ITT: games with god-tier character design

ITT: games with god-tier character design.

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She had some pretty damn good doujins, too.

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Why did you post something meant to appeal to the lolicon fantasies ?

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RIP sadpanda. I miss the doujin of her getting railed by those cats

>dark elf


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what did Vanillaware mean by this?

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Probably going to get a lot of flack for this but I've always admired Dungeon Fighter's artstyle. It and Vanillaware games have some of the best in game artwork.

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Thanks Team Ninja.

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How active is DC's online? Iv been jonesing to toss some fools into other fools

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You know what's really bizarre to me? It's the fact that so many people saw this game's beautifully painted, exaggerated and caricatured character designs and the only thing they could say was "ew, the proportions SUCK." We meme on it now but this """opinion""" was genuinely one of the most popular gripes people had with Dragon's Crown. How????

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You need to tie the giantess, otherwise she might fight your pet dragon and not feed him.

>tfw neither the Beastmaster nor the Barbarian got to become playable characters

You just know

trannies, homos and insecure women

DC on its release was an easy mark for feminists and the fags who want to bang them because of its distinct style. Fortunately people with two brain cells to rub together could see Sorceresses huge wrack was consistent with the entirety of the game, and took the opportunity to take the piss on these detractors. At the time big boobs = bad was enough of a rallying cry to incite both sides and for a while it overshadowed discussion of the actual game itself. Fortunately Shrier, Sarkesian, and all their butt buddies got shat on hard and had their efforts blow up in their face when Dragons Crown went on to be Vanillawares most successful game of all time.

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Nah you're right, it's pretty sweet.

You know exactly how and why, you just want to vent your hatred for people who go out of their way to act politically correct by starting a shitposting war on a bait thread instead of having sex.

Now let the cumbrain and smut posters wear themselves down by going apeshit because of their innability to get into someone pants.

>Dragon's Crown is 7 years old

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This is some next-level trolling.

>tfw I'll never play this game cause just the sight of the characters put me into a cock beating frenzy

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Is the online still dead on the PS4?

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When the rest of her body is as fat as her tits, then sure.

This is GOOD, not God Tier.

>still no expansion pack/DLC characters

For real this game is rife with opportunities for new areas, characters, and bosses. It re released on a new system, it fucking still sees discussion to this day because its such a memorable experience. No one cares about your mecha dating sim George get to the real meat of your library

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>most popular gripes people had
Game journalists aren't people user.

Would have said the NiD design is better but NiGHTS is without a doubt 10/10 either way

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Is there such a sad thing as one user wanting people to fap to his waifu?

we will never get one of those ever again i think

Etrian Odyssey has alwas had really cool character design desu

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End of an era

I hate large breasts because they give me flashbacks of my older sister when she used to touch me.

Isn't it mostly little girls and one or two random grown-ass men having to keep them alive?

true that

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