>He explained that of more than 20,000 pre-orders of MechWarrior 5, only 700 refunds were requested on the first day.

>The goal, he said, is to sell at least 1 million copies of MechWarrior 5. Given what he knows about the sales of Harebrained Schemes and other games in the same genre, he believes that’s entirely possible. Moreover, he feels it’s especially possible on the Epic Games Store.

This can't be happening steambros, I thought MECHWARRIOR was done ....... everyone was BOYCOTTING it, but not this...only fucking 700 refunds.... SHISUKOOOOOOOOOOOKOOOOO

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Other urls found in this thread: of steam2.jpg

don't call me steambro

another free game
thanks Tim

everything he said in ama was corporate damage controll provided by ebin
>at least 1 million copies
yeah good luck with that

I’ve been waiting for a proper sequel to Mechwarrior 2 since 1995 and I’m still waiting.

Thanks for buying games for me Tim!

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also details:

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They just say that its possible to sell that many copies so Epic will pay them for that many sales if people don't actually buy the game.

What's wrong with MW3 and MW4?

Attached: GUYS PLEASE DONT REFUND I CAN EXPLAIN.png (615x295, 37K)

boycott it in the sense that i was never going to by that dogshit in the first place? yeah.
fuck pirahna games
fuck epic
fuck trannies
and fuck chinks

Attached: 1546375598301.png (1400x586, 692K)

Just didn’t satisfy that itch. MW3 was Bretty gud regardless though.

He almost worded it as a threat.

We are in the dark ages of Mechanical Walker video games.

it's all just anime stuff from here on with this. guy's a total fucking cunt.

why do they always lie like this and will hide until caught? it's infuriating.

>X Developer explains the reason why EGS exclusive

is it ever not money? That is the only reason can think of why anyone would do it, because you get more money that way. Anything else is just lying.

I refunded and will be pirating. I hope PGI goes bankrupt.

Yes. I already got my refund the day they announced it. Told them to remove the bonuses from my MWO account too.

Shenmue devs claimed Epic exclusivity provided the best experience for the consumer.

the actual real reason for going epic exclusive is because they know the game wont be good enough so they take the safe money

hold on now guys, you wouldn't want to lose your slot in the PRE-RELEASE BETA ;)

>I will pirate i-it steambros
>Comes with denovo
>Fuck I wait for the steam r-release
The cycle of a steam drone

Attached: nothin_personell_boomer.png (3840x2160, 2.99M)

>not buying a game because you have to buy it at target instead of walmart

>chinkoid started his spam yet again
Thank you jannies and mods for doing your job!

I already bought it at Walmart and now I'm forced to pick it up at Target. No. I choose where I buy something.

basically devs realize they have a shit game on their hands, and then see Epic offering boatloads of money, often times break even money, just to put the game on their store

in this case, its the MWO devs, who are complete shit, and MW5 has been delayed well over a year now, and will probably get delayed again
game play is just gonna be MWO with bots

this. mecha is a niche game with a very small audience especially the clunky western stuff. it's smart to take the 10mil or whatever up front than risk it on sales for something like this.
it's a logical move from a business perspective, but he went about it like a total fraud then had the gall to lie to people.

>only fucking 700 refunds
Didn't one Battletech forum which made up like 1/5th of all the backers refund the thing almost entirely?

Whenever a developer or publisher announces their game is going Epic exclusive on PC, it's just a big flashing warning light to me that they're not confident in their product and need the Epic payment to make up for it.

>"the best decision for MW5:Mercs and the future of Mechwarrior games"
funny wording, because it shows that he doesn't give a shit about customers

It was 700 twelve hours after announcement if I recall correctly. Not just 700. That shit has increased by now.


Thanks for the free game, Tim.

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you’re buying it at the same place, your computer

700 is definitely a damage control number from the first day, at least 80% of pre-orders have been refunded at this point.

I'd rather them releases these games on consoles than this bullshit. Tim Sweeney is the worst kike to ever enter video games. I can only imagine what shit we don't know about him from back in the day.

>Game goes Epic exclusive
>Plan to pirate it instead, Tim already paid for my copy
>Denuvo covering its ass? Just wait a week or two, probably comes with a few bugfixes even
>Still not cracked? Play something else
woooow, it's almost like there are dozens upon dozens of games for me to try

The only good MechWarrior games were the ones you had to install from multiple cds

>at least 80% of pre-orders have been refunded at this point
I want to believe, but I'll need to see that source


He's a pedo and has downs syndrome, what more is there to know? The Chinks are going to burn him so hard when they tire of his failure and wasting their money on this completely failed store. They have spent millions and haven't made a cent back, his days are numbered.

>tfw gog got their hands on MetalTech
looks like HERCs got the last laugh mechwarriors

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>Taking the 10m
Imagine being this retarded, epic gives you a sell guaranty, that's it.

I might bite for this....

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Now I can pirate it!

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Wasn't there some developer like a month ago who said "we in for the money and those fucks at Epic gave us shitton"? Why can't everyone just say the same and move on

>Waiting two weeks
Nice cope more like
>Waiting one year, to play an old buggy copy
>Playing something different
>On steam

Attached: Screenshot 2019-07-25 at 10.55.36 AM.png (1144x909, 752K)

How can Epic exclusives compete?

Yeah, I have a backlog of old games I haven't gotten round to and I have a handful I like to replay regularly.

Its likely that these deals were negotiated months in advance and these devs and publishers didnt realize until Metro Exodus that users fucking hate EGS. That doesnt excuse them apparently lying about MW5 claiming that they would never go on epic, basically lying and taking preorders.

You know it was only so Shenmue 4 would get funded. I'm sure even Ysnet knows the series is so niche.

i've been boycotting mechwarrior for 24 years

who the fuck cares which app you have to be running to play a game lmao you are already running windows so you’ve shown you have no standards

>I'd hate for anyone to lose their closed beta spot
Why the fuck do I care about some closed beta spot if I'm not going to even buy the game because it's on epic store.

>YFW FFVII remake and Death Stranding are EGS exclusive on PC.

I know it's going to happen. They've been so coy about not announcing the PC versions because they know it'll cause a total shitstorm.

>buying anything from the shitshow that is PGI

Neets and trannies in particular

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Oh boy I sure love running Wine whenever I actually want to use a piece of software.

>Piranha Games

Attached: 1316925299353.jpg (621x423, 30K)

You post that like image it's a bad thing. You seem to be jealous of something.

If MWO has taught me anything, it's that Battletech old men have brain damage and wallets bigger than their dicks, so I really doubt it's close to that number beyond wishful thinking.

you didn't know? Timmy Tencent doesn't like jap games.

This desu.

>20000 preorders
>700 refunded
>out of 20000 totally everyone knew about store switch
>yeah, the game will reach 1 million on epic, haha
is this cracker 4eal

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did patricia rike it

I've never paid for a MechWarrior title and I don't intend on starting. The only people I cared to see getting paid were FASA.


>tfw Titanfall 3 isn't in development yet

>implying I'm using windows
>implying linux gaming isn't already up to par if not exceeding windows in some titles
Yeah I'm gonna say no to the chink spyware that is epic store.

I got burned by Trannytech, I'm done with Western robots for a while.

How's that image a bad thing?

And never will be. Titanfall isn't a mech game anyway, it's just a dogshit COD clone.

>What is tetris
>What is shenmue like the biggest jap game out there
Are you brain-dead ?

>>implying linux gaming isn't already up to par if not exceeding windows in some titles

Attached: 1426604977809.jpg (200x200, 10K)

>0 advertising
>only dev blog is a retarded podcast
>only available on a store that doesn't have a lot of users

this is the captain seeing the iceberg and saying full steam ahead

Attached: titanic.jpg (1424x908, 415K)

>implying linux gaming isn't already up to par if not exceeding windows in some titles
It's not

tetris is not japanese
>shenmue like the biggest jap game out there
in what reality?

what game

yeah I know

Tetris is made by a jap studio, shenmue is literally made by an old jap, plays in Japan/china, you play a jap and beat up chinks

I didn't even know MW5 was a thing until this announcement

>What is shenmue like the biggest jap game out there
Do japs actually even care about shenmue? I've only ever heard westerners give a shit about it

>tfw a game that runs like dogshit in Windows runs perfectly in Linux because there's no stupid bullshit processes running in the background
Feels great.

FUCK Piranha Games.
>Played MWO for awhile when it came out
>Cool skin is released for $5
>Buy it
>Lots of other people bought it too
>Jew ass devs decide to jack up the price
>But not only jack it up, they forcefully refund you your $5 (in game credits of course) and take away the skin you already bought

I couldn't fucking believe that shit. They actually took everyones skin away that they already paid for and jacked up the price to $15. I'll never buy anything from them again.

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and which game is that?

I mean Koikatsu is garbage compared to Artificial Academy 2 but okay

Shenmue is just less popular Yakuza and Sega said they have no interest in Epic deals due to their relationship with steam users.

No, not in the slightest. If they did, it would not have taken 20 years for a third one to get made and it would not have needed to be crowdfunded and all that.

he's talking about tetris effect

You are memeing, right? There is no way this is real

You have to be kidding me.

Why are you moving the goalpost ?

I haven't played koikatsu, but I have a hard time believe it qualifies as an "intense" porn game

>Popularity is moving the goal post from biggest game argument?

>Sega in 2019
Namco is literally the number one for Japanese games right now

Okay you are fucking retarded, biggest doesn't mean popular at all, it means it's a fully Japanese game, you talked about Japanese games not about popularity, just kys.

Why do they think they'd sell more copies on EGS? Isn't that filled with fortnite 10 year olds? Zoomers don't know or care about mech games.

you can't boycott something that has been dead for 15+ years

It's PGI, I was never going to buy it in the first place.

Absolutely real.

its a niche series, somewhat known name. seems like epics bread and butter at this point. Games that can get lots of hype and publicity but they can easily make deals because the companies know they wont sell alot and may sell more on epic because of the controversy and gets the game more publicity than it would have gotten on major outlets

Why can't devs just be honest about it? "We went to EGS because they offered us a big sack of money". That's all you have to say. It would still be a dick move, but at least you'd be honest about it.

But nooo, we actually did it because some BS about how steam is the devil in disguise, and we're just poor innocent devs.

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Brigador: Killers is looking pretty good.

I need to finish my playthrough of Brigador.

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I bet you anything epic makes them say that for the money

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Remember the time Terraria's devs said they'd never sell out to Epic Games, and Epic was so pissed that they had an "accident" during their E3 presentation that cut out Terraria's stream?

Attached: 2zso201a4am11.jpg (750x733, 25K)


because spouting bullshit is the most effective way to get your dumbest fans to defend you to the death

I believe it was the Phoenix Point devs.

The Phoenix Point devs are the only ones who were honest so far, and I admire them for it.

I'm still going to pirate their game if it ever comes out, but I'm glad they were honest, at least.

Surely that's illegal in at least two dozen countries.

that has to be illegal

i didn't watch the pc show, but re-logic doesn't really need epic subsidies. they have a dedicated audience and a lot of goodwill built up from years of terraria support. whenever their next project ships they'll sell millions of units

I wish devs would just be honest. It's about money, we get it.

You don't need to posture it as if you're doing us a favor.

More like no Steam at all, meaning they can't steer out of the way.

I don't remember, but pretty based if true. I was already looking forward to Terraria's final update.

Just look at the Pc games presentation. When Journey's End was premiering, the stream had "technical troubles" about halfway in, and couldn't be fixed until after it finished.

>Brigador: Killers
They're still making games? I remember the dev completely burning out after they made that. He made a long ass blog post on how difficult it was and that Brigador only sold like a hundred copies or something.

> metal wolf chaos
> damon x machina
> tiny metal full metal rumble
> Code hardcore
> that wwI steampunk mech rts

One western mecha game going down the shittier isn't such a big loss

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Show me the proof of this I dont believe it

Did they fix the abhorrent framerate?

Who is MW5 going to even compete with on Steam? Fucking BattleTech? EDF?

not to mention the countless indie games that one guy kept posting during the steam sale.

I bit this bait once and installed Linux after so many years. I only do art and games on my computer anyways. Long story short: don't believe these lies. Windows games that run well on Linux is few and far between. Went back to windows and never looked back.

nothing now, tim already bought everyone copies so it doesnt need to compete anymore

>he didn't buy Gigantic Army
But why

The entire Astro Port series is underrated.

>Zangeki Warp
>Steel Strider
>Armed Seven

I know you're just shitposting but how in the world is Shenmue the biggest jap game out there?

>>What is shenmue like the biggest jap game out there
Assuming you're joking and not retarded. Shenmue 3's publisher is Deepsilver and likely an act of desperation.

Oh yeah, forgot about the metal wolf chaos remaster
>This game will unlock in approximately 6 days
what a pleasant surprise, user

Attached: 1545699100589.jpg (640x480, 58K)

700 in a few hours since the announcement, AND not everyone keep track of this kind of stuff. Give them a few weeks for the news to catch up to them.


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People literally just play for character creator and posing, you could literally remove the porn with zero impact on actual game.

>announce they're changing platforms at 11:30 PM

>only 700 refunds were requested on the first day

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Along with a several other fixes. that werent listed in the vid.I'd pull the reddit thread if I can find it.

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Jap doesn't mean anime porn faggot
Sure they do, same with metro, it's all desperation

we live in blessed times

> of steam2.jpg

Meh, they fixed a few things, but the framerate is still ass. Is it really so hard to maintain 60 FPS?

Attached: robchads.png (822x636, 183K)

are these jews and kikes the ones that killed the game in first place and blamed customers for it

Oh no, tragic. Guess I just wont buy it then

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seeThey're one and the same.

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>steamtards will defend this social cancer
Valveniggers killed pc games with their shitty facebook spyware.

I'm sorry user, but that still looks too choppy for my tastes. Either 60 or bust.

Someone on the MW discord said refunds were already at 4000 a day or two ago. No proof though so eh.

>biggest doesn't mean popular at all,

>brigador meme
please, it's hardly a mech game. It's a twin stick shooter with only a tiny splash of mech

but its stylish as fuck and fun as fuck.
More of a mech game than japanese lmao fly around at mach 5 doing shit in a 100 ton mech jakie chan can after entire life of practise.

>Patricia Hernandez

dude forgot to mention in that post he's absolutely loaded, like a bank investor or some shit
i don't know how much of that post was ever true because they kept updating the game anyway, hell it literally got a big update yesterday with mod support

Its decent enough from last treehouse showing

>on the decision to switch from Steam to Epic
>"We need money right now"
That's it. That's all there is with PGI. Thank fuck MWLL is still alive.

>More of a mech game than japanese lmao fly around at mach 5 doing shit in a 100 ton mech jakie chan can after entire life of practise.
This is true, but it's still as much of a mech game as, say, Helldivers.

I mean yeah, I'm still gonna buy it. I just wish they chose to cut down the graphical budget and particle effects. We dont need the screen exploding in gay anime shit flashy lights after every hit. Even if it ended up looking like a PS2, that's preferable to performance chug.

>Valve buys Counter Strike
>Valve buys online service that Counter Strike runs on
>Shuts down online service
>Register a Steam account and install this program if you want to continue playing Counter Strike
This is what Gaben cockslee/v/es did not think worthy of a boycott

Well, do preorders on steam stay intact?
If so then the people who preordered are all set. The shit storm would’ve been larger if they pulled the pre orders too

We live in a puritan society when it comes to anime artstyle. Anything with an anime artstyle would be considered intense by these faggots

Steam no longer issues keys for games that are not going to be for sale on Steam

>Well, do preorders on steam stay intact?
No. They forcefully refund you. Some dude even asked that he was fine with waiting a year for the steam release as long as his preorder was still kept in tact but nah. Epic or bust.



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