Why does Yea Forums hate xbox? Its great for multiplats, back compat, best controller, game pass = best deal in gaming

Why does Yea Forums hate xbox? Its great for multiplats, back compat, best controller, game pass = best deal in gaming.

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Typical brainwashed idiots bumming Nintendo and Sony. The xbone is objectively the best all rounder this gen and has the biggest catalog of games by far.

>microsoft console
so just a worse pc with no steam or piracy or backlog

xbone is the better console but PS4 simply has the games worth playing. It has all the multiplats plus some good exclusvies like bloodborne, spider man, god of war, last guardian. so there isnt much reason to get xbone unless you only care about multiplats

It has potential of becoming the greatest homebrew console

Consoles in general are garbage and the xbone doesn't even have worthwhile exclusives. Literally zero reason to own one

consoles are worthless garbage if they don't have exclusives. And xbox has none. Just buy a pc

Yeah, forget about all the other games the platform has to offer. Christ you're a mong. Also, why on earth would anybody buy/build a PC worthy of playing video for £600+ when you could just buy an Xbone X for half he price? You're living in the fucking clouds, son.

>forget about all the other games the platform has to offer
Like what?

what does xbox have that PC doesn't? Cause PC has RTS, assfaggots, superior fps game play, a bunch of indie shit. Free games if you want. If you actually like games then you'll spend the money for a PC

I dont know why, but Yea Forums has shit taste definitely. Xbox has game pass which also includes back compat game and its exclusives.

Like? What exclusives. I'm waiting user.

game pass is mostly bargain bin games

>game pass
>The introducion for streaming
That just the new sin MS added to their already bad enough list. Not to mention this is literally the no games system, oddly enough not even that is worth to mention.

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It doesn't have chinese games with nine-year-old looking anime girls so weeaboos cannot fap to them.

I got mine for free so

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>Game pass? Game pass! Game pass!
No games.

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Because this place is a Sony shill nest with a Nintendo persecution complex.

It's literally just a trashy Alienware tier prebuilt PC with all fun game genres like Danmaku and Strategy banned
>back compat
good by console standards
but, Xbox One is not a console
>best controller
KB&M is better
and, comparing it to the Pro controller and the Dualshock it's only marginally better
>game pass = best deal in gaming
>paying Microsoft money monthly for a pile of trash is a good deal
Oh boy thanks for funding ten more movie games like Borderlands and Gears of War, OP!

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Most people want games that require little or no gameplay and PS4 has that market locked down. I play all my PS4 exclusive games on YouTube. Saved $400 on a box of laptop parts in the process.

>game pass
don't forget that it's also on PC

Jesus Christ Jamal stop posting your collection of stolen goods.

No one hates xbox aside from people who take brand loyalty too seriously. Most people just don't find a reason to own one unlike the 360 and hueg. I hope they do better next gen because having only one dominant player in the market is boring because they get arrogant. Nintendo had their revival with the switch after the wii u flop and now its Microsoft's turn to have their own revival.

I skipped the 360/ps3 generation, so the Xbone is great for playing all those games.

Doesn't this describe the ps4 as well?

does Xbone still roll out frequent huge updates?

I feel like every time I'd go to boot up the family Xbone I'd be greeted with a 4GB system update.

I had a ps3 and got an xbox one because only 3 of my friends were getting a ps4 and about 8 were getting an xbox.

It's been great. I mostly play multi-plats with my friends.

the catalog is the same minus exclusives. it isnt a bad machine since it doesnt fram drop multiplats like the ps4 pro does, but a pc is better

IIRC PS4 has been spread wide open a couple of times

Same here man. I was actually a PS fanboy and was disappointed i couldnt play ps3 gen games on it. Then i found out i could play dead space trilogy on xbone. My experience using the x was more comfy so i converted and i only touch my ps4 when an exclusive comes out

>best controller
I used pic related for years and I absolutely love it. Last month I bought a xbone controller because everyone was shilling it: Jesus fucking christ it's a piece of garbage. The buttons are in a retarded position, analog as main input is shit and they are too sensitive anyway. Probably it's a good controller for shooters, but if you play shooters with a controller or shooters in general you are retarded.

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U have shit taste bro

Backwards compat carries the console, I have been playing a lot of OG and 360 games that I couldn't play back then, and in 60 fps and better resolutions.

>muh analog stick
you must be 18+ to post here, faggot
based and redpilled

Bong is retarded, who could've guessed.
You buy 900$ pc so you can play any game for free or pay if you want, with console for half a price you pay a quarter for a single fucking game + subscription for multiplayer, see the difference yet?

This is a good controller, but some models had square gates around the analog sticks and it just felt terrible. Didn't stop me from beating cave story on the dpad

user you're asking the wrong question. no one hates the xbone let alone Yea Forums. the question is why doesn't the xbone stand out among the competition?

for multiplats it runs most of the stuff best, the controller like all controllers has all the buttons the form factor is just slightly more ergonomic, the game pass is an appeal to get attention from a userbase.

it is clearly a well rounded platform but it has nothing that makes it stand out among the other options available. casual gamers literally buy consoles for killer apps like bloodborne and smash bros. meanwhile xbones killer app shit the bed by not even including couch co-op.

the real question to ask is what could save the xbone? or what does microsoft have to do for the next xbone? canceling creative titles like scalebound doesn't help. xbone needs to spend money making experimental boutique games that have lasting appeal when they would rather just make pump and dump flavor of the month titles which are more profitable in the short term.

It's just ps+ but and extra payment

Square gates aren't that bad

There no reason to own xbone when you have pc that can play pretty much 99% of Xbox exclusive and its run better.

sure, but not everyone has a pc cable of running modern games. Even less people have a pc capable of running games like a Xbone X can.

I just have an old laptop that's more than enough for work, and general web surfing.

why should anyone buy bone controller instead of 360?

whilst that's a valid point it doesn't mean much because some people still choose the cheaper plug and play console over a pc.

>best controller
the ps4 controller nailed it this generation. i bought one of each for my pc and i never use the xbone anymore.
the ds4 is maximum comfy especially in 2d games.

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>Even crapgamer is bashing xbox now.


i'm the opposite. literally haven't used my ds4 in 3 years after i got the one s controller. literally god tier in the hand and probably best controller ever made.

I have both. I’ve used my DS4 for about 4 years now (not the same controller though since two of them broke), and I’ve got an Xbox controller just a few weeks ago. I like the thumbsticks a lot more, it’s more comfortable to hold too, but god is it annoying to switch between the two when I game on PS4.

The only problem with xbone is that they did bad marketing with this always online thing.
Otherwise xbone is solid.
Sony paid activision to release CoD games on ps4 earlier. This also fucked up xbone in a way.


You just described PC.

>Its great for multiplats
Not as good as PC. At least Switch adds portability
>back compat,
I guess if you never had a 360
>best controller
Subjective, but I'd actually rank it below the other consoles and Steam controller
>game pass = best deal in gaming.
Yet another subscription service tied to paid online. Even the humble bundle subscription is a better deal Lmao

to each his own. last gen i was in love with the 360 controller.
the xbone buttons are just too clacky and loud for me and it feels sharp in my hands