What do you use Garry's Mod for?

What do you use Garry's Mod for?

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playing sandbox with friends, but sometimes i use it to pose models and use them for drawing reference

Making flying vehicles

exploring custom maps in singleplayer

Making robots

I used to fuck around and tinker with Wiremod a lot. Did physics experiments even though the engine's physics are actually shitty. Did some architecture. Sometimes I got bored and went into public servers to be an annoying asshole by wrecking other people's shit and causing servers to time out.

>go into any gmod server
>wait 30 mins as it installs add ons
>get in
>get ear raped because everyone is under the age of 15 and all talk at once
>rdmd, power abusing mods etc
Shut game
Also single player is poop

play multiplayer
or at least I would, if 75% of the active servers weren't TTT or RP

That's the problem with current year Gmod. It used to have a really large construct community. Yeah there were a lot of shit servers with abusive admins, retarded rules and annoying as fuck screamers; but you also had some really cool places to build stuff together. Now it's just faggots doing that shitty RP and the TTT shitmode.

i can't think of a single thing more autistic

do you at least spawn enemies on the map for you to use as target practice or something?


Making Pictures and stuff.

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Used to animate
Grew a fanbase of children who use oc’s of FNAF and Splatoon and wanted me to pump out more Splatoon videos although I only really did like two. I guess they expected me to make videos with story and character structure although I just wanted to do skit based vids with a loose general story (Team Fabulous 2 in a sense I guess) with a multitude of different franchises.
Real life got busier and I was beginning to lose ideas so I just deleted all the vids on the channel. Later just made small gifs as a passive hobby but then grew out of Gmod.

Post some of your work

I used to make comics back in the day.
Before I cut myself off by deleting it I was just collecting addons and filling up empty RP maps room by room with props. SFM never clicked with me despite it being better for pretty much everything.
god I miss it

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Haven't played since GMod Tower got shut down. I miss it.

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You can play it in VR now too

screenshots mostly, but I rarely do them anymore
I should honestly just move to SFM but I don't want to have to rebuild my stash of props and models I used, since stuff compiled for Gmod probably won't work well in SFM

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Seems to be when I was trying to learn Stop Motion Helper.
Looking at it now, it could’ve used some more easing and maybe more head motion to exaggerate the overall movement.

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also I look for combat maps so i can use those 30 billion gun mods i've downloaded

>that short GMT revival that macdfaggot shutdown a while ago
even though it was short, i loved every second of it

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I used to spend hours on that server daily, the fuckin feels

Sandbox wiremod exclusively
E2 feels too fake and vanilla doesn't have enough shit
Wiremod is the perfect autism for me

Attached: Engine put to use.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

TTT is the best game mode in garry's mod.

This. It's fun seeing how map design works in the source engine.

Just gonna dump some webms

Attached: Smack.webm (1280x720, 1.26M)

Attached: Finplane.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Testing out various maps, plugins, and weapons for a potential new Ground Control server (and then inevitably giving up and just dicking around when my ADD tells me to).

Attached: Heli fucking shit.webm (1280x720, 2.2M)

Put 1000 hours in between RP and TTT
also downloading a fuck ton of weapon mods, opening gm_flatgrass or the other one with a big lake, and then spawned a whole bunch of zombies to the point of lagging and mowed em down

Good news anons, it's been recovered. There's a thread about it right now.

ultimate chimera hunt

i like when they hide secrets in maps
or when they have so many scripts in the map it feels like a new mod
there is that one horror map where scripted events happen at random and its pretty good

same, work on ur lighting tho bro. have a pic from years ago before I had a pc that could run the game well.

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>find “hidden” room that has porn

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