what chair do you game on?
What chair do you game on?
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so this is the power of PC gayming...
my ass gets really sweaty if I edge for a long time too
this shit is why i will never get a "gaming" chair
that scrote puddle cracks me the fuck up, thanks man
i just sit in my bed when i play video games
Looks comfy but also kind of uncomfortable. How do Japs sit on the floor for so long, my legs start to die after a couple of hours.
lose weight
The edge of my bed
Because they are not fat fucks with bad blood circulation.
what said
wanted a pink one but daddy could only find red
You don't need a kotatsu when you have a literal furnace in the room. The 360 is notorious for turning your home into a sauna.
Looks cozy, could use a slightly bigger screen though
post tits whore
u first
i wanna butt fuck that woman
Why is no one mentioning how small that outline is?
Gay, and quite possibly, fake.
Japs have bad bone problems and circulation because of this, the weight thing is a meme
could be a kid when i was a kid i used to sit with my balls hanging out because it was so warm
Its a trans.
can confirm
so be it every hole is a goal
they have bone problems and poor circulation due to sitting in an office chair for 12 hours a day, 6 days a week at their office job
That's a pretty small package, user
Sure you should be posting that?
don't shit talk people with small dicks bro they've already got enough to deal with
Why are Japs always sitting and sleeping on the floor?
Can't they afford furniture?
Extremely comfy. Swap out the Xbox for a PC though. Lol
no room for those
if the floor is clean it doesn't matter though
I had this since elementary days of halo 2. Give it for free last week cause I had to throw everything for cleaning.
hah that looks like my girlfriends computer chair
Forgot pic.
It's a cultural thing and not all of them sleep on the floor. Lots of them sleep in beds, but the bed thingies that they sleep in on the floor look really comfortable.
Can confirm they are oddly comfortable. I have back problems and still managed to sleep soundly on those things when I was there.
how is dangerous are those gas piston chairs? I'm 7 kilo beyond the recommended weight
if youre paranoid you could put steel plate over the pole to defend your anus
Is no one here going to comment about Japanese Xbox user? Not sure if that Xbox is even in Japanese.
holy shit is he alright
name please
for me, allsteel acuity.
don't buy gamer chairs; go to an office furniture liquidator and you can get $1000+ ergo chairs for like 70% off just because they sat unused in storage and the startup went under.
>half back chairs
Fuck that shit.
Its obviously a white person living in Japan. There are way more of us here than actual japs.
space is limited and big apartments are expensive as fuck, so to save limited living space it's better to have shit that can be folded and stored out of the way.
Fake and gay. The girl filming in the mirror doesn't even react
check your eyes
holy shit. it's real
No joke, I used my 360 as a space heater in the winter for years.
Had an Allsteel #19 for a number of years, that I had gotten for free. Nice chair, though the pneumatic cylinder eventually gave out and I got rid of it.
If you can get those kinds of chairs for those prices, they're worth it, but they're absolutely not worth it at their retail price.
what's your edge record?
The chinese chair exploding doesn't surprise me. Your image is fake as fuck though, blood looks nothing like that, dry or wet.
You could say I'm a lay-z boy
shoulda contacted the company about a replacement. i bought mine secondhand, lost a cosmetic part about four years in, and they sent me a replacement no questions asked.
hello fellow recliner boomer
I sit on the floor.
damn that looks fucking comfy.
I had a layz boy for a while, but some fucking asshole my parents let stay with them for a WEEK ruined it because he was a fucking pill popper and kept falling asleep with lit cigarettes, totally ruined the upholstery on it, broke it cause he sat down in it like a retard (He'd fucking jump and slam his ass into it, shattered the frame).
Man I miss that chair.
>my parents let stay with them for a WEEK
what the fuck? Why?
not that user but every time i do i get banned
They're "nice people" who let everyone abuse them and walk all over them. Every time I try to tell them to stop letting fucking "friends of friends" take advantage, they tell me I'm pure evil and have no soul and don't understand. Then when some dude ends up ODing in the bathroom, they tell me I'm right and it starts all over.
>Begin Therapy on the calender
I guess its better than having a dad like mine who's a hard ass that's word is law and makes you accept all his fuck ups in life while playing up yours and shitting on your head while making you thank him for the new hat. or a lying pos mother who was playing both sides and lost everything in the end and wished she aborted you. Be thankful for what you have and even i am on a level because i am who i am because of being raised by these alcoholics
Hello friend, 21 year old boomer here
It's pretty inconvenient when I sit properly, not real back support on this one, it's ment for lounging only.
very comfy youtube browsing though
Yeah I had my recliner set up in my lounge room where I played mostly console games and watched tv/movies, For some reason i've never been able to use anything but wooden chairs for pc work. Even at my office I brought in one of my personal chairs, office chairs make my back and ass hurt super bad.
I choose to believe this, because it's easier than imagining a man getting his colon slashed open by a barbell.
>kotatsu and an Xbox 360
Nice way to burn down your house.
i'll never understand the point of recliners at a desk. like you said, impossible to get any real work done.
just get a wireless kb/m combo and lounge in front of the TV. get an hdmi splitter, smart tv, $5 steam link, etc.
Well at least you can tell he isn't fat
sometimes something simple is the best. no chair because I just use a wooden one. really oughta buy something better
you can use my face
Are any of these any better for your back than just a normal folding chair? I game a lot, so I'm considering getting something good for my back.
butt crumbs
god yes any fucking office chair is better than those fucking folding chairs that you would use at a family BBQ.
The 360 was relatively popular with otakus. Many visual novels were released on the 360 but not the ps3, it also had lots of arcade shooters and niche titles. Microsoft tried really hard to court JP developers for the first few years, but never made much headway outside of small studios.
spending $500 on a legit ergo model is a lot cheaper, easier, and more comfortable than having to spend $5k on xrays for a doctor to tell you to do stretches for the back pain at 27yo.
>japanese developers gave MS the finger
Based JP developers.
Do you have money? Get a Herman Miller Aeron. Pic related.
>all these fags paying for expensive chairs
>he doesn't have free healthcare
fucking burgers lol
I own a JTAG/RGH for shmups so I'm very much aware, I'm never selling this thing
Anyone got any experience using a massage seat while gaming?
I wouldn't just because the balls and shit aren't actually comfortable to sit on, it's a chair pretty much exclusively used to get a massage and I doubt that would feel nice after a long session sitting in it, off or on
$150.000 for your chiropractor
aerons are cool but it's a 30yo design. i was sure i wanted one until i tried it next to a few other higher end models. i'll take one over any staples b/s though. .
No amount of free healthcare can fix your ruined spine
Also it's not free
>some sweaty guy sits on his chair naked
>this requires a thread on Yea Forums
why is this webm so fkn hilarious to me?
>sitting on a piece of metal with some shitty fabric that flattens out after a few hours, and has significantly worse ergonomic design is worse than a wooden chair designed to be used for long periods
yikes my man.
unironically probably one of the better options around $200. memed to death for a reason.
most of the pricier chairs use high density foam that doesn't flatten with extended use.
That's what I'm using.
First I bought it as a "until I can spend some real money on a decent chair" chair, but I ended up liking it so much I haven't replaced it.
12 hours
adderall fapping is too fun
Fucking based
yeah i mean i havent updated that calendar since 2017 but therapy was nice
>tfw huge balls but small dick
>toxoplasmosis infested shitpet
Some sort of 90s office chair my dad got from work back when we got our first computer. It's looking kinda ratty, but it's held up well considering how old it is.
post pics
you too op
I'm not a furry or a tranny.
You gotta start skinning those people alive for intruding, user.
>mom brings someone home
>tie them up while they're strung out
>skin them and then burn it all when you're done
I noticed that if you jam a thick bolt in the tilting mechanism, and your mechanism has got rails with a "tooth" at the end, the chair stays tilted at a 100°ish angle, which is perfect, because naturally the chair tends to swing towards the front (legs gravity) and you are pulled in the front. This way you're naturally pulled back a little towards the back, you stay in the natural position, and you can still recline your chair however you see fit.
I got a secretlab Titan and it's comfy as fuck, don't even care if I got memed
I have a lay-z-boy office chair, it's great.
>be me
>use a shitty chair and be obese
>spend 6+ hours on vidya every day
>spine starts hurting
>decide to lose weight at 19
>eat less and hit the gym
>lose 40kg and get a new chair,cap vidya at 2 hours a day
>spine still hurts and will do so for the rest of my life
Draw exactly how you sit down: height, angle, position on the chair, everything.
>tfw have giant balls so it makes your average sized dick look tiny in comparison.
Stay strong big nut brother
Keep your spine as straight as possible from now on
>when you are so weeb that you spend time and money to have a more uncomfortable and outdated home to be like in my animus xD
I use that one Ikea chair that has the seat and the back side in one solid piece. The seat is also solid metal underneath, so no risk of anal anguish. And they don't break, since they are solid rough parts.
I think I paid what would be the equivalent of 30-40 USD for it. Using it for several years now, having pillow cases to cover where its worn out.
I can't find it, but it sort of looks like this.
I actually own this exact chair, I got it super cheap from a hotel that was changing furniture.
Was supposed to be auctioned, but I showed up early because I'm a dumbass and can't read instruction, and I started talking with the staff. They just let me have it if I promise to take it away right now, and basically I left them a tip for it, no documents or anything.
UGUU FAGGOT COCK GOBBLER KUN go salivate on your body pillow
do stretches or yoga or something. helped me a lot.
Motherfucker, put something on it to make it warm. Winter is going fuck kill you man.
I sit on a mattress on the floor and use a laptop desk. I used to only get out of bed to piss.
Not that one.
>have 184cm/110kg
>lower back hurts after waking up
>only then
I don't get it
Seriously though, why pink?
dat dick to ball ratio size bro
stiffness from being stationary in bed. welcome to getting old/poor genetics. stretch.
Same here, except
>work from home, sit down up to 10h a day
>need to go deal with shit outdoors
>start walking
>feel like a rusty folding chair that was closed for far too long
>back pain like a motherfucker
It's real retard.
All my Ikea boys rise up.
weeb scum
why would you need a Kotatsu if you already have a Xbox for heating up the room
I've got this thing and it's not worth the money I spent for it ($120~, should probably be $50-$60) but it's not bad.
former suffering tier poorfag and i hate these. never again. once i had a real job and real income i bought a Ergohuman. my spine is no longer collapsing on itself and i can sit for hours comfortably.
Those chairs quite literally are /not/ designed to be used for long periods.
I'm superior to all of you poor fags
Last one
a nice lounge chair because my computer chairs kept breaking under my tremendous girth in less than a year, also leather traps the swamp ass smell too much
you know how you eat 5 spiders every night when you sleep?
Jap do that, but with cats and dogs
Hormone Therapy?
You could literally find a better chair on the side of the road.
>30yo design
>for an ever changing human skeleton
I kinda want to smell that seat.
Markus destroyed my back.
Currently this, but because the lumbar support sucks and the armrests prevent me from getting close to table, I’m gonna grab one of these from outlet store soon.
Markus is fine for the price it is offered and it beats all the cheap-ass shitchairs people often have, but it got nothing against proper office chairs.
I use this amazon basic chair
it was only $50
Ive had expensive chairs before and they go to shit after half a year or so anyway. This chair has lasted a couple months so far and seems to be holding up ok, when it comes time to replace it ill just do that. I could buy three of these a year and still be spending less than i used to spend on expensive chairs.
honestly you just saved me
i rescued this really dope and expensive chair from work they were going to throw out, but the only problem is that it leaned way too forward and sitting in it for more than an hour or so at a time would aggravate my sciatica.
tried to tighten or loosen the tilt to no avail, but just stuck a bolt in there and now it sits perfect. still waiting for the wheels to come in the mail though
I wanna hold 'em like they do in Texas plays
Fold 'em, let 'em, hit me, raise it baby stay with me (I love it)
Love Game intuition play the cards with spades to start
And after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart
the floor
A pricy boi, but worth it.
unlike you, cunt
They're super hit and miss. I got one and couldn't stand it, had to have a refund.
I do this but its roaches
You wanna elaborate on that?
Give them a break, they still haven't even figured out the fork, I'm sure they will get right into furniture after that
There are a million things you can do for back pain (unless it's some weird disease), take an evening off and search. You will find articles and youtube vids. I used to have it so bad I couldn't sit for more than ten minutes really, but now I'm all good.
>liveship traders
>around $200
Like pic related but with mesh on the front of the plastic back.
My dad brought it home after he got laid off, i've been using it for almost 10 years, and it was probably pretty old even back then, if i kick it a ton of dust falls out.
I keep a blanket on top of it to make it more comfy, i sit cross legged in it most of the time.
I know that feel, always worried I have ball cancer
lovely taste
Anyone want their butthole sucked?
I use an Aeron user, very good chair.
I've been using one for over 5 months now, I generally only turn the massage feature on after I come in from work and as a timer before work. Its great for my back, and comfatable to sit on at all times too. I can't actually use it while gaming because I sit forward but you don't want it on for 10 hours straight as its just a waste.
I don't know if you'll read this but in case the bolt slides out (if the tilting mechanism has got straight rails it will happen) jam another bolt vertically the way I showed. That will jam it for sure.
those are balls
yeah i just took a shit and need a good cleaning
hella fuckin cringe
Its just a '78 trans am deluxe seat that is resting on the floor.
based and tiger-blanketpilled
These guys don’t user lol
sdmh fuck off back to rddit
>have great computer chair like pic related
>after 9 years chair started to break down
>decide to buy a new one
>fall for the racing gaming chair meme
>buy an overpriced dxracer chair
>get sweaty as fuck
>uncomfortable as fuck
>doesn't have tilt with spring
>barely anything is customizable
never buy racing gaming chair guys, it's overpriced and fucking shit
A cheapo office chair with faux leather. I had one of those "Facebook is spying on us all" kinda moments a couple of years ago where I talked chairs over the phone with a friend and he suggested I got one of those gaming chairs. I was, like, "nah I don't like that they have those tacky red racing stripes" and that was it for the conversation. The day after I started getting Instagram and Facebook adverts for all-black gaming chairs. Creepy!
Well, that was my blogpost have a nice day!
I'm assuming that was a cheap chair at the time. Are there any recent chairs (past 5 years) that blew up? Especially "gaming" chairs? Don't think so.
It's a specific advertising feature now that the chair hydraulics are made to not blow up.
what type of chair is this?
Put into amazon straight back lumbar support computer chair.
I live in Japan and my bed and my chair and my table are on the floor like It is actually pretty comfy but I do sometimes find myself wanting actual furniture.
>Why yes, I do have the same kind of chair as OP. How could you tell?
I bet you look really muscular
>doesn't have tilt with spring
What kind of bullshit chair you bought? Any $150 gayman chair will have classic tilting plus reclining, armrests can be adjusted vertically and rotated inwards and outwards.
How cares about a fork when they have those godlike toilets...
>the ballsac imprint
I want user to sit on my face
>Keep your spine as straight as possible from now on
1st of all your spine is not naturally straight. But if you plan on not using any back support, don't do it for long periods of time even if you're fit because it will put pressure on your spine. What you need to do to rest your back is lean back at around 110-130 degrees in a not that soft surface, and make sure that the pressure is distributed evenly on your spine , because if it's not your spine will constantly move around even if you try to hold still, and the uneven pressure will give you back pain. The whole lombar support thing is a meme as it causes pressure to build up in specific spots.
I don't want to become a paraplegic
Bought this thing after I got tired of my 10 year old office chair being ugly, screws for the armrests are fucking garbage and I already had to screw them back in place after a month. It takes almost all the free space in my bedroom and I had to build it in the living room
At least now I can rest my head and even sleep on it
based and markuspilled
did you steal this from your uni, user?
my bed
>blood looks nothing like that, dry or wet.
i cut myself during work once and it looks like that
Almost exactly this, except mine is a light taupe color.
That chair is almost as large as my room
>it's not free
It helps no one to be reductive.
>tfw 7 incher but tiny balls, only one visible most of the time
Why live
I bought one of those well-reviewed """""gaming chairs"""" and it's just a shitty chair with an extra big seat, obviously made for obese neckbeards. It isn't even ergonomic and it doesn't fit my back curves.
Imagine the smell...
>one ball hanging slightly lower than the other
My favourite chair of all time is the generic desk chair from my old office job but I neglected to get the make and model of it before I quit. My ass is now suffering and I have high proximal hamstring tendanothopy.
>one ball hanging MUCH lower than the other
I wanted to buy an ergonomic chair like that one, but they only make gaming chairs that can support my battle troll weight of 160kg.
And not being in the US, I don't even have all the choices you guys have.
Do you only play on console?
I wouldn't be able to use my pc in that since I keep slouching forward to the screen and that shit wouldn't even fit in front of my desk
can't fall on a metal piston ramming up your ass if you don't own one
nope, second hand store.
whats your chair?
Even better
That’s not also the only memey part about gaming chairs, their durability is also shit when compared to good office chairs.
People, do yourselves a service and find some good office chairs from outlet or bankruptcy sales. Normally good chairs are hideously expensive new, but you can snipe them for a good price through those, usually in very good condition too. And the mechanical parts in those are from completely different world than the ones in cheapo disposable chinkchairs or gaymen shit.
You aren't worth shit.
torture chamber tier
you know, that's natural to prevent friction and ball crushing
>yes, I've been having back problems since forever. How did you know?
>tfw big dick but asexual
I just bought a Markus after getting memed into buying one of those expensive 800 dollar chairs.
Markus is unironically a lot more comfortable.
I would unironically lick his ball sweat off the chair
why is that a tfw then?
After you have tried a chair with glorious air support for your back you don't ever want to go back to those shitty fake leather chairs that makes you sweaty as fuck in the summer.
>tfw Australian
>tfw you have to throw your chair out after every summer.
>tfw absolute dicklet
>pimple sized balls
>fugly as fuck
>like really fucking hairy
>like caveman hairy
>angry at everything
Yes I main Dorfs.
>small dick and small balls
>wooden desk
>vidya posters
>fucking armchair
cringe desu
A proper office chair my dude
yep, got a herman miller aeron for $450, perfect support and doesn't get sticky
Are you at least cute enough to be a trap?
>>have big dick normal balls
>>hurts to fuck girls under 5,11
does being hairy make you want to kill yourself as it does for me?
>Why yes, I am a failed male. How could you tell?
It's because it's leather and the guy was fucking naked, you dumbass. This isn't something unique to gaming meme chairs.
I think I have that keyboard, nice!
A Haverty's Executive Desk Chair that I picked up on Craigslist from a boomer, he got it 20 years ago for $900. Real leather. I got it for $40, I wish it wasn't so heavy because it's very hard to roll on my carpet.
Why not pink?
Thank you!
It's a DX Racer.
I haven't failed anything user.
Dumb fucking weeb
Underrated post.
Areons are overrated because they're associated with the tech boom in the 90s. Better chairs have been made since.
No but one of these days one of my housemates will for clogging the shower drain.
Get some dandruff shampoo.
Nice riceshit faggot
>those christmas lights
Are you a woman? I've ever seen women decorating their room with that shit
you jerk it and dont cum?
what the fuck kind of question is that?
emt here thats exactly how it looks on hardwood floors especially since its deoxyginated blood (the majority of blood youll ever see in life from yourself/most injuries) blood comes in different shades of red to bright ass red depending on its oxygenation levels
just hold the lever till all the air gets out of the piston and then sit on the chair?..
tall chairs arent comfortable anyway
Pic from 2017
In October
You marked Thanksgiving???
Pretty sure something says Vaginal _____ ____
Go kill him, take his money, then buy a new chair.
IU have the exact chair but mine don't have the wicker cushion
Who the fuck thought wicker furniture was a good idea
biggest waste of money in my life
>tfw never tasted the comfiness of a kotatsu
I dont use heaters anymore my overclocked i5 4690k heats me up all toasty
am i to take that you did for 12 hours? that's what i'm asking.
>not using an exercise ball as your chair
just amputate your legs lmao
This guy. What a great purchase this was.
every fucking time
gamergirl detected!
sell me your bathwater please??!??!
I own that exact chair in all black and i like it very much.
What's your problem with it?
I own this one as well, it broke after less than a year, biggest waste of money in my life, fuck this retard bait chair, tilts forward as well after like a week, fucking horrid.
Ive had this one at my workplace. Its shit.
Not him but I've done it before. My personal best was 9 days of intermittent edging, at least 3 sessions a day. The final build up lasted for around 6 hours and when I nutted I almost blacked out. Couldn't walk for a good 30 minutes or so.
Doesn't your chair's wheels scratch the wood floor? I have a rug under mine.
The floor looks a bit scratched up in spots but not in any of the spots that my chair can possibly roll over. I'm not really sure if they came from moving the desk in or what, but where my chair regularly rolls it's not worn out at all.
is so comfy and keeps me moving, my legs hurt as if i did leg day just by using this
yeah well i'm not getting any leather chair either
I do something like this every once in a while, I can't help it. I fapped for about 10 hours to blacked hentai last week. I have a 3 gig folder of this stuff and I'm hopelessly addicted. I wish I could stop.
what the FUCK. I've edged sometimes in the past, mostly for a couple of minutes, maybe an hour and a half. But what you're guys do seems a little dangerous.
does anyone else sit like pic related? i think im autistic because I cant get comfortable unless my feet/legs are elevated on my desk. is my back gonna get fucked in the long run?
I'd love to get a modern chair, but I want one with proper legs and all I ever see in stores are those dumb wheeled office chairs.
I have one of those myself because they came with the room I moved into. Had to use a pillow on mine because it was uncomfortable on my ass since I'm naked so often. I probably shouldn't be since the AC is always on but I'm more comfortable naked so do what you gotta do.
It's quite easy to get lost in edging when playing hgames.
If you haven't discovered hgames yet, it's time to start.
Go to /2dhgg/ in /vg/ and go play some games in the pastebin there.
How the fuck do people live like this
This makes me uncomfortable
I stand in an asile at target, I don't have a chair.
a-at least you brush your teeth after all that popcorn?
A 50buger furmax chair. It honestly isn't that bad. Just the arm rests are a little too short and it's kind of a small chair
>wooden desk
Spotted the pleb.
Yes I sit like that all the time when I'm on the computer. I moved from the desk to a chair w/ ottoman and lap desk and it fixed my back.
You will never pass
I'm not a tranny...
epic gamer chair
Just put a blanket on it
Good as new
What game?
Those are the sheets on the arm "rest", it's extremely humid so having a blanket up against my back is not a great idea.
the floor
Shit posting on v
>tfw average dick but saggy balls that almost go down to my knees
>tfw balls touch water when I sit on toilet
>mfw I have to wrap my balls around my waist when I take a shit
it's not any better than any cheap and comfortable chair. It didn't fix my sitting posture. When it's hot my ass and back are all sweaty. I stuck with it because I fell for a meme.
Think I'll pass on that. With all due respect, I don't want to become more of a degenerate than I already am.
Got a special fat fuck office chair because I broke 2 regular ones with a 100 kg limit in less than 6 months. It's really comfy and at 250 bucks really not that expensive.
this, my first chair was a fucking on the road side office chair.
I'm hairy as fuck but I embrace it. I wear a button down flamingo shirt with 4 of the buttons unbottoned with a Tom Selleck mustache.