It's actually fun

>it's actually fun

Apologize Yea Forums

Attached: pokemon-masters-2.jpg (1280x720, 660K)

Other urls found in this thread:émon_Masters#Characters

no and no

No, it's not.

>Gacha game
Until day 2 when it becomes a grind for no reward.

Is it fun because the combat and gameplay has depth and feels rewarding?
Or is it fun because the endorphin rush of rolling the dice and receiving your favorite waifu hasn't worn off yet?

I make that scathing remark as somebody who will play it and roll those same dice for that same endorphin rush. I just want to be real here.
Also, no Zinnia on launch. A travesty.

you have a pokemon board


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and you have a smash containment thread on /vg/ yet we have 20 smash threads up right now so

You tell him, fellow user.

why did they turn Brock white?

I'm weak bros

Attached: Hilda.webm (640x1136, 1.01M)

I'm sold, time to install Nox.

The west is hellbent on turning every white into niggers so japan is trying to save the white race.

Doesn't work

Help me bros

Attached: Lyra.webm (640x1136, 2.91M)

Why? It is region locked like many other gacha games? In that case you can easy set up a vpn to bypass it.

>Is a gacha game meaning power creep will happen.
Have you not learned from literally any other gacha game? Even Nintendo's gacha games have them, Pokemon Shuffle is laughable with the newer Pokemon compared to the old ones, Mega Fug basically slaughtered any sense of balance once he came out and Heatran alone topped any Legendary once he came out because of LDE. Let's not forget Fire Emblem has a gacha by Nintendo and it's power crept. Heaven forbid you actually want to get a character you want as well.

I'm not apologizing until there's a new game as good as black and white, or Stadium 3.

Attached: Favorites.jpg (1030x1240, 1.26M)

Newer gacha games either ban Android emulators outright or refuse to launch on them. Kingdom Hearts Union X for example takes you off of the rankings for the week if you play on emulators, and it wouldn't work on Bluestacks, Nox, or any of the other big ones for a year or two after they locked it down. You had to get obscure iOS emulators to actually run it.

i dont care about the actual game i just like the requisite villainous npc girl they've put in

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>and you have a smash containment thread
Not a board, not the same
Also most here really hate that too.

Where are they

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Is dawn in it?

Lucario does fucking nothing
>This looks good because of flashy anime sfx shit
This fanbase is fucking trash, they'll lap up fucking anything. This literally just looks like an upscaled 3DS game with slightly more dynamic attack animations (which IS more than what Gayfreak could bother to do)

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>cute brown anime girl
How the FUCK do they knock it out of the park every time with these.

is this even out worldwide or is it still doing that Latam only preview? How grindy is it?

Of course it had to be tepig...

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Why does best girl has that shitty pokemon?

Anyone can have fun with shit; you did as a baby ,dipshit. And haven't improved since it seems.

MEGA based.

I thought it wasn't out yet? How do I play it? I can't into mobile gaming that isn't on the playstore.

Literally only gay guys and traps (gay guys) use this word. I'm adding it to the söy watch list.

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would this run well on a shitty phone from 2014

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APK + Singaporean VPN

We've been getting raped for 8 gens now according to Misty

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no. the first hurdle is your phone is probably 32 bit and it only runs on 64 devices running a 64 bit os. a lot of devices from a couple years ago had 64 bit processors but are still on 32 bit android. beyond that it's actually pretty intensive

I think I may get this game

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My heart. I love my waifu!

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is whitney the biggest pokeslut?

Literally subhuman.

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of her tits?

well then

Attached: dont mind if i do.png (1062x1898, 1.51M)

damn that sucks

are you really going to make me fap to /ss/ again, Yea Forums?

Can I get cute and funny girls or are they not released yet?

>release cash grab gacha scam game for kids
>make it run on only the most recent phone models instead of capitalizing on the literal billions of people with "outdated" phones from 3 years ago

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Classic Pokemon franchise mismanagement.
Artists are the ones carrying this franchise at this point.

of course

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why should I believe some mobile nigger

i think so

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tons of phone games do that and its retarded.

I'm pretty sure that she's going to be available as the free 4 star roll you get alongside your default character, so yeah, she probably is.

Reminder, Lance actually has to spank her when she gets too retarded.

Attached: gRNx6N3.jpg (1885x671, 759K)

It doesn't matter if the gameplay is good, it's still gacha garbage.


>when Tate mentions he and Liza have swapped places before

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I'm still mad

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Imagine someone saying this to you when they have a mega houndoom as their pokemon

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So how long until all the models are ripped?

funchads win again

remember how annoying Karenfags were

I get that it's only a handful of pokemon but jesus christ this is so much better than sword and shield animations, there is no reason game freak can't afford to do this for every pokemon.



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those tits cant be real

must be an edit

>still yet to see a single screenshot of Dawn
I'm going to assume the game is shit until I do.

Makes sense.

Oh no no no

The new fighting gym leader is ugly though.

>not out in kangaroo land yet.

I don't want to download some other SEA/Moose or where ever it is out atm.

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Is Stadium good if I were to play it now?

I'm thinking of playing Pokemon XD

There's been some dialogue in games that imply that a battle only begins if the eyes of Pokemon Trainers in question meet with intent. In-Universe your character is carrying themselves with swagger and giving everyone they cross the eye. You may not want it, but your character does.

I don't know if it's the artstyle, but damn these models are fucking UGLY

Stadium is worth playing for the mini games alone.
Get 4 people together on the lickatung one.

They are real
Green,Ethan,Silver, May,Lucas,Dawn,Herbert,Hilda,Nate,Calium,Serena,Sun,Moon,Chase,Eliane,Victor and Gloria are not in the game proper yet but some of them are obviously first wave

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Holy shit

i want her to make fun of my dick

What's an average length but pretty thick one?

>not available in Canada
Please let me see my wife Kris, Nintendo

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>All I'm wondering is where's the Relicanth?

I do not give a single shit about the women.

Are N and Silver in? If so I'll play. If not I also don't give a single fuck about this game.

Attached: thumb.png (800x450, 359K)

Silver yes, N likely in the future. I want crazy ass Zinna to be in

When is this out officially, I'm dying to see if my phone can even handle it

>tfw you lived long enough for this to happen
just features away from it being some dating sim.

It's 10 thousand degrees of POkemon Company 800+ pokemon gacha.

I'm already overwhelmed just knowing it exists. Fuck starting it now, EXTRA FUCK starting it later.
I'm already done, just gimme the porn.

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You can test if you can install and run it.
If you want to get past the maintenance screen and actually play it you will need Singaporean VPN.

>Just fucks off and let's Unova go to shit in the second game

I can't hate him though, they forced him to be the messiah and he believed it. What was his deal? He could understand POkemon?

Since when did they start doing 64 bit ARM chips?

>doesnt run on an emulator
help pls


Attached: 1563797600270.png (936x724, 34K)

>Attempted to install
>Finished loading installation
>"App did not install"

That's probably a bad sign

Since ARMv8.



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Nah, fuck mobileshit and fuck you, faggot. The only reason you find it fun is because it plasters your favorite characters onto the screen, the gameplay is still dogshit.

Yep. Considering all prominent emulators are 32-bit and the game detects them and refuses to launch either way, the only option is to get a new phone/tablet. Though if your CPU does have 64-bit support you can try to find an unofficial 64-bit ROM.

>Don't read the thread, just post le funny maymay

The Irony.

>can't install
Is there a brainlet guide for it?

>all these pathetic kissless incels getting their weiners out and masturbating to literal 2 sentences dialog Generic Anime Face #06027284995939290
Have sex permavirgins

Just wait til Cynthia, Lusamine and Sabrina are in user or May and Dawn.

Guide for what? Everything (CPU, unlocking the bootloader/rooting, custom ROM availability) depends on your device model.

Is my boy Ilima in the game?

Is best girl in it? Don't care otherwise.

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Game actually support for 32bits on files. I'm pretty sure they gimped to limit people around servers since it's just a beta.


The policy also says that 32 bits need to be supported until 2021, so most likely, plus it's not an "official" release, or else I'm gonna have to set on fire whoever thought that was a good idea.

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They're taking pokemon out, making games focusing on the trainers. What has pokemon become? Just let me catch them all, jeez.

It's just to avoid another PGO fiasco.

Soon as news about pre launch was out shit got flooded really hard. This isn't just another weeb kusoge on phones.

it's fucking pokemon.

nobody is safe

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What are you, colorblind?

Really wish I could play this.

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Any of Kahili or Olivia

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The second Hilda becomes available I'm model ripping the shit out of her and throwing it into blender for porn purposes.

>"Better hit the road user, don't get your dick sucked"

Has anyone read the porn doujin where Flannery fucks her Charmeleon?

Aren't they forced to release a 32bit compatible by Apple Store?

the effects are just as lazy as the switch game, the camera just doesn't show the 2 mons at a time so people think it's cinematic that nothing connects


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>Tate gets to fuck this

Attached: My_twin_sister_Liza_can't_be_this_curvy.jpg (495x873, 80K)

look at this smug nigga bith right there holy shit why is she so smug?

>Gacha mobile shit that kills the franchise
Not sorry

they are such faithful companions after all

Attached: x16.png (846x1200, 727K)

My nigga

Gameplay aside, how the fuck can a literal phone game have better graphics than the main games developed by Gamefreak?

>best dragon trainer
that's Iris you old hag


Attached: pokemon-special-black-white-2719035.jpg (800x1150, 172K)

user get out, it's clearly James in drags disguise!!

>wider than her shoulders is medium size for her

Cute & fUNNY!

Hilda is so fucking hot. Rosa, even with her similar design and bigger tits, can't compare. Hilda has better clothes.

Attached: touko in battle.png (400x400, 18K)

isn't that just plumeria?

Hilda is too good for this game desu

gatcha games are made to look good. Gamefreak is making Sword and Shield with the B team instead of the A team of god forbid the entire small indie company. the switch can, with the portability in mind since they are releasing the new switch, has a resolution of 720p but idk resolution of current gen phones. it is very hard to make a game, please understand.

>text box hiding bikini bottoms

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No, this is Plumeria.

Attached: z4.png (940x1400, 532K)

but pokemon go its better, retard

excuse me ma'am but you can't walk around without pants in that part of the city

based and dare i say quite redpilled.

I want Claire to hold me across her lap and spank me for acting out of line

Can we stop with the buzzwords now

literally one of the first posts on the thread literal retards.

Attached: 3228.png (400x700, 200K)

Unironically more hyped for Masters than Sword/Shield.

I saw it. I just wanted to post best girl.

Attached: touko looking behind her.jpg (1105x1500, 1.17M)

>wojack poster being a retard
Like clockwork

Hey mangafag, either make your usual Yea Forums thread or fuck off. Nobody cares

Is she in?

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Yes, so is Skyla her girlfriend

If not then she will be eventually. Pretty safe bet literally all characters will be in, especially the girls.

Skull Grunts are in?

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>Jump off a ledge
>Little kid catches your stink eye and forces a battle

>tfw it took me several years to realize how revealing the upper half of her outfit is
she literally won a non pc pokegirl contest in japan not too long ago, there's no way she doesn't eventually make it in

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So can we actually use generic NPCs in this or nah?


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No generic class character is playable...for now. Surely they will add them when they run out of name characters.

5* Rare drop only in halloween events for a couple days.

Not yet.

Shame. I was hoping this cutie would make it in.

Attached: B2W2_Ace_Trainer_F_Pokéstar.png (112x133, 6K)

It is a bad habit of Westerners to tie game content to race issues
Brock is not a real-world human, and he initially had a Japanese name Takeshi

When are people gonna extract these models?

anybody here want to fuck rosa

It’s supposed to be in Canada and Singapore atm


Step 1: Draw a character with no brown features (curly/dark hair, dark eyes, wide nose)

Step 2: Color their skin dark.

I’ve never heard of it but I’m interested. Name?

No hex maniac no buy

Well it sure as fuck ain't. I can't find it on the playstore.

The fact that there is Rosa, it is just enough for me

from the threads and screenshots I have no idea of what people do in that game

I want Hex maniac and Acerola

It'll be fun for the first month then they'll release some bullshit powercreep p2w feature like heroes did with skill transferring. Which I guess is fine this time as long as there's no competitive aspect.

Gacha smartphone game is bad culture
because need lots of money, hehe

>mega houndoom is trash tho

Sun power

I don't think the odds of getting nameless NPCs is very high. If they do add the more popular ones like Hex Maniac, odds are they're not going to end up doing so until they've exhausted most (if not all) of the named characters.

Personally, I need them to hurry up and add more mommies.

Attached: pokegirl harem.png (1000x692, 487K)

If I could for 5 minutes take control of every human being on this planet, I would have them all tell you how much I love you, for the simple fact that I am so angry that I have come full circle and can only find you heavily attractive. So kiss me faggot.

How can I play this in PC?


>There's been some dialogue in lawbooks that imply that a fuck only begins if the eyes of the whore in question meet with intent
I'll tell that to the judge.

>no Zinnia on launch
That's a positive in my book

Attached: junkbot.jpg (414x415, 60K)

you fucking take that back faggot

Attached: D_Kx5ROUwAATgpA.jpg (1250x1056, 105K)

U cant

when does this come out? is it out for burgers yet? cant dl it on my phone

sometime between tomorrow and august 29. the only date they've said is august 29, so just assume it'll release then
it's currently only out for singapore as a testing ground. there have been rumors that canada will get it early as well, but it's currently not available there either

When is it OUT
Don't say now

So this game's target audience are incels?


I legit thought this was just gamefreak because lucario did not move at all and the pig only made a few movements
So how much worse is gamefreak are there even animations?


Zinnna has big boobs. any problem?

Is the PvP real time?
Can I be anti social and not join any guild?

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there's no pvp. the co-op is real time though

Will the demo stuff carry over to the full, American version?

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I want to give Bea a footrub and embarass her with affection!

Attached: BS.png (774x1000, 862K)

>Hilda is not fun-sized
Goddammit, Pokemon Masters.
You had one job. One Fucking Job.
It was so good that way.

Attached: EAtuSZnU4AAnb2-.jpg (1200x674, 110K)

Both the girls are fun-sized compared to that absolute fucking unit on the right

at this point no one knows if people using a vpn to play will get banned. the game warns about that when you launch, but who knows. also no one knows if starting now will region lock you to singapore or if you'll be able to switch to your actual region once it's fully released
it's safest to just wait

That fun will turn into addiction and constant grinding real fast after you get further in the story than the demo allows you.
How horny men always fall for gacha games because of cute girls and boys and call it fun because of the miniscule endorphin rush for every pull is beyond me.

It's gachashit but I like the models.

Mallow is our waifu


>tfw no game with all 3

It's alright.
UNGA BUNGA'ing hard co-ops rn

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-29-10-23-01-097_com.dena.a12026418.png (1080x2246, 1.32M)


No it's not, stupid gachadrone

Where you got this pic?

It's not


that's literally the whole game

>is flying behind her
What lazy garbage this game is

I'll be upset if they use the B2&W2 outfit, it lacks the tights

Attached: 1422150073310.jpg (850x1055, 220K)

You can literally beat all stages with Korrina/Rosa/attack support

no thanks


Attached: Screenshot_20190725-201908.jpg (720x1440, 370K)

The game has its own crime syndicate where everybody wear these carniv black & white mask

Also there's this trio of OC Who looks like Yu-Gi-Oh rejects

Attached: Screenshot_20190725-201346.jpg (720x1440, 562K)

This is literally "stevefags got BTFO" again.

Fuck you these guys are genuinely good guys
Lear is just tsun
Rachel's design is top-tier

you just KNOW

t. Rayquaza

Attached: what the fug.jpg (1001x785, 230K)

Do you have the option of deleted a synch pair?

>you just KNOW

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-29-12-01-56-463_com.dena.a12026418.png (1080x2246, 1.04M)

The official japanese Pokemon Masters twitter:

Sorry user.

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That she can utterly manhandle a Machamp?

Have a Skyla

Attached: Skyla - Copy.png (1872x2599, 3.97M)

doesnt mean both of them cant be short

The whole point was that Hilda/White was shorter than Rosa.

Well, this is awkward for loads of artists and humiliating for shitposters.

headcanon it when you partake in your fantasies about them

>play coop
>everyone is using Korrina
Goddamnit why did they have to make my waifu top tier and free?

Not out yet on Android

But now everyone will make fun of you for your fantasy, just look the stevefags.

>no pvp in a gachashit
Do they hate money or is it a feature that will be added later on?

The animations are actually pretty neat.
But I won't play this garbage

>Do they hate money
FGO doesn't have PvP and it makes billions.

Most pokegirls are literally 12 years old btw, before you lads start jerkin it.

She's literally the Heracles of PM
>UNGA BUNGA glass cannon
>great moveset
>great stat
if you have waifus nothing can beat it

Fuck you, Pokemon Masters.
It was perfect, Hilda was meant to be small.

the protagonists are around that age. most npcs are old enough

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Thanks for the pick-me-up, I thought I was done.

too late

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Look at these 12 year olds. Hilda and Rosa are over 15, while Serena is 17-18.

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Attached: Pokmon Masters.jpg (540x960, 225K)

Oh wow. That one poster who said Hilda and Rosa were the same size because of their equal headcount was actually completely right. We should listen to artists more.

Lillie's screen shot?

have you actually played it?

When can I play? Just let me play

Samezisefags are a blight upon the land.

Attached: TastyAnimatedAfricanharrierhawk-size_restricted[1].gif (334x251, 976K)

Since I was a child Jesse made me feel funny in my wiener

So what's the actual gameplay like?

is my girl Mina in this game? is she good?

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Attached: Hilda ready for the battle.jpg (1201x2121, 798K)

What are the chances someone mods the game to do nude mods?


She’s in as a 3-star with Granbull.

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Call me when Sina is in
pls I'm begging

Do they have abilities? intimidate makes it good.

>he wants a mode that will force "balance" shit and "meta" crap that will ruin any semblance of fun for anyone who isn't a min-max deep pocket whale

Attached: 725.jpg (392x376, 130K)

Shame Bianca got shafted from the initial release, but I'm sure we'll be seeing her later, r-right.

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Based as fuck

Gachacucks need their own board


>He thinks the girl is brown

I still think it’s weird that she doesn’t have Ribombee.

Attached: dudepaintlmao.jpg (548x1135, 148K)

Yeah each character has one or more passive you unlock with power up item

Granbull one is being immune to debuffs

Most pokegirls are literally not real btw, before you lads start jerkin it.



That's not what I meant, the pokemon themselves don't have abilities? that's some let's go bullshit

Why they went with meatballs instead of donuts

They already showed Brock with a different outfit and a Tyranitar instead of Onyx, they can have more than one.

>he can't appreciate a cute 2D brown girl without having to trapeze through mental hoops

p2w trash

Something something can't stop thinking about meat balls.

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I really hate this whores design

silly cinnamon roll head

>He still thinks shes brown
Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no HAHAHAHAHAH

They have abilities but they are called passive skill and are different from the main game

Granbull doesn't have intimidate but instead has a passive skill called impervious which works like Clear Body

Attached: Screenshot_20190731-145912.jpg (720x1440, 417K)

>At current *s
So it has the same upgrade system as FEH?

If you pull a dupe it powers up their sync move

If you pull a dupe after the sync move is maxed out, you get an item to rank up characters

There seems to be no difference between 3* and 5* other than 5* can reach level 100 desu

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not those buns, you dumb bitch

what is she then

What's a good VPN for this? Most of the ones on Google Play look really fucking shady.


So can you crank up the graphics settings? all the screenshots look like an upscaled 720p screenshot

Attached: Screenshot_20190731-105612_.png (2560x1440, 1.2M)

>it's just as lazy but makes better use of what it has
i like how every complaint STILL makes it sound better than SwSh

Is Kris in?


Oh fuck, is this game emulatable?
I need more Kris in my life.

Yes, and she's one of the top dogs offensive wise
>Feraligatr with Mega Kick

Attached: phoebe idle.webm (360x640, 2.69M)

I don't think anyone's gotten it to work on an emulator yet

If this game is released globally after Phoebe's off rate up I'm going to kill again

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You've never killed anyone.

Good luck user, i've already achieved what i set out to do

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Owned by this guy most likely

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Crummy pokemon creatures? They should have made a game about water!