We live in an age where a crossover of all these characters is actually a legit thing

>we live in an age where a crossover of all these characters is actually a legit thing

Good thing companies like Nintendo still love videogames as an entertainment form. One can only wonder who will join this all star cast.

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The fact that Pac-Man, Ken, Simon, Bayonetta and Joker are absent from this and eventually Banjo is pretty insane when you think about it

Couldn't add Pacman there, 8 is the max. I didn't really count Joker because he isn't an icon to the same level as them. Joker literally came out a couple of years ago while these have been present since the NES era.

>the legendary Roto
>vampire hunter Richter Belmont
>the blue blur Sonic the Hedgehog
>motherfucking Ryu
> Cloud -Sephiroth slayer- Strife
>Revolver Oc-I mean... Solid Snake
>the Blue Bomber Rockman
>the mythical and classic Mario Mario
Not gonna lie, it's amazing such a game exist

it’s him, the blue blur

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only sonic ruins it, but yeah it's incredible now that you say it
I should buy a switch next thanksgiving when it's cheap

Samefag but it's okay it is awesome

only way the roster gets better is if artorias or gael join

Now we only need two of the best and most iconic antagonists of all time, this guy

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I'm just one post there.

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Is his name really Hero or is that something they came up with recently (last 3 entries or whatever)? Never played Dragon Quest

And this guy

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The Hero, at least here, never had official names, because in an RPG the hero is supposed to be YOU and whatever you name it.
That being said, in Japan they have kind of official names mentioned in Sakurai's video today.

why would you reply to something so dumb. why are the people in here eager to waste time with the most mundane actions more than any other board
baiting people here must feel like taking candy from a baby

Very educational

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We still need Terry Bogard to represent SNK

You can chose the name of your hero every single time and the devs refuse to accept any name as actual canon so Smash just calls them "the heroes"
Kinda like "the Pokemon Trainer" except these ones actually have no canon names

>Richter over Simon
>Snake before Pac-Man

Who do you hope gets in as the bandai-namco rep? For me its Digdug.

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post it in the general you stupid faggot

Just being here is a waste of time, but it's a waste that I enjoy.

Imagine all the insane crossovers that would have never happened if Smash hadn’t somehow pulled in various characters from different companies. Imagine Pac-Man and Final Fantasy VII having a major crossover of any sort. Imagine Bayonetta and Mega Man somehow running into each other. Imagine fucking Persona 5 and Banjo-Kazooie having any contact in any capacity.

Meh the general is more to complain about other people's mains and the game itself. I want to celebrate the fact a crossover like this is possible, or in other words: talk about actual videogames.

i want mappy in

Geralt or Master Chief

solving a captcha to tell an epic troll3r that, uh, water is indeed wet can't be fun

I'm totally in for Taizo.
I actually made a fake leak with Taizo getting announced and it was actually kind of well received. Nobody believed it but a lot of people agreed Taizo would be cool.

no you're spamming the board with smash. post in one of the others thread

>spamming the videogame board
>with a videogame
God forbid it. Go seethe somewhere else.

I'd love to see Yoshimitsu.
>rep two series, Tekken and Soul Calibur
>wacky oddball style of gameplay that would fit perfectly and be unique
>design and voice that stands out
>samurai is one sword style that Smash doesn't have
>could have a stage that morphs between one from Tekken and one from SC and with music tracks from both series

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That'd be awesome but also a hell to license and pay.

Doesn't Namco own both series?

What's so special about Banjo? He just looks like another generic animal mascot like Sonic.

I wish. They'd probably consider him a book character, and the Witcher isn't exactly classic literature like Dracula.

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Yeah but you'd have to license two franchises for just one character.

Steve is never getting into Smash.

I doubt that would be difficult since one company owns them, Namco is nothing like Square.

Spotted the zoomer.


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He's easily a strong contender for Smash 6. Let's not kid ourselves. Sakurai loves Minecraft. Why do Banjokers assume everyone who is indifferent towards their cartoon bear is a Stevefag?

Should be Mature characters
>Hero (Eight) v.s. Joker v.s. Cloud v.s. Ryu v.s. Richter v.s. Snake v.s. Bayonetta v.s. Link

And kiddie shit characters

>Mario v.s. Sonic v.s. Pac-Man v.s. Megaman v.s. Banjo-Kazooie v.s. Simon v.s. Hero (Arurisu) v.s. Toon Link

Why is Richer in this pic over Simon?

A keystone charscter in nintendo's history. Not having banjo would be like not having inkling or not having olimar.

C'mon Soccerguy make it happen.

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Because they were the most vocal and annoying against Banjo and also the Discord that deliberately shitposted Steve garbage into all smash threads.

Slip of the finger. I personally love Richter more than Simon and instinctively picked him for the screenshot. But yeah, as for the icon representing Castlevania's history with Nintendo Simon should've gone there.

>this faggot still thinks "mature" games means he'll look and feel mature by playing them
Nigger, it's the immature people who think mature games mean anything.

Making the "mature vs kiddie shit" separation and calling it like that actually makes you look more childish.

Okay, allow me to rephrase it

Hardcore game characters and casual game characters

That's worse.

>hurr if they're cartoony they're casual and if they're realistic they're hardcore

Either him or the prince would be awesome.

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>Banjokers actually believe their relic of a franchise was anywhere on the same level as Splatoon
This absolute delusion.

Maybe if Banjofags didn't shit on Minecraft fans for no reason in the first place, they wouldn't have done that. You reap what you sow.

The Prince would be a better fit for Smash but the King would be a better Final Smash for him.

Reverse the games in that sentence.

How about cool looking characters and not cool characters? I think we can all agree with this

>all these cool characters
>and then two literally whos on the left
You should have at least put Simon and Pac-Man in there instead.

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At this point Mario is the one looking out of place.

>Richter literally who

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you're a faggot. post in the general

Yeah, virgin Richter is a literally who.

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How about you're a stupid pile of shit.

>Stevefag trying to claim that he's the victim

they didn't they just wanted the bear lmao

As soon as all other games with a /vg/ thread stop also being posted in Yea Forums.

Remove Richter then, I'm a huge Akumajô Dracula fan but Rockman is bigger.

Seethe harder.

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how many smash threads are there that you can post in. stop being a cunt and flooding the board

Master Chief is honestly the only one missing.

no, the general is to post stuff about smash that doesn't merit its own separate thread on Yea Forums. stop spamming up the board with redundant garbage.

I can actually hear your teeth gritting. Chill out. This thread will be dead in an hour. It's not like dozens of threads in Yea Forums aren't dying by the hour.

none of those other games spam Yea Forums with several redundant threads every hour, every day.

Funny, I see plenty of Crash, Resident Evil, and FFXIV threads all day every day here when they have generals.

>It's not like dozens of threads in Yea Forums aren't dying by the hour.
maybe they'd last longer if the board wasn't spammed with OMG SMAAAAASH, HE'S IN, SHE'S DISCONFIRMED, LOOK AT THIS EPIC LEAK!

Be grateful I actually tried to make lighthearted conversation about actual content in the game instead of being "leak liar no. 104". It's not my fault most of the fanbase of the game I love is a fucking impatient liar.

Please show me a clear of super mario bros, and then tell me where you had trouble on FFVII

My fingers are crossed for any character besides Steve

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Fuck off, Barry.
