WEBM Thread
WEBM Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>fizzy lifting drinks.webm
somebody PLEASE add some goofy looney tunes sound effects to this
I tried playing this game a while back but it was tough to get into. This webm makes me want to play it again. How do I achieve this level of mobility?
anime was a mistake
god I hate das2
>activate windows
stupid face ruins it
ruh roh
this is vidya as much as a dvd menu is vidya.
fucking kill yourself
that wasn't video games
>that charge up
toppest of keks
What game is it good
who even plays this stupid shit
you do.
is this really what virgins play
No, virgins reply with stupid posts like
>is this really what virgins play
to it
why do I feel like this game has lots of potential to do truly amazing stuff in it but whenever I played it or see a webm it's always just blowing shit up in the most boring ways?
light armor and leg upgrades
good one
z i n g e r
that outfit is so retarded
Yes, Chads play the hentai games with no tease shit, skip all dialogue and straight to the fucking.
what was it?
git gud
also this
she seems to enjoy it though
pineapple pizza.
a cringe postâ„¢
god dammit
yeah.. life isn't always as simple as it seems to be
what the fuck
my first laugh today
Noot noot, motherfucker.
The story is batshit crazy (it really fucking is, you have no clue what you are doing, why you are doing anything and who the people you are talking to are) and the game has ingame video tutorials that take ages to watch.
Once you get the hang of it, great game, a true rough gem. Bought it for one dollar a few years back on a steam sale.
what 'game'?
So is God Eater still a MH clone?
Is it fun?
welp, there goes my no fap
could you not
Fuck no.
It's not a complete clone, but the basic structure is the same
It's okay
enjoy being on a watchlist
I didn't know that looking at a webm could make me physically ill
>being on a watchlist because you make a joke on chinese cartoon board
I can't imagine what it's like to be an american. Doesn't your FBI have better things to do than browse Yea Forums?
it's not mine. I don't live in muttland
>brings up americans for absolutely no reason
oof big cringe+yikes sweetie
>for absolutely no reason
Most other countries don't spy on their citizens and put them on "watch lists" user.
>for absolutely no reason
This post was made from my Iphone X
>Most other countries don't spy on their citizens and put them on "watch lists" user.
You don't actually think this right?
Yes for absolutely no reason, sick wojak edit #18315 though.
gonna need to see some sauce, sir
it was illegal shit
odin sphere as the title of the video states
actual real life cp
>shit story
>even worse gameplay
I will never understand the appeal of this game
t. mutty mcmutt
You guys really cling to that meme huh?
what the actual fuck
Its already gone, the mods did their job
How bad was it?
It was CP.
It was a little girl sucking dick.
>janny not fucking around for once
thank god
what the hell are those bars
Which game?
they only watch out for childfuckers with money or ones that make money
Is DS2 Scholar online still active? What's the best SM range for invasions?
damn right
same stuff that arcade ports on consoles have, it's for the sake of the original resolution.
pedos deserve to be violently murdered desu
steel armor blaze of war
look at the screen instead of a mirror
I'm still not sure how the fuck the campaign works, everytime i try to play it it crashes within the first hour or so. I thought maybe you were playing steel beasts or something.
weird, I remember experiencing very rare crashes but not something serious.
Campaign works like turn based grand strategy and real time tactical battles, you achieve the objectives you are given to win.
do people just play this game to dress kat up in outfits?
>thanking janissaries
Day of the rope soon.
The webms show 99% of the gameplay.
Damn, this looks like a flashier and better MHW. What's the issue?
All porn of this game is NTR, stay the fuck away.
That looks way too good. No way it's a game.
>this looks like a flashier and better MHW.
kek no
This is amazing
I need this
is that real time or sped up?
return of the obra din
seriously? that's real time. you've never played mahjong?
nah never
what game?
can you actually fuck her?
return to obra din
please someone tell me what this is
The issue is that that webm is literally the tutorial and in the actual game 90% of your moves are worthless due to hitting for peanuts compared to your burst arts
And you can only equip 1 burst art for your ground, air, and dash attacks so the combat is spammy and dull as shit
But you get a cute daugher so it's fine
return of the obra din
thank you
I haven't played in a while, but I'm pretty sure the "community" designated pvp range is under 2 million SM
ahhh, we've got a trickster
a silly sandy? a tricky nick? a destructive darryl?
a wise william?
>retard asking to be spoonfed is throwing a hissy fit when nobody actually does it
Return to reddit.
bravo B-team
it's a fucking webm, you cant reverseimagesearch it
kys irl you fucking nigger
just guessing but it kinda looks like dreams
The name of the game and the platform are actually in the title of the webm. Get fucked, you tech illiterate cunt.
not him but he could be phone posting, in which event, he might not see the name
>he might be phone posting
In which case he deserves help even less.
>filename = titel
And we're done here. Literally retarded.
he said title, not filename.
ig you dont want this build too its also sometimes fun to just go full on juggernaut on fuckers in game.
actual xenoblades gameplay
because metacritic can't be wrong
>having to download and view file properties just to get a title
Stop being a little fat bitch that's on your desktop all night just so you can belittle unknown people on the internet
Its name is "Dreams" and its on PS4
when both critics and users say your game is mediocre, it probably is. and people saying something is shit is more believable than people saying something is good.
>>having to download and view file properties just to get a title
you don't have to do that at all.
how embarrassing.
these webms suck...
>didn't read the latter part of the post
Dumb phoneposter.
then why dont you enlightrn us friend?
or does your secret knowledge hold too much value to be shared?
how do you not have Yea Forums X.
how do you even know how to breathe.
lurk moar
What game?
Hell Ya Motherfucker
not him but I removed Yea Forums X ages ago, seemed like the features I were using were way less than the default ones forced on you, just add your own scripts and be done with it
I dont much care for muh "browser extensions". Fucking mouth breather.
>actually using botnetX
Imagine using a browser extension to browse Yea Forums
I cant believe titfa is fucking dead.
>haha i have less features than you, let me boast about it
this is like americans on /int/ bragging about not knowing about something.
You are on the thread in which it was posted, you are literally in a watchlist already.
>said while posting on Yea Forums from his windows pc.
im actually on a mac, dumbass geek.
god anti-spoonfeeding faggots are the worst, i love doing it just to spite you
>my fat anime knowledge is so precious!
could you stop arguing about extensions for a second and tell me what game those anime tiddies are from?
a commonly posted meme joke.
i was waiting for mario to pop out and get promptly thrown but this is fine too
Please spoonfeed me the method to pirate a new graphics card
First you gotta go to meatspin and lemon party then google lolita on imagefap and then download more ram. Look in the mirror and say "im a faggot" 6 times and in 3 days the gpu will be growing out of your side.
sure but first you have to download more ram
Holy magical sand.
What game, koikatsu?
Please how do I go to meat spin lemon party image fap ram HELP I need to pirate a mirrer
Is Gal Gun worth "buying"?
have you tried exfoliating your cpu?
You need to download more RAM first, make sure to unplug your current GPU while you do it
I think that's ffxiv, im not entirely sure though.
Why does his eye zoom in and out like that?
My bet is on mindlessly aping older girls/women. Children still have too much of an animal in them.
>im actually on a mac, dumbass geek.
>There are people who defend this
what was the point of making this webm?
>Low Semen
>don't be so cock
What am i looking at?
spin to win
Some people are so desperate to shit on MoHu that they'll defend any piece of trash that even scratches the same thing MoHu does
Please tell me that's fake
it's real
>shitting on one of the best DLC maps in the entire Souls series
Cope harder
what game
well hello
time to delete my cache again
DayZ is still a masterpiece I see.
>reinstall to find two new maps
>both have long sightlines where the AI fucks you
>only half the enemies are in the plane because the other half were strewn about the airport fucking you from afar
rondo duo by tinklebell
>What's the best SM range for invasions?
looks good, game name?
>best DLC maps in the entire Souls series
2 was the best in the series
this game looks boring what do yo do can you fight stuff I like hot chicks but this looks like a boring dating sim wheres the gameplay
what is it? that new SWAT game, Ready or Not?
Jesus Christ. Learn 2 grammar, noob.
dreams for the ps4 its like Project Spark but done better
Is this a Nep game, also is it a full game or just a mini game
>even when you're fighting a betelgeuse, another bazleboomber will come by to fuck your shit up
based b-52
>my people need me
invest in cyberlegs, wear light armour, don't equip too much stuff (increases weight)
personally I played as a Terminator from 40K
heaviest armour possible, the damocles (power sword) and BK13 auto pistol, and the HS010 (as a storm bolter)
optional: sulfatum as assault cannon
you can even RP being on a space hulk by playing thw Vindico map
can someone tell me what this is
A game.
very funny, what's the title of this game?
Gravity Rush 2
the Crusader Kings notification in end made me lose it
did u even watch the webm, retard?
Looks like Cities: Skylines
Ground branch
That's a huge plane
she didn't suck it in the first one he just jacked it on her face
>you can even RP being on a space hulk by playing thw Vindico map
Yeah or if you are autistic you fucking nerd.
actually laughed to this xDDD
I love cp
kill yourself
Love this guy
Does the game have a name
>Meanwhile on the most boring and brain dead game ever released
Will you tell the name
Then good day to you sir
Imagine pretending to like a bad game anonymously on the internet.
you wugleh
>FF Dragoon
traversal mechanics my dude
Not pictured: dicks
Dark Souls II still has the best and most memorable online play.
Even some of the hackers were a blast, some acted like home-brewed boss fights. Shit was pretty cash.
Chads find the cheat code to unlock all the gallery animations and just jack off to what they want.
this is worse than i remember
worse than the fucking outskirts
then stop ruining it
What game?
How are we at a point where 7/10 is considered bad? How the actual fuck do you look at that score and say "huh, three points above average, must be shit"??
You're being dishonest as fuck if you claim to think that 6.5 isn't considered bad in the gaming industry since it doesn't actually mean above average. The actual rating for relevant games might as well start at 5/10 and end at 10/10 since going below the former is rare and only reserved for straight up irrelevant shovelware.
Not to mention, the point was that it's clearly not considered even close as good as MHW.
>7 is 3 points above 5
Wouldn't it make more sense for games to be rated from 1/5, in that case? What's the point of making it out of 10 if we're not even going to use 1 - 4?