Why are there no videogames set in Wales?
Why are there no videogames set in Wales?
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literal where?
It's down the road from London a bit. Head east for three or four hours and you'll bump into it.
Eco the Dolphin had one.
There are plenty of games set in England, OP
FE: Three Houses has a Wales/Sweden hybrid faction.
Sly Cooper 1 had a level set in Wales.
Didn't GT5 had a circuit/track in Wales
Valid point. Can only think of the 5seconds of flashback in ACIV
It's the only place i ever played in Crusader Kings II, and i have 469 hours in it.
>tfw you take all of Briton back, name it Wales, convert to Catharism, and conquer Rome.
Whales? Why would you want to set a game inside a whale?
I'm confident any game involving King Arthur is de facto set in Wales
A-Are there any King Arthur games?
a few, most of them arent in wales tho
There are two decent RTS games about him. But like with CK or Total War, I wouldn't say they're set IN Cymru, just that they include it. And the game version of the Clive Owen movie was set around Hadrian's Wall.
However, lots of whales play it.
>Head east from London...
there was the Monstro level in kingdom hearts
Still doable, just takes a shittonne longer.
There's at least one.
Beastiality will get you an AO rating
What makes welsh characters so iconic?
It's got beautiful rolling countryside, idyllic beaches, snowy mountains and urban centres which have clashing modernity alongside architecture leading back decades or centuries, for better or worse.
In other words, since devs who're interested in these things are unimaginative, they'd just use London for the urban stuff and [unnamed, unidentified place in England] for everything else.
West. You mean west. East takes you into the pond and eventually Belgium or the Netherlands.
Are there any games in Chubut?
They're fun
>tfw no welshcat gf
I think this seasonal heat has you types all confused. Not accustomed to it, I suppose.
On the other hand welsh names are EVERYWHERE in fantasy games.
>Who said "North" was "UP"?
That map is flipped but the compass directions still hold, the Atlantic is directly west of Europe etc.
Tee-hee. Black Cauldron in Kingdom Hearts when?
Anyone else watching that kino YouTube series of that guy walking across Wales in a straight like. That shit is so cash
There is. Annwyn
Came here to post this. Good job beating me to it.
What sort of distance does that come out to? and how many mountains does he have to cross?
I am, now, thanks for the recommendation
Only 33 miles, roughly where the red line is. But that does cross the Cambrian mountains.
And lake vyrnwy apparently.
Wait, people know the Welsh exist? Synnu dw i.
What do you call a leisure centre in Cardiff?
a sheep tied to a lamp post lmao
was going to post this
Who is more of a menace to modern man Yea Forums? the scots, the irish or the welsh?
Wales is basically England's hemorrhoid. Why the fuck would you set any game there ever? It's basically just hills and valleys. Oh yeah very fucking interesting.
Ni No Kuni was made by studio ghibli
studio ghibli made a movie called Howl's moving castle
the character Howl is from wales
that's the best i got
The Irish. They are hellbent on invading shops with their ridiculously low quality and cheap steaks.
they're the last true Britons around
Why does every welsh world look like lllwwwrryyyll?
The Welsh are the only decent ones out of the three
The Scots are LARPing Englishmen
The Irish are barely even human
and thats a good thing boyo!
>The Welsh are the only decent ones out of the three
>the Welsh
does not compute
can't be any worse than some Ulstercucks desu. they need to be round up and gassed
>no Edward Kenway
u wot matey
Lol what the fuck are you talking about? The Welsh are a bunch of degenerate alcoholics.
>the buildings are actually from France(Germany)
Tip top comfy part of the world with the best riesling though, can't wait to go back.
>getting the welsh confused with the irish
that's understandable since they are all pretty much sub human at the end of the day.
what the fuck happened to architecture? Where the hell are all the fine detail in modern buildings
>voiced by generic Londoner #375 because the devs didn't want people to not understand his accent
lmao'ing. This is the representation that Wales gets?
Not economically viable goy.
Ran around that for schools cross country tournie. Was a shitter.
Fuck ysgol uchradd llanfythllin
>welsh = shit flinging jewish alcoholics
>irish = wife bashing child molestering iliterate alcoholics
>scots = unemployed LARPers but also alcoholics
>gargling on dicks is your national anthem
Damn now that's a motherfucking name for a city.
Why are there no games set in Guernsey is the real question. send help
did you have a fuckin aneurysm at the end or something there mate?
You're either a bong or welsh like me coz everyone else in this thread is an amermutt
Japs give us plenty.
>tfw running around Garreg Mach monastery with my boyo from Blaiddyd
Yep this is anthem kino.
No, welsh just sounds like someone having a stroke and suffering from a demonic possession simultaneously.
Now I know where fantasy maps get their names from
>all three welshmen who post on Yea Forums are posting itt
wow that's like half the population of wales
There's no welsh people here it's mutts or argies LARPing
Well there was this one king Arthur game I played as a kid. It was isometric iirc. It was kind of like diablo.
>implying its not some pom larping as a sheep fucker for lolz
>english = alcoholics in benidorm
druan rydych chin gallu siarad un iaith yn unig
English = A bunch of anglo French mutts slowly being taken over by Muhammed and his tribe of sandniggers. Also alcoholics.
watched that guys geoguessr videos before that, I'm really excited to see more.
>english = headless in the streets
ftfy senpai
Moved to London after 10 years in Powys. I miss it.
A game based on Celtic myths and heroes would be cool
>bongs = Islamic caliphate
More like you miss fucking sheep.
Because the only story you can tell in Wales is how you people fucked each other over each and every time and then got cucked hard by the English. Cucked so hard that when a Welshman takes the throne in England, he does what he can to stay the fuck away from Wales. Or you can have a King Arthur game and then deal with a fanfic character written by a Frenchman who only exists to cuck his king.
look im speaking welsh
Anthem is shit yo. You want to watch the eisteddfod for kino
There's plenty of games with Deep Ones in them.
>actually translates to bluebells
I thought you were just taking the piss.
And it happens to a be a piss-poor shithole. Most kids are happy to leave Wales when they turn 18, and are replaced by English retirees who enjoy the views.
Snowdonia area is beautiful, so are many towns north of Aberystwyth.
Well the author Diana Wynn Jones (who wrote the book that Ghibli turned into a movie) used to live in Wales.
Based and Harlechpilled
I literally typed gibberish.
wtf i care about britain now
>used to live in Wales
>used to
Men of Harlech stop your dreaming, Can't you see their spear points gleaming
>best selling game of 2018 had a Welsh MC
>welsh hero
don't grasp too hard there boyo
>welshman is a criminal
like pottery
Elden Ring looks like it may have some celtic influences
I haven't played RDR2 but assume it's a joke because he's named Arthur?
The Welsh were responsible for America. Jefferson was welsh and was able to at least write the language and there is a welsh connection to Lincoln as well
What's that
The name Arthur Morgan is almost as welsh as it gets. Just needs Llewellyn as a middle name.
Morgan is welsh I believe
fantasy RPG by FROMSOFT
>we wuz nation buiders n shite
wtf i hate arthur now
>Irish, Scots and Welsh all think they built America
The only thing the Welsh are known for building is a tab at the local pub and refusing to pay for it lmao
americans built america bitch
>itt we dab on the welsh
The Micks can piss off back to their bogs but the Scots, especially Ulster Scots, and the Welsh all contributed heavily to the U.S
fuck off braveheart
It's funny because the Amerimutt meme is actually based on a Polish guy.
He grew up in England.
How do I get a welsh slag gf from rhondda valleys?
britain, wales ireland it doesn't matter all will become one under Allah and Muhammad is his messenger shalom shalom.
>he doesn't unite Africa under one nation and invade Europe with an army of black people
Aye Siwmae
thinking of finding a place on the west coast of wales to spend a week or two on holiday. Either that or Cornwall.
burger here. what makes the welsh distinct from the english other than their elvish looking language?
Pembrokeshire is peak comfy.
Culture, Language, history, etc...
well obviously, but how can I tell from a glance if something is considered welsh or not?
Nothing, their language is the only thing they cling to so that they don't become absorbed into the Anglosphere. They don't even exist Crown entity like Scotland or Ireland LMAO
All you need to know about Britain is that we all hate the English, apart from the English, actually even the English. We just hate them in Welsh. We also have 3 times as many sheep as people.
A Welshman will greet you with warmth and laughter.
An Englishman will give you a cold glance, like the steel and concrete that has buried his hopeless country.
also lol
double lol
>all these sheepniggers trying to sell their country as this wonderous land that isn't filled with alchoolics clinging to a dead language and absorbed culture that was dabbed on by anyone that bothered to land on that shitty little isle
Yma o hyd. Cope.
they shag sheep.
They are a country of pale faced manlets that talk like eunuchs with an overabundance of sheep and self arrogance
Notice how the english are absolutely seething at the jolly welshmen.
They must be upset about something. Maybe the state of their cities.
>A Welshman will greet you with warmth and laughter.
did you mother sell that line to calm your wee little mind in between the drunken beatings your father used to give her?
>he doesn't know
Bongs aren't allowed on Yea Forums or any kind of site anymore that allows hateful speech that goes against the will of their benevolent halal overlords.
>A Welshman will greet you with warmth and laughter
HAHAHAHA you are definitely not a brit
the only thing I'm seeing is a load of unemployed sheepshaggers with too much time on their hands desu.
Fuck wales.
Because you're illiterate.
>Why set a game in the prettiest place on earth?
Today I learned that Scotland has 10 year olds.
bruh that's not New Zealand
>Literally type gibberish
>It translates to something
State of the Welsh "language"
new zealand isnt the prettiest place on earth
>sheepnigger calling someone else illiterate
oh the ironing
It's certainly a close fight. But don't tell the Kiwis that.
>So I told that teachen lady, thuh only three letters i needs to lern is U S and A
we are currently in the transitional process of removing the niggers but it will be once we have cleaned up all the details
>Brings up yanks for some reason.
I'm not Welsh. Just learning to speak it.
Where else would people be so rustled by the idea of other languages existing?
yeah lets deport the maoris back to africa
>learning to speak a dying language that isn't nip
why tho?
>why no videogames with very specific thing
Because why, thats why you doubble nigger
America did right by fucking the natives though since they get all that nice land to use and abuse while shuffling the scraps into some corner to let the rape each other to extinction.
To help prevent it dying. Also started learning Cornish.
Plus, it's quite a pretty language.
Who's "rustled"? Just having a laugh at you.
>burger is so seething that he can't even get his grammar right
Laughing out loud
you aren't one of those lost generation whites that's looking for some exotic culture to lose himself into right?
>Who's "rustled"?
You, apparently, my monolingual friend.
>learning to be a honoary Welshman
Worst part is that the welsh aren't even considered white. Effectively making it a lost cause by default
>If I pretend that people who are laughing at me are mad, I win!
so the rest of the statement still stands then for being a white man with an identity crisis.
>Effectively making it a lost cause
How so? And who cares about American terms like "white"?
>If i laugh at people who know more than me, i win something for some reason
Be my guest.
> identity crisis.
Also how so? I'm not going all Ken-sama for Cymru. Just learning a language which interests me. Did the same with German and Russian. The latter being the most practical. Started French too, but wasn't a fan, and have been meaning to start on Latin.
>projecting this hard
Are you mixed race or an immigrant?
I'm just laughing at you because you're a clown though. You don't know me or what I know. Real chip on your shoulder huh? I guess speaking a useless language can do that to you.
>You don't know me
You've stated enough to paint a relevant picture.
>Real chip on your shoulder huh?
About what?
>I guess speaking a useless language
Guess we're back to you being proud of your monolingual status. But please know, you can improve yourself, friend.
Well, at least they sure have cute kitties laying around.
animefaggots are so cringe
Dirt Rally
hi amerimutt
Not really, you're just assuming a lot and strawmanning me because you need me to fit into the argument you're having with the imaginary me in your tiny mind.
You mean you miss breathable air.