Does Anyone have a top 10 f2p / p2p MMORPG recommendation on steam?

Does Anyone have a top 10 f2p / p2p MMORPG recommendation on steam?

got the itch again fellas, need yer help here.

i had enough of FFXIV, WoW, BDO, Tera etc etc

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Guess no one plays MMO these days.

>on steam
why that shit qualifier?


There are no good MMORPGs on the market.

i play blade and soul but i can't recommend even if i do like it a lot
ncsoft are fucking hacks

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Maplestory 2 is very fun until it's not

mabinogi, so much soul

XIV or private servers for older MMOs

Those are your only real options at this time and neither of them are very good

Same, but is not because of the p2w shit, 90% of MMO's out there have that shit, is because of the FUCKING horrible perfomance.

But if you have a awesome PC, Blade and Soul is my personal pick for best F2P MMO out there.

only on private server that reduces grind and removes p2w

oldschool runescape

I sort of wanna play mabipro but I think I'd miss all the missing skillsets. That and I don't want to rank up Windmill again.

>Maplestory 2
Is it playable even without buying anything? I bought the lowest tier launch package before it was released

There arent any other solid MMOs besides those that you've mentioned. The only one that comes that is on the same level as those is OSRS. Maybe hit up maplestory 2 as well.

>oldschool RS
>isn't even actually oldschool
newfags out

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Genre is fucking dead in the water, you shouldn't bother at all unless you want utter disappointment.
There's nothing good ahead, don't go further.

>Maybe hit up maplestory 2 as well

Don't do that. Seriously don't do that. That game died as fast as Bless did, it just didn't have the same amount of fanfare when it did.

well, definitely not Tree of Savior. The servers are fucking terrible

It's still going p. Strong. And they've fixed alot of stuff. It's still got its gripes but I find it alot more enjoyable than I did a year ago.

FF XIV still going strong and it's pretty good

>on steam
But why? I think Wakfu was on steam but last I heard it was somewhat dead. You can also try Dofus. Same devs but a lot more alive

This. OSRS is the best MMO right now despite Jagex being complete hacks.

Can't even argue that, at least until Classic WoW comes out. Can't believe we've regressed to Runescape vs. WoW again.

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MMOs are shit and you should kill yourself if you play them past the age of 12.

>OSRS good
I read that a lot on here, but why is that? From what I got a lot of people on here are nostalgic for it, because they played it years ago, but that doesn't seem to be the sole reason.

The part where the fun stops is when you get to semi-end game gear score grinding.
Weekly dungeon caps are cancer

It's only good if you have shit taste in games and enjoy mindlessly grinding and avoiding the part where you actually play the game.

If you can stomach grinding and the dated graphics, it offers a vast open world just absolutely loaded with shit to do and it just dumps you in it, after a short tutorial anyways. Honestly, it's what all other MMOs should be looking at in its design philosophy.

MMOrpg games are last gen, it's mostly all older people playing them. 40-50 year old guys that never moved on with their lives.

Nah the main audience are third worlders, trannies and people who are too poor to buy/too technically inept to pirate real games.

I love how XIVfags keep pretending their game isn't just as bad as all other other MMORPGs on the market right now.

There's definitely nostalgia involved especially to be able to look past the graphics.
Content-wise the game doesn't push you to reaching max levels before being able to join everyone, there's plenty of content at every level, and for PvE (PvM) bosses having more levels only makes it somewhat easier or more efficient, but there aren't that many skill floors you need in order to participate, other than Prayer probably.
The quests are also few (100-something) but very fleshed out and iconic.
There's both content that is pure grinding that requires very little attention but there's quite a lot of depth when it comes to optimizing exp gains if you're into that.

Its gameplay is passable, but its design is trash, everything feels so instanced and scripted, but that kind of works in its favour as a story-focused game, the main issue is when you run out of story it stops working altogether, there's very little to do unless your focus is socializing, which honestly can't carry an MMO in this day and age. Its raiding is lackluster too, all it's made up of is single bosses on platforms, the fights are well designed, sure, but it just feels so hollow. Like every raid is ToC from WoW.
Story and music are great though, can't deny that.