He invades the last game you played, can they beat him?
He invades the last game you played, can they beat him?
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can't beat asspulls
Every fucking time.
>The power of "no" vs generic army dudes
Kira got a bullshit power from the stand arrow in DiU, it’s perfectly reasonable to assume Giorno would get one too
Adachi is fucking dead
can he beat kratos?
Yes? No? Maybe?
>the cavity search
>Jolyne shlickin' it on television
can't wait.
darkest dungeon
uh, maybe if i stack enough bleed and blight
i dont know, could you Repeat the question?
Jotaro dies and the universe is reset in part 6
>yfw when this happened
Can Giorno survive a moon drop?
Lmao Link is so fucked
He doesn't have to, he just sets it to 0
VATS in New Vegas basically works like The World and Sex Pistols put together so I'm gonna guess yes?
This. Giorno was the worst part of part 5.
where is this image from?
Maybe but only if they all work together
This is either scat or futa.
How would GioGio be able to deal with his blood boiling and being stunned with magic?
Also Strauss looks like a fucking Jojo character.
GER is sentient, Giorno doesn’t have to know the threat exists to counter it
I'm 80% sure it's scat. Reminds me a lot of another image...
Potentially? If he has GER, which has a total of 5 minutes of screen time and is never fully explained, it's more than likely going to be able to protect him from any threat. I'm not sure anything in WoD would be able to stop him, not even the God-Machine.
yes but only at end game when they make contact with the wave form
>that background
I don't even need to see the full image. My mind filled in the blanks.
King crimson was OP anyway, but Araki literally cant end a series to save his life, except for part 1
nevermind found it
>Own stand is sentient even when Giorno is incapacitated
>Can reset anything back to zero
He's literally unstoppable
The Godmachine or a high end "never gonna get this EXP level" mage that faggots on /tg/ always meme about could, due to being able to exist/fuck around outside of time
With ease
>Za Warudo
>Bites za Dusto
>King Crimson
>Made in Heaven
Which time related stand would win in a free for all?
But all the Tremere would need is one reasonably powerful caster to get off a Blood Boil and it's pretty much over. GER can't stop dozens of casters who at once. Or a Ventrue with maxed Dominate.
MUGEN cheapies effectively work outside the boundaries of fiction itself, what level of fuckery is their power level if they were looked at from a fictional perspective?
This cannot continue.
Well that's just prime.
Is this even a question? Made in Heaven
But that's the problem, GER explicitly counters manipulating space-time.
cheeky cunt
post it if there's a full version besides what it's parodying
Mage fuckery is explicit concept bullshittery at high enough level, it's the ultimate nuh-uh
Made in Heaven beats all. Bites the Dust was beaten by Star Platinum, meaning it would probably lose to The World. And King Crimson is limited to a paltry 10 second prophecy window.
Meanwhile, Made in Heaven can accelerate time stops, preventing people from taking actions during it:
>Interestingly, Made in Heaven can accelerate otherworldly events like time stop, and reduces the window of action of its user
Fiction doesn't matter, anything can beat anything because fiction doesn't need to obey rules. A fucking fly could beat it and all the justification I need could be "because I said so"
>Chariot Requiem
>One of the most interesting Stands aesthetically and
>Broken as hell but has a weakness
>Villain asspull to figure it out before it can do anything
I'm still mad after all these years, Chariot Requiem deserved better
Only if they have a fight on top of a tower with their shirts off.
Made in Heaven hard counters The World and I wager would also fuck with King Crimson.
But Bites The Dust gives Kira infinite tries so long as he's not taken out, and since he's the least intimidating of the four, the other three would probably not prioritize him.
The question is how Made in Heaven would interact with Bites The Dust.
And that's why there's NO EXCUSE to NOT have pro-LGBTQIA2S+ messages in your story, because if there aren't there's NO REASON there can't be unless you're a BIGOT.
Made in Heaven would easily beat The World and even King Crimson. Bites the Dust is too specific though, and we wouldn't know how its time loop would interact with Made in Heaven
I still don’t understand what the fuck Diavolo did
Made in Heaven. By merely existing, all time and non-organic processes are constantly speeding up. This includes speeding up (and shortening) the duration of time stop, which screws The World over as DIO ends up being torn out of time stop in the middle of his approach or whatever. Pucci moves at infinite speed in Made in Heaven, so King Crimson wouldn't be able to catch him even while erasing time (unless King Crimson actually slows shit down during time erasal as seen in the anime, I guess?) and can only momentarily disorient Pucci by skipping ahead. Bites the Dust isnt a combat ability, its explicitly designed to prevent Kira from ever needing to fight as it automatically kills anyone trying to find him, but it prevents Kira from using Killer Queen to defend himself. In a fight like this, Kira would be dead before Bites the Dust could even become relevant if he slapped it on some bystander or something.
Boring, yes, but ultimately the truest answer.
>Or a Ventrue with maxed Dominate
Diplomancy is truly the most OP skill in fiction.
If you can Charisma God into killing himself, you're unstoppable.
>Bites the Dust was beaten by Star Platinum
what? he didnt, he only prevent Kira for activating again(well, Koichi did,Jotaro beat his ass)
i mean i don't think Giorno could beat any enemy if they just had the numbers
>the reality is that these are just plastic game pieces
>there's nothing stopping me from just flicking your King over and declaring myself the winner
Fictional hypothetical discussions are a good exercise in reasoning. Even the military does this, it's called wargaming.
Jojo is so fucking gay*.
*translator's note: gay = bad
>super smash brothers
Kirby can
No, because everyone dies in part 6 and the universe resets and the billain has a stand that controls gravity and uses it to speed up the universe fuck anime onlies
Her power is conceptually the same as GER
>Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle.
He is pretty fucking dead tbqh, not only there are galaxy or even universe ending entities all over the place but there is also Arale, can't beat Arale.
>DOOM 2016
Nope can't rip and tear that, DOOMguy gets put in a hell worse than the eons he spent fighting demons.
Diavolo noted that everyone viewed Chariot Requiem's shadow as pointing opposite to their position, and so he concluded that something created by the viewer affects Requiem's own shadow. As everyone knew Requiem had command over people's souls, Diavolo concluded that their own souls were casting Requiem's shadow. And so he destroyed the light of his soul behind his soul's (King Crimson)'s head, which robbed Chariot Requiem over his command over Diavolo's soul, allowing him to take the arrow.
No it's gay*
*translator's note: gay = homosexual
Well, in that case, I present this: A character with the ability for every single outcome to always be the best possible one, regardless of logic or even internal rules. Instant death lasers curve around them to go right back to sender, natural disasters simply do not affect their life no matter what happens, and even if you had murderous intent towards them, it would instantly evaporate. Why? Because it doesn't matter what happens, anything that happens to them, directly or indirectly, becomes something that benefits them.
Of course nothing matters if you're going to be a reductive faggot about it. The point isnt actually seeing who wins, the point is discussing a hypothetical fight between two or more fictional entities based specifically on the rules about them established in their respective source materials because it's fun to think about.
Do you think Giorno could touch that sewer druggy's coat and get away with it?
Easily Made In Heaven unless Diavolo could erase the moment Pucci started speeding up time.
my bad, I didn't find the actual source of the pic
just the original art:
>Dragonball beats Jojo
Not with how GERs bullshit abilities work and how he null and voided a ten second skip in time while also continuing to exist in said void in time.. No Dragonball character can deal with that.
The jojofag would get destroyed by the chad Sora.
God I hate this fucking normiefag reddit anime being spammed everywhere
yeah, hi. Hit exists
As much as I love Kingdom Hearts, Sora wouldn't stand a chance
Zeno probably can
>Starlight Stage
I bet not even GER could beat the power of idol hell gacha trap
Diavolos Time skip is way more potent than any Time ability hit has, even Jotaro and DIOs are better.
*shits on floor*