The most over-rated garbage I have ever seen shilled on this board.
The most over-rated garbage I have ever seen shilled on this board
git gud lmao
Should have played if when it came out. Dark Souls is almost 10 years old remember, and it shows.
>git gud skrub lel xd
Go back.
Have sex.
Kill yourself incel
Dark Souls and Fallout New Vegas are in the top 5 games ever made. Considering your post, dear OP- I feel like you lack the taste required to post on our board. Please refrain from doing so again, thank you.
bad taste OP
Its actually quite good, especially for its time before souls shit became normie
The gameplay and world is pretty decent but it's poorly designed in a few areas. The Capra Demon, Blighttown and the Bed of Chaos are all artificially difficult and unenjoyable.
Dark Souls 2 was even worse in that respect, in the sense that nearly the entire game was artificially difficult with ambushes and gangs of enemies around every corner.
Haven't gotten around to playing Dark Souls 3 because the second one put me off the series, but I'll get around to it some day. The first Dark Souls is a very good game though. Not a flawless masterpiece like Reddit and Yea Forums like to say, but a fun game nonetheless.
That would be BotW by a mile but this is up there too.
hey buddy, i think you got the wrong game
Oh yeah?
acquire proficiency
I want to get the ps4 trilogy but it comes with Remastered instead of Prepare To Die.
I disagree, the game could have been released any time between 2005 and 2020 and it would fit right in.
You forgot to attach a picture of yourself
Remastered is better anyway, are you slow?
That’s Bloodborne.
1 > 3 > 2
Not OP, but remastered fucked with the lighting. It should be called Bright Souls.
Ok zoomer
no one owes you sex
>The most over-rated garba- blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah
Stop. Lemme just drop an "OK retard" on you, say "Git Gud Scrublord" over my shoulder, and sk8 on outta this gay thread.