>i finally know why she's so flat
>Why I am so flat
>bitch knew all along
That hair looks more trouble than its worth
That's where they store all their arrows
What about stealth archers?
I want to suckle Archers board
ya fucked it up
the small sucks tho
I love flat
she's not actually flat, the binding belt is just very effective.
VERY effective
>watermarked thumbnail
Drill hair is always worth it.
Why would you do this?
I want to lick Archer's delicious flat chest!
Flat is OLEV, flat is justice.
she needs to put on a real shirt
a woman should never reveal herself too much for anyone but their husband
just improving designs
I miss Cap-tan.
>all-woman village
>smaller breasts through evolution
How are they mating?
This but unironically
The female women have babies with the male women.
>with the male women
Nothing wrong with Flat Archers
>male women
>chestlets seething
Etna rekt
this is amazing holy shit
they bribe the assembly to force prinnies to transmigrate to archer class
Who's the one on the left?
I remember how much fun I had playing first Disgaea when it was out and later second.
Recently played V and was disgusted by how anti-fun and grind focused it was.
Morrigan you dumbo
One of the Disgaeas told they grow from a magical tree.
Really? I had to grind more in 1 than in 5. Everything post Vyers fucked you up if you didn't do a few item world runs first.
Never played a Disgaea and got 5 on PS4, what am I in for?
I make the rounds every year or so. Flat is justice.
It's a good game, but it will eat up your time. You don't have to grind that much for the main story, so keep that in mind.
>best girls game is getting rereleased
I am very happy
I think I can use this.
lurk 20 years before posting
>Do you know why I'm wearing red today ;)?
wrong sister
Both are good, but Desco is extra special
Archer is best generic
Flat from the back is the true tragedy.
desx was cool too
I would love to meet these male women.