Should Sony have another go at the portable market? The problem with the Vita wasn't the product, it was the execution.
Nintendo shouldn't have a monopoly.
Should Sony have another go at the portable market? The problem with the Vita wasn't the product, it was the execution.
Nintendo shouldn't have a monopoly.
Other urls found in this thread:
Smartphones killed the portable market
and the console market
and the pc market
and gaming
and the internet
Tf is the difference between the product and the execution lmao
If the execution sucks, the product sucks
Vita as a product had problems, people meme the switch for some blurry ports but least they most of the time run at a playable framerate. This shit could barley run borderlands and Minecraft, the memory stick monopoly Sony tried to do to was also gay. It was a decent piece of tech but when you take those issues above, the price of it Vs. a 3DS, and the library (which is more up to taste) you should understand why Nintendo has a monopoly on the handheld market.
They did it right
This. As much as I love my Vita, they lost to the mobile phone market. The smart thing to do would be to divert any funds for Vita or Vita 2(?), towards good mobile games, ports, and possibly a Sony phone controller
Since the Vita didn't do too well, the next PS handheld is destined to succeed now that Sony has managed to piss off the few devs that actually supported the Vita.
The product itself was good. It was an impressive handheld. The problem was that they didn't support it
I'm okay with monopoly in a handheld market, honestly. PSP was great, i already sold my vita for being a piece of shit device. Brother's friend had a gamegear, which seemed better than gameboy but iguess it also sucked?
I think if Sony tries a new PSP it should have it's own games. No cheating by trying to bring console games to the PSP. The PSP should be it's own console.
Sony opted for a very late abortion after the Vita had already launched and cut off all first-party support to it in favor of the PS4, thinking they were ahead of the reactionary curve to mobile gaming.
The Vita is dated by today's standards but at the time of its release, it was a robust platform for all sorts of products with standard and experimental concepts. That said it does speak to its over reliance on exclusive gimmicks when all its potential was dependent on Sony's support. Third-party multiplats and ports weren't able to take full advantage of everything the Vita offered.
(REMINDER that the Vita was originally intended to have TV out capability which is what the mystery port on the first model was for; Sony intentionally gimped it to sell it as the Vita TV and you can still hard mod first-gens for TV out.)
>good mobile games
No such thing exist or will exist.
Yes, but not with something retarded like the vita. It needs to be something:
- with decent specs, but nothing amazing. like what the 3DS was to the Wii U so small time devs can better approach it
- bank on a gimmick or control method guaranteed to be usable for more than maybe two games, no back touch shit
- drop proprietary memory cards
- [UNLIKELY AS HELL] allow free online on the system
- don’t make it “a vital companion device to the PS5”, let the system have its own identity or at the very least don’t focus 5000% of the marketing on those aspects
I have no fucking idea of what I’m talking about
Fuck no. It'd be too hard to win back the trust of anyone that actually bought a Vita. Any new handheld they release is doomed to fail.
Vita TVs were made from repurposed parts after the OLED model bombed because they had way too many spares sitting around doing nothing. A TV out cord for the mystery port never happened because the thing bombed very hard in all countries.
They only should if they market it as a direct switch competitor, a handheld that's super powerful, that you can plug into the TV, otherwise it'll probably fail. Also they shouldn't forget to make some launch games that appeal to casual fags
>The problem with the Vita wasn't the product
>$300 burgerbucks + tip
>Over expensive proprietary memory cards
>Gimmicky back touch panel
>terrible battery life
>Oled screen
>Terrible sticks
>Toy like design
>Huge bezels
Tell me OP how the problem wasn’t the console?
Nintendo has a monopoly because they actually listen to their consumer base. I have a feeling that sony treated the vita like shit because they weren't too happy with the fanbase that established itself on the system. Instead of catering to those people that willingly gave them money they instead took a huge dump on them, overcharged them for memory cards and to drive them away they censor their games.
Not to mention
>almost zero first-party game support
The only thing that really bugs me about the vita is how I see people today gushing over low quality ports and indie games on the switch who acted like indie games and ports on the vita were inherently a bad thing.
I'm convinced none of those people actually like video games.
The vast bulk of ports on the vita were fine.
People keep looking at borderlands 2 like it was the norm but it was the worst port on the system by a huge margin.
It'd be like holding nintendo to their worst most garbage low teens fps running ports.
Unless lootboxes and every other shit tier Skinner box gets banned overnight won’t happen
>Nintendo has a monopoly because they actually listen to their consumer base.
>Listen to their consumer base
>Still pushing gimmicks people don't want
>Done nothing to fix that shitty online system
>No VC
Yeah, no.
Seriously they could’ve gotten a ton of sales with a SD card model and outright removing the touch pads
Handhelds should be for cheaper experimental games that become cult classics
Dudebros don’t want portable shooters
they half listen. some great ideas on the switch but also a truckload of astoundingly bad decisions all around
The touch pads didn't affect the sales in any way.
Like 99% of games didn't even use them so it was a non issue.
There was no way we were getting open cards like sd cards again after the way the psp got cracked six way to sunday.
>Handhelds should be for cheaper experimental games that become cult classics
Switch console ports say hi.
It's like 5% listen, and even then only when they've fucked up and are scared.
Have you seen how Sony acted this gen? Nintendo, for all it's shitty faults, has somehow supported their system better instead of being lazy asses that coasted on their names alone like how Sony did with the Vita. I regret my Vita purchase with all the 1st party droughts, lack of cool 3rd party initiatives, and how many games get ported to PS4 nowadays. Even with CFW, it was a waste of fucking time and not worth it when you have a PC or a PS4.
>The only thing that really bugs me about the vita is how I see people today gushing over low quality ports and indie games on the switch who acted like indie games and ports on the vita were inherently a bad thing.
Nintendo fans are special breed of retards. It's the first time they had a functional shop that is not bloated by Mii shit, so they'll shill anything and everything, but complain that their weak hardware can't run everything at 60FPS or 720P in handheld mode
>Gimmicks people don’t want
They did rip out the gimmicks in the lite
>Online still shit
>No VC
Seriously what’s the hold up?
Except the Vita TV had an entirely different mobo layout. It's not just gutted OG parts in a different shell.
>back touch panel
I honestly forgot the Vita had that did a lot of games even use it?
The Switch is able to subside on ports because all the prominent ones on the console were Wii U exclusives and next to nobody owned a Wii U.
Barely any, but I still see people who never even really used a vita act like they weren't able to ever use the system because ever touching the back touch pad would somehow fuck up whatever they were playing.
It effectively didn't exist. Stupid worthless gimmick.
some shitty ecchi game and gravity rush had those
Outside of gimmick uses? Most games that did use it, used it as hotspots which led to a lot of input mistakes.
Back touch was fucking great for scrolling through web pages on the Vita's browser though.
For every wii u port on the switch there's at least a dozen other ports people are eating up. You know that just as well as I do.
I know I have a Switch we’re talking about how if Sony wants portable money they gotta do it my way
>Weak hardware
Nigga have you seen how poorly the vita ran?
Borderlands was a straight up slideshow
You had to hack and overclock your vita just for 30 FPS
Explain The Nintendo Switch nigger
>Borderlands was a straight up slideshow
>People keep looking at borderlands 2 like it was the norm but it was the worst port on the system by a huge margin.
Why do you guys keep doing this? It's stupid.
I like 3ds's gimmick and swich's gimmick is the best one, especially if you actually have friends to play console with. DS and wii i don't like in that sense but people thought otherwise.
>online system and no vc
Well that's switch for you, i think switch is where the other nintendo's gen started
Yes. They can't compete with prices against smartphones, but they sure as shit can compete with complexity and/or polish / quality of the experience.
Mobile market is yet to adopt buttons en masse, so there's a pretty fucking big window of opportunity for indies to feel at home on a portable console + occasional big guns AAA game.
It's just another tablet millennial parents can have to babysit their children for them
Alien Shooter was objectively the worst fucking port in entiore history of the Vita platform.
The main problem Sony did with the Vita post-aborting it was opening up more RAM for developers to be further lazier with their ports, where most of them utilizing this mode ran worse in general while not looking as good as any of the earlier games.
there is no "portable console market"
anyone who actually does want to "game on the go" plays games on a phone
switch being a portable console is a meme.
bing bing retards use it as pictured.
I assume that that's because the Switch just has a way larger install base than the Vita. Especially outside of Japan where the kinds of old games that get Switch ports do well.
they were awful, especially when they were used to replace shoulder buttons
good ports were an exception to the norm. If you have low standards and never owned a ps2, I guess it's pretty cool
>Nigga have you seen how poorly the vita ran?
I know, and it was also fucking dumb, but people bitching about how Witcher 3 has dynamic resolution changes when they know fully well their system is shit to play any game with high productions on unless it's optimized. They should either deal with what they have or get a fucking PC if they don't want every new port to be the worst version
Fuck off, i never actually used any handheld on toilet, it's disgusting. Plus, legs i don't feel my legs after a while.
>on the go
I just like to play on a handheld, it's like ultimate gaming experience for me, why the fuck would i play on a tv where i watch movies or play on a pc where i do my work and shitpost. Phone games are arlight but you are on a board where everybody hate them and i don't like the controls either
>Plus, legs i don't feel my legs after a while.
fatass detected
>good ports were an exception to the norm
Not really. Most the ps2 ports were just fine, and several ran better and at higher resolution than the ps2 games.
Then there's ports like disgaea 3, 4, odin sphere, muramasa etc that were good to great.
>Even with CFW, it was a waste of fucking time and not worth it when you have a PC or a PS4.
It sure ain't worth the hassle if you play at home, but it's a portable gaming system and as such it beats the living shit out of travelling around with a gaming laptop.
Also, lots of addictive, gameplay-oriented third party games on it that get smacked in the chops for not being published by AAA corporation.
It's more a case Switch owners are hungry for anything, and indies are finding a decent grounds there for re-releasing their shit onto it. Vita had the exact same thing happen to it, which was fine since most of the ports never were on a portable device before so there's appeal in that regards, just the Switch has the power to do more than just indie games. Unfortunately it mostly means gettomg last-gen ports
>If you have low standards and never owned a ps2 (...)
is it bad I got foxhound rank on MGS3 on my vita?
A bunch of switch people straight up won't play anything that isn't on a nintendo system out of some bizarre brand loyalty.
It's funny watching them react to years old ports like it's brand new stuff no one has ever seen before.
No, i actually work out but i was skinny before. On chair - it's alright but on toilet legs just stop working or something, if you sit for more than 10 minutes.
No, not the current sony.
A sony with a western bias can't pull off a good handheld.
The vita was pretty good, it just died because of a lack of support and it didn't differentiate enough from mobile.
This is what they should do for a vita 2:
>Keep OLED screen
>physical layout pretty much the same but without rear touch panel
>Add trigger buttons
>SD cards
>Some kind of Android shell so it can play Android games
>Actually support the thing with games
Fuck off with your console war shit
They get numb if you sit for a long time, for most people
That's almost every single-platform gamer out there. It's only in sharper focus surrounding the Switch because it's getting a lot of last gen ports.
>>Some kind of Android shell so it can play Android games
I'm pretty sure this would guarantee it would be hacked right out the gate.
>The only thing that really bugs me about the vita is how I see people today gushing over low quality ports
That bugs me a bit too but the difference between a low quality Vita port and a low quality Switch port are like night and day.
A bad Switch port is either an old game that runs at 50fps most of the time like RE4 at a bit lower than native res, or a dynamic resolution FPS game like dips down to 20-25 before going back up to 30 when the action isn't happening.
A bad Vita port would be under 800x480 with a high of 25 fps that likes to hover in the 15-20fps range with dips down to the low teens even though they cut the lighting, shadows and textures down as low as they could.
It wasn't just Borderlands 2 on Vita either. Revelations 2 gets even worse than that in its raid mode, xcom is just as bad in performance with almost minute long load screens, GalGun DP has over a minute load in before it runs like crap and still has terrible load screens, and every Atelier game is closer to 20fps at all times even in menus. That isn't even all the bad ports either.
I will never trust Sony again after how they treated the Vita, so they can stay the fuck out of the mobile market because I'm still fucking pissed over how they handled things.
sure, if you like to play something on the bus or traveling somewhere then I guess it's fine, but for everything else it's kinda worthless
Sony shouldn't do shit to be honest. After the vita and ps4 and all the stupid censoring, and gay shit I have no faith in the company anymore. I moved on
The only decent port was maybe Muramasa with all the extra content. I remember Demon's Crown was bad tho
Dragon's Crown became less bad with the later patches, but Sorceress can still tank the framerate.
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir was near perfect though.
This is known I only perfer Switch + pc
Switch for convenience
PC for everything else
I pretty much only use my Switch for exclusives and indies that could run on a fridge like Baba is you or Nercodancer if the difference are minimal to non existent I’ll buy it on Switch
PC for graphics, FPS, shooters anything and everything else
Don’t listen to other console fags trying to sell you an underpowered laptop GPU from 2012
Vita is probably the only gaming related console I ever regretted purchasing. What an unsupported piece of trash. Maybe if they had actually tried to put games on it would there have been an audience for it
I just wish the handheld pc market could take off. I love the idea of having something like a GPDwin instead of a laptop
The only ones who should make a portable anymore is Microsoft. Only because I want Vert to get an actual sister, I don't give a fuck if it flops or whatever.
Not a problem on the ps4 pro ho
There's the Smach Z besides GPDWin, but they're all too expensive tbqh. You can get a better a laptop or PC for the prices they put out
They mentioned that in their financial statements when they took a big loss on the OLED Vita and started making the 2k and Vita TVs instead.
Just because it has a different mobo doesn't mean they can't reuse parts that every Vita has like the SoC, Vita game card reader, Vita memory card reader, etc.
Eh I ended up skipping a lot of games because I dropped gaming entirely around 2013-late 2017
Unironically Splatoon 2 not only got me back into video games but it helped me stop drinking since I needed to be focused to win matches
It'd have to be parts not already assembled though, since it'd cost more to hire someone to desolder the parts than to just make new ones.
What are some good Vita games?
Bitch we already have a PC goddess they just don't want her to have a SSster
Nothing wrong with that. MGS3 plays fine on the Vita. It's a fine port. Jak and Daxter on the other hand is god awful, literally unplayable on the vita and a shit port overall.
>That bugs me a bit too but the difference between a low quality Vita port and a low quality Switch port are like night and day.
There's more terrible quality switch ports than there are terrible quality vita ports.
Most of the ports you are likening to borderlands 2 are also significantly less shitty than borderlands 2.
Just completely fucked up the vita 12 ways to Sunday
They would’ve been better off giving some interns a little lunch money and told them to make some experimental turn based rpgs
Persona 4 golden, soul sacrifice delta, freedom wars, tearaway, uncharted, muramasa
You say that as if the veeter had been some technological shitshow, but things like the screen, battery, WiFi quality and build quality were miles ahead of even the switch today.
Things like Uncharted ran well and looked great, it's the fact that no developer gave a shit that made most things run like ass.
>Keep OLED screen
Oh yeah, cannot wait for my screen to look like shit down the line.
Vita battery life, sleep battery maintenance, and screen quality just destroy the switch so hard.
Control layout for ergonomics is also nicer in my opinion.
The price need to come down hard like 500$ hard.
700$ For a 3DS sized pc that’s barely stronger than the switch is ridiculous
Only a sucker pays retail on those.
I got a gpd win 2 with a 500gb ssd installed on it for $475 in January.
>towards good mobile games
Premium mobile games do not sell. There is too much shit getting released daily that obfuscates any actual legitimate releases, and people don't want to pay any more than a dollar at most for apps despite spending hundreds in microtransactions. The premium mobile market is idiotic to divert funds into. EA and Squeenix are like the only companies who have actually made decent games for mobile and even their games are obscenely overpriced and not worth it for how short they are.
>The price need to come down hard like 500$ hard.
So it needs to be cheaper than the switch, yet more powerful and compact?
I am thinking about getting a used vita, which one should I get? the old model or the new one???
it's too late
Switch is cannibalizing all the Vita's exclusives already and Sony California can't attract those niche devs back
Problems is Switch has Nintendo games a given
TV out
SD card compatible
Bigger cartridge space etc
The crazy part the 3DS vita’s older more gimmicky competitor had bigger carts than the vita did that’s why a ton of 3DS games had voice acting and exact bonuses
new one if you don't want your fingers fucked by the ergonomics
Yes if not only moderately more expensive than the switch
I don’t see if taking off if it’s more expensive than 400 tops
There's homebrew that allows you to output a Vita's video to a computer via USB. Not quite TV out, but essentially the same thing
links to the hard modding stuff? i can only find vague articles.
Still mad SoulSac never got a PS4 iteration at the least so it didn't die with the Vita.
>The crazy part the 3DS vita’s older more gimmicky competitor had bigger carts than the vita did that’s why a ton of 3DS games had voice acting and exact bonuses
The largest 3ds cartridge game file size ever was 3.6gb
A lot of vita games are the same or larger than that, on cart.
It's a niche market. It isn't supposed to just "take off" and you are asking for more than you realize.
Stalk the gpd win subreddit buy/sell post.
I have no idea why they abandoned that franchise. They could have just ported delta to ps4 and had a hit.
the new one has a oled screen right?
>Nintendo shouldn't have a monopoly.
>implying nintendo has a monopoly
Christ that's some strong bait.
2000 is lcd
1000 is oled
I have both, it's really no different holding either.
I just found out that sony put a new firmware patch up for the vita that patches the current exploit. If you havent updated get to it. Shit is going to get more difficult from here on out for you guys late to the game.
Install Enso and install VSOI so that you can permantly install vitashell over something useless like Near
no, lcd, you can hack it and improve the colors to make it as close as the OLED. it's really not worth it to get the OG
The Vita has a good handful of exclusives that deserve a second life on another platform (or at least a cheap PC port). Soul Sacrifice, Freedom Wars, Dungeon Travelers 2, Shiren the Wanderer 5, Demon Gaze, Oreshika, etc
if you havent hacked it get to it*
people who have not modded or even gotten a vita yet are those who don't care or are stupid or both
>People keep looking at borderlands 2 like it was the norm but it was the worst port on the system by a huge margin.
Because it came bundled with the fucking system for the longest time so it's the one with the most exposure. When it came out it also immediately pulled the veil off of the marketing saying that it could handle PS3 games on the go.
Somebody explain to me how you were supposed to hold this thing in your hands and actually use the thumb sticks
you don't have thumbs?
Sony made a lot of really fucking dumb, cheap decisions in that era of the Vita. Poor marketing, and hiring literalwho's to make/port games on both PS3/Vita that were travesties.
You have to get a grip, the vita by itself is unergonomic as fuck
>Because it came bundled with the fucking system for the longest time
Nah, it wasn't that long and it was years into the system's life.
It's mostly just fanboys who cherry pick and act like it's the norm because that's what fanboys do.
>When it came out it also immediately pulled the veil off of the marketing saying that it could handle PS3 games on the go.
It literally had Uncharted at launch and a shitload of ps3 multiplats/ports before borderlands 2 came out that worked much better.
You act like this was a launch title.
Sony failed in the handheld market because they wanted to compete with nintendo who's been dominating it for years but also couldn't be bothered to do any of the legwork required. The second sony didn't see massive profits from dipping their toes in the handheld space they called the entire endeavor a failure and dropped it. Nintendo's handhelds have always been garbage from a tech standpoint but they beat out everyone who tries to go up against them because nintendo actually supports them.
>borderlands 2 was the worst port
>he hasn't "played" ratchet and clank: q-force
I'm unsure about which Vita game to start
Show me
not really, it's more like for millennial parents, while their kids are on the iPad all day
I have actually played both of those.
Borderlands 2 is a worse port.
Weird I could’ve sworn I had 8 gig games on 3DS
>Stalk reddit
I’d rather put my dick in a fire ant hill
Everyone on Yea Forums is a business analyst apparently
Why is this so hard for you? I have big hands and this is easy.
Using the 3ds' dpad, that is a real pain.
>It literally had Uncharted at launch and a shitload of ps3 multiplats/ports before borderlands 2 came out that worked much better.
no it didn't, uncharted was made by sony bend and most bigger games were made specifically for the vita like the asscreed with girl protag or killzone mercenaries. BL2 was first current gen game at the time to have a port to vita
It doesn't work. Like all sony controllers it is unegronomic as fuck and created for baby chink hands
The issue was absolutely the product. Proprietary charge, proprietary memory cards. I can sort of excuse the charger, you really only had the option of micro usb at the time, usb-c was JUST coming into it's own, but the memory cards are just shit, and are 100% the reason it failed commercially. If they go for it, they'd probably be just as paranoid (and rightfully so, admittedly) about piracy and hacking so they'd probably do it in a real similar way, and end up getting burned again.
So nah, I think they should focus on the shit they have. Work on PS now some more, it's really shaping up to be a solid service on pc, and on ps4 letting you download ps4 and ps2 titles directly to play them as opposed to having to stream them is an enormous step up from how it used to be.
Maybe that's why we've all made such fat gainz in Crypto
Imagine playing with this hand position for more than 5 minutes. Lmaooo
I mean hell the 3DS had an objectively awful launch
They lower the price and gave people who brought the most expensive model ambassador access to free games
Show us how you hold yours.
I want to see your mutant hands.
So long as they don't do retarded shit like the expensive proprietary memory cards and UMDs I'm all for another competitor in the handheld market. The Switch doesn't really fill the same niche that the 3DS/Vita had since everything on it has to be designed with console-tier graphics in mind. If Sony wanted to they could probably bring out a DS knockoff of their own now that Nintendo has abandoned the dual screen design. I think it would do pretty well if Sony actually bothers to support it with good first party games.
This probably won't ever happen though since it seems that Sony is doubling down on the AAA graphics movie-game format which just can't exist on handheld.
>implying I would buy a shita
I mean the Gameboy player existed just fine
>and UMDs
'eh? If it weren't for UMDs at the time of PSP's release we'd be stuck with games weighing in under 128mb on the regular like the DS which means handheld-tier production values with no voice acting, animations, music that wasn't midi'd, etc.
>proprietary memory cards cause we wanna prevent hacking/piracy
>Vita gets hacked anyway, and most people opt to purchase a microSD adapter to avoid dealing with the shitty, overpriced proprietary memory
Should've just used microSD to begin with. The only reason why the PSP took off was due to CFW. If it wasn't hacked, 90% of people would've never gotten one. Trying to lock down the Vita like Fort Knox was counterintuitive, cause people familiar with Sony portables expected a cool, relatively powerful emulation machine with a nice niche library of it's own
>Oh my god it's sooooo uncomfortable to hold it's impossible.
>No, it's easy
>How do you hold it
Enjoy pretending to be retarded.
I mean, it took almost the entire life of the vita for hacks to actually start happening, and that did more but let you emulate PSP. They were absolutely correct in their assumption that the memory card was key.
>>No, it's easy
And this is where I started audibly laughing
the switch has much worse hardware than the vita had, compared to the time it was released
people dont want handhelds
switch only sells because of the nintendo cult
This. Really can't overstate how hard the memory cards fucked the vita. I would have never bought one without the sd card adapter.
I remember people on Yea Forums criticizing sony for not doing more to protect the psp from piracy.
I often wonder if a lot of those same people then complained about proprietary cards on the vita.
It can't be its own thing. It basically just has to be a portable ps4. Maybe throw in Vita backwards compatibility if it's possible.
Sometimes less is more and restrictions breed creativity
10/10 user
PSP couldn't have been protected, realistically. There was no way for them to foresee all the vulnerabilities and shit. They could have been more cautious but I think they underestimated people in general. And even then there were things like the lumines overflow that were tied to a game, rather than the system itself or their ofw (though it interacted with the ofw obviously so they patched it later). Vita was fort knox, comparatively.
Also people forget the psp had proprietary memory too, it was the only device for like a full year and a half to use produo, then they launched a line of cameras that used them as well because nobody was fucking buying them just for PSP. It was just significantly more exploitable before then because the memory cards were made like total shit and let you put pretty much anything on them, which led to magic bootsticks.
Except people built memory card readers early on in the hardware's life, so it wasn't even that. All it would have done if it was an attack vector was spawn a market of chink Vita card readers.
yup, UMDs were, surprisingly, more cheaper per GB than flash memory (even factoring in economy of scale with mass production, Sony would have to shell out, at least, 20-30 bucks in materials production cost for a single 1GB memory card vs couple of bucks per a piece of plastic that is optical media)
I don't think Sony wants to get stomped a third time
They understand their role in the industry, it's one that Nintendo doesn't threaten and conversely Sony doesn't threaten them
Right, but I'm saying the audience for Sony portables only cared about piracy/homebrew/emulation. So, take CFW away, and it bombs. Sure, software sales may suffer, but with easy CFW early in the life cycle like the PSP had, the hardware would've been flying off the shelves.
>implying any of that is a bad thing
they could have done a lot more, the PSP may have been swiss cheese with little exploit mitigation but that doesn't mean you have to launch with no sigchecks and literally release the private keys in a ps3 update
>Also people forget the psp had proprietary memory too
The big difference there was that I could plug my pro duo into my pc and have free access to files. That was corrected with the vita cards.
>I remember people on Yea Forums criticizing sony for not doing more to protect the psp from piracy.
Why is Yea Forums the only board on this site that has a problem with piracy? I think that there are people on here that have severe mental issues if they really invest this much of themselves into companies that couldn't give less of a shit about the consumer.
>Also people forget the psp had proprietary memory too
Which wasn't limited to just the PSP, and had card readers.
>Why is Yea Forums the only board on this site that has a problem with piracy?
corporate shills from pajeetistan pushing the narrative that piracy is bad for customers (when it demonstrably is the only way to preserve access to vidya long-term)
A lot of people in gaming who are fanboys have tied their identity around the brands that they buy to such an extent that anything that isn't totally positive for that brand is taken by them to be a personal attack on their identity.
It's bizarre behavior that is solidly against their best interest.
It's really quite sad.
Unironically Honkai Impact.
And to kill the systems fatser, thanks to you retards we don't have the psp anymore.
What could be years worth of games turned to nothing.
Between corporate shills and pirate’s fatigue it’s hard to tell the shill from a digital stamp collector
PSP had more games than Vita and they sold better too
>hurr piracy killed psp
And I guess Android vidya market crashed because apk are easily downloadable as well, right?
It's actually really convenient for me to call you a retard without the need of explaining why
For how big of an install base it had, PSP games sold poorly or at most 1-2 mil copies. Everyone and their mother had a hacked PSP, it was so easy
>psp is easy to pirate games for
>sells well
>vita is hard to pirate games for
>nobody buys it
Every successful console/handheld has had a strong pirate scene for it, piracy doesn't kill anything and in fact helps convince people to buy the systems in the first place, which is by far the biggest barrier to entry that stops people from buying games being sold exclusively for that system.
there are like 5 vita games that sold more than a million anyway, lmao
>1-2mil copies
You're full of shit.
PS4 units sold - 100M
Best-selling games - Uncharted 4 (15M, 15% of userbase), God of War (10M, 10%), Horizon Zero Dawn (10M, 10%)
PSP units sold - 80M
Best-selling games - GTA LCS (8M, 10% of userbase), Monster Hunter (5M, 6%), Gran Turismo (4M, 5%)
Doesn't seem that much of disparity.
Nintendo wouldn't have a monopoly if the competition didn't royally fuck up every generation. Seriously, how hard is it to make a decent handheld with good games? Sega fucked up by making a product that died after 30 minutes. Neo Geo Pocket had fuckall in rhe way of games. PSP was a good emulation machine, that was it though. Atari Lynx sucked too.
Besides, Sony owns the console market lock stock and barrel, and nobody complains. Let Nintendo have something.
>Every successful console/handheld has had a strong pirate scene for it, piracy doesn't kill anything and in fact helps convince people to buy the systems in the first place,
3DS sold really well before the freeshop became prevalent. What helped was good prices and fucking video games on the 3DS, not specs or shitty memory cards by Sony.
And I dunno PSP selling well means anything when the games got easily pirated to the point they hardly reach decent sales figure
Of course they should. Nay sayers are fags that don’t leave their house.
I think they should throw in the towel. Hell even Sony is saying theie focus is on consoles. They don't want to throw more money away, and I don't blame them. They're focusing on their strengths, as is Nintendo.
How the heck did Horizon sell so much as a new IP? I don't even recall Sony advertising it that hard.
>3DS sold really well before the freeshop became prevalent
Yeah, it sold so well the CEO had to take a paycut and they bumped the price of the 3ds down from $300 to $250 while making an official apology.
>PS4 units sold - 100M
forgot to mention that it's not even the ceiling yet, so the percentage will go even lower.
Ironically, the much more protected from pirates platform, Vita, has turned out to be the least adopted in userbase count (because no pirated games + high entry hardware cost means "it can fuck off"), where higher userbase would mean higher chance for a random user to buy something really good (which, in turn, would lure more talented third-party developers onto a platform, and so on, and so on).
Piracy is never a black-white in terms of harm vs benefit it can actually offer, especially for a proprietary platform.
Word of mouth? It looked fresh back in the day (ooga boogas hunting robot dinosaurs in a post-apocalyptic landspace)
>Best-selling games - GTA LCS (8M, 10% of userbase), Monster Hunter (5M, 6%), Gran Turismo (4M, 5%)
Oh look, high profile games on the system and actual killer apps in it's early years before the system got fucked by pirates. Japan loved their monster hunter, i'll give you that, but PS4 games can still sell way after the system was released compared to PSP
Hacking legit killed the phantasy star series for year because Sega was scared shitless no one would buy a western release after how many people pirated portable 2
If they are going to make a new handheld, it should be something original, and not the usual clone of whatever the hell Nintendo is doing. For instance, they shouldn't make something like "The PlayStation Swap".
3DS piracy dates further back than freeshop.
Nintendo listen to consumers? What parallel universe are you from? I do own both consoles and agree with most criticism towards vita (memory card, charger port in 1st model, oled screen, marketing, etc...) but the switch have their share of problems from consoles bending, joystick ghosting, low battery life and usbc is not using the standard so you need to buy Nintendo stuff under the penalty of breaking your console.
About Nintendo listen to consumers, we asked for a better online service not happening, the only reason I have online is to have cloud backups, this leads to my next point no offline backup tools if you don't pay for switch online and you unfortunately have to send your switch for repair kiss good bye to your saves and there's that stupid app to play online.
3DS piracy didn't become rampant until rxTools was cracked in mid 2015.
It still sold well, faggot, at least Iwata knew he fucked up about the pricing and slashed it, which resulted in more sales
PS4 had a drought where that was like the only notable (non-remaster) exclusive in ages.
I probably should give the game a look at some point given it's dirt cheap now. Just haven't been using my PS4 much lately. Probably will just play the backlog of that on an eventual PS5 when the price is right.
When doesn't it?
No. They have no fucking idea how to make handhelds, and if they make another it's going to be a gaming phone that nobody will care about. Hell, the Vita itself is practically like a phone with its ass-backwards app display and the whole attempt to have it basically be a mobile phone.
Guess that explains Days Gone doing well also. Maybe by the time I get around to that they fixed 80% of the basic jank I still see in odd clips to this day.
GT PSP launched late in the PSP's life. Freedom Unite and Portable 3rd also launched late in the PSP's life. (Freedom 1&2 predate MonHun being a cultural phenomenon, especially in the west). GTA: LCS was essentially launch window.
How possible/impossible would it be to have a handheld that straight up used physical PS4 discs?
Remember the Sega Nomad? Young me thought it was the coolest fucking thing because it used your existing Genesis carts
I can't see a portable PS4 that used the discs. Either they'd require an (optional) external drive to dump the game onto it (which 99% of PS4 game basically do anyways, disc is just there for physical-ownership validation), or digital downloads.
Either case, about a good decade away minimum from that to run the actual games? 5-6 years for mobile hardware that would equate to a PS4 otherwise.
First we have to consider a few things:
How big are we willing to let this "handheld" be? If you expect anything Switch sized and legitimately portable stop where you're going and give up, at least for now. If you don't give a shit, then get ready to gut a PS4 and begin the long process of making it somehow work in the size you've gone with.
The disc drive would be the first thing you have to ditch. Too heavy, bulky and power hungry.
A portable PS4 _might_ be feasible but it'd have some kind of solid state storage.
Reading optical discs on a portable has always been a shit idea.
Sony only really have a chance if they can run actual PS4 games on a handheld, Who knows, maybe by the time the PS5 comes out they literally could so long as the games have tweaks, and maybe lower textures, etc. to make the game sizes smaller for mobile.
Powerful portables have always been a shit idea. PSP is the only time it worked well
>Powerful portables have always been a shit idea
Where does that leave the Switch?
Too powerful to be a portable (shit battery life) and not powerful enough to be a console (ports run like garbage)
Who gives a shit about some californian game copany anymore
If you look at total software attach rates then PSP is under half their worst software attach rate on a console.
All their consoles are over 9:1 while PSP is under 4.5:1. They refuse to give any Vita numbers so that's probably even lower than PSP's.
The Vita has an excellent attach rate, some say about 10:1, but 10x20 million is a lot worse than 4x80 million
please look forward to ps5
Plausible. Vita was basically a PS2.5 in your pocket. We probably could have had much better looking games if devs had spent more time with the device.
No company ever managed to do well in both the home console space and the handheld space
When Nintendo started the Game Boy line with great success, it's when their home consoles started to go down the shitter (N64, Gamecube...)
Playstation started the PSP and then the PS3 debacle happened. They had to stop supporting the Vita to focus on the PS4 to save themselves.
Supporting two types of machines is too much for these companies, especially now that you have mobile on end of the spectrum and PC at the other hand theatening consoles altogther
I have my vita hacked but hardly play it. I went through the 20 or so games that people always recommend but nothing stuck with me except persona 4. I just cant bring myself to play dragons crown and killzone that much. I wanna put psp games on there too but its the same problem, seems like a lot of them are just ps2 ports or RPGs that are also on PC. what do people reccomend? Also, how do I hack my shit to always stay hacked even when its off? I hat ehaving to do the email shit every time.
Quick question: how many Zuma-like games does Vita have access to?
There are Zuma, 2 Luxor games from PSP library and also 3 Sparkle games on Vita itself. Did I miss anything?
>permanent hack
Enso henkaku, but you need to be on firmware 3.60 or 3.65. doesn't work on anything else.
>game recommendations
Shiren the Wanderer 5, Oreshika, Soul Sacrifice Delta, Dungeon Travelers 2, Freedom Wars, Demon Gaze
use enso
>No company ever managed to do well in both the home console space and the handheld space
Unless you conveniently ignore the DS+Wii era.
the problem was the vita was released way too early for its own good.
>have another go at the portable market
Do they want to?
i hope so