Why did they make SMW so easy compared to the earlier games?

Why did they make SMW so easy compared to the earlier games?

Attached: Super_Mario_World.jpg (1600x1166, 256K)

It's not that it's easier, it's the better controls that makes it feel easier, if you play a SMW romhack with levels from earlier games you will realize how small and easy their levels actually are.

why didn't the design the levels to challenge the player then?

Being able to save your fucking progress made it easier than clearing it in one go.

They wanted a game that children could play, it gets kind challenging in the later levels.

Its not easier. The controls are better. Mario handles better. Part of what made lost levels so damn hard was how hard mario was to control. In world mario kinda just goes where you want.

Because Kaizo Mario isn't fun.

Have you played mario maker before. The controls are so good in world only kaizo levels are challenging and the level design for those are bullshit and not really platformers.

Because Mario World's level design was made to appeal to kids while SMB 3 was genuinely a challenging and fun game.

3 had great controls and still retained difficulty


that's not true. i've played a lot of difficult levels in SMW style.

Any challenging level Ive played is some kaizo or bs enemy spam. I only play super expert levels as well. World is really technical and because the controls are so good the hard levels are just execution test.

What is your favorite ROM hack?

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The ghost houses and many secret exits required a kind of lateral thinking that was mostly absent from SMB1 and 3. It was a new kind of difficulty, one that wasn't based on player skill level and instead rewarded you for ingenuity. A difficult challenge was no longer pixel perfect jumps across tiny platforms over huge pits, but instead something like figuring out how to direct the snake coins into a path that would let you reach a secret exit after activating a P-switch. This can seem much easier now as these kind of puzzles are a standard in Mario games and have been reused many, many times, but consider that all of that shit was totally new in Mario World.

It was an incomplete (in miyamoto's eyes) tech demo

the thing about the pixel perfect jumps in previous games is that mario was so slippery that it required you to stop his vertical momentum. Even then the levels werent hard.



Food for thought:

Mario World is the first game to give you a choice of first stages. Although you naturally move towards the right in Mario games, Yoshi's Island 1 is on your left. The first thing that occurs when you enter Yoshi's Island 1 is a Koopa suddenly slides at you. If a new player doesn't react to this they will instantly die, the first stage of Mario 1 and Mario 3 do not open with an enemy jumping you right off the bat. If the player avoids/kills the Koopa and moves forward they immediately run into Banzai Bill, the largest enemy in a Mario game to date. The new player is now either going to:

>panic and run backwards, perhaps hoping to use the hill the Koopa slid off of to escape
>get confused and jump at the Banzai Bill, dying
>freeze and do nothing (the Banzai Bill will just fly over)
>try jumping on it, which will surprisingly kill the Banzai Bill instantly as if it were any other enemy

Mario World is all about rewarding you for thinking on your feet. There are many enemy types that only show up once or twice and you will just never see again. Torpedo Ted only appears in one stage, you're first introduced to Mechakoopas in the final stage, you're first introduced to Ninjis in the final ROOM of the final stage, along with a unique discoball light gimmick.

>There are many enemy types that only show up once or twice and you will just never see again
this is the same for mario 3. it has unique ideas that are only reserved for single stages as well.

Very informative post user. Anyone ever read this book. It's got a ton of developer insight on the level design of World along with other SNES games along with some cool bits of trivia. It seems that World was designed in a way that can be fun for both young and old. If you want a challenge you can play it straight forward or if you want it to be easier, the game rewards you for going off of the main path by giving you short cuts and colored switch levels.

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