
Is it worth getting into Overwatch in July 2019?

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It wasn't even worth getting into in 2016.

the honeymoon period ended three years ago

With 2-2-2 role queue coming it is literally THE best time to get into Overwatch. It's still one of the best FPS games and also the best MOBA game. You're a fucking idiot if you aren't going to start playing Overwatch again when the new patch drops literally all the streamers are gonna be playing it I'm so fucking excited desu.

Hell no. Instead, try:

TF2, Rocket League, Smash Bros Ultimate, Tekken 7, SamSho, Soul Calibur 6 or wait for Halo MCC.

>literally all the streamers
Holy shit grow up you fucking child

good bait lmao

TF2? How is it better to get into that instead of Overwatch?

Because TF2 is a better game

no, unless maybe you can get it dirt cheap so you can grief people and make youtube videos of them getting angry

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it used to be that you could contribute with any hero. now you are EXPECTED to meta pick and I have never dropped a game faster

Is that cat okay?

>it used to be that you could be a selfish faggot and pick whatever you wanted because "HURR YOU GUYS ARE TRASH LET ME SHOW YOU HOW ITS DONE" despite any team effort
Yea, no
I'm honestly grateful you are dropping the game, we i dont need a 1 trick dps that doesnt join chat or use it just to flame
You are not expected to pick meta heroes, you just expected to have a more balanced game

this but unironically

No. Stay the fuck away.

what is wrong with that foxes eyes

It's funny how Papa Jeff spent so much time and effort on "fighting toxicity", yet Overwatch is one of the most toxic games I can imagine.

>anything Blizzard

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July is almost over you fucking mongoloid

he looks pretty old and healthy so probably, yeah

>Tekken 7

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Give it another month. Wait for the role lock beta to end, then get into it.

Overwatch sucks because tanknigger and healslut cucks get uppity and pretend they don't need DPS chads like me watching their backs.

>goats has to be patched out
>dps needed


The meta for almost a year was 3 support and 3 tank

To be fair, you have to be a god-like player in order to pull that shit off.

just play paladins

yep, I do this every match, without exceptions


Seriously what the fuck is with all the shields in this game? how is it fun to shoot at a barnsized bullet deleter any length of time?

as long as shield is still the meta, no

>all the shields in the game
>literally 2 shield heroes, with a 3rd one not even in the game yet.
I agree that orisa shield spamming is boring, but literally just focus the shield and it metls away

It's almost like you are meant to do something about it...

Yeah, play Paladins instead

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Or play Overwatch with more than 4 IQ. I love both of them, but just buying into shield break isnt a better system either. Paladins has the more fun characters, but HiRez is run by triple niggers.

I dont want to be forced to play specific heroes that counter shields

You dont need to... change your pathing, characters, or angles. It so fucking simple that I dont understand how people complain about shields. So you dont want to change characters but you're okay with changing your build?

changing my build doesnt affect my playstyle

overwatch died for me when Blizz fucking gutted roadhog
have fun with your full auto pea-shooter shield breaking simulator fellas
fuck Blizzard

So you would rather every character be able to do something well rather than learning different playstyles, compositions, characters, and strategies?

Roadhog is still really good though.

I agree, fuck blizzard. However, Road Hog is actually top tier as fuck right now.

I'm talking about in general, shields are always somewhat in the meta
What about brigitte or Syms ult? Even shit like winston's shield or Dva's deflectors just stall the game.

Unless you are playing as an ambush class all you are doing is staying in a safe place and shooting pot shots at the shield while five other players get to do free damage to you and move up or defend a point.

I think the problem is map design, the choke points basically mean all the tank has to do is point in one direction and tank shots for everyone else.
kys fag

I just want it to be like paladins
pick what you want then change your build depending on the enemy team
I don't want to be forced to play shit I don't want to play just because its strong against this specific character

good at hooking enemies out of position so your team can finish them off
good at controlling player movement with his ult
and that's about it

he won't ever be as fun as he was back when he could 1-shot all non-tanks

good? maybe
fun as he used to be? no

I really cannot believe that the biggest problem someone can have is playing against shields. It's such a non-issue and outside of like two maps, chokes have been fixed. Blizzard is kike central, but people complain about shields. Okay.

my friend gifted me the game just week ago. never played online shooters before.. its pretty fun. annoying that nobody wants to play healer or tank tho. so often I have to be one, but I suck at healing

>he won't ever be as fun as he was back when he could 1-shot all non-tanks
That was broken garbage though and horrible for everyone else. He's actually balanced now and can one shot several heroes.

>I don't want to be forced to play shit I don't want to play just because its strong against this specific character
This is a fair complaint, it's definitely part of the game to know how to play multiple heroes and counter with it.

It will be fixed in the next update with role queue

>Brig, whose shield has been reduced to 200 HP in the latest patch
>Sym, as if she would ever be relevant
>her ult is a 10 second shield

I honetly forgot about winston, mostly because if you use it as a rein/orisa shield you are throwing.

Map design could be better, but chokes can be esasily avoided by flankers or by pressing W.

It's different focuses of each game. Its why you cant switch characters in Paladins, but you can in Overbotched. Unfortunately both are owned by awful companies, and have very little hope of being truly great. Same goes for TF2 I suppose

thats good, they should give extra xp or lootboxes or something for persons playing healer so you dont have to wait forever

That's literally what they're planning on doing.

That's also coming with the update. Incentives for roles needing players. DPS niggers can finally get the faggotiest end of the dick for all of their bullshit over the years. Enjoy your 40+ minute queues, cocksuckers.

they will, each queues have their own SR too

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M8, that's SuperAkouma, one of the best EU players, and arguably one of the best akuma operators in world, what did you expected.

Anyways, yeah, when akuma has a meter, he can punish 10 frame jabs with a almost-death combo.


wait, you earn a lootbox ust the first time you play support/tank, or every time you do?
Or it's weekly like arcade?

Not sure yet, it hasnt released.

Wasn't on launch
Certainly isn't now

oh ok, i thought you tried it on the PTR
Thanks tho

probably each time, it depends on current queue time
its the same system in world of warcraft if you've played it

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Have they talked about a release date for Sigma on console?

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Absolutely not. Let it die. Just play tf2 instead. Overwatch is literally MOBA tf2 with only 6v6 and a very restrictive meta with little wiggle room for fun or new ideas. That combined with the "Non toxic, everyone's included, participation ribbon" attitude it makes for a sterile and boring playing experience.

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Why play a game that has been abandoned by it's developers though?

TF2 is unironically a better game, don't get me wrong it's shit compared to old school online shooter fun but it's still the best on the current market

Overwatch is fun

Nah. I got overwatch for free from somewhere and still didn't play it more than 20 minutes.

abandoned game vs shit game
the best thing you can do, of course, is to leave multiplayer garbage in the trash where it belongs and play single player games instead

Back to your containment general furfag

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Tekken 3> Tekken 7

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>the best thing you can do, of course, is to leave multiplayer garbage in the trash where it belongs and play single player games instead
Why would I stop playing one when I already play both multiplayer and single player games?

>just play tf2 instead
>p-please play tf2
>the g-game is not d-dead, i swear
Oh please.
Both games are horrible.
But only one of them is 10 years old and aged like pure milk.
Kill yourself.

look at that cat

>imagine being this butthurt over tf2
Playing tf2 wasn't the point of my post user, I just mentioned a free and better alternative to overwatch. But it's okay stay mad summer child.

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if you genuinely enjoy the mp games you play, then sure. if you're a brainlet dunning-kruger controller breaking "muh bronze hell ;_;" dumb cunt, then you should stop (not you you I mean, nothing against you)

Meant to reply here

>This is a fair complaint, it's definitely part of the game to know how to play multiple heroes and counter with it.
lol no, forced 2-2-2 literally is antithesis to this, no more gimick counters, just play your predefined meta and stick to it, or you get banned

tf2 is nothing like overwatch though

are you going to make the same thread tomorrow by any chance op
makes me think of yt bullshit like "is [crappy f2p mmo] worth playing in [current year]?" that lazy content "creators" shit out every 6 months or so on the same game, and generally only amasses like 30k views but still turns up on my recommendations because google somehow knows i played world of warcraft(the only mmo ive tried) for 30 minutes
this thread didnt reach that level of annoyance to me but if you repost tomorrow for august it might

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Stopped playing a couple of years ago, will I still recognise the game or be completely lost in a sea of updates and patches? Also, did Lucio ever get a nerf or is he still mandatory?

Yeah I get it. I have friends that get overly frustrated at online games to where it ruins their mood. I get a bit frustrated too of course, but I just take a breaks with single player games when I do. Currently haven't played a MP game in 3 months, but probably will soon since I don't have any new single player games to play at the moment.

I may reinstall, I haven't played since... before Brigitte

It's a bit different, but not enough where you'd get lost and yeah it's gone through several meta changes including several lucio nerfs and buffs. He's far from mandatory.

Save yourself a headache and choose another game. The spineless devs are constantly making retarded changes because the community is full of whiny cunts who complain about getting bodied by high skill players. The only good thing Overwatch was every good for is porn.

ok thats logical. thanks guys

I'd argue, as opposed to that the future of Overwatch is unclear, now that 2-2-2 will get introduced to the game. Who knows if it'll make or break the game this far in. You should probably wait for a while after the change is put in place and ask again about the game's viability.
That being said, I'm still having fun in free-for-all deathmatch.

I've considered reinstalling the game to grief people. Anyone here grief in the game recently?

youll just get banned

Too late, the first year was the only good one before they started forcing in diversity and other dumb shit, now all the community does is screech how much they hate white people and to not pick certain heroes

Go play Paladins instead