I can broker a peace with the Rathound King, but I wonder if I should just kill him
3 con psi sucks but this don't hurt. also stop killing the rat king, faggots.
As with more quests in Underrail, the best option is to do both.
savages need to be put down
>tfw not intelligent enough for Cheap Shots and Expose Weakness
I've made a huge mistake
I have been blessed
What's the most fun build?
anything that involves you building your own character and deciding your own feats instead of followign some guide
Brainlets have no place in the underrail, (both the character and the real you)
He has great armor for leather users though. It's his fault really.
which you can get by siding with him. what do you need two for? anyone who kills the rat king is a faggot, even if he is a bitch for not kidnapping his own wife.
That's the beauty about this game, it's all up to you unless you're playing DOMINATING, you really have to minmax there.
Just try to be creative, maybe follow some of the builds in the forums as a baseline for your own and whatever you do don't click that oddity button when creating a new character =)
Oh and prepare to get raped by some encounters on your first try.
>Take Emporium Mall from the Lunatics
>Stand in a chokepoint
>Throw poision caltrops
>Poisioned bear traps
>Gas grenade
>Incendiary grenade
>Tele Proxy moving back and forth
>Lure them all to the meatgrinder
>Keep the front Lunatic on permanent stun/use force field
>Peek out when turn begins, get to cover before turn ends
There, easy
Putting on the shelf in my room at SGS with all the other uniquea for display.
this meme sucks and its legitimately shitty advice for new players
Styg should just unironically remove classic
skyrim-tier gay
Someone doesn't know how to RP in their cRPGs.
>keep wanting to restart and try new builds when i know i'm nowhere near beating the game
normal is harder than basically any other CRPG normal (maybe Kingmaker?). Hard is fine, too. You only need to minmax to the nines on dominating.
As long as you max out a combat skill and have one of the following: dodge, stealth, heavy armor, incredible initiative, you'll be fine.
I agree, but what are you even referring to?
i'm playing a guy who only uses electricity. keep stocking that tchotchke shelf, faggot.
Oddity encourages exploration over murder-hoboing and doesn't leave you overleveled.
Better go get that Tesla armor soon then
The reunion of Gorsky and Dan was unironically heartwarming
should i be worrying about money?
I keep autistically storing things near shopkeepers to take all their money when they get more
Psi is a great starter because it's strong, flexible and lets you delve deep into the lore, just google some psion builds to get you started then go from there.
Not really.
You can buy a house in Core City eventually whose only real purpose is a money sink since most builds don't need to spend too much money to replenish gear
Literally the only redeeming thing about Gorsky's bitch ass.
Depends on the difficulty really, hard and below it shouldn't be a concern unless you're playing something hungry like an smg multi burst build.
>high DT enemies
On what build?
why basedboys hate gorksy
3con is perfectly fine for psi builds, just be smarter. Set yourself up for success
geez louise
Just use w2c spears bro!
war2craft spears
after I cleared out the crawlers and dealt with the Rathound Kang, am I all done at Hathor?
How are you guys finding shotties? Do you prefer long or short barrel?
The rat king is a faggot. Talks a big game but can't even rape without your help.
Basically yeah, unless something change after Expedition.
Go Core City, loot all free oddities around the dumpsters and shit, then go to Foundry, loot all free oddities too, and do it's quests
Make sure to bring 2 dog crates and capture 2 Borers, you will thank me later
On my high per characters i've noticed CTH never goes over a certain cap, so i just use short on high per characters for more damage, that's my take on it.
rath king a faggot
depose him and take his doggies for pets then make yourself a harem of zoner women that double as your personal guard
I always use long because I am a precision autist
reminder to pack enough toxic sludge to gas all:
- classicfags
- psychosisfags
- scrapperfags
- dronefags
- piratefags
- people who level DEX instead of STR in melee builds
- people who use high frequency shields or low-high frequency shields instead of double low frequency shields
- people who take crafting feats
- people who do expedition after level 20
- people who do core city -> foundry -> rail crossing instead of rail crossing -> foundry -> core city
- people who used stealth to beat deep caverns on DOMINATING. sorry sweetie, it doesn't count
oh yeah and most importantly
>Six apologists
>people who take crafting feats
wait, let me explain
>not using medium-low shields
psychosis is fun
I still have LoC, I can still CC everyone if I need to, but I don't need to.
What a meanie!
Power management is an amazing feat and classic is the way Tchort intended for us to play the game.
What's wrong with crafting feats?
>Retake the outposts for Gorsky quest
>Either Sneaky, Dan or Gorsky keep dying, autism forces to reload
>Many retries later, decide to bring incendiary grenades
>Faith throw at 15% accuracy, lands on the spot and sets 3 Black Crawlers ablaze
>Next turn Rat hammer dude steps on the fire
>Everyone aggros
Styg I will fucking murder you
we did it reddit
Good job Larry!
take that back you filthy high STR brainlet don't badmouth muh crafting
how'd they get that far? my guy is throwing knives and i stopped them sooner.
Gee Larry, TWO smgs??
playing on hard and didnt want to waste nades and traps on bladelings when you can toss flares and have the sentry drone actually hit
Hol up, they dont stop step on traps?
He's a complete fucking idiot, an anarchist, and an asshole.
oh i thought you were the guy in the last thread who did trapfield.
I disagree with almost everything on that list but totally agree with you there.
For Mad Chemist, does the On-Hit chance for the various chem pistol effects also double? Like, am I going from a 45% chance to entangle to a 90%? Or is the damage is the only thing amplified?
Bowyer and Gun Nut turn the game into a fucking joke
God no that would make chem pistols even more amazing than they already are.
>Gun Nut, a feat that increases your damage by 7.5%, turn the game into a joke
pic related, its you
bowyer is good though
Only the effect is doubled. The chance stays the same.
so no good reason then, thanks for confirming
>Woke up
>No matter how hard I try, I can't get the fucking Gray Base music out of my head
Goddamn why is it so fucking good bros?
>complete fucking idiot
he masterminds the defeat of the black crawlers, as well as basically being the war leader for GMS in times of conflict, to great success. he was instrumental in the defeat of the delta compound when they threatened GMS.
he's no free drone, he's just an anti-authoritarian and hates the protectorate
yeah nah fair enough
foundry -> rail crossing -> core city is better if you have ways to deal with bladelings that early, so you can just tell the faceless in Buzzer's shop about the Acid Hunters and they fuck off
Paranoia is a good feat. You literally can't convince me otherwise.
>almost 79% on steam
Oh boy do I hate brainlets
its a polarizing game thats not for everyone desu. i remember it got so bad at one point that styg made a thread asking people to review the game (not telling people to review it positively, but if you're on the official underrail forums you probably like the game) because it had fallen down to mixed
Wow, he ambushes them with a tunneler and talks shit to them instead of actually opening fire. What a tactical genius.
>he's no free drone, he's just an anti-authoritarian and hates the protectorate
You're right. He's just as power hungry as them and sees them as a threat. Don't pretend he's operating free of Tanner's supervision and sending you on errands out off the goodness of his heart for South Gate. His orders were to figure out what the fuck was going on, not start his own little gang clubhouse. I'm surprised you can't call him out on this.
i think the argument against paranoia is not that the feat itself is shit, but that there's usually considerably better feats to chose from, especially at lower levels
link to thread?
but yeah i noticed it was "mixed" for a long ass time before expedition came out
Maybe he should just make BUY MOLOTOVS in bold 32 font or something.
You're not wrong about that. I say it's good, and it is, but I still struggle to include it because usually my low level feats are all already taken.
It's good at fulfilling its namesake by making you paranoid for the rest of the game over whether or not you wasted a feat by taking it.
Let me guess, they're all complaints that could be solved by just learning to read and getting good.
>Recently we've been having a bit of trouble with Steam reviews from people with... um, questionable gaming abilities and we took a hit to our "recent" score. This usually happens after big sales which attract... um, a more diverse crowd
Based calling out the retards
He masterminds little. He sends you off to burgle a powerful organization to gain equipment, that, frankly, a half decent electrician can cobble together from spare parts he found lying around during his travels. Getting a max of 7 shield emitters together would have taken just some crafting and hitting up some vendors. But I guess the mastermind saved us 2 or 3 train rides. And don't say, the stolen emitters were high quality. The one he gives you afterwards is not any better than comparable generic ones. And afterwards he sends you off to maybe or maybe not get a stranded Tunneler for him. Because he heard that it is stranded in The Zone. He heard about it. He sent you to investigate. What a mastermind. I would want to see him mastermind standing in front of faceless technology if there had been no down on his luck unemployed mechanic around who fortunately could repair and operate faceless technology.
>I'm surprised you can't call him out on this
you can but only in the slightest, most passive way by asking him if Tanner and Vera approve of what he's doing. He says that Tanner is busy enough with GMS and doesn't need to be bothered with this, and that Vera can go fuck herself. So yeah he's basically abandoning his position at GMS because he's a cunt. I still maintain he knows what he's doing though.
who cares? games like this, AOD, EYE will always be niche and anti-normalfag and get panned as a result
That or the end game is bullshit, which I kind of understand but imagine rating something if people did that to dark souls everyone would just laugh at you for some reason there's a large amount of people who play this game who feel like they are being treated unfairly and I don't understand why.
>about to restart for the 4th time after finally reaching core city to try a new build
I'm a brainlet that can't get past depot a on DOMINATING but at least i can admit it's a great game.
The vast majority can be classified as either;
1. Why can't I hit anything? What do you mean I have to constantly invest points into weapon skills? (this one being the majority of that majority)
You can save Buzzer without any persuade at all right? If you do foundry first?
He doesn't. Without Sneaky or Dan, he can't do anything to even scratch the fucking oligarchs, much less the goddamn Protectorate. Don't forget, he doesn't come back after the faceless threat is over with. Motherfucker has no loyalty or sense. I'm surprised the fucker punches you if you dis South Gate considering he leaves it in the end.
God, what fucking retards.
Yes. walkthrough is as follows (with very minor spoilers)
>Get the quest to investigate the foundry faceless
>talk to them
>talk to the bartender
>talk to hugo's wife
>go east two screens and then north into a cave system to find hugo and some bandits
>kill the bandits
>talk to hugo to get information on cornell and the box
>return to the faceless in the cave
you can now get the mindreader to leave peacefully without killing buzzer, no persuasion needed.
Does anyone know where a guaranteed spawn of the Statis mentor is? I can't fuckin find that shit anywhere, I've got every other TM ability but that one (i think)
>there's a large amount of people who play this game who feel like they are being treated unfairly and I don't understand why.
it's because it looks like fallout which attracts these people but SPECIAL is like 50x more forgiving/meaningless than the system in underrail
That's downright depressing, even skyrim had you invest points in your main skill, there's no excuse for being THIS retarded.
So in the DLC, what happens if the rations/supplies/manpower get too low? Do you fail the main quest?
>don't want to attack the faceless just yet as I don't know what they're about and I ran into them earlier and they just told me to leave them
>have no stealth to get into Buzzer's shop
>just Sanic past everything, close the door, and wait for combat to drop
Who needs stealth when you can eat drugs and go fast
Whats a good pure psi build for the new expansion?
10 int 10 will level 1 rest in agility and constitution
is going pure chem pistols grenades and traps viable?
chemical blob traps in particular do so much fuckin damage oh my god
Yes but you'll need to rush the main quests to get that advanced catalyzing belt.
I want to make a chemist build and I'm not sure I have the lockpicking/hacking/stealth to spare. Is missing those really bad?
Expedition even added a better acid for acid traps.
I wish I could recommend this game - it's fantastic in so many ways. But I can't for one single reason: Depot A.
Just as you're getting used to your character, at the end of the prologue, you're hit with a brick wall of a level that's impossible to get through on many builds, and stupidly hard to get through on a minority of builds. It's tedious at best, and a festival of backtracking, reloading, blowing all your money on healing items and grenades, and going through every previous level for 100% exp before going there at worst. Oh, and enemies respawn in there if you retrack to get the extra stuff, good luck beating them again.
Having a segment that's ludicrously hard just for the sake of being hard it utterly mental, especially so early in the game. Devs claim it's to "test your builds", but no build is good in Depot A. Sure, you can breeze through it if you have high stealth, hacking, and lockpicking, and have played the level before so you know where things are, but that's the case of any game with such mechanics, and it will limit your character in so many other ways since you'll have to dump skill points into those skills to make it through.
Depot A will make so many people drop the game, and coincidentally it's just as you've gotten enough hours in the game that you can't get a refund. I couldn't, I tried, but Steam seems to support developers who put torturous levels into their games.
Don't buy this game until the devs nerf Depot A. I've spent 3/4ths of my current playtime (15-ish hours) on trying to get through, and I still can't. Fans will tell you to git gud, but in reality they're just masochists who enjoy being tormented by computer games.
Edit: FINALLY made it through. Doesn't change my opinion, though.
Edit 2: Yeah, nah, I'm dropping this game. Missions further on are meant for players who've already tried, failed, and had to restart their entire game. You get locked out of completion. I hope the dev chokes on my money.
no, lockpicking and stealth are lame shit
the save is basically dead, yeah.
stock up before taking the elevator
no. the game is designed around being playable without them.
you should probably take a small amount of lockpicking so that you can break into vents, though. an effective level of 40 is enough for all the vents in the game, and you could go for an effective level of 33 with the jackknife boost. since chemists pump the FUCK out of dex, and lockpick scales with dex, you'll only need to invest like 15 points maximum.
Also, this might be a stupid question because I've never tried this before and am new to the game, but can you just not use all of your points/feats/etc on char creation, so I can pick psi feats after I grab the psi pill?
This is a steam review isn't it?
Jesus fucking Christ.
That's gold, good find. Depot A reminds me of the bitching about Kingmaker's prologue. Shitters could not accept that challenging meant challenging, and normal itself was pretty rough.
nope, you gotta spend all your starter points in character creation
Nope gotta spend all your points when you start and level up
i saw so many memes about depot a before i ever even made it there by the time i actually did I was so over prepped i breezed through it with a million bear traps
am i supposed to get a fishing rod, or what?
First and foremost: NO CHEATS AVAILABLE AT ALL and the DEV'S don't care. This game is for hard core RPG players who don't have a life and can afford to dedicate 10 years of their life leveling their character. If you are a casual gamer or a a noobie to RPG's, don't waste your time. This game is so hard it will make you want to pull your hair out. Even on EASY MODE. Leveling is super hard. Combat is super hard. Everyone is way more powerful than you and you need to grind, grind, grind, grind just to get mediocre upgrades to your skills. Very frustrating considering how everyone is so much more powerful than you. Many times you will literally have to run and buy health and supplies and return to the fight. I think this game is quite cool in terms of the story line and the graphics are kind of cool too in a retro sort of way but it is so stupidly, ridiculously difficult that it is not a fun game at all. You have been warned.
I bet there's an oddity in there
Damn. So what skills should I take? Maxing 4 different psi skills while also trying to do anything else feels a bit impossible, and the low levels look like they'll be hard as fuck. The new temporal psi looks great, so I want to try that, but fuck if I know what I'm doing otherwise. Do I drop a whole school for the time magic, or...? Shit, anyone got a build and how it works?
If you're new don't do 10 int my bad I like it but you craft with int and when you're new to the game you're not going to know all the crafting recipes and what you need to grab for what. Probably just put your constitution and agility higher and put your int at like 7.
curious about this too, psi-man sounds cool
First thing go talk to Bisson make sure you have 50 SGS credits (you start with 200) and get telekinetic punch. That's all you need for level 1. Level only psychokinesis and metathermics until you get asked to go to junkyard in which case you can start leveling temporal manipulation but early game with 10 will, telekinetic punch, and cryokinesis you will be doing all the damage you need.
Also level 1 you want to pick up lockpicks, a haxxor, a battery to charge it, and any molotovos.
I beat the game in two to four days with the expansion. The fuck is with this asshole?
Oh, can you not start off with time psi stuff? Or does the skill just not matter until then?
>I beat the game in two to four days with the expansion
slow down
it is, if you want crafting early. You have three options
4 school - ignore 2 of the schools until late game, only grab what you need
2/3 school - I myself went full PK and MT, leaving TC at 75 and TM at 60 with psychosis. I also did 0 MT with tranq, all in the other three.
Either works just fine, and the third option would be just ignore crafting.
for how your main stats affect your skills, is it just a flat bonus?
Fox example if I have 5 intelligence does it just add 5 points to each of the crafting skills?
>NO CHEATS AVAILABLE AT ALL and the DEV'S don't care
Thought control and temporal manipulation just don't have good early level offensive skills. Temporal manipulation becomes good a bit later and so does thought control, just not good early.
The 50 SGS credit one is worth picking up though as soon as you do your first mission it's good for some things like robots which won't take much from your cryokinesis ability.
CAU spinoff fucking when?
Psycho is a must, high damage burst and stuns are fantastic. Force field is also incredibly busted. 50 cred for fist
Thought control has Locust and pretty good CC. Free with high Will
Meta is good but not my favorite, shatter is a cull and fire stream is a good damage dealer. 1-2 free spells
Temporal has the best basic spell in the game, haven't really played too much of it but it's a decent support type school.
Skip one of them until you get your shit together, but dont skip psychonesis because it's basically mandatory on most builds.
is crafting actually good?
I haven't gotten very far (Only up to core city) but it seems like everything i craft is just worse than the things that I can buy
is this supposed to be a fucking joke? shotgun ammo has no fucking business costing this much. what the actual fuck is this shit? how the fuck am i supposed to sustain this kind of money sink?
You're severely underestimating the kind of damage shotguns can do with regular ass ammo.
Crafting is ridiculously good, but you need to invest in the right skills and also get good quality materials. If you don't have good quality materials your stuff will come out shit, because how good something is, is based wholly on the quality.
You need crafting for good endgame equipment.
Hoppershot one shots the majority of critters
I have been trying to completing this quest
For 3 hours
Fucking kill me jacks
>Electrokinetic Imprint
Sadly that trick doesn't work on the goddamn crabs
don't know about best nuke. It's good, but you need to wait 2 turns. Sometime it's better to just delete what you're fighting.
Depends on the crab and still deals a shit load of damage
>116 rounds
if anything, seems low.
>Bandage - cannot be used in combat
>I'm using it in combat
what did he mean by this?
Bypasses that gayass deathstalker debuff too
Yeah, guess best wasn't the right word for it. Highest sustainable damage would be better, TP does massive upfront damage but doesnt have the sustainability Temp does, since it's on a cooldown. I'm not the most familiar with meta since it's my least favorite so I might be wrong.
Does expedition have like, side quests? I did some exploration and found some sea mines and a submarine but I think one is just to make camp attacks easier (Went and thinned the heard, Yahoya now says something like 'not too many lights or boats out now') and the other I'll need to do later. How much left is there to do? I'm headed back up to the tribal base to go to Joint Sec.
Did you get the chip into your hand yet?
I rerolled from pure TM at level 15, now 14 on a MT focused guy. Turns out with a Doctor Belt and the ability to lower cooldowns from TM, you can sling whatever the fuck you want whenever you want, and that's only with 10% reduction with Psychosis. Soon as it hits 30+ it'll feel good.
I did that, yeah.
So if I want to join the pirates do I just grab a jetski and go to the black sea by myself?
Nah, off Briggs when he accuses you of betraying him or go to Razor by the port entrance and ask to join.
>Tesla Armor
Fuck spiders, fuck death stalkers, and fuck coil spiders. It's about time those faggots got what they deserved.
>first suit of heavy armor + helm
>mutie with a pistol punches through 25 DT
n-not like this.....
Also, do containers respawn? In particular non-owned ones in towns?
Nope feel free to stuff your loot in a barrel.
>Been maxing intimidation
>Failed just about every check I've came across
What did Styg mean by this?
Depot A was already nerfed hard years ago and is one of the best dungeons in the base game specifically because of how good a build check it is. You're way too dramatic though, I've never had a build that couldn't finish it since the nerf, at worst it'll show you your mistakes and push you to reroll unless you made some retardo frankenbuild.
>low will
Has anyone played this build? How is it or is there something to improve?
give it to me straight
are crafting feats actually all completely useless
>feeling invincible after putting down the savage who calls himself the rathound king and his army of overgrown vermins
>some mugger hobo on core city almost kills me with his hammer
This fucking game
the raw POWER of toxic gas grenades wins the day again baby
You're too cute user.
Jesus fuck I had to savescum to kill one death stalker and just now I ran into 4 of these fuckers
You shot some retard squatting in a cave, why did you think you were invincible against a modern man with proper tools?
no, just some of them
the ones that increase an items quality really aren't worth the perk point, and gun nut is shit and a noob trap
the ones that increase crit are pretty good for certain builds, and things like mad chemist are literally a requirement for your chemical pistols to be half decent
>have to decide to side with the Free Drones, which is a retarded name because drones are not "free" at all, or the "Protectorate"
There is just not enough information in game about these two yet to make a decision. I guess if anything side with the one that isn't more capable of taking over SGS?
>also stop killing the rat king, faggots.
>modern man with proper tools
You should see what he was wearing to grasp the irony, he was pretty much naked
>throw a cryogas grenade
>it does nothing
Florida Man is still a modern man. Empowered by meth, no less.
everyone in underrail is evil, just pick your favorite kind of evil and stop worrying
>not toxic gas
call 1-800-come-on-son
The Rathound King is a tyrant over his "beloved" subjects, he parades about with a crossbow made for a rathound's jaw. Death to tyrants.
Free Drones are evil terrorist.
Protectorate are evil fascists, but with 10/10 music and the motherfucking Chemical Assault Unit.
that's the vibe I get. I think it makes more sense to ally with the retarded tribals if only to not let the massive monolith closer to your home station, conceptually. Plus I already broke into their prison and killed everyone.
Reward wise, who cares. I use psi.
Praise toxins
where does my build do when i press export character?
explodes your PC
If you want his ghetto crossbow. Though if you will kill him you might as well give him a waifu first.
Ships it to the lurker slave market.
someone please, I don't know where to start in this game
honestly just play the game
I've already restarted 4 times because I've had more and more fun build ideas as i've progressed
Is there something else missing from this? I did all that on my current character and the Mindreader in Buzzer's shop said something to effect of "I know you talked to some Faceless already, but I still can't let this guy live."
is this game even doable if permadeath is a thing?
Lads I'm doing the West Storage Depot mission I can't make out which directions i should go for B7. help me out here. I forgot which directions are the numbers and the letters.
Dude, sledge juggernauth is probably one of the easiest to make, but challenging to play, unless you know what to do
I recommend taking Psychokinesis too
Give it a roll, play on Normal difficulty if first time, in normal almost everything is viable, let it be your learning playthrough
No, by a long shot
Have to say the stealth paths in this game are pretty fucking kino.
>don't click that oddity button
How is it even possible to be so wrong in just five words?
Be a Doctor, make a ton of drugs, and use energy and bio guns, and lots of grenades.
did you try going down all the dialogue paths to the end? from memory you have to actually fail the persuasion check, and then you get the option to convince them
you did get an energy core from the foundary faceless right? thats the reward for completing their quest correctly
>use energy and bio guns
way better if you just use one
how to go to foundry?
i still find the lack of energy/bio rifles weird
so i might be a brainlet but how do i figure out how/where coordinate F4 is on the map?
>Energy Edged Spear for throwing and single combat attacks
>Electroshock Generator Spear for sweep and crowd control attacks
>Utility belt filled with extra crowd control items
>Infused cave hopper tabi boots and armor for maximum mobility
How broken would this be?
Guess I should have said "or." yeah.
hey boys where should I search the corpse I pull up from underwater in the graveyard
fuckin' restless spirit ate me and now I have to reload
Too advanced. Biopistols sound cool though.
mouse over your aegis com device it tells you what square you're currently on. north increases the number, south decreases, east increases the letter, west decreases
ah, i missed the current grid thing on the description. thanks
Armor Sloping or Expose Weakness first for spear build?
Expose weakness, don't go heavy armor for spears.
Believe in yourself, because it's random every time. Even reloading reset the location for me.
Why not? I've already dumped Dodge and Evasion.
After you beat Depot A, go take the train in SGS, it should be functional now
You need mobility and steel armor is still shit even with sprint. Go this guy's route. Even with no evasion, you can do a fantastic job if you can run behind cover.
well shit
Figure out the oonga boonga's sigil and desecrate that motherfucker. I had to skull fuck him for the shard.
That's what Armor Sloping and striders/tabis are for. It shouldn't be any different than using a sledge.
thanks user
Then why don't you just use a sledge? Your going to tank whatever damage you could block. There's no reason to go spear if you go tin can.
roger that lol
Because I want to use a spear.
'kay, just don't be surprised when your spear is completely redundant. It's just better to use sledge if you're going to armor up at that point. Spears don't benefit from heavyweight.
I killed him by planting bear traps in front of the double door. And when he came out to disarm them, I closed them behind him. Then it was mano a mano without any emotional support animals.
don't feed the spergs
DLC added a bunch of new stuff, I see. What do I do with rubber balls? Also I keep finding charcoal, it tells me I can refuel fires, what's the in-game use of this?
Brutality, Cut-throat, Blindsiding any good? They seem good on paper but feel like noob traps.
Brutality is useless but cutthroat would mesh really well with blindsiding. Cutthroat is pretty much an instant kill and can only be used in stealth.
I found a save I had before completing the quest, but this time the Mindreader leaves without killing Buzzer. I'm not sure how I ended up with a different result; the dialogue tree for saving Buzzer is straightforward, so I'm almost positive it wasn't that. Maybe something else can affect the quest, or maybe I'm just crazy.
rubber balls are for a grenade that stuns
Bro, spears are a weapon. There's no way for armor to make it redundant.
unlikely to be worth it, 15% isn't exactly a whole lot, espcially for only one turn of fear. it'd be very unreliable.
does a fucking cunt load of damage (as you'd expect from an attack that deals 800% extra damage), but can feel rather limited due to the fact that you have to use it on humans, and you have to be in stealth. can be fun with the thought control ability that forces enemies to not be able to detect you in stealth, and re-stealths you
its ok/10
Spears main feature is spearguard. Without any use for spearguard, spears are below knives, fists, and sledge's especially. Redundant was a bad choice of words.
Shame about brutality. I want to make a knife/sword stealth build.
Any idea if using cut-throat gives me priority in turn order or does it a normal initiative rolls?
Anyone know what food to give to Yngwar so he'll talk to you again? I can't seem to find anything
It's basically a melee version of snipe.
Is it a good idea to specialize in Recklessness?
+1% to enemy crit sounds pretty spooky.
And a greater chance for you to get crit'd
>Any idea if using cut-throat gives me priority in turn order or does it a normal initiative rolls?
if you initiate combat with an attack, i'm about 90% sure that combat begins with your turn, minus the action points you spent on the initiating attack. to that end, you'd be better off initiating combat with enter and safely inputting the attack that way
i need advice, this is the first time in my play through im indecisive about something, should i tell the chief to fuck himself and let myself get fired? after him choking me and holding me at gunpoint accusing me of being a traitor, and now being ungrateful for giving the muties the medical supplies so i could get him that RFID chip he wanted... tempted to just say fuck it, but i dont know what the pirates are like, i havnt met them only heard about them from the ferryman.. and the barbarians seem out of the question since they dont speak english.. and to think i was JUST on my way to the kidnapped professor and this asshole radios me to his tent.
Where can i read the lore? wiki is not updated
recklessness is incredible if you're a crit-focused build
F R E E 7% crit, holy fuck
how exactly is it free, if you yourself get vulnerable to crit too?
Got a question lads.
I've never not sided with Abram and his crew, this playthrough though I want to be with the Protectorate.
My question is this though. Is there any benefit to turning down Abram's request to spy on the Protectorate immediately? I just reported him to the guy standing outside of the embessy building and was basically told 'good job' but got nothing for it. I thought I'd be asked to keep an eye on them or to act as a double agent or something.
Abrams quests give quite a bit of money too so its painful to turn them down when they pay so fucking well.
forget that you pussy, ITS FREE
in all seriousness though, yes it is worth it. 3% chance to get crit is pretty meaningless when weighed against the huge boon that an extra 7% chance for you to crit can be.
>cucking to half cut pay
I'd kill him on the spot
How fun and practical are shotguns? I have a strong desire to explode things in melee without actually needing a melee weapon.
I couldnt decide between a sniper/shotgun or knife/sword combo. But cutting people thorats and running around seem more fun that camping in a corner.
makes sense, thanks
You can do Abrams quests and still side with the Protectorate.
There is no benefit to fucking off Abram other than for roleplaying purposes I suppose. The protectorate wont know either way. Abram isn't a free drone, just in case you didn't know that. He's a member of a much more significant organization.
i know, i have it myself. but i also picked up paranoid cause i wanted the initaitive and it offset the crit.
Reload your save bre
Based and Protectorate pilled.
Name a more intimidating faction theme.
You literally can't.
you would do that, knowing the entire camp would attack you? i need a viable plan, im not a superhero. i know i could kill a good few but im not sure about the enitre camp. thats what, like 20 guys?
>Without any use for spearguard, spears are below knives, fists, and sledge's
Holy shit dude you're retarded. Their main draw is the AoE and throwing.
>Figure out the oonga boonga's sigil and desecrate that motherfucker. I had to skull fuck him for the shard.
How do you raise it up though? It keeps saying I can't raise it without something to winch with
How much is it worth investing in traps? I like bear traps & caltrops but is it worth going for more than that?
i'll never not love the way the marching boots slowly fade in to synch up with the music
>Spears main feature is spearguard.
spears main feature is the busted as fuck ability that is spear throw, not some meme tier melee block.
he's fucking with you
>pass Intimidation check
>"lmao ur scary but I dont give a fuck"
I found one that was turnable at the very back of the cave, when you find a place that has three exits that all go north it's the middle one
Look for the bone crank. Also, you could ask Ferryman or Yngvar about the right body part to search.
You need an object in one of the areas called a bone crank. Be warned it also weighs a fair bit.
so what should i do? if i go to the pirates before speaking with briggs maybe i can join them? never been this stumped in underrail before.
yeah maybe try that, I can't help too much I murdered all the pirates
Then you're better off going with something more mobile to retrieve the spear you chucked halfway across the map.
Yeah, you should've killed him in the tunnels.
why did you stay with aegis sec after briggs did that? guys a total asshole
Are you the perfect being?
whats your con? do you use heavy armor? How did you survive 3 guys unloading on you, getting the opener?
i used it for my first playthrough of the game on normal and its preety strong (and i wasnt using throwing almost at all)
depot a after crafting metal armor was not an issue
Cut throat is an absolute noob trap.
If it misses you're fucked. If it hits it leaves you with 20 ap and no mp, so they'd better be none else around.Rarely takes more than 30 ap to kill someone with a knife anyway and you''ll be generating mp while smacking people.
Played pretty deep with a knife once and wondered why the game got so hard around level 14. It was this shitter. Never take it.
>Adrenalin Shot
>only around 33% armor penalty with super steel Armor Sloping
Nothing worse than seeing some faggot talk about something they know nothing about.
Five, infused ancient rathound, and I would've won initiative if you didn't take a fucking intiative hit due to Briggs' prosthetic hand bullshit
Every fucking time.
thats why i couldnt win, i go first 995 of the time, yet every time i tried reloading they still got first turn, all three of them. was such bullshit. im 3 con/light armor and even with nimble i couldnt survive the onslaught. im tempted to drop briggs in his tent but idk if i could win the fight with all the troopers. i think im gonna head over to the pirates and see if theyll take me in. maybe later there will be a chance i can kill ageis sec with the pirates.
lol, calm down
Holy shit tranquility is ridiculous and I've never taken it before. I can stack like 6 or 7 temporal distortions so easily.
>3 con/light armor
There's your problem.
I have a very important question before I jump back in again. Can you make a guy who fights unarmed good?
>Been playing a stealth character for a long ass time
>Made a non stealth guy
>Literally flying through the game at 1/4 the time it took my stealth guy, less reloads because I got spotted, less slow ass move speed
Fucking hell this is glorious.
Caltrops are throwing weapons as far as I can tell.
I only use traps when I'm stuck and I need the extra cheese factor, also high percep and one of the goggles (seeker?) helps detecting them without investing in the skill, so only put points there if you wanna detect them and you have to wear something other than goggles.
well, its only a problem when i get trapped in a cutscene and am grabbed by the throat with a prosthetic arm... i usually dont have much issue anywhere else.
Yup, fucking barehanded even.
I too hate traitors
yeah but at some point you gotta draw thel ine and have some self respect, if someone cut your pay in half after choking you out woiuld you really still follow that person? seems so beta. i think the alpha move wqould be to either drop briggs in his tent or just join the pirates and get revenge later
Can you go unarmed plus traps or do you have to sacrifice a bunch of shit to make unarmed good?
RIP I literally stripped the entire graveyard bare, every pot every grave and nothing called a bone crank
>been playing Underrail for a long ass time
>install Expedition
>literally fly through the game at 1/5 of the speed because of the glorious 5x game speed option our boi Stygg decided to add
This shit is a godsend
No, you don't have to sacrifice anything.
top fucking kek, why are you even thinking about traps when it comes to melee?
He didn't cut my pay in half, I told him that I wasn't the traitor and he apologized to me
because he's new, stop being a sperg
traps aren't even bad for melee, they're just a bit less useful
well you mustve handled the mutant situation differntly. i had to fork over some medical supplies to get them to cooperate with me. so what would you do, if you were in my shoes , with the pay cut and all? if it was just one or the other i would stay but both feels unacceptable. feels really wrong to stay, idk.
So with Survival Instincts psychosis build am I supposed to walk with under 30% of hp constantly for crit chance?
play how you feel comfortable
If they've betrayed you they must pay the price
He's already played the game before. Fuck off.
He is a furry and as such must yiff in hell.
get dabbed on tardo
yeah i think im joining the pirates. heading over there now.
It's not in anything, you should see it on the regular map. For me I believe it was in the furthest, western-most area.
i said /stop/ being a sperg
>When you finally craft that big dick item you've been saving parts for
Feels great bros
Lookin' fly
Pretty low quality to have that durability. Guess It'll be useful for the early game. Your better off swapping that overcoat, though. Try going for antithermic or blast since your penalty is already going to make your stealth go down.
good luck revengebro, get you some
bre, you're the only one here who sounds like a sperg
can you not be a nitpicky minmax sperg for 3 seconds? let the dude enjoy his fuckin armour
literally five seconds of googling and i found a CE cheat table that not only gives you god mode and infinite durability but actually lets you teleport around the map to skip entire areas like the puzzles in the gauntlet. maybe you should learn to use cheat engine
anyone has a decent shotgun build? not really sure how to start
its a repost of a steam review
look at the feats and build accordingly. its not a particularly complicated weapon to build around and its hard to fuck up with since its quite strong.
oh it was attached to a mechanism already, righty oh got it thanks. Got this sucker time to go Ghostbuster
>killing scrappers with black eels
>throw molotov on scrappers
>black eel takes a few steps forward, takes a couple points of damage from the burning ground HE WALKED ON
>they're all aggro so i have to start fight from scratch
its retarded man
they're BLACK eels dude of course they're nigger-retarded
>one (1) mechanics level away from being able to craft a sick as fuck new machete, even with underpie boost
fuuucuckckck i dont have that new int boost pill yet either
>throw molotov
>enemies move around it no problem, or just don't move into it, basically useless unless you're bullseyeing the throws
>throw molotov with allies around
>they fucking run for it like the ground just turned into free money and blowjobs
Why the fuck is the enemy AI so good and the allies so fucking retarded, AND it punishes YOU if the bumblefuck AI runs right into that shit, which it seems to do on purpose?
Without posting any spoilers, I should avoid killing any Faceless right?
haha killing all the savages was pretty awesome, get rekt assholes
Just wear a groin guard.
you're the one who allied with fishniggers
you can kill some in certain situations in certain amounts, but its pretty spoilery to explain the exact mechanics behind the faceless liking or hating you so its probably best to just not piss them off at all.
infact you should endeavor to gain their favor and be nice to them.
This happens any time you have allies, not just with them.
I haven't played the game since it first came out, does the new expansion add in new locations between other locations that weren't there before? because I got lost, also what's a good build, I'm playing a stealth sniper who can build weapons, I think loud rifles is not a good idea for stealth?
doesn't happen to me but then again I'm not allied with fishniggers
I unironically cheesed Depot A as a psychosis psi character.
Guaranteed crits + electricity allowed me to breeze through the underground section to complete the quest, Forcefields at choke points and fireballs helped me clean out the rest of the above ground. I died once in total to a mine.
yeah there's tons of new areas and a bunch of new stuff in the old areas
I think stealth sniper is good, rifle is good but you could also use another weapon or psi for when rifle won't get you there
you play on normal?
Anyone got a cute portrait I could use?
My side arm is explosives, is that alright?
I'm just thinking of how to make the most underground redneck character possible and that involves building shit out of scrap.
Yeah for about a half an hour.
Carry a shotgun or something.
I see, started with it by now and it's going really well so far
hell yeah nice
>Anonymous 07/31/19(Wed)19:10:03 No.47
I feel like stealth sniper is the worst weapon atm, energy Pistols, especially psi, unarmed, smg assault and regular pistols are all extremely OP atm, and regular melee is solid
>Filtering based Misha
Grenadier is so fucking good holy shit
Cool I'm pretty noob I just like one shotting guys with aimed shot
I'm not going to survive the depths am I.
>play a build that is almost completely silent
>still manage to aggro every single mob in the map at once
sounds like a skill issue
It'll be fine. Well if you're not on dominating and maybe if you really screwed up hard.
You can always transition builds pretty easy, ambush pistols is insanely strong and shares a lot with snipers
It's significantly easier to attract enemies on higher difficulties. Particularly in Depot A where everything above ground likes to congregate in groups of 3+ and their tendency to accidentally set off mines.
If you know your shit, and if youre in normal, you should be fine
But for the love of god, consult with us before nosediving into DC
cant, i need the utility belt for the two slots, grenadier and all.
so i killed the aegis sec at the docks to get the patroller for razor...only problem is, when he gets the patroller how am i gonna get back here to get MY jet ski? hope there wont be guards here when i get back too...
Caltrops are super lame.
Do female characters get any bonuses like male characters get (groin guard, gray army base speech checks)
>throw a cryogas nade at a pack of neutral gangsters at Core City
>no aggro, they all just casually walk over to defuse it
>throw a real nade while they're bunched up around it
finally a use for cryogas nades
No groin guard bonuses, and females get another dialogs and interactions
they don't get stunned twice from dirty kick
you're in the right warehouse if you had to fight off a shitty sentry bot in the building entrance.
if you didn't, you're in the wrong place.
the warehouse with strange storage device no?
No, that's the other one
Is there any real point to entropic recurrence? Feels like if you can recurrence them you can just murder them outright.
ty bre
Get a lucky crit, double down on it I guess?
Is there anything good in the burrower part of the GMS compound?
Probably to stop heals or capitalize on morphine shit.
>lend your old man a hand barbecuing some rathound, son?
It's good for things with high health/damage resist. Using it off of telepathic punch is great for the hives, nagas, and strongmen.
>cracks diet Morphine
i can't imagine average person in underrail. Must be riddled with hole like a sponge from all the medicine.
so your average "person" from the west coast then?
>psi boosters, morphine, adrenaline shot, health hypo, psi reinvigorato all during one fight
yeah i guess can't be more than what "people" from west coast consume in one average evening
>"dude just go full psi what could go wrong?"
>have literally no points to put into crafting
This sucks.
God this is so fucking easy. SO EASY. I am literally flying through content at light speed
>Get to Depot A
>Usually have to plan encounters out
>Usually need a lot of reloads to get the RNG to go in my favour
Now though? I am a machine of war.
>Run in
>Throw my Frag Grenade MK2
>Kills multiple things immediately
>Enemies turn comes, they run towards me
>Shotgun them to the face
>Melee comes near me? Uncanny Dodge.
>Need to make some space? Knee Shot / Temporal Dilation / Sprint / Hit and Run
>Grenades not working? Molotovs will.
This is such a fucking strong build jesus christ. I had to check to make sure I was playing hard mode, just incase I accidently clicked a lower difficulty.
who told you this? that person is retarded. Pick 2 trees to go full into and half max third one for utility. Best way to go imo.
Im in depot a and i feel underlevel, did i miss some sidequests? How do i surivve alll this acid
based temporal manipulation abuser. Get contraction and psycho temporal acceleration to be ultimate shotgun machinegun
go find cliff the halfdead guy nearthe entrance to burrower nest if you're lucky he should have mutant dog leather armor on him with 30%+ acid resistance
>entrance to burrower nest
I dunno where is that
Not him but I still haven't been able to find temporal contraction at all. Is there a guaranteed spawn for it somewhere?
>find two 120 quality items in a random box
>neither of them are useful for something I would actually craft
I guess I can use the black cloth for a stealth only set, but damn, why can't I get lucky like that for mats I actually want.
Sure step feat for floor acid and caltrops
Mutant dog leather armor for acid attacks
Rail crossing doc mate
it's west then south of the junkyard's other entrance(not the docks)
can you show your stats with the shotty build?
If you help the black eels kill the scrappers you'll get acid resist armour as a drop along with a bunch of guns
How do i start this quest?
>he doesn't want to use all the schools
Looks like I'll eventually be able to craft shit at the very end of the game.
Do two quests for Eddy the Scrapper boss, then do all the Dockmaster Silas quests for the Black Eels, it culminates in you raiding the Scrappers and looting all the dead (just make sure Silas survives)
I'm level 13 and I'm struggling in core city, everyone hits harder than me and they have like 2-3 times the health, stealth seems largely useless too since most enemies detect me in a few seconds, and I'm wearing the rathound king armor.
You don't have to do Eddy's shit.
cringe build my mayne. i hate using all the trees because thought control, TM, and psychokinesis half max gives you all you need to do anything you want. instead of the 4th school i'd go throwing if anything, granades give much more utility than any single school
This is the build so far, I'm level 8 at the moment. I had the full build planned out but turned my browser off and can't be arsed doing the entire full level build again just yet since I'm going out soon.
Started off with 8 Agi, put 2 points into it at level 4 and 8 so that I can get Blitz at level 10. I'll be putting a single point into Perception at level 12 so I can unlock Fragmented Chaos.
gotta get some real armor, the rat king armor is only worthwhile in combat if you need to run up on people, it's great to wear around as you travel and such though
hahha i was lvl 12 with my TM distortion build in core city and everything was a cakewalk if i hit my flashbang. seems your build is garbage.
Yeah but you dont need to take the exp from these quests
But you'll miss out on eXperience Points if you don't do a couple of Eddyquests, no?
im gonna do it guys, im going full psi.
10 will and what else? con?
>Enrage at 60
>Proxy at 55
>Exothermic Aura/Stasis at 70
You aren't getting that shit with grenades.
Say goodbye to Blaine faglords, I'm going to merc him for 1000 credits.
con int gives best results. Thick skull is kinda good bu you could also go 9 con 4 dex 8 int and get paranoia instead of thick skull but it's all about playstyle
CON-Wizard is the canonical build,
Dude's missions are hilarious but Im think Im stuck in they grey army base and will have to reload rail crossing
Is there any way to cheese the greys? I dont even know where the fuck the oil is and I got up to the 3rd floor I think
b-but my tabi boots blueprints
>my build is garbage
No shit, but magic/psi builds are like playing on easy every time.
Do you have stealth?
3 con 6 agility, if you have the balls for it
Become a nimble glasd canon
thick skull is literally a negative feat for psi users who intend to take locus of control (all psi users)
i'm not saying granades are batter than all the schools combined. I'm going FULL TM,TC and i get psychokinesis to 45 for elektrokinetic imprint. You don't need memethermics with so much utility. And granades could definitely replace memethermics and are definitely providing more utility.
Don't listen to the tards that suggest pumping CON. It's a stat that says "i'm too stupid to play the game and make frequent mistakes."
The oil is on a warehouse behind as keycarded gate, you need to get a keycard on the second floor, full of official
Hint: Official and bathroom
Enough to get pretty far but eventually they are just grouped too tight.
kill the officer in the bathroom, take his uniform, go up to get the key to that warehouse (magazin or something like that)
then just avoid them (no need for stealth) adn the oil is on the furthest shelf
Grenades can't compete with the high ranked metathermic skills. The only grenades psi users need to throw are EMP and they don't have much risk of accidental death.
no it's not. LoC has long ass cooldown. you can still use LoC for mass thought control cc but until you get LoC thick skull is good af and even after that it's still good. also LoC removes incapacitation which thick skull doesn't cover.
Friendly reminder that true chads make focused builds and not jacks of all trades.
Fuck all of you 4 psi school taking bitches, take one and use it well and accept the weaknesses it comes with. Weakness is strength.
why will at 4 and dex at 5?
Psi builds are focused ya retard.
yes I was thinking there was a disguise involved
when I searched online I found the grey officer uniform wiki
i swear to god the posts in these threads get more and more retarded every single day
please stop having strong opinions on builds if you've never even made it to deep caverns
How are stingball grenades?
>he hasn't taken the flashbang distortion pill
what can i say
but guy spears are totally only good for their guarding lol
i always play melee and guns. never even tried any of the slav magic schools.
afer using temporal in dlc, i've decided to go on a full psi run.
but you just know im gonna play retarded like tin cans usually do, so i guess con is not a bad idea.
Why would I do that when I can spam cyrokinesis like usual?
What's a good reference for builds in this game? do crossbows and knives allow you to strike enemies without giving away your position?
What skills should players avoid?
this armor is pretty fucking good for having no strength requirement since i can't play stealth cause of the crossbowmen sniping me from across the map
only really useable in the early game, since having 15 DT means that they'll never hurt you, and most enemies worth stunning in the mid game onwards have at least that much.
3 xp + anything off burrowers if you are playing oddity
Otherwise no.
>dex 5
Leading Shot.
Also I'm keeping my options open for potentially adding another point of dex to pick up Grenadier. We'll see though.
>will 4
Personal preference, I didn't want the negative skill levels in intimidate and TM. I'll be getting Yell much later into the build which will cripple the fuck out of enemies.
And to be fair, I didn't really need the extra point, I could have just as easily put it into Con but thats only like an extra 20 health anyway so who cares.
yeah you can but you said EMP grenades are the only useful thing which is furthest from truth you could get. molotovs fear enemies and flashbangs incapacitate some so you can focus on only one of them and you could pick all sorts for granades against all kinds of enemies. Thus grenades provide more utility than memethermics.
Unironically no. GMS Burrower area was a fucking mistake. As is the Burrower area out near the front of Junkyard. Literally fuck all of value for such dangerous places. Avoid them at all costs unless you're an absolute beast of a character.
Fun to throw into the cantina at SGS at least?
can I leave Abrams rescue mission and come back to him later?
Should i play an energy pistol build with 3 CON and 15 DEX? Or should i redistribute some DEX points into CON?
I'm going to be using Riot Gear.
Yes you can.
You can use all the school perfectly fine my man.
Once youre in the magatzin, switch back to soldier vest
do it before you give tanner the circuit board or you'll be missing out on a huge quest chain
fuck con, you either go all in or you dont go at all. energy pistol builds are based (unless your energy bounces back on to you, in which case you will die instantly)
yes but it's easy as fuck. Literally go behind the seccurity bitch start combat cc her somehow and kill her in one turn to get the key. Or you could pop out next to the doctor evade the camera and go inside then kill him in one turn get key and you can go straight to maura through ventilation and open her cage.
I said they're the only grenades a psi user would NEED to throw. Slow down to read and understand my statements properly. Don't make up some fantasy in your head where I said "grenades are useless on psi characters"
How long does it take for a Chem Pistoleer build to truly blossom?
you don't need any of that shit when thermodynamic destabilization kills every single enemy in the map in one go.
after lvl 26
yes i agree but it's literally pointless to go all of them. Don't me you need to use all the abilities from every tree in everysingle fight because that would be ridiculous. What one tree can offer for any given fight can be replaced with proper granades.
A young woman is trapped down there, don't you have a heart?
dont even get a bj
on easy probably but still doubt it. honestly i hate memethermics so i never finished run with them i stopped playing at core city cuz they boring.
I have minimal AGI and CON am i going to have to rely solely on Riot gear and Shield emitter?
Ouch! I guess that would qualify it as the latest blooming build then. Seems like most builds come into their own well before level 20, but a few take a long while to truly develop their stengths.
How Russian can I be in this game?
>Underrail is a shithole
>0 rapes happening
>Not even a mention of it
Styg confirmed for shitting himself. Woman should have been getting used as onaholes throughout the entirety of the Underrail.
Russian, nope
Bizarre slav? Yep
most of the people in the game are white
lol "on easy"
it was on dominating, please at least look up what an ability does before you try to shittalk it
you need stealth, at least in part because energy pistols require at least medium range due to their inherent low accuracy
He's trolling.
White's didn't let women have rights until the 1900s.
>honestly i hate memethermics
What a pussy bitch, thinking with his pussy instead of his brain.
and now look at society.
Yes, it was a mistake.
You are a fucking moron who knows absolutely nothing about history
>Fast forward to today
Shit was a mistake
Can i still sneak around with big heavy Riot gear?
Contraction seems like a pretty sweet ability until you see the 75 psi cost. Seems great for non psi builds, but in a psi build it basically costs you a psi booster to use it.
And it was a good idea not to. They got really far like that.
technically, yes
Sure, master the ways of metal armor stealth and shotgun/hammer assasination
It is until you get 50% or higher psi cost reduction, before that Premeditation will do just fine.
Riot Gear isn't that heavy, especially if you throw in Nimble.
How do you get 50% cost reduction?
So I can steal shit from red shelves and stuff without anything happening? I just took some stuff next to an NPC and they didn't do anything.
Psi Headband: Varying, down to -25% (or higher now)
Psi Vest: -10%
Staff: -15%
Veteran Feat: -20%
Coffee: -10%
80% seems like the absolute highest you can go unless I'm missing something.
Only if they see you red handed, but if nobody sees you, nothing happens
Burrowers are a joke once you get your hands on an energy shield
I can not find a muffler above quality 30 for the life of me and I keep checking every fucking shop except for the ones in core city. I should just head over there so I can try and buy one.
You can literally kidnap a woman to become a personal onahole of the rathound king.
What cloth do you folk figure I should through on my psi vest? Thinkin kevlar, but blast cloth sounds like a decent idea too.
fuck I love beartraps boys
nothing like putting a few down, sniping some psi-nigger for the one shot kill and then retreating to let his retarded crew come block the door with their soon to be corpses in my bear traps
What's your take on savescumming in this game? Do you savescumm and equip your +intimidation after a failed roll?
That's how you're supposed to do it. Just like STALKER.
it's a single player CRPG. savescum if it makes you happy, don't if it makes you happier not to
This is savescumming: the game, anyone who disagrees is a liar
Does anyone know the persuasion needed to join the pirates while talking to the captain during the kidnapping thing?
>ever removing your balaclava
can i just kill everyone in the gambling house in junkyard or will it aggro everyone
The metathermics skill that makes dudes explode on death is so good. It honestly makes the tree worth taking to 50 alone imo. Turn 1 cast it and throw a grenade, turn 2 telekinetic punch + spear throw lets me unga bunga whole packs
Stuff like this is really making me consider postponing the expansion until we get reliable information on skill checks and such.
But on the other hand, Styg could nerf the hell out of the stuff I want to use in the meantime.
I'm pretty sure it's an uncontrolled area so I don't think so, but I haven't tried myself.
just play the game you silly nigger
I didn't play the base game build there's no way I'm going to put in 100 hours just to find out I don't get any cool lore tidbits because some arbitrary stat wasn't high enough.
you're going to have to play it a couple times to get everything anyway and it's fun as fuck to try different builds when you do so there's no point in waiting
you do you though
locked out of black eels quest line coz i cant get support for them
protectorate are hostile coz im a free drone, sgs always decide agianst helping
thats what you get for being an anarchist
You sound like the kind of faggot who watches lets plays
The NAP giveth, the NAP taketh away
Played this game a while back as a crossbow/trapper and annihilated everyone, including that guy from the arena which I one shotted.
Any build better than that?
omegayikes right. full will psion mega persuasion chad convincing people to reveal their secrets just because.
I wanna meet the absolute psycho who can beat the game without savescumming. This game would take forever if you don't take risks.
>im f-ful will p-pis-psii ghyes!!!
as opposed to not full bitch will psi, right you little bitch?
eat a molotov
why so mad, pipeworker? You derailed?
You're an incredibly powerful temporal manipulator, tapping the power of CHIM is only natural.
I wish there were detailed Underrail LP's that showed off everything so I could make the characters I want instead of worrying about maximizing content during a playthrough.
holy redit
any quests on the rig?
If you're a pirate.
Are there any sections of the game that would absolutely fuck a melee stealth character?
Depends since melee could mean a lot of things.
>classic xp
nah melee and stealth are pretty good
who are the reddits of underrail?
classic xp homos and normal difficulty niggers
Which shotgun should I craft, Vindicator or Sovereign?
And which barrel, long or short? I assume even though long has less damage, it has more damage due to more bullets hitting one target?
(Or should I just craft AR Huszar instead? As both weapons seem kinda same damage and about the same range if you use burst attack on AR?)
>go to gym
>"never skip chest day"
>go to gym irl
you aight nigga
I chose normal because it says its how the game is meant to be played!
Is it true you gotta finish avrams stuff in junkyard before handing in the drill? I swear he meets you in core anyways
I dunno if you gotta, but you might as well
Anybody who doesn't play the way I do
The protectoreddit
short barrel foregrip vindicator is the best shotgun you can get
Is AR/temporal/tactical vest craft gonna get me through DC?
>helping bl eels
>decide to go in with your boys
>silas gets wiped
Make one where protectoreddits outposts get ganked by a stealthy hobo with a knife
should i take expose weakness on a shotgun build?
>the only way drones can win is through PC superpowers
QUESTION: Are there aany NIGGERS or TRANNIES or any of that shit in this game? I might buy it but I do NOT want to play it if there any NIGGERS or TRANNIES or anything like that in it
Take your pills
Yes, the entire game is about them
fuck off discord tranny
no, there are no sickening shit like that in this game
Nobody cares about your tranny fetish faggot
fuck off discord tranny