Favorite Animal Crossing villager? A tie between Francine and Curt for me

Favorite Animal Crossing villager? A tie between Francine and Curt for me.

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Bunnies are always cute plus I love her mint chocolate palette

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precious bean

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>Thought lewding the animals was just some degenerate furry meme
>See this in Pocket Camp

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Something about this guy's face reminds me of my brother, and I think that's kinda cool.

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Yeah, Rabbit villagers are probably my overall favorite for designs.

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The prettiest one.

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Pecan is my wife and I love her!

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I like Felicity

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Pierto has the best house decor


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>favorite villager
>he's only in one game

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Russell is the best bro

he's my methed out homeless neighbor

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I can’t look at him without thinking of this Mot

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How many times have you been Beast Eye'd in a row, user?

Amelia is the love of my life

3 then steam rolled to death.

i love ankha and i have lucky in my town

Lucky bastard

My bro right here.

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Mine USED to be Bob, but since he left my village I haven't visited it much... it's been almost a year now.

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Based. I have her in my village together with her sister.

Also based.

Do the animals always change between games? Or are they always there but random?


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Some of them I have a hard telling if they're male or female

Olivia is best mom

When I first got into animal crossing, I ran into punchy and I thought he was female

Hey Vinny

This chill dude

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more like this



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My wife

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Bob is my favorite.

My bro

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My boyfriend

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Good taste

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Fuck elephants and fuck ducks

She cute

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pls never leave

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>fuck elephants
that's the plan

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bestest boy!

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Nice. She was one of my first villagers in the GC game, but she moved out after I neglected playing for a bit and I never saw her in any of the future games.

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I hope you see her soon user, I'd be real upset if she left.

Are there any villagers you want in New Horizons that were only in the older games?

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It would have to be either Sterling or Tiffany. Or maybe Groucho

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>no drake
I knew you all had shit taste

Any deer and Apollo

I don't get your question... you mean between each entry of the Animal Crossing series, between save data of each individual copy or between play sessions?

Most animal villagers been the same since the first game of Animal Crossing, with some disappearing in new entries but much more of them being added. There are dozens of villagers, I believe hundreds by now.

However, there is a limit of how many villagers can be in a town (15 in the original GC game, 8 in Wild World, 10 in City Folk and New Leaf), and they are different in each town. Some new may move in and other move out as time passes, always randomized (unless you speak with a moving villager in a friend's town).