Will we ever get a good Battlefield game again?
Will we ever get a good Battlefield game again?
>muh trannies
rent free
All politics aside I really enjoyed the environments and warfare. I would have preferred like a legit trench warfare simulator but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be.
Somehow looked worse than BF4 but ran double as shit.
At least the female soldiers in BF1 were at least a little bit justified since they only showed up on the Russian maps.
oh god, the horror
>looked worse than BF4
It objectively was one of the best looking games at its time of release. BF4 has too many shitty filters that you can only turn off through 3rd party injectors.
tranny detected
Battlefield 1 ain't bad, still got me occupied with all those nonsensical assignments.
I kind of wish they gave it more maps instead of doing Battlefield V which looks dumb in my opinion.
A great Battlefield game needs to run 128 players on huge maps with loads of vehicles and for one focus less on new graphics and more on gameplay.
Bad Company 2 came out 10 years ago and they haven't managed to make a better Battlefield game since. Why would that change?
Bad Company 3 is(supposedly)the next one, so I’m excited.
I'm gonna need a source on that home-slice
Arma 3 Is what Battlefield would ever want to be. Arma 3 exists since 2013 and is constantly updated instead of EA's anti-consumer practice of selling you the same Battlefield game with modified skins every year.
I mean as much shit as CoD got for ditching a campaign with BO4 and Titanfall 1 did at launch for not having a traditional one, I wonder how DICE has had years of experience and yet cant make one that interests me outside of Bad Companies 1+2 and parts of BF1. They just never come off as exciting or emotional as they want to be for some reason.
How sad is it that battlefield is shit for years and still sold but somehow having women in the cover is what made people stop buying it?
Because it was shit AND had women in the cover.
Now go and play Arma 3
Yeah context is everything. People assumed the woman on the cover was the issue. The game is ass. How hard is it to figure out? Thank you for being logical user.
Fighting on the side of the Tsar against the Reds was fucking great in the operations. Too bad the servers were long dead by the time it released here.
2 and 3 can't be topped and SJW ruined everything, so no.
Frostbite engine actually turned into shit.
Did any ever finish off the pic that all of the uniforms? I swear the Italians still had the best aesthetics alongside maybe Austro Hungry.
>Arma 3
The only problem is wading through the fucking tidal waves of RP and other shit servers.
Its actually kind of a struggle to find operation servers, especially if you're playing a WW2 or Halo mod or something.
I love women. I dont want to see women get mowed down and gibbed in war games.
>probably the last real attempt at a WWI fps.
>it was just a re skinned Battlefront without blasters.
I don't miss the kill farming tank and planefags that were in partychat together though.
sexist POS
bf1 was actually good though. bfv is garbage.
That tutorial mission where you play as the Hellfighters fighting for France was epic.
The funniest part was how dead the threads were around this not to mention the general fucking died so much that everyone more or less gave up.
I don't give a shit how revisionist it is or if SJWs shit all over it. I want to fly helis again.
Would like a sequel to BF1.
>playing a bf game for the sp
still if only it kept that tone throughout. the runner mission was pure kino tho
Seriously if the newer BF games had campaigns like that one mission, I probably would touch the campaigns. Until then they are just light tutorials for MP.
>bfV was good though, bf6 is garbage
All I wanted was a comfy WW2 I could play on my couch, and they bend me over and fuck me in my ass. Goddamn Sw*des.
For a game that was glitchy and I hear had less content than BF1 at launch its not hard to see why. Also timed content sucks balls.
nothing will redeem bfv. live service ruined it.
This is the model that did some of the BF1 covers by the way