Why does Yea Forums hate trophies and achievements?

Why does Yea Forums hate trophies and achievements?

Attached: trop.png (555x328, 228K)

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Because their existence means they can no longer lie about having played/beaten games that they haven't.

They're dumb.
>Achivement gained: You started the game
>Achivement gained: reach level 2
>Achivement gained: Complete the tutorial

Because Yea Forums hates everything.

>80% of players have this trophy

They don't most of Yea Forums are autists that collect steam achievements

>Trophies require you to play online missions to achieve

Fuck, i can’t platinum RDR 2 because this shit

Trophies and achievements aren't inherently dumb. It's a fun way to extend your play time of a game you liked. The problem is, this board is full of autists, so you'll probably get people buying things like pic related, which is a 99 cent game you can get a Platinum Trophy in 30 minutes, just by clicking a jar of mayonnaise. Multiply that by a thousand for all the games like that out there, then you get people buying 4 different copies of these games, the NA version, EU version, Asia version, VITA version, so they can have 4 easy trophies for the same game. THAT is when it gets cringe and pointless.

Attached: LOOOL.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

>most of /v
Source: my ass
100% a game is usually cringe and pointless.
Like whats the point in playing mahjon to complete yakuza?
Wouldnt it make more sense to play an actual good mahjong game if you want to have fun playing mahjong?

Because there aren't any fun ones anymore. Just:
>Learning the Ropes: Congratulations, you completed a normal part of the game that you're forced to complete in order to progress!
>Speed Run Achievement 14: Complete the whole 50h game in 1 hour without dying
>Pointless Hoarder: Collect 299,792,458 jellyfish testicles (they have a 0.001% chance of dropping from a rare enemy, teehee)
and worst of all
>Secret Hidden Achievement That Doesn't Show Up Until You Complete It: Click your character's ass, type in the word "fricassee," stand still for ten minutes and then jump 13 times while wearing a purple sock

>start the game
>68% of players have this

Attached: 1383000416469.jpg (556x436, 64K)

`They should rename the achivement to
>Browse /v

>want to platinum the Souls games and Bloodborne
>to do this you have to collect a ton of rings/weapons/spells/armors
>some of them are behind online only stuff

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I agree with stuff like mini games for trophies, multi-player focused trophies. I just mean ones that are like "sneak through Mission 4 without tripping any alarms" or "blow up 5 enemies at once with the grenade launcher". Stuff you might not have done in a normal playthrough. You can go back and extend your time with a game you were liking.

There are enemies that drop the covenant items, but they tend to be grindy.

Artificial "content".

That's not true you fucking retard, you can do the whole series solo


I didn't even think to grind the shit. Ugh.

I like them

Attached: trophies.png (857x3216, 950K)

You can farm covenant items in every single Souls game. But where’s the fun in that. PvP is exciting.

I think most of it because the main appeal of achivements is to get attentionpoints by posting it on social media, and people that mainly browse anonymous boards usually dont care about socialpoints.
There are achivements that make sense, but they are pretty rare. Theres to much useless and pointless achivements. Maybee it would be different if most of the wouldnt just be
>start the game
>play a nongame related minigame for hours

They are fun to go for. I just don't buy bad games specifically for trophies.

Attached: plats.png (1393x2658, 1.08M)

>Arkham plat
>super meat boy plat
The autism is strong in this one

Oops I forgot
>Catherine plat
Dude are you even human?

>realize I can get a plat relatively easy
>all but one trophy done
>have to keep doing the same boring task over and over again for hours
>start to hate the game
>wonder why I'm doing this to myself
>feel like shit, this isn't fun any more
>finally her the trophy ding
>plat pops up right after
>feel relief and a brief happiness
>it all comes tumbling down
>all that time wasted for a brief reprieve, a blip of glee that was quickly replaced with the penetrating realization that I'm wasting away and nothing I do will ever matter least of all spending my limited time playing a game I long since grew tired of over and over to get a status symbol on a profile page that no one will ever look at