What does it take for Yea Forums to enjoy a game?

What does it take for Yea Forums to enjoy a game?

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needs to have some sort of controversy so they enjoy shitposting about it on Yea Forums

To have fun with it.

Needs to be mildly entertaining and make liberals upset.

How to make a game your gf?

Big butts

big butts and big tits
sometimes flat chests too
but with big butts

For me, has to have some exploration. I want to be able to wander and see the sights.
>Dork Souls
>Subnautica (preemptive La Creatura...)
>Hollow Knight
All different genres - RPG shooter, action roll simulator, survival/crafting, medroidvania.

Maybe it's just the nostalgia goggles, but I feel like even WoW had this feel back in the day before everything was massively scripted to the point of taking away all choice in your next direction.

No niggers

flat chests + big butts is the best combination

No ethics department

it's really a great combination
sometimes I like big breasts too, though

Alcohol and enough time the next day to sleep it off.

this more than anything else
Yea Forums feeds not on fun but on outrage, people here would rather talk about controversy and how everything is shit forever than play video games

yeah, same, both are great



Oh, that's easy. It has to be something that everyone else plays and they have to tell everyone else that it's kino. Then they come on Yea Forums and shit on it constantly. That's it in a nutshell.

How does it feel?

big butts
girls who look like they fart at least once a day and get a little embarrassed by it

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Good gameplay, good story and characters, immersion.

How does it feel Seath
to be a bitch?

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I love how retarded cumbrain posters are thinking the dopamine receptors can get burned out.
By that logic, doing anything that gives you pleasure would burn your dopamine receptors.

Dopamine receptors CAN get burned out. As evidenced by illicit drug users progressively needing larger doses.
HOWEVER that's because of the artificial contents over firing the receptors at a rapid pace. For a "cumbrain" to have burned out receptors from masturbating they would need to be CONSTANTLY AND DAMN NEAR PERMANENTLY CUMMING 24/7 to match how fast the receptors fire from illicit drugs. I mean doujin tier shooting of loads.
Masturbation, sex, and other things that make men feel pleasure are an ingrained part of our psyche and as should be obvious dopamine receptors are there to be used and not using them at all will actually damage your receptors as well as they lose association and will thus not fire when they should leading to a number of social and emotive issues down the line where one could act severely more autistic as their brain cannot associate pleasure properly anymore such as if they were to be proposed to those with under-used receptors would instead respond with apathy or at least a lack of extreme excitement.
>tl;dr - Healthy masturbation is good for you. Don't over do it but don't under do it either and NEVER jack off if your dick is bleeding, you'll have to lay off and give your skin time to heal.

it's getting harder and harder. not sure if i'm just getting older or if video games are just all trash now. can't remember the last video game i genuinely was excited about/ enjoyed.

what's a healthy amount of jacking off?


It's just figure of speech. You definetly fucked your brain beyond repair if you've been indulging in porn three to five times every week, that isn't even open to discussion. It's clear as day

A few times a month


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I'm a shallow bitch, and I think artstyle is primarily important to me. I won't touch a game if I don't like an artstyle, but I won't stick with a game if the gameplay is bad (read: not to my taste). For example I liked Persona 4's setting, music, story, visuals, etc., but I just couldn't get into the gameplay. Sin and Punishment immediately grabbed me both visually and gameplay-wise, and didn't let me go until I finished it. It's not just about looking good either; Metal Gear Solid V consistently draws me back to it, even though I don't really like the story or even the gameplay that much, simply because it's horribly bleak MKULTRA vibe rooted it deep in my subconscious. It's got it's claws in me, and I'll look back on it as a defining game of 2015, even though it fucking sucks, objectively speaking.

>he thinks the orgasm is the only thing that affects the neurotransmitters
holy shit you're an idiot

There might be important information and truths carried in these memes, but I instinctively ignore them, because the visuals themselves promote ugliness. I pay them no attention, because, like with baneposting, I don't want to manifest this crap into reality. Go back to the tracing board and come up with something better.

>You definetly fucked your brain beyond repair if you've been indulging in porn three to five times every week, that isn't even open to discussion. It's clear as day

Top kek

MA holder with full time employment who faps once a day here

I don't masturbate but I surely don't believe in anything I read online either

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It depends on the person but generally its about once every 3-4 days or essentially twice a week.
Of course you can go for more frequency and depending on how many times you did so in your formative years(pre-teens-adulthood) your dick may be more or less used to you getting off. The most important part is to ensure that you don't keep going if your dick hurts and lay off for a couple days for it to get better(once the pain is gone then you should give it one more day then you're all good again).

The thrill of battle.

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In terms of how fast the receptors fire off and what the act of jacking off does the dopamine is nowhere near matching that of which you claim.
The issue comes from a different part of the brain in regards to association where your brain attributes erotic content as taboo, if you do so more frequently that content becomes far closer to statusquo that you start pushing towards more degenerate shit. This is why people claim nofap helps. It resets your association to a lower level so you can get off to more normal content. Of course everyone is different and this is only speaking in terms of what would be defined as a normal person and not based on any one person in-particular.
Also if you re-read what I wrote I was only talking about dopamine receptors not all neurotransmitters.

>just thinks about sex all the time
Wouldn't that be the people that keep saying "have sex" as if it's a solve all solution that changes people entirely?

well yeah

Muh neighar

That was uncalled for
You actually hurt his feelings