?
Well, Yea Forums?
What the fuck was his/her problem?
What was his/her endgame?
What was his/her name again?
What did X mean by this?
What went right/wrong?
What's the best X, and why is it [insert self opinion]
What are some games where you can...
What is the X of vydia?
"We want the Rick & Morty audience."
X killed millions
games for that feel?
*opening line* X thread
One copy of X, please
*tink tink tink* AHEM!
"gg ez" What do you say in response, Yea Forums?
*blocks your path*
Cunny thread!
*random twitter pic* kek
Based and redpilled
Games only you played
*reaction gif*
objective: survive
How do you go from this...
X _________
X is for ________
enemy can open doors
X did nothing wrong

you forgot this image as well

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Hey guys we have a general about virtual e-celebs over at

Come and say hi we and our janny absolutely adore stale shitposting and memes!

Coincidentally posting a thread with some proper title stopped being a viable method of successful threadmaking around tortanic as well.


Remember, dancing ONLY in designated dancing areas.

Good times

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Playing Sith Warrior and turning the Jedi bitch into my emo sith cumdumpster while killing her master was kino.

Unironically yes.Zoomers have a short term memory but Yea Forums didn't use to be this bad. TORtanic was when it became literally impossible to discuss anything new or unpopular.

Every new game HAD to be the next blunder of the century. I'll never forget getting dogpiled by a dozen posters and being told OW would be a flop after the first footage was released in 2014. It's still literally impossible to discuss any upcoming games outside of the tiny handful of meme games Yea Forums decides it likes (Fire Emblem for example.)

Plus, it made it impossible to talk about any game that is even vaguely obscure. Now you talk about anything that isn't STALKER or XIV and you get called a fucking shill and shut down by retards.

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I honestly thought this was about BOTW until I read the very end.

Why does no one even remember why Tortanic was the way it was? How many people were even here when it happened?
It was not because it was a big game that people wanted to fail for the lulz, no one wanted it to fail.
The reason it was an allusion to the Titanic was because of the size and arrogance that went along with it and doing everything to not heed warnings while heading to the iceberg.
It was a combination of a game no one asked for, company greed, wanting the WoW audience, exorbitant budgets, ignoring the thoughts and opinions of the audience that they were trying to appeal to and the defense of the game by game journalists who felt their purpose as journalists was not to simply report on things but to attack gamers as entitled and defend corporations as victims of the terrible gamers.
There are plenty of reasons why Yea Forums has always hated and has no respect for game journalists, this is one example, acting as PR agents.
That's what made it the Tortanic, no one seems to know these things anymore.

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Survival of the fittest memes.
When threads with proper subjects and opening posts are outright ignored or reveice about 30 replies it is no wonder those fill the frontpage and proliferate. They receive hundreds of replies or just plainly hitting bump limit before dying.

>tfw I actively made anti-TOR propoganda memes to spread all accross the official forums, fansite, reddit and here
>tfw I was one of the problems

I've made so many.. those were strange times. RINE ENDS HERE

People don't even remember what it was like installing games or patching them. Those are tangible advantages of digital gaining prominence, but the flipside is loss of control over your games. Which probably matters to WAY less players than it should.

It's funny because even all the way back people were wondering whether wasting so much money on full VA you'll hear once and skip forevermore in an MMORPG was a smart decision.

Board for people that actually play vidya when bros? No political bullshit, no console warring, no shitters, none of that crap.

which would have ultimately never been changed anyway because bioware's pitch was "this is kotor 3, 4, 5 and 6!"

i managed to enjoy swtor a bit by just ignoring the fact that it was an mmo and playing for the surprisingly half decent sith marauder story

being an unstoppable force of nature who can just be a complete asshole deserves more representation in video games desu

beginning of the end. I've been here since 2006, once TORtanic happened, shitposting went off the rails and everyone wants everything to fail. I try to minimize my time on Yea Forums every time a console launches because of this.

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The light-side Sith Warrior option in that scenario was making her master fall to the Dark Side, and making her super loyal to you because you know your shit.

Honestly, some of the stories in this game were great for such a garbage mmo.

>no one wanted it to fail.
Yeah they did. Bioware had already lost most of its goodwill by this point and people correctly surmised that TOR would mean we'd never see a KotOR3. The glee with which they watched events unfold was pure spite.

What happened with Anthem? I missed the boat on those threads.

Playing classes in the opposite of the intended alignment generally improved their stories.

I disagree, it did not start with spite but it definitely ended with it after long time fans opinions were dismissed left and right.

For the best twi'lek lewds:

IA was pretty neat

Yeah well it didn't start as "TORtanic" either

anita was the beginning of the end.
TORtanic was just all around good fun

Can ya stop shilling the /vg/ thread? No one wants to be there

Nobody here plays this game you sad bastard lol

pretty much remeber Yea Forums shilling wildstar as the second comming of wow unironically til about 2 weeks after it came out, then tumblrweeds

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>TOR was actually pretty solid. Story content was good, the game wasn't filled with bugs or anything like that.
Why would you go on the internet and tell lies?

>Lol, you're a loser if you talk about bad games because there's so many now

who are you even quoting retard

It did. You seem to gave your memory muddled. I said it before and I'll say it again:
TORtanic was big, but it was the SECOND big shitstorm, it was an attempt to recreate a shitstorm that came before it: DA2.

DA2 was the first case of real mass histeria, the breaking point where all the love for Bioware was turned into sheer, undilluted spite.

When TORtanic came, it was helmed by people who wanted that spite towards Bioware validated, and who wanted to relive that angry energy they experienced with DA2. Even at the very begining, there were thousands of people flat out admitting that they LOVE the catastrophy, that it is just far more fun than playing any videogame.
That ethos was there from the very beggining. It wasn't there with DA2. DA2 was spontaneous. But TORtanic wasn't spontaneous, and it wasn't rooted in genuine concern. Everybody already hated Bioware, and laughed at them.

>TOR was actually pretty solid. Story content was good, the game wasn't filled with bugs or anything like that.
Nigga we had stupid shit like cast times being tied to the fucking animations instead of the cast bars. Skilling shit like -1s cast time on your spells didn't do shit since it didn't fire after the cast bar finished, you still had to wait a fucking second until the spell got off.
And don't forget Bioware's glorious cheat protection system where you could just use CheatEngine for speedhacks. Fucking CheatEngine. I saw so many faggots just ruin Huttball with that shit. They sanic through the entire area within seconds and you can't do shit against it since it lags like fuck on your end.

>golden age

Sure TORtanic threads were fun but Yea Forums was literally 99% "tfw no gf" threads. I have to say this was the weakest point Yea Forums ever was and even today is better.