I've lost interest in all of my hobbies including video games. What do I do? Is there a video game that can fix this?

I've lost interest in all of my hobbies including video games. What do I do? Is there a video game that can fix this?

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have sneed

Stop eating like shit.
Create something.

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Create what? I have no motivation.

Motivation is a snowball not an explosion.
If you refuse to accept that you're already dead.

No, there is no cure for depression, you should invest in a helium tank and fix all your problems.
Also keep your drama and woe is me bullshit out of the video games board, you're bringing everyone down with your sissy shit.

it's about a mindset in a lot of ways, you gotta keep telling yourself to do something until you just go "fuck it, why not" and you actually go out and do it. it's not over night, but when you think about doing something try to just force yourself no matter what.

Read the Bible and try going to church. You're discovering the futility of a life spent dedicated to materialistic desires.

>Motivation is a snowball not an explosion.
That's some good stuff, thanks user.

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Yeah, same. Can't be fucked to draw, make music, I get plenty of exercise, so on.

I'm going to go for a walk, get some nice headphones to cancel noise with, delete distractions. Best to intercept this pattern of behaviour before it gets out of hand. Bouts of disinterest strike us all from time.

You know what, we might just make it after all bros.

Great way to put it, thanks bud

This is the worst thing I've ever seen fuck me

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i used to never be able to focus on video games but now that my life has no meaning and i can't socialize i am capable of playing nonstop for 28 hours at a time, idk maybe ruin your life that might do it

quite the opposite. When i had some mental security in that my friends, job, lifestyle, etc. would never change, I was able to play video games all day. Now that they're all gone and I have all the time in the world, I can't play or do any pass time for more than 5 minutes without feeling the pointlessness in it all and thinking i should speed things up and just kill myself

Try killing yourself bruh

learn an instrument. Piano is super accessible, you can learn just a little each day and a shitty keyboard will run you like 60 dollars.

someone put this in one of those shitty threads on /wg/


I learned piano when I was younger. I really want to learn the drums. I just don't know where I can take lessons.

The game is called a therapist faggot get out your room and do the dishes

Fuck yeah man, pick it back up and learn drums while you're at it. Just a simple google search if you want a teacher. If you want to fuck around with picking it up yourself there's rock band-esk electric drums that'll get you going

I worked that terrible job for 2 years for trash pay, working 5AM to 2PM, monday through Friday. I had no life through my mid 20s. I was fired from my old shitty job at the age of 26. I spent almost the entirety of my 27th year a shut in, caring for an aunt with dementia.

I got back to school just last fall. Did 2 semesters of hard work, started an internship in the spring. Got straight As through 2 full time semesters, and now I have 2 jobs going, and plans to move out and take a trip in the next 6 months. One more semester and I'll at least have my associates, and I know I can do my Bachelors now, and I have people I met along the way rooting for me.

Change is tough, but the first step is the hardest as they say.

I've been looking at a few electric drum kits. I might just do it user. I love music a lot and I want to make music.

so this must be the local thread where we cry and blogshit about our lives because Jewbook is for normies and twatter is for fuckwits


It's ok Vinny, just do corruptions more often and it'll be ok.

What did he mean by this?

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Keep saying it

Nothing, honestly.
welcome to depression.
either find ways to be entertained, leave this plane of existence, or go on anti-depressants and ruin your body.
watching other people have fun playing games helps somewhat. find a couple youtubers and watch them.
also start playing mobage.
watching lpers while playing mobage is reasonably entertaining.

Gaki no Tsukai is my secret weapon for the really bad days.

fuck off weeb

I may be a husk but at least I'm not a faggot.

nah your just a weeb faggot

I love Gaki no Tsukai. Where can I watch it?

You could at least change the day.

How to regain interest in vidya & other hobbies in 2 easy steps:
>Access router settings
>Block access to Yea Forums

Metal Gear Rising back in the time made me love videogames again.

has everything you need

I like this saying. I'm probably gonna still kill myself but I'll snowball my suicide instead

Play old games you actually enjoyed. Its not like newer video games are getting any better.

You forgot to change the date faggot

>Is there a video game that can fix this?
Metal Gear Rising
God Hand

Based fucking user
Thank you

How can you expect anyone to recommend you a videogame if you don't even tell us what you like?

It means you're growing up. Be glad you naturally lose inclination to waste time on immature hobbies as adult responsibilities take over.

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Everyone is just going to assume you're depressed and tell you to kill yourself.

Which actually a bad idea. But you only get to do it once.

Change the way you approach problems. That last sentence says it all. We act based on our past experiences. You're not happy, you want to be. As a child, video games easily brought happiness. When the things that you resorted to as a child stop working, it feels like nothing could possibly make you happy. When you decide what you want to do, you're probably choosing out a list of hobbies you've already had. You need to do new shit. Meet new people. Don't let your inner monologue bullshit you when it comes up with an excuse to not do every single new activity you think of, because you'll probably think that. Power through that shit and force yourself to do new things.

Also try not frequently visiting communities such as this pile of shit that are filled with depressed assholes who wallow in their own anger/sadness. All the tiny negative shit you see on the internet every minute seems minor when looked at individually, but if all you surround yourself with are negative thoughts from others you WILL begin to constantly generate negative thoughts and emotions. You may not think it does, but it really be like that.

Telling people to fuck off from videogames to find happiness is what I'd expect from a shithole like Yea Forums. People say you'll come around and enjoy them again but they're lying. I did that with Anime when I burned out and 10 years later it's now all too strange for me to ever get back into. I'm sure the depressed fucks on Yea Forums get their jollies in knowing they're tricking people into ditching their only means of happiness and making them sink to their jaded level.

Of course there isn't technically anything wrong with getting a new hobby. Even if it's just browsing tvtropes or something.

there's a few things you can do to help:

>take a break from vidya, about a week/month should do and focus on something else for a bit.
>play an old game that you absolutely love
>try playing something new or you have not played before get out of your comfort zone
>play games with others
>try new hobbies
>change your diet and exercise
>quit Yea Forums (block it and never visit here ever again)

if those don't work then you might want to seek professional help from a therapist

Play pinball

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I miss the pinball game that came with xp.

why do so many people say quitting Yea Forums will help with depression?

play a video game from a genre you normally don't enjoy/are good at. for me it's fighting games, when I lose interest in everything i'm playing at the moment I spend a week or so trying to git gud at a fighting game character. after that I find myself enjoying the games i used to play again.

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>start playing mobage
Worst fucking advise on existance, probably a nip shill

It's called depression you retard, go talk to your physician and get some pills.

Do antidepressants really work? I've heard they can make you numb. It also can take awhile for them to work and find which pills will work for you.

Get a gf and make up for the youth you never had that still haunts you

They do work but sometimes you might have to try more than one before you find one that works without shitty side effects. I used to take celexa and it definitely helped the depression but made me yawn constantly and made me take FOREVER to cum, like so long that i'd lose interest in sex before i could finish.

Stop eating processed foods, make your own from fresh shit
Start going to the gym, even if it's just an hour a day, lift and run
Only masturbate once every few days
Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night

Yeah I heard SSRIs can make it hard to cum. Is that the same for girls too?

I can vouch for this user and Celexa. The difference it made in my mood once it finally kicked in (after a few weeks) was utterly astounding.

I ain't got no problems getting off, but that's probably because I'm a wanker. I imagine having sex with someone takes a lot more effort to cum than just beating off to some quality porn.

>Is that the same for girls too?
I have no idea, sorry user.

Depressed and without an aim in life?
-Go out for a walk consistently on a consistent schedule, 1 hour a day will do
-Transform these walks on full exercise routines -define your interests
-Set up a medium/long term goal
-make a road map of smaller goals to reach that major goal, get obssesed to these maller goals
-get an unrelated job for a few months
-save money, weight up your resume
-get yourself in a course of something related to what you wanna do
-learn about it and practice on your free time
-AVOID DISTRACTIONS, shitposting on 4chin is fine, but avoid everything else that's not necessary and can be done later i.e video games, avoid online skinner boxes like the plague.
-once you've obtained enough experience in your field of choice, apply yourself on places that you're interested and/or start making a small personal project that you can profit from.
-at that point you will most likely be set, enjoy your career, money and video games will feel more entertaining.

These saved my life at the time, a simple scheduled every day walk can save yours too.

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play shadow tactics

>ruin your body
Some people need a combination of meds and therapy

>and made me take FOREVER to cum, like so long that i'd lose interest in sex before i could finish.
Sign me up bruh that sounds fuckin great

shit advice

nah some people just need a bullet desu

>tfw turning 25 at the end of october with a shitty job and no education
This post is good motivation. Thanks user.

Guess I'll just have to find out.

>t. Antidepressant selling jew
Fuck off kike get gassed.

Can you fuck off back to /pol/? You better yet, just fuck off and never come back.

No, retard, deal with it and eat shit.

lol what? you're assuming alot
"get some exercise and set goals" is the useless advice every therapist tells you
if you're depressed then figure out why you're depressed

It's easy when you're white.

Well I have this as well. I needed a painful wake up call to get out of the hole of apathy I have sunken into (again) in the last few years. Now I feel like shit instead of being apathetic 24/7 but I enjoy some things again at least.

You grow older, develop a different taste, its normal. Your solution is to stop be a retard and find yourself some new hobbys

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I'm the same way. Years ago I was very depressed to the point where I didn't leave my bed and was a full time NEET. I finally started to talking to people and got a job and was doing relatively okay. I found a job that I liked. Then one day I woke up couldn't fucking do it anymore. I've become NEET again and I'm honestly over existing.

>tfw losing interest in videogames and instead spending most of my time at bars or parties and having sex with girls

how do i stop this Yea Forums....

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>If you refuse to accept that you're already dead.
Deep down I already knew it

kys frogfucker

Yeah something like that. I isolated myself years ago for a while, ruined my life that way, then came the BANG, I got my shit together (also lost around 50 kg of weight in the recovery time) but the last few years I have slipped back into the apathy again. Until Another BANG a while ago, so now I'm on the up again.

I wonder why this happens. I'm waiting for myself to find something, ANYTHING to keep going but it's looking pretty unlikely. Maybe I do need to seek therapy.

>Motivation is a snowball not an explosion.
I've always wanted to be an artist and only recently have I actually begun to pursue it. By no means am I where I want to be since I've only been at it for maybe two weeks now, but I'm actually picking up paper and clipboard and wanting to improve, which is a lot more than my wishful ass did 5 years ago.

Same. I recently went to a new doctor (like the first doctors visit in 5-6 years for me) and he foolishly asked some questions and stupid me gave honest answers. First he told me we could try therapy, then that he would really recommend it and finally told me he would like to grab me by the hair and drag me to therapy. I have no time for it right now but once the storm blows over I'm gonna fucking do it finally. Lost too much to it already.

Try Ross' big game list user. His list doesn't focus on all the mainstream shit that gets all the coverage so if you still aren't interested in video games after perusing it then yeah it's safe to say you're no longer interested in video games.

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I've seen so many therapist and have never stuck with it. I don't know why. I'm 25 and depression really is ruining my life. I've already missed out on my teen years due to depression. Didn't even lose my virginity until I was 19. I'm so lonely and hate leaving the house. Fuck I just want to feel normal.

he has horrendous taste.

Keep trying, I kept it to myself too long and it has wrecked my mind, body and social skills. I don't know, I'm gonna try it once I've finished my current business and just hope I can reach a glimmer of normality. Fuck I'd swallow antidepressants if I must. Anyways, I have to leave now, keep going man.

Go to the gym or do some other sport, force yourself into it. Eat better. Cut on the smoking and drinking for a few weeks. That's your problem, your bad habits affect your psyche. Been there.

sounds like you need to harden the fuck up faggot

Lift, run, sunlight, real food, stop fapping. This is textbook low dopamine.

Thanks user. Godspeed.

I've tried and it doesn't work. I guess I'm just broken.

then kys thats what I'm doing

Drugs and alcohol of course. Hell the only I still partake in my current hobbies is because of drugs and alcohol.

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Yeah don't do that man.

Eat shit and die?

Seriously, anyone living in a first world country claiming boredom is a creatively bankrupt pile of shit. Go outside and pick one of thousands of activities available to you.

But I'm not bored I'm empty

Bloodborne if the game hasn't been spoiled for you

Fuck around and make 3D models with blender or some shit.


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>Fell out of love with video games a long time ago
>Want human companionship
>Start going to the gym and eating better
>Meet people and try talking to many of them
>Remember why I hate people
>The few people I actually like talking to don't want to hang out with me
>Go back to playing video games just to pass the time

Fucking based and redpilled.
I'm in the same position, I've picked up drawing 2 years ago, I do procrastinate horribly, but in time I have genuinely improved massively.
Keep drawing user, do not stop. Go slow, go fast. Just don't stop.

I always think of it like this, start drawing and keep at it, and imagine where you'll be 1 week, 1 month, 1 year. You got this man, your gonna make it.

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can confirm none of this helps.
Exercise is a decent distraction & creating something is ok when you first start (i'm making a game) but then you just remember there's nothing else in your life and question why you're doing this.

Because he hasn't even seen half of the games on his list. It's purely games that look interesting to him at first glance. His Games List is a community driven effort and it's honestly astounding how much love and effort people put into it.

It's called depression.
Seek help and take walks outside, preferably outside the city in a forest or grass field. If you live in the desert then, lol, tough luck.

>Half the links are this

Am I missing something?

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vinny pls go

>depending on motivation and not discipline
you will never make it user

you can still download that and play it.

You will never enjoy vidya again, as every game released on or after 2007 has been objectively 100% pure shit made for casual shit-eaters, vidya is dead. You should be happy about the fact that you can’t enjoy modern shit, it just shows that you have a good taste.

Space Station 13 has got me back into video games. If you can get past the learning curve it's really fun.