Next Jojo fighting game

Would you guys rather have them do characters from every part or focus on just one like HFTF

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Everything after part 3 is gay.

Why doesn't Capcom just remaster HFTF for modern platforms with network play i'll pay $60 for that in a heartbeat just to bully newbies with Pet Shop online.

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Rather CyberConnect2 do it again except just follow the story of 2-3 parts.
Also give them an actual budget because Eyes of Heaven felt cheap as fuck compared to Ultimate Ninja storm

Focusing on one part would make a better fighting game, assuming the devs do their jobs.

Every part but put lots of care into the characters and give it a dbfz treatment for good gameplay

>or focus on just one like HFTF

Never going to happen again

No future Jojo game will not have Dio and Jotaro so any game featuring other characters will always be a crossover.

1-3 with bonus characters from 4,5, and 6

at least it's not shit aka part 3

you have to be a retarded anime only to think this
part 6 and 7 are cream of the crop

As long as my boi is in, I don't really care who else is in the roaster.

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part 2 and 5 is the best

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more like cream of the crap!

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jojo by netherrealm studios

is this the complain about fighting games that don't exist thread
where the fuck is the French Bread Dies Irae game

>fat elf poster

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No. Should be made by French bread or arcsys

>its another naruto-style arena game with no balancing and janky camera

when will it end

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Found the guido

A part 5 fighting game would be pretty based i'd main Prosecuto and Pesci

>Why doesn't Capcom just remaster HFTF for modern platforms with network play
HFTF is complete and total casual filter. All of the actual stand users require complex execution and understanding of their moves as you're essentially playing a even more complex puppet character all all times. There are characters without stands or use different kinds of stands but they're all bottom tier.

There's a reason HFTF is dead even despite the boom in popularity Jojo has had, it's fucking ball bustingly hard to play.

All they need to do is make ASB 2, throw in some new characters and arena, put some nice looking cell shading and voila i dont care about balancing all im asking is stylish and fun charactes and features,customizing taunts in ASB was the coolest shit ever, hell they can put a fuckton of DLC and people would buy every single one of them.

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Capcom doesn't own Jojo rights anymore since it was sold to Namco. If they held on to it we probably would have gotten a rerelase of the Part 5 game on the Ps2

Is he /ourguy/?

Truly a fate worse than death

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>Giorno's beatdown of Cioccolata went down for around 30 seconds
>Gold Experience hits 26 times in 3.5 seconds, meaning that each punch lasts for about 0.1346 seconds
>When Bruno felt a punch coming towards him for 21 seconds, that means it went 156 times faster
>156x30 seconds=4680 seconds
>4680 seconds= 1 hour and 18 minutes
>Cioccolata felt himself get fucking annihilated by Giorno for over an hour

I cant wait to watch this dude set the fucking world on fire

>he's a part 6 fag

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Making cuts to the roster for a JoJo fighting game must be hard. There's so many interesting stands that would make for unique playstyles, but at this point the series has gone on so long that there's way too many main characters that have to be guaranteed slots on the roster. If you're going to make an actual fleshed out fighting game rather than an arena fighter you're basically limited to picking two or three characters from each part, assuming a realistic budget.

people still watch this DUDE MUSCLE DUDES WEARING MAKEUP LMAO ripoff of bo-bo-bo bo bo-bo-bo? not only that, but I hear every single character is named after a music song? thats not creative, thats lazy as fuck. jesus

have sex

Daily jojobrony thread?
Daily jojobrony thread.

The other thing is that popularity is a huge factor so more underrated characters will be overlooked to make room for the Stardust Crusaders and Passione

as long as its not just jobbers from from part 3 again

To be fair, this is assuming that Giorno actually transferred life into Cioccolata, which is an ability Araki forgot about after the one and only time it was used.

>make models as good as ASB and EoH, but don't make the colors as saturated as the former or as washed out as the latter
>have just one movement speed, having a slow walk is fucking stupid
>don't make the stages ridiculously huge, and if you have to put in stage hazards, at least let us turn them off
>give characters unique inputs, don't have every single character have the same shit
>give each move an actual name and a descriptor of it
>put in less physical stand users as support a la pokken
>for all that is holy, don't let people access combos and supers by mashing the same button the whole match
There, I made the perfect jojo fighting game, if anyone has other thoughts just say it
Also, JJBA would make a better SRPG than a fighting game.

Dio Brando
Old Joseph

I feel like realistically, the crusaders would get guaranteed spots due to popularity. But it kind of leaves the minor characters from later parts for DLC. A double edged sword.

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We actually got that last year

Part 4 was the peak of jojo it will never be that good again

that was a thing last gen. why didnt you play that?

My idea is this
>four characters per arc
>exception to this rule is Phantom Blood as it has less to work with, make it have two characters and give Part 3 the extra two characters just because it's fuck huge popular
>Part 1: Jonathan and Speed Wagon
>Part 2: Young Joseph, Zeppeli, Lisa Lisa, Kars
>Part 3: Jotaro, Old Joseph, DIO, Kakyoin, Polnareff, Abdul
>Part 4: Josuke, Koichi, Okuyasu, Kira
>Part 5: Giorno, Bucciarati, Mista, Diavolo
>Part 6: Jolyne, Hermes, Weather Report, Pucci
>Part 7: Johnny, Gyro, Diego, Funny
>Part 8: Josuke, Hirose, Jobin, Damo
DLC: Iggy, Trish, Foo Fighters, maybe a handful of popular minor antagonists like Hol Horse

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>Weather Report
>Diego scary monsters
>Kira 8
There’s your perfect roster

He didn't forget he just wrote around it.

The only time GE lays a hand on anyone after the Bruno fight is the Cioccolata and Diavolo beatdowns

I made a perfect roster a while back in note pad

1. Johnathan: plays heavy and can spice up any normal attacl by charging hamon first
2. Dio plays like shadow dio minus stand with more vampire powers
3. Joseph: Plays like johnathan but much lighter and is more of a set up character with his hamon
4. Ceaser
5. Kars
6. Jotaro : simple rushdown character relies heavily on stand
7. Kakyoin: Kakyoin also a set up character but more medium speed a lot like httf
8. Hol Horse
9. DIOer
9.5. shadow dio bassicaly a diet dio clone like in httf (im not counting him because clones dont take up dev time really)
10. Josuke
11. Okuyasu
12. Koichi
13. Kira (bites the dust kira by deafult with other costumes)
14. Giorno
15. Mista: works like hol horse
16. Abbachio
17. Bruno
18. Diavlo
18.5. Doppio: diet Diavlo just like shadow dio
19. Jolyne
20. Pucci (gotta include them sadly)
21. Johhny
22. Gyro
23. Diego
24.5, Alt diego (kinda a remix of both DIO and diego)
24. Valentine
25. josuke8

Dlc season 1
1. Bruford (i just think hed be fun)
2. Stroheim
3. Pollernareff
4. Akira
5. Rissoto (works kinda like mariah in httf)
7. Hot Pants

DLC season 2
1. Zeppeli
2. Whamm
3. Anubis
4. Shigetchi
5. Ghiaccio

Jojo is the most intelligent shounen ever written. Can you name a better shounen than this? The answer is no, you can't. The fight scenes are so much better than any other shounen fights. These fight scenes are written with brain and intelligence. They're very original fight scenes and don't follow a traditional fight scene formula in any way. Dragon Ball can go fuck itself. Also, the JoJo fanbase are some of the nicest and most intelligent people you will meet on the internet. We just want to have fun and share our fun little memes. I want to marry Araki, but that's muda for me unfortunately. Also, I like gay guys.

For the love of Christ when will we get dio making use of his zombie and stando abilities in one movesets in a fighting game?

Even just 4 per part seems like a stretch for a brand new, made from scratch fighting game. DBFZ launched with what, like 20 characters? And some of them were more or less clones.

he also beat on baby face's homunculus but it didnt feel the effects
>but its a stand!
Black Sabbath felt the effect

Hey, that's mu steam profile pic.

Play HTTF you filthy casual

Imying this is a bad thing

I suppose you're right. I guess 32 is kind of unrealistic.

As dumb as it would be I feel like if a fighting game happened they would focus solely on the arcs animated already.

There was a time when one could buy HFTF in Xbox live arcade but it was removed.

The biggest problem with ASB in the first place is that all of the characters lack depth.
A clear example would be comparing Jotaro in HFTF to Jotaro in ASB

OraOra in HFTF lets Jotaro do so much. He can create tandem pressure, combo, knock down, meaty, float in mid air, etc

Meanwhile in ASB he can’t even do half of these.

Even star finger, which can pull opponents closer in HFTF is just a weird as strike in ASB.

There’s very little creative game design that can lead to creative gameplay in ASB which is a shame


Everyone plays it on fightcade anyway.

Some advice, play someone easy like Shadow Dio. Trying to play Jotaro or Dio as a newfag will make you rage. HFTF is hard as fuck to play when using a stand user.

Shadow Dio in HFTF

No shit, one was designed as a traditional 2d fighter by an veteran developer of the genre and the other was a simple fan service arena fighter.

Shadow Dio has a diet version of his stand and flesh buds, hardly what I'm looking for. I want to command dios full arsenal of abilities.

DIO straight up drinks blood, launches people without a stand, and uses the space ripper stingy eyes I have no clue what more you could ask for

>It's 2v2/3v3 again

Itxs practically its own genre.

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If you dont like part 6 youre either a speedreader or a part 2 tasteless newfag

Honestly it would be like DBFZ probably and make everyone play basically the same since that's just easier to make. Trying to designs actual competent and balanced movesets around stands like The World and King Crimson would take a fuck load of time realistically.

Persona Arena, but with JoJo models instead.

All the persona/stand mechanics are pretty much there already


I love Gappy but I wish Kira was the protagonist or at least had more stuff to do

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I was adding onto the "naruto-style arena" bit. A 2d Mahvel/DBF style would be rad.

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Arcsys would rather make Love Live! Vs. Idolm@ster. I'm down for it

Yeah but those are trash IPs. Jojo is at least retarded in an entertaining way.


I like them all except part 5 but 4 is my favorite



Joseph, ceasar, cars

Jotaro, polnareff, kakyoin, dio

Josuke, kira, koichi

Giorno, buccelati, mista, diavolo/doppio

Jolyne, weather report, pucci

Johnny, Gyro, Valentine

Gappy, yasuho, jobin

24 characters at launch

Zepelli/speedwagon, speedwagon buffs zepelli by comentanting through the fight
6 characters for a total of 30


6 more, overall total ends in 36 and very, very few characters with relevant potential movesets are left

Why from ArcSys?

Cause they make good anime fighters

(Tho i'd prefer French Bread, but i'm a UNistFag)

I would prefer if French Bread handled it, since Arcsys games tend to have very questionable balance choices and post launch treatment. If a new Jojo fighting game did happen, I want pic related to be playable.

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1. Arc sys is doing fighting games out of every thing
2.They already have the green light and contacts to use bandai franchises
3. Theres really no one else if you want an actual 2d fighter, Capcom is not gonna do it again with the current state of their fighting game team

A part 5 fighter would be super based given that its the most recent anime and has some of the most unique Stands

>Roxanne essentially made Hal an evil person, not for spurning his eventual advances, but for denying him any semblance of friendship and only saw him as a weird but sentient camera
big thinkums here

I just want a jojo fighting game that doesn't look like shit.

recently saw this movie, it's fucking great

megamind is unironcally a great movie, it's really underrated.

>Roxanne essentially made Hal an evil person
He literally had no right to do what he did considering he put her in danger on multiple occasions after he got powers.

im happy this movie had a sudden resurgence in popularity
its always been one of my favorite movies

Why does DBZ get a game from them?

No she didn't, she declined his creepy advances.

Hal is still an unironic incel that thought he deserved sex for just making an effort. Also Same, I saw only about a year ago and was impressed how good it was. I initially thought it was another generic dreamworks film but it's genuinely a great capeshit themed animated film. Hell, I enjoyed it more then any marvel shit I have seen.

Some youtuber made a video of it that got popular I think. Not that that's a bad thoing really, megamind is pretty damn good honestly and one of the non shrek dreamworks films actually well worth a watch.

That's what I was thinking as well. I feel like 16 has become the new standard roster for a fighting game at launch, so maybe we could have something like
>Bruno (Sticky Fingers can be used to teleport around the stage for mixups, Or Bruno can use the zippers on himself to dodge and counter moves)
>Abbacchio (could replay moves, almost like a training dummy, or like Bedman's special moves in GG)
>Doppio (He uses a weaker version of King Crimson's punches, but he can use Epitaph as a counter and foresee his opponent's moves.)
>Prosciutto (Grateful Dead can create gas attacks that slow down the opponent's moves overtime)
>Formaggio (Hit and Run playstyle, get a hit in with Little Feet and play keepaway as your opponent shrinks overtime)
>Sale (Kraftwerk could be used as a projectile character with attacks that can reflect them back)
>Squalo + Tiziano (Tiziano could use Talking Head to do things such as reverse the opponent's controls or scramble up the button order, such as ABCD becoming DACB or something like that, while Squalo would have to find ways to create water to make Clash appear. I don't have a plan for how Squalo and Crash would work, to be honest.)
I don't have full plans for everyone, and I don't even have 16 characters picked, but it'd be an interesting idea.

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So what's stopping them from only using Part 3 characters?

Go the direction of stuff like Nitroplus, Aquapazza, or Million Arthur.
Have a roster of playable characters, so we can get the mainstays, then have a roster of assist characters, so we could have a Pesci assist where he reels in the opponent, a The Lock assist that applies a movement debuff, a fucking Bohemian Rhapsody assist where the screen is stampeded by story characters and shit.
Go that direction, and a lot of lesser stands that probably don't warrant a full fighting game character can be given some love.

Based I always imagine doppio being a Shadow Dio of Diabvlo
Cause part 3 already has a good fighting game

Part 7 yes

Part 6 is awful

Doppio could either be the shadow Dio of a part 5 fighting game, or a joke character.

Eh he's shown to be pretty competent in part 5 so I wouldn't make him just a joke

True. The King Crimson vs. Metallica Arc shows he can get serious when push comes to shove.


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Part 1 Dio or Part 3 DIO?

Theres a lot you can do with doppio.
Hell, make them the same character, doppio taps into King crimson for EX attacks, transforms into diavolo and full King crimson after a super and/or when he loses a round.
If youre doing a jojo fighting game you have to go all the way with it.


Part 1 dio would be a waste
Just make shit like space ripper be dio knives ex variation, ice is a super, etc

that's fine. I kinda lke Part 1 Dio more.

>Perfect roster
>Has DLC
I hate how normalized it's become. Why would a perfect scenario have DLC?

no wamuu no buy

The ideal roster for a competitive jojo fighting game made by ArcSys is as follows:
>Part 1 Dio
>Josuke (4)
>Kosaku Kawajiri
>Josuke (8)
>Whoever the fuck the villain is maybe Josefumi
Its a reasonable number of characters and the best possible representation of the franchise while keeping it that way. DLCs then would probably be Japanese fan favorite characters, so Kakyoin and Bruno are guaranteed.

I honestly think this might be my favorite manga page of all time. Its so fucking good i could hang it on my wall.


someone redpill me on how gay part 7 and 8 are


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>Forced into eternal servitude because you're powerful.

fuck, that Music man was right.

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I had no choice but to speedread near the end. Didn't you notice how fast shit was going?

Jojo is shit and reddit

8 is the most heterosexual part.

Just take ASB and make it not shit

>see part 3 memes everywhere
>anyone posting about Jojo always uses images from part 3
>all media uses stuff from part 3
>finally get around to reading the manga
>part 2 is fucking amazing
>can’t believe how fucking bad part 3 is

I don’t understand. Is part 3 just lowest common denominator that attracts low IQ normies?

Fuck, I regret watching this “ironically” with a bunch of annoying fags trying hard to meme every second of it. I never got a chance to actually enjoy it.

The same reason why Yea Forums is the most popular board and why attracts the worst audience on any platform.

I love Hol but why the fuck would he be base game over Polnareff. Also including Shadow DIO, Doppio, and fucking Another Diego over actual characters is a terrible idea.

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Some people claim Part 7 is gay but Johnny gets married and Gyro canonically fucks bitches so it's just fujo-vision.

This. Fuck part 6 hating r*dditors.

How the fuck do I find non garbage translations of part 6? I got halfway through it before giving up trying to decipher the English shit years ago.


Let's assume we can only have something like 20 characters starting out, with postlaunch DLC developed depending on how well the game does. This would be my roster.

Kira & Stray Cat
Doppio/Diavolo (one fighter, two modes)

Man, just making this I had to make a ton of cuts I didn't want to. Here's hoping people actually buy this shit.

DLC Pack 1: Heroes
Foo Fighters

DLC Pack 2: Villains

DLC Pack 3: No theme just people I like/ would be cool in a fighting game
Weather Report

Honorable Mentions:
Fugo is one of my favorite characters in Jojo and was so close to making it in. But, I think Narancia is popular and interesting enough mechanically to take it. Also read Purple Haze Feedback the anime is over you have no excuse.
Trish could make her opponents attacks do less damage which would be sick on paper but awful in practice.
Hol Horse :^)
Will Zeppelli would complete the family and work better as a character but Speedwagon would get so many sales. F
Blackmore is a minor antagonist, so even though having him (or many others) would be sick, if any major characters were ruled out there would be riots.

This. A thousand times this.

Honestly jojo would work best as a kiba styled game with cool downs. It doesn’t have to have that tower defense shit but if it plays out more like that with ultimate abilities it would work really well. Something like dios time stop would actually fit in to the game if it was on a long ult charge. Not to mention regular updates to the game would guarantee more obscure stand fighters could make it in until the roster is nice and beefy.

Part 3 was huge during its manga release. Honestly the end half of part 3 is much better than the first part and the final fight with Dio is iconic.

Port ASB to PC/current gen. Alternatively, port HFTF to PC/current gen


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The entirety of the series thus far culminates with Jotaro vs. Dio. No other event in the series has that much dedicated buildup to it, it was special at the time and it's only become more iconic today.

>no Avdol


Is that an older snotty kid?

>No other event in the series has that much dedicated buildup to it
This nigga didn't reach HEAVEN.

>no Joshu

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remember when he literally tried to rape yasuho

Heaven only had flashbacks and whatever plot part 6 provided alone. Jotaro vs. DIO was part 1, part 2 and part 3, although you can only really count part 3, he went unresolved the longest/had the longest buildup.


As long as I can main this nutty gangster motherfucker I'll play it.

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>tfw you like all parts equally despite their flaws

Remember when he tried to suck his mother's tits

>they kidnap Roxanne at the beginning of the movie
>she asks to have her frequent kidnapping card signed only to be replied that promotion was cancelled

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Part 3 is fucking trash though