Hey Yea Forums, hold still!
Risk of Rain
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What is Risk of Rain?
about 10% tomorrow
US east Monsoon
Ten man Risky 2. CTRL+alt+~, connect
>Sacrifice (only for equips. This was to solve an enormous rift between Engineers and Mercenaries. This is a LOT more balanced now, and every character is now viable)
>Bigger Bazaar with prices 75% of normal (18 for whites, 36 for greens, scaling upwards with player count) to compensate for lack of reds appearing on the field
>Anyone can join at any time
>Enemies with items during fourth loop (if we make it, that is)
I'll be hosting for two hours or so.
get in here faggots
GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to HAN-D (yes, THE HAN-D from Risk of Rain) getting confirmed in Risk of Rain 2! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming September Update when HAN-D rolls into the spotlight!
Hate to disappoint you Banditfags, but while your pathetic Jewish cowboy was deconfirmed and scrapped, HAN-D continued to be worked on between launch and the Scorched Acres update! And while you continue to praise the return of items from the first game, need I remind you that the items shown are clearly meant to represent HAN-D? Shattering Justice’s reveal not only proved that content from the first game will be returning, but also confirmed that yours truly will be in Risk of Rain 2! But feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!
I know just the kind of man who made this post.
source? looks familiar
Wiped. Open.
looks like ninja slayer
I fucking love ninja slayer
Wiped, 5/10.
There is a hight chance of precipitation
This is probably as close as I'm going to get for Kanna for now. Starting to get burnt out with Rex. I'll go on to do Artificer now.
Pretty nice, but I think when you're doing mods that don't have their own "artstyle" like Ryuuko and Nonon you should maybe look into making the colors a bit less bright, a bit more muted, like the rest of the game.
Yeah, I'm going to do that for when I get to making a fem-pack
I read that as fem 6-pack and got excited
Wiped, 4/10.
big tiddy artificer soon!
Didn't you see fem-merc?
>tits not pushed out
You'll return to her, right?
Yeah I tried doing what I thought would work, but it didn't. I'll have to re-rig Kanna and do some other small things in order to get it right. Then again, with what I had to do for this model in particular, it's going to be a bit before I come back. Blame hopoo and how he textures robots. A real nightmare to work with.
I hadn't. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
just went back to risk of rain 1 after binging 2 for awhile. shit is wayyyy harder than i remember, at least as commando.
and Commando's one of the best/easiest to use char in the first game. First one is stupid hard.
im aware there's nothing you can do but sprinting looks very silly
Oh yeah, to add onto this, poll for next model.
Take note, Commando would be the easiest, Huntress would be moderately difficult to setup, and Mul-T would be the hardest, being about as hard to do as Rex.
Wait till you see the mortar firing animation.
Gonna have to vote Commando here, as much as I'd love something for Huntress she's already got a nice ass.
thanks for the host user!
Closed. Thanks to all for joining.
this but ironically
engi is cute
fuck off fake woolie I know you browse these threads
"fake" woolie? And how do you know he browses here? I don't want to watch the video.
this is a REAL woolie
>how do you know he browses here?
why the need to make a "should you buy" video at this point in development? the only place I've seen people ask "hey should I pick this up" has been in the past half a dozen threads
good night risky
could be bigger
thanks for all the effort on kanna. I can't wait for tiddy helmetless robeless arti
anybody else wanna start a server?
Will you put up a poll for which character you'll mod in or have you already decided on one?
Ill put a poll for the characters I have. Some of them will be in pairs, like if I do Mami for commando, I'll do Madoka for Huntress. But when it comes to Mul-t, I'm still open for suggestions. The only things I got for it are D-Walker being piloted by some fem-soldier from metal gear or the Fence from Brigador being piloted by a fem-Corvid wearing a motorcycle helmet and a tight latex bodysuit or something.
Alright that's great. Mul-T is a tough nut. Would something like a girls und panzer girl be possible? Riding a tank or something.
I guess, maybe? It's going to look plenty stiff, though. Unless I have it so that the entire tank would be Mul-T's torso and a girl riding him somehow awkwardly.
Could be bigger, yes, but Commando has nothing at all.
how long will arti take? not as long as rex right?
Much shorter than Rex to setup, but it's going to take a bit to settle on a design for the entire head area. You think I should do short hair or long hair? I have an idea that MIGHT work for longer hair, but it's a bit of a long shot.
Just fucking unlocked Eccentric Vase last night in a game with my bros, final item til next update.
can you give her both boob jiggle and hair phyics?
Boob jiggle is very likely, hair physics is unlikely but worth a shot. And yeah, both would be in ideally.
what about butt jiggle