I am outdated

Attached: Robin_-_Super_Smash_Bros._Ultimate.png (1753x1916, 2.92M)

Its okay Robin. I still use you and Zelda. You'll always be my tactician.

At least you get more pussy.

Robin was outdated the moment they changed how the alt colors looked.

Robin is still more consistent though, you at least know what to expect of every tool and his sword is strong enough for good damage, Hero has more magic and crit system but keep in mind they are tied to the RNG factor, while at least even if tomes are limited they aren't tied to mana and you can use then at your favor even when they stop working.

Literally the only thing Robin needs is some buffs to his moveset because they are holding him back a lot.

>Robin: That's strategy.
>Hero: Thinking won't get us anywhere.

Or in other words:

>Robin: Boring but practical
>Hero: Flashy but random or situational

But all of Robin's specials sans nosferatu are basically replicated through Hero. He's got his wind, his fire, and his electricity, and the only thing holding him back is his extremely easy to refill MP meter.

The issue is that, ALL of Hero's moves are tied to the same MP meter, and charging then take a good chunk out of it, while Robin's specials are tied to different tomes so even if one of then is wasted he still ahs the rest, and the refill individually and can be used as situational weapons once they are wasted.

I guess you're right about that. Since they're all tied to the same meter, then using them all in rapid succession would eventually have you run out. And Hero might have crits in his moveset, but Robin still has Levin sword which works well enough. Have to figure Sakurai and his team probably think about all of this shit anyway.

>Caring about balance

Just you wait. Robin's gonna get an echo-fighter before Ultimate is done with dlc, and plummet to the least used character in the game.

>Link's shield gimmick is taken as well

>Character casts spells
>Other character casts spells

Hero and Robin aren't even remotely the same.

Hero is literally an upgrade of Robin and more.

Have you played Hero? He honestly kind of sucks

Still not as bad as Robin

>upgrade of Robin

If you could actually mean RNG factor as an upgrade then yeah, also every spell being tied to just one mana meter is actually pretty awful compared to having stand alone spells.

Robin is just more consistent, Hero does have more cool stuff and options, but a lot of then are tied to working as random and some of then are even really situational.

Waluigi deserves to be in more than weebshit like Fag Emblem & Joker, and anyone that disagrees is a retarded weaboo sperg that needs to hang themselves.

>Robin amiibo only had a male variant
>Hero will probably have all four designs
Literally the one amiibo I would have wanted doesn't exist

>one mana meter
That charges up fast if you know what you're doing

Doesn't change the fact most of their magic take a huge ammount of it to use, or the fact you could cripple your recovery options by going full offensive alone.