ITT: Subtle vidya tattoos
ITT: Subtle vidya tattoos
define subtle
When u have sex
>he doesn't scream as loudly as possible and through the entirety of the act to establish and maintain dominance
why does it look like the tattooist gave up when it he got to undertale man?
>they have a Triforce on their wrist
I have this tattooed on my forearm, nobody knows it's from a video game.
>the highlight on the yellow one is crooked
Imagine getting a tattoo of some indie game...
That's a regular ass clock you fucking fag of course no thinks it's from a videogame
but it is still from a videogame. Good job getting a tattoo you have to lie about all the time.
It's almost as if it's subtle
imagine getting a tattoo of some game
imagine getting a tattoo
I recognized it immediately, but only because I'm in the middle of a P3 playthrough right now. In like 5 years I might not recognize it though.
It's almost as if it's a literal clock face
Whats the thread you moron
girls love my renaissance tattoos
Why does he have a bellybutton on his back?
It even has the happy-trail
I want one on the back of my left hand, super faggy but I've thought it since I was a teen
>oi m8 it's 12 bong
Should I get Jannus command seal done?
Would be better without frisk
This, actually
Absolutely disgusting.
>getting a tattoo of a map
Wow was right.
>not getting inferno tattoo'd
dun goofd
>tripfag tranny
opinion discarded. thanks for stopping by! :)
>Good job getting a tattoo you have to lie about all the time.
Nice projection
If I even get a tattoo it's gonna be one or all of these
>Anti-Clockwise Metamorphosis
Hope you like looking like a nazi
I mean its subtle. Just say its your homelans, israel
should I get a tattoo? i have a burn scar in my arm and it would be nice to cover it with a tattoo, will i regret it Yea Forums?
pic not related
this is disgusting
whats the scar look like
Tattoos are short-sighted, degenerate, and pathetic
ok boomer
Dust2 is nice and all, but its missing the leet graffiti in goose
not me but something like this
This is so fucking retarded. Surely they won't regret it once they're old. Kek
thumbnail looks like some un-describable horror
No. I wouldnt do that. Its not going to make you any less insecure about itcin the long run
probably had spina bifida when he was a baby
thats why you guys dont work out and dont shower and dont tan
we live for 80 years max stop being such a pussy faggot
>Implying it's not some early twenties alt right faggot
The 2016 election was the worst thing to happen to Yea Forums.
>Better not do anything risky so I can enjoy life when I'm about to die.
What map?
I have tattoos and i wouldnt say dont do it.
>I need to show the world the shit I consume by tattooing it on my body, because that's the only thing that defines me
dust from counter strike
Nice projecting. you sound like a fat loser, kekistani faggot
Shh, let them eat shit. It's one of the best ways to determine somebody is a waste of time, so I'm glad it's a thing.
It's dust2 you retards
The nerve of the people on this fucking board.
i was a super recluse as a kid and played so much goddamn n64, fairies are real and everything's temporary so who cares
If you wanna feel compelled to work on art get some dumb tattoos
you sound upset
nigga most people here are american
>Immortalizing a thing that I enjoy or that has made an impact on me in some way
>Enjoying an aesthetic
No wait, you can only do something in order to seek the approval of others right? All behavior is attention seeking right?
You are nitpicking and baised. I win Bye Bye.
The only tattoo I'd ever consider getting would be a band around my upper arm with as many MonHun weapons as I could fit.
This one will never be topped.
>Pixel shit
R/whooosh haha!!
I'm getting a tattoo of this on my wide sausage peenus because DJ Frontbutt makes the best gaming humors.
LOL :))D
thanks, looks neat
Im gonna get this...
I got a couple anime themed ones
And this on my back next year i think
N64 fairy and chibi robo tat person
He's right though, I don't any P3 fan would bother to notice the association in the time they would glance at it
>the self harm scars
im screaming so loudly right now
It's of Shepard.
>get a rainbow tattooed on your arm
>99% of people will think it's a gay pride thing
>1% of people will recognize the game
Must be rough.
Only if you're cute and like being a pet
i played P3 when FES came out and i recognized it
Maybe I've grown soft, but I actually think it's a nice tattoo.
>live in country where everyone gets absurdly cringe tattoos
get me out of here
No, just tattoos are purely attention seeking
Must make sure to wear shorts and t-shirts all the time to show off my sleeves of tattoos. Even in winter.
Farquad gets a boner in that scene
I thought the scars were wrinkles from saran wrap because he just got the tattoo...
>Want to get a weeb tattoo
>it would be small and actually somewhat subtle
>Still know a million other shittier neckbeards probably have the same tattoo and it wouldn't be that subtle in the end
I'm torn.
Most people just think it's a yakuza tattoo or something.
so, this guy is a proud slave?
What absolute plebeians.
dick or gtfo
I wonder if he got it removed after 3 and Andromeda killed the series.
While some tattoos are nice to look at I do agree most normies now get the dumbest of shit inked onto them. Unironic living shilling of products with no heart.
Well he is a slav after all
I instantly knew it was from P3 and I never even finished that shit.
yep, and its amazing how subtle it is, you will probably never notice it unless you are looking for it.
man, you must really love badger soup.
>The red text attributed to the wrong quote
For once i thought it was the symbol from Dawn of sorrow heh
this shit makes me sad. spent a half decade with a girl who had her shit together then outta nowhere went shizo manic after grad school. tried to cover up the self harm with similarly bad tattoos ("FIGHT YOUR DEMONS", etc) that are just warnings to anyone coming around.
fuck off cs normie
Is this some attempt at a "cute" couples tat?
Post it faggot so I can judge you
It doesn't matter what you do
You die and your flesh will rot with mine
Can't wait.
Joestar birthmark.
Yeah, I know.
Unironically based
This nigga gotta a star
>not at 11:59
you have failed
Just get it if you like it, who is gonna be seeing your upper back all the time anyway?
Also what's the point of getting a tattoo you can't see?
Do what you like and they'll like what you do when you do it, and if they don't that's fine. Fuck em
the face is not that good but other than that its not a bad tattoo
I'm rather glad these people feel the need to signal to everyone that they're broken and mentally ill individuals. It makes it easier to avoid them.
if you're not ripped, you can't have it
and I'm talking part 2 ripped
that aint subtle nigger
>not knowing de_dust2 even if you never even made it to cs:s
>calling others normie
Part 8 barely has muscles fag
of course, tired of spending hours having to tattoo that dumb shit
If anyone had the balls to tattoo the water crown on their cheek, I'd have to at least give them credit.
that's why I said "part 2 ripped"
I haven't read part 8
My friend has the dark sign from Dark Souls tattooed on his bicep. It’s more subtle than getting a bonfire tattoo at least.
From SBR onward everyone is ottermode all the time.
>Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Never played, is this related to mass effect?
Always thought this would make a decent tattoo. Wouldn't get it myself, though.
Anyone who doesn't get the reference would just assume it's a shitty version of the nautical star tattoo that all the college sluts get after they already got a butterfly. that good or bad?
What the fuck are you doing with your time
He is retarded. Nobody gets those anymore.
You decide faggot
>getting tattoos
Knowing a bunch of neckbeard fag boys will get their panties in a bunch if I get a tattoo almost makes me want to get one.
U look gay
Are you a nigger? Just show the ladies your dark hour
Go to bed Rufus
darude sandstorm
Never get detailed realistic faces for tattoos, NEVER!
>Why did you get a clock tattoo
>I thought it looked cool
It's that simple
Oh no, imagine liking things? The horror
>hurr i can't like something without letting the world know
facebook attention-seeking bs
>When I was a kid, I thought he covered up because he didn't want his nipples exposed
>Didn't get why the mirror was on the verge of tears before he showed the picture
I was an innocent 11 year old
why is undertale such overrated shit
I don't get cutting. If you're depressed just become an alcoholic or binge eat or something
youre a fucking retard lmao
That's cute
I can hear it
why did I laugh at this
I nearly got a black Bomb-Omb tattoo but then I decided against it because it because it was summer and I didn't want have to cover my shoulders for the whole season but this is really cool, it's making me rethink it
These are such cool desgins
>Wanted to get this tattoo
>Thought about it and everyone would just think I'm a vegan teetotaler
>Wanted to get the Japanese for heart like Netero's shirt
>Getting Asian symbols is 40 year old boomer tramp teir and everyone would say "Lol, I bet that actually means soup" or something
Why does liking things offend so many people? Why should everyone have a plain hair cut and wear jeans and a black t shirt like George Carlin?
I'm not trying to be dismissive, I genuinely don't get it. I've been blessed being a happy retard my whole life so I don't get cutting, it looks like it hurts
>marking yourself for attention whoring
People used to get tattoos on purpose to be outcasts so people would never socialize them. But it's just so damn hip and cool now.
I know you're being funny but ever actually have sex with a woman who makes monkey porn noises during sex? It's really off putting
Is that a MGSV reference at the bottom?
You only get tattoos to cover scars.
It was the best
This, some moaning is great, fucking a yelling baboon is not
guitar hero stickers nigga, I gotchu
it feels pretty good
im a sadomasochist though so thats probably why
other than that, not everyone can escape through the same things. someone might find binge eating comforting but someone else might find that disgusting, even if they both have depression or whatever
Advice to anyone thinking about getting tattoos: If you aren't willing to pay top dollar for a good artist to make custom designs, don't bother. I see too many idiots drop $150-500 on a terrible idea or mediocre artist that they'll just have to cover up in 5 years.
>t. guy with >$3000 of work that I'm actually proud of how it looks
>1 of the most iconic video game maps
>fuck off cs normie
This fucking board, holy shit
How did he take the picture?
you can enjoy something without spamming it on social media or getting fucking tattoos.
I yell alot when i get sucked off and my ass licked
Fair enough
Kill yourself, casualcuck
3 was great, only the ending sucked
I would never, under any circumstances, get a gaming tattoo.
You know that's really fucked up that "gamers" actually have tattoos like this.
You don't see movie buffs getting Star Wars tattoos, or trekkies getting tattoos of Admiral Ackbar.
Tattoos are supposed to have meaning.
When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.
10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos but the idiots who got them because they like videogames will only see an outdated, obsolete franchise.
user could be a very important npc and that map could be vital to our quest
I wish you were shot by some brownskin for entering the jew army and fighting for the jews you disgusting bitch
have sex incel
t. some early twenties alt right faggot
Not a tranny or feminine beta male like you, kid. I served in the army and went through shit your sissy faggot ass couldn't even imagine. Hit me with your best shot, I'm pretty much perfect compared to you.
I actually love this. I've never cut or been depressed but I'm happy that whoever got this tattoo found security in the story of that game, what a lovely idea.
The main "logical" people slit their wrists is that it's a universal signal of "I am extremely unhappy and it's now manifesting physically." But the real reason is that people with depression see other people with depression do it, so it's a good way to signal it.
That's the only thing that bothers me. It's a nice tattoo, even if I don't do tattoos.
Big Belly Button
I cannot respect a man who would willingly give his life away for the jews
You could be 2 meters big and full of muscle youd still be just a slave
This. I want to fucking plaster rainbows everywhere because they’re fUCKING COOL, but the gays had to make it some kind of symbol of degenerancy
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my best to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
That was your best shot? No wonder you're an incel.
>The main "logical" reason people slit their
Is what I meant to say.
no one read your post anyways man, sorry
I hope you will wake up someday and see how much you are wasting your life
Look for a woman
Love her
Fight for her
But not for your country that would just kill you any chance it had
That’s actually quite based.
This is the most generic shit I got at 16 and I want it off my fucking body
Why does Yea Forums get so upset about tattoos?
Well I had fun writing it anyway.
>trekkies getting tattoos of Admiral Ackbar
>You don't see movie buffs getting Star Wars tattoos, or trekkies getting tattoos of Admiral Ackbar
Seriously user
>laughing at people is the same as being upset
>warning people is the same as being upset
I've had plenty of friends who regret tattoos and use their experience to warn others. Why do you think anyone in this thread is upset?
Well done being the low-class trash stuck with fighting brown inbreds to death. Should have worked harder in school, kiddo.
>Falling for bait
Seriously user
>getting a tattoo at 16
Nice life lesson. You earned it.
I read it and it was interesting
at least it isn't poorly drawn. Why don't you wear an elbow sleeve and say you have tennis elbow?
>Everyone in this thread laughs at what gets posted but secretly want a tatttoo anyway
Tattoos cheapen the person, look ugly and aren't unique
I know someone that has pic related as a tattoo
All incels who think people liking things or having fun is an attack on Jedo-Christian values
Not even a virgin or christcuck but tattoos are retarded.
The annoying thing is most people I meet like it, it's even got me talking to girls at bars.
It's just me that fucking hates it.
That would smudge so much with time.
>cheapen the person
>Putting a value on someone
>look ugly
Only if they're done poorly
>Aren't unique
They absolutely can be if they symbolism something about the person
>youre a fucking retard lmao
>Says the retard slitting his arms because 'life sad :('
Me on the right
I also have a sword tattoo with triforce in the middle of it down my right should
Not a bad idea except I have an equally as retarded one on my other arm. I'm wearing long sleeve shirts for life.
I think he's calling that poster retarded for suggesting alcohol (a depressant) and binge eating as a solution to depression, not defending cutting. At least I hope that's what he means.
>it feels pretty good
If you're a problematic woman with daddy issues, sure
He wasn't suggesting them as a solution, he was suggesting them as an outlet over cutting.
Sounds like my old roommate, he had two sleeves and girls would fawn over them and he would bluntly tell them that he hated and regrets all of them. They'd get really quiet after that.
Post it, and if you're really desperate you could just cover them up with black rectangles?
now that's a creative way to ruin your body
>Not getting a shitpost tattoo
You laugh you lose
>being a faggot attentionwhore
oh wait, you're getting a tattoo
I don't even know what that is, if I'm being honest.
I have a scar on my arm and I think you should tattoo little Lyn from FEH on yours.
pic one and get it
I'm guessing a My Neighbor Totoro ascii emoticon
Some people just look cheap
Tattoo artists must have a field day every time someone asks for a triforce tattoo
Yeah good thing these tattoos just disappear over time lol
Is there any more surefire way of knowing that somebody is a trash person?
At least you are based, unlike many others in this thread.
Self branded as trash too
>so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.
Even though I know this is copypasta this still makes makes me facepalm.
No they don't.
how the fuck do people get tattoos? i get bored if shit so fast i change my computer’s background every month.
google the meaning retard
If I see anyone with a tattoo I immediately think they're a worthless waste of flesh.
>tattoos in the 50-70s
>guy was either in the army or a gang member
>tattoos now
>ssoyboys or sluts
imagine getting a fucking tattoo period
>camwhores all have arm sleeves and leg sleeves etc
i saw one with their entire buttocks tattooed with a butterfly, centered on the anus, like they had their actual buttholle area tattoed
Porter Robinson
Can I please please PLEEEASE suck your dick!
anime niggers have no say in whats a worthless waste of flesh
There's a thing where animals rip their hair out from stress in order to release endocrines(?), the shit that soothes your brain. I heard the same can apply to people
and to think this guy goes to every tattoo thread on Yea Forums. May even be here right now.
I got a quake logo tattoo and everybody thinks I'm some sort of Nazi
This place seethes at tattoos, drugs (but nit alcohol) and generally anything outlandish and calls it degenerate, while jacking it to anime traps.
I'm starti g to think you're all just bitter /r9k/cels.
Some girl I go with makes noises like she is about to cry and its such a turn on desu
This board is so fucked my niggas
That's pretty imaginative
This is extreme autistic, not subtle by any means.
I would never, under any circumstances, get a gaming tattoo.
You know that's really fucked up that "gamers" actually have tattoos like this.
You don't see movie buffs getting Star Wars tattoos, or trekkies getting tattoos of Admiral Ackbar.
Tattoos are supposed to have meaning.
When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.
10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos but the idiots who got them because they like videogames will only see an outdated, obsolete franchise.
this desu
This really isn't bad at all. The location is kind of weird, though.
this is a copypasta or joke post right?
>Live for a woman
Live for yourself user, find what you want and take it.
that dust tattoo is unironically based
Stupid fucking zoomer piece of shit, kys.
This but unironically. I've never been truly happy since I was about eleven and came close to topping myself a few times, but I've never once thought about intentionally causing myself a small amount of pain for no reason. When I get a bleeding wound, I just feel irritable and panicky as well as slightly sick.
>(Pic unrelated)
>tattoos ever for any reason
>Implying the incel actually goes and meets people
They should give it some really bad vidya tattoos of its own
Nice blog you giant pretentious faggot.
>Muh duality
>dat 願う
jesus fucking christ you weebs, just leave my language alone instead of butchering it
thats some pretty good bait, legit made me angry for a second
I just bought that album
Haven't seen this pasta in years
already got posted
Had this girl last year that used to yell every over the top shit you hear in porns.
>Yeah, fuck that pussy harder, oh god i'm so wet you're gonna make me cum ohhh
The first time i heard it, it actually was off putting, then it turned out to be kind of a turn on. But now when i remember it doesn't feel like a turn on at all. Thing is, when you fuck your cringe sensor goes a bit numb.
Typically in self harm there is a desperation behind it. Rarely is it actually an attempt to take ones own life, but rather a call for help. For some self harm gives them a sense of control as well as the satisfaction of the endorphines released during the harmful action. "Physiologically, endorphins are released when we are injured or stressed. Endorphins are neurotransmitters that act similarly to morphine and reduce the amount of pain we experience when we are hurt."
The reality is that cutting is a form of distress. There are healthy alternatives to dealing with stress known as eustress. If you play a videogame to both experience and deal with stress that is eustress. If you are stressed out and cut yourself then there is no net benefit as any temporary satisfaction will soon need to be repeated and now you have damaged tissue.
Individuals who cut probably aren't equipped to deal with bigger issues and use self harm as a way to "cope" with problems. There are always healthy habit alternatives so it they also probably want the attention that comes with self harm at some level.
inb4 some cutter YOU DONT KNOW ME YOU DONT KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE. i've dealt with a lot of shit but never had to cut myself
WTF EVERYONE DOESN'T KNOW EVERYTHING JESUS SHIT. sorry to snap user I actually like teaching people I shouldn't have spoonfed though. damn I'm gettin to old for this shit.
>pop culture tattoos of any kind
might aswell go meta and tattoo a hamburger advertisement on your ass, it's a product sold to you all the same
cultural-historic tattoos are fine though as are utilitarian tattoos like meat tags
Not that bad. It's well drawn.
Doesn't that shit give you skin cancer?
It's the same logic that leads people to cover their diesel Fiesta in Monster Energy stickers. Being a walking advertisement is cool!
Agreed, getting Video Game tattoos is a blatant sign of celibacy.
>implying people wont mistake the clockwise one in the same way
Jesus this is pathetic.
Yeah! I love being defined by what I consume!
he's probably proud of this screencap and the fact that he's an irl twitch pay pig to a (couple) e-thot(s)
>weeb trash
You're right there with them
>People unironically thinking about suicide let alone commit one.
Yikes, life isn't a video game, you literally can't simply log out.
Implying you have a personality beyond that
Seems like a fair trade to get rid of the other cancer
I'm so glad I don't have whatever kind of defect that inspires people to get anything permanently inked onto their body.
Fuck that Scars are cooler
I'm always reminded of this one.
Because once you notice it, it gets worse.
No he's a proud bottom bitch in prison
I wonder why do anime tattoos always look like shit
Based copypasta destroying zoomers
Good taste my nigger, just don't get the metamorphosis runes
Maybe I conditioned myself to hate it since I've always watched porn with no volume
>t. tattoo drone
lurk moar
user, not sure how to break it to you but this board was fucked a long time ago.
Not him but do you honestly feel you do? As much ad I criticize modern culture for being defined by consumerism I think we all are guilty of it
Yes, now speak for yourself you stupid commie libtard
Tattoos and piercings are disgusting.
Oh and colored hair.
took me a second
Explain then instead of replying with retarded buzzwords that aren't even relevant
Did they tattoo this on a pig?
Flashy makeup too
Based and cutepilled.
Please tell me you don’t have it tattooed where a watch would normally go
>(a depressant
just fap with your left hand, i don't get the problem
apart from the tattoo being ugly as sin
>yellow is still in there
you got a good tattooer
Persona 3 clock
Or final fantasy haste
pig or cadaver
i got this one on my chest.
because i'm a fucking retard but at least noone can read it and i can tell them it means whatever i want to
it's the wrong hand
I think I saw that same tattoo but with Monkey D. Luffy, something that actually makes sense.
That's just because it's mirrored
that dust tatoo is actually pretty sick in a shitty tattoo kind of way
As someone who does it I can tell you its not for attention or a 'cry for help' its actually a coping mechanism.
When you are fucked over by life and over whelmed by everything in order to shut out those negative emotions you mutilate yourself to basically transfer those emotions over to something you can deal with, that being physical pain not mental pain.
Its fucking retarded and stupid but life turns people into retards so fuck it.
Every single person endures hardships and suffering. You cannot say yours is worse than someone else's because it's relative to the individual.
You're just a pussy.
It is though.
I think the issue may be that you don't know what that word means.
have sex
Greg Holgate?
He’s getting ready for waterworld.
Never said it was worse so stop projecting.
Just said it was a bad coping mechanism due to certain things in the past and that some people do cut not for attention but as a coping mechanism to transfer the pain to something manageable.
Also a pussy is someone who actually kills themselves user.
Did you just say the n word?
Post your hand now
The background looks like one of those spraypaint drawings hobos make here on the street for like 5 bucks, and that's ignoring how he looks like a tranny
if it was only the map and it faded at the ends it would be awesome, the megaman, link and album cover ruin it
does the despite everything quote only appear on the genocide run lmao?
>not having a tattoo of your waifu
yikes oof bro
This guy gets it
Based, this is true love
The word depressant has nothing to do with the condition called depression. It's like saying you shouldn't retard the ignition timing on your motorcycle because it'll make it stupid. Alcohol is absolutely a solution for depression. Not a healthy one, but neither is slicing your body open with a razor.
Is that cod?
It looks familiar, but I cant put my finger on it
>angel and devil
Chinkfag here, these words actually mean "equality" and "sacrifice"
Reminder that if you support tattoos then you support all body modification including gender reassignment.
Depressant has nothing to do with depression either, it's just a category of drugs (including alcohol).
Just get it removed. You can do it easily these days
It's R6 Siege.
Based, tattoos are gay by I'll put one of these on a tank top for flexing on normies
Watch out nazis.
At least get them done well
I like it.
Why can't violent antifascists see that they're the same?
>fades in 5 years
>nearly indiscernible in 10
>person dies in 50 years anyway
Sadly it's shooped
I got a tattoo of a big dick on my little dick and it's the best thing I've ever done, whores love it
>self harm on a clearly female arm
Why do women self harm so often
Why did you get it in the wrong colors, that's not what it looked like in game retard
Says the guy who posts meme anime
This photo is edited, it's been flipped around
>binge eat
that's a million times worse than cutting, holy shit. alcohol is one thing, but i've never understood binge eating or cutting. what kind of subhuman fuck would EVER willingly slice their skin open or eat themselves to death? and yeah i've had my fair share of crushing depression and isolation in my life. unironically just play vidya or watch a movie you crayon mucher, or better yet, get a real hobby.
But they're usually in high school, what fucking problems do you really have in high school
This is actually acceptable
Except for that the knight looks like a potato
Not gonna lie user... thats pretty based
I would love to punch this faggot in the face and watch him cry
Fucking reddit tough guy
>If you're depressed just become an alcoholic or binge eat or something
It's just a way of self-harming just like the things you listed.
>when every remotely attractive girl at your high school got septum piercings
Fuck it I don't get why people stick metal in their face or color their hair some godawful popsicle color. Being physically fit and well groomed? Now THAT is badass.
Also this
Holy shit, Sweatt Sausage Squad owned!
Have 9 tattoos, two are 40K and three SW. AMA.
>I would love to punch this nazi in the face and watch him cry
>Fucking Yea Forums tough guy
You should get a tattoo like your doppelganger.
Something like a Yotsuba and Rozen Maiden with "punch redditor cringelords" in Latin?
More like pepe and wojak with "bruh look at this dude" in Latin.
It's high noon blam blam blam blam
You can't remove pickle rick
now it just looks like a vague turd
>just play vidya or watch a movie you crayon mucher
but these don't tell the world your distressed. Having hundreds of 1/8th inch deep cuts on your arm does.
4 tattoos are unaccounted for
Is this Eden or P3?
I'd never get a tattoo but I don't understand why people wouldn't go to a Grade A tattoo parlor. You are putting permanent ink on your body. Why the fuck would you want a shitty tattoo? I know someone who is just starting to get tattoos and the other day I saw them for the first time IRL in years they're all just fucking awful looking. Actually looks extremely trashy.
No there is a bible verse referenced and directly quoted in mass effect, but that is Mark 5:9. So unless the guy who got that tattoo fucked up, it's unrelated.
being this much of a zoomer
How many years does it take to regret these
Wonder if there are any boomers with obscure Atari game tattoos they got as teens
Based post. Consumistfags seethe real fast when their inane lifestyle gets called out.
Why would you tattoo that onto yourself
the anime girl I mean
are you wearing a maid outfit?
Some people just don't give a shit anymore
>boomers with obscure Atari game tattoos
I hate tattoos but that would be pretty based.
"Bottoming after Taco Bell makes you braver than any US Marine"?
Did I misread it or are people really this miserable?
nice coo
not gonna lie, that looks pretty good
I would never carry that gay shit around but at least it looks high quality
>when the Jews hammer shit into your head so hard it makes you retarded
Seeing people raging at Hindus was another blow to my faith in humanity.
Can you imagine if Hitler had had just a regular ol' standard, generic mustache?
Yeah sure. Enjoy being BLACKED by netflix bro
It's fucking airsoft shit
That stuff is worthless
Is there any way I could get a good Dark Souls style gargoyle tattoo? Theres concept art of it I really love. My dad died a few years back and he always liked the imagery of gargoyles. So I wanted to get it, the specific gargoyle art. But I dont think I could get it traced right, yaknow?
What do?
O O F. That's, like, big yikes, duderino.
it still looks high quality
This is a good post. Laughing at the walking billboards ITT
would much rather just go to the gym and work out till I feel like I am dying than cutting myself.
Stale ass pasta
Anime site samefag
If you're going to get a tattoo, just wear it on a t-shirt.
In one arm a full tattoo of the god hand and the other its the tattoo of demi fiend
I really hope that isn't a username and clantag tattooed on their arm.
there are people with Pica who eat batteries and shit like that
I just tell myself that you can't always understand animal behavior and I try not to think about cutters and people who do odd things.
I'm not gay or anything but that dude has great legs.
Seconding this guy:
Just because people make fun of something doesn't mean it upsets them. It's just funny to see the kinds of things people will permanently emblazon themselves with
based pasta poster
cheek's squeak and leak
is that a mufuggin watchmen reference??
Everytime I met you, you were an insufferable faggot. I'm glad you have this mark of shame.
fuckin kek
what did he mean by this?
>nobody knows it's from a video game
Then what's the point of having it?
>What's the meaning behind that tattoo, it looks very deep?
>It's from a videogame about Japanese highschoolers who shoot themselves to summon demons
>oh... ok... *pussy dries up*
The only somewhat decent one in the whole thread.
I dunno. Makes me pop a stiffy every time I see it though. Women with cutmarks are universally easy as fuck.
Good one.
>B-AK-A 47
>caring about thots
Would this flavor text make a good tattoo?
>pretending you don't
Imagine actually tattooing a penis and balls on yourself.
>Cries about Trump
>Has visible stormtrooper aka space nazis tattoo on the other side
thx user, it comes together in your post so much better then different clues in my head
There is LITERALLY nothing stopping you from doing just that.
This is really enhanced when you notice the star wars tattoo right next to it.
It's the 3D render of Simon Belmonts axe from SSBU, I didn't want the pixel art from the games. It's a Castlevania reference, most people don't know so I guess its subtle
If I were forced to get a tattoo at gunpoint, it would be the old 'eyeballs on eyelids'.
Not the same user, but still gay as fuck desu
suicide is literally just deleting your account with no intention of returning
Tattoos are fucking degenerate
Fell so far, so fast
Now he's covered in tats, piercings, green hair, and sometimes cross dresses. This is why you don't devote your life to women that won't reciprocate your feelings.
nice post
Your arm look like the margin of a maths textbook.
Hold on to your butts
Those are all ways of hurting yourself though. Cutting is the same in principle.
That's literally the worst one, everyone will see it
the absolute state
But it would be a good story.
Imagine going throught the trouble of getting forced at gunpoint, and you just get a little star on your ankle. Lame.
>forced at gunpoint to get a tattoo
>make the tattoo the gunman's name and address
>a portrait of him holding the gun on you while you sit there getting the tattoo, creating a fractal
I always thought the affliction symbol, just the affliction symbol and no character, would be a sweet tattoo if I had any interest in having a tattoo.
The only acceptable tattoos are from tribal rituals or the criminal underworld.
I'll admit I have 1 Vidya tat. I had my artist put it in his own style so it looks like a piece of art to people who don't recognize it. Won't post it here.
based and majorapilled
first video game final boss i'd ever beaten unaided
thats not bad though, definitely would look better on the leg but nice otherwise
>"I believe this is the mark"
based and detectivepilled
>anime site
newfag begone
based and queenpilled
>Pelican case
Hory shit
are you blind?
Maybe i was around to many emo fucks in my teens, but i really really really hate self cutting idiots. In most cases it's not even mental illness but just sheer stupidity.
>bruh look lips
can I cum on it?
I'd get this at the nape of my neck, Worlds was great
My cousin got three fucking Zelda hearts. I pretend that it's fine everytime but I'm pretty sure I made a unpleasantly surprised face the first time.
He fell for a fake news thread about Bloodborne being adapted as a Netflix movie or some shit and the Hunter was a black actor
>that quote
>placed over self-cutting scars
Its an abstract kind of kino
why not get a practical tattoo?
>if Yugioh was made today
that'll look really cute when you're getting rammed from the back you fruit
There's this dude that makes videos and has these, thoughts?
>gain fat or muscle
>get old
It'll only be accurate for so long
Nice song lyrics fuck boy
I recognise the portal one, pretty normie shit, but not as bad as the others in this thread. The one on the right is item from The Binding of Isaac, right? I mean I know it's in there, not sure if that's where it originated or not, a lot of the iconography is derived from religious symbolism and references anyway, it's hard to tell. I've seen the chain one as well, no clue what it actually is.
Ah, so these are the people calling you virgins.