Is it overhyped?

Is it overhyped?

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of course, even Asmongold is saying it'll get old and die down very quick after a few months.
He is dunking on hardcore delusional classifags that think it'll stay populated and great forever.

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>no blood elves
Dead on arrival

Blood elves are retail's biggest blunder

Probably, but most normies and tourists will quit after the first few months anyways. For those who wanted a legit classic server, they got it. Hopefully it will stay around, and perhaps shake up the MMO industry meta, because it sucks ass right now.

Classic WoW is objectively a good thing for retail and the MMO scene as a whole.

Nostalgia is mental illness.

They're the best thing about the horde, i've always wanted to play with all the elite pvpers but the vanilla classes were so fucking hideous for me

Threadly reminder TBC killed WoW's soul and integrity
>flying mounts raped immersion from the world
>isle of dailies set the laziest precedent for progression
>neutral city
>only endgame mattered, at all
>azeroth a husk of its former bustling glory
>start of multiple difficulty settings
the list goes on.
classic+ OR classic seasons are the only ways to go

>even Asmongold
isn't he Classic's biggest shill though?

Most of the """Hardcore""" private server faggots are playing it for over 6 years now. I just wonder what will happen when naxx is done. Cuz most of the time private server faggot jump from fresh to fresh.

>classic is gonna keep all the tranny fags out of the horde because no muh pretty elves

Now THAT is based. Stay out


That's Draenei.

Blood Elves at least make sense in a medieval fantasy world. Protoss and Wind Chimes are dumb as hell.

it is what it is. it's not supposed to be a hype thing, vanilla pserver autists got what they want and that's enough. a way to play the game they like, on a server that won't go away
nothing more than that

And posts like this are why people despise the Classic community.

Dumb, sure, but not the same scourge on the community

>>start of multiple difficulty settings
there is nothing wrong with heroics and mythics. Only gatekeeping shitters have problems with them.

>Classic community likes good gameplay

Oh no!

I think what people are not understanding is that there is a market for this. That server that Blizzard shut down had tens of thousands of MAU, if even 10% of them move over to the legit product, that's millions of free money for code they don't ever really have to update again unless some crazy exploit gets found.

Nah, difficulty settings are shit. If you aren't good enough to beat it on the 1(one) setting then you don't get to beat it. Stay mad

Good point. I know flying mounts killed anything world wise but I never realized how much the nuetral city helped kill it.


>Most of them were dead after the Scourge rekt Quel'Thalas and after the pilgrimage to Outland. Doesn't make sense for any of them to stay behind, or to make up a fuckhuge population of players lol.
>They were loyal to Illidan, so why the fuck did they join the Horde?
>The lore suggests that they would've been neutral towards the Horde and Alliance at best.
>Shit-tier community that ruined the feel of the vanilla horde with massive amounts of noobs, children, weeaboos, etc.

Blood elves were a mistake, horde should've got ogres instead. Also, there should've been a third faction to play that was based on Illidan's followers.

>even Asmongold is saying it'll get old and die down very quick after a few months
Really? Did he stop getting Blizzbuck$ or what?

Yeah TBC started the trend of:

>we don't care about the previous expansions world at all lol dont even bother

and it only got worse after that. Something I really enjoy about vanillas design is there was a pretty good incentive to go back to literally every zone at some point (besides like the starting zones). You had world buffs, dungeons, raids, places to grind, questing areas, major cities etc and you had to either walk/mount or fly. Made the world seems cohesive and purposeful seeing all the players everywhere. In later expansions you saw maybe 1 alt running around at a lower level area then you'd go into the new expansion and all thousands of players were just afk in the singular neutral city. It's fucking awful

Yes, but I still think it will be a success, just not as large as most ppl think. The real test will be a year after naxx. If Blizz just goes and does tbc, wotlk etc I think it will lose its charm and die out. Blizz has to go the OSRS route and release new content post-naxx with the classic design philosophy if they want any longevity.

Classic + or hardcore servers would be interesting, but I've a feeling that Blizzard will go with the path of least resistance and just remake TBC.

who else based undead rogue?

If anything the hype is pretty much dead.

It doesn't matter, Blizzard said that Classic is largely for historical preservation of the original game. If the game is popular then that's a bonus and may lead them towards pumping out other expansions too. Obviously Classic is going to die quick but they won't care that much.

he is riding the launch wave for viewership but he is realistic and he keeps on saying that Classic will die because it has finite content.

he was, before playing the beta

undead priest looking for muscular tauren tank who will protect me

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