>Nether = Hell
>End = Purgatory
>? = Heaven
What do you guys think the heaven dimension is gonna be like?
Nether = Hell
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Are they adding the heaven dimension in finally
no minecraft is canceled
Aether mod exists.
What is the point of a charged creeper?
Honestly good
The main world is heaven, you can’t die, you can make whatever you want, you technically have unlimited resources and all the monsters are simply non-christians who you must expel from your paradise. Are you actually literally retarded that you didn’t know this?
Does anyone else enjoy destroying a village, pushing all villagers into a pit, making a current that pushes them to a central area with other villagers from other razed villages, and keeping them alive just to come back and shoot an arrow at them every now and then?
god, let it be this
or you can enslave them to economically manipulate to essentially steal from them and kill of any other that isn't good enough
stop thinking Christianity and think norse or pre greek shit. Wasn't hell in the epic of Gilgamesh just a big empty cold great hall with some bones?
Personally I just make a machine that breeds villagers rapidly and sends the children down a stream of water that brings them into a chamber where they are crushed by pistons
I'm going to make a sacrificial fire pit in my village and drop one villager in at random every now and then while telling everyone that's it's because they were a bad citizen to keep them in line.
No because they have to add another retarded animal that only spawns in a fuckall biome and drops useless crap nobody cares about (or is simpler to farm somewhere else) that can also be tamed by feeding it some crap because OMG SO CUTE.
That or because they are too busy thinking of how to fuck up the mod scene again now that it seems to finally catch up to 1.7.10+ versions
Well now they give player heads of the enemies around them if you kill them with it, so there's that at least. Other than that, they're great on factions for getting into bases
But why are there Jews all over the place?
Nether = Earth's core
End = Moon
>Nether = Core of the world
>End = Moon
Anyone that thinks otherwise has autism.
So the next dimension = Another planet?
big if true
They are God's chosen people, user. Donate to Israel.
getting mob heads
so the only thing you get out of that is the satisfaction of killing them?
Nothing because there's no way in hell they'd ever make a heaven dimension because they're afraid of getting shit on by everyone for copying the Aether.
they should just implement the whole mod and remove the dumb story and RPG shit, really doubt anyone would be upset by that
Just work with the mod creator and implement it in without the rpg elements
Would be pretty kino desu
Aether is already a thing and it's more than Mojang could ever do with Minecraft
No, they will be fixing bug for like another year. Then they will add a new animal and some small updates and fix bugs for another year
Jews are the perfect specimen for Minecraft.
You don't feel bad for killing them or when they get killed by something and nobody cares if you build a wall around them to keep people out. Also they are less dangerous and more active without electricity around since the moment they get it they start trying to control people
wtf i love minecraft now
nonexistent because mojang are too lazy to do anything groundbreaking, short of ripping off mods
the real question is when will they implement mod api for java
Why is Mojang so shit at updating Minecraft literally takes them a year to add pointless shit and useless animals. I hate how kid friendly they went with the game’s mobs they should’ve went for the terraria route.
Yes but I annex the first village I see and turn them into a Militarized Jewish nation, I then lead an army of wolves to other villages and take their grain and emeralds and then torch it to the ground, if there is a nearby village that's in semi good shape, I'll plan to annex it once my village is at an amazing state
Banners were a god sent
>short of ripping off mods
Probably because they literally can't do anything that Mods haven't done already, I shit you not that's why they needed to personally invite the guy who made mo creatures to help them with horses because it would have violated some retarded terms or some shit
West Virginia
please, please, PLEASE stop using purgatory as a catch all for limbo, as not even that works
purgatory is considered a stop before heaven, those who have unrequited non-mortal sins would go through purgatory and be tortured by the spawn of hell in order to be purified for heaven, an actual purifying flame. contrary to what most people believe, purgatory is legitimately outside of heaven and is basically the staircase to it
limbo on the other hand is a part of hell, and is designated area for virtuous pagans, good natured pagans who, because of the time/place they were born in, could not know of christ, so they are forever punished to wander the depths of hell, with their punishment being that they know that they are forever out of reach of gods light
Too bad you can't lure them with emeralds fuck
This God person sounds very gay and vindictive for no reason, someone should do something about him.
>punished because god was too much of a lazy faggot to tell you he even existed
thats medieval additions to christianity for you, religious scholars for a few hundred years starting in the 10th century constantly debated over the nature of heaven and hell due to their natures within the bible being basically never described other than
>heaven god
>hell not god
and due to the societal standards at the time combined with a myriad of other factors, they decided god needed to be more like the old testament vengeful, wrathful, doom and gloom god
All that stuff you just typed is not Biblical, just Catholics trying to fill in gaps in information. Purgatory and limbo are not Biblical concepts. There's heaven and hell/the underworld.
Did God create disorders like down syndrome to laugh at?
what the fuck did you just say?
Yes he is a universe dm who loves to fuck people over when they create a character and get a bad roll. It's only for under 100 years tho which would be nothing to a god so it's just baby's really
It's funny because people actually think like this. God is God. He is eternal, omnipotent, and factually faultless in everything that He does. People attempting to put mortal morality on him are absolutely laughably ignorant. He is an entity of unfathomable power and you try to pin him down with human concepts of what is "right" and "wrong"? He is always just, always right, it is His very nature to exhibit perfection in everything He does. If He had indeed created you for the sole purpose of damning you to limbo or hell, than you should grovel at his feet praising him for doing so, because He is God and He is worthy of praise despite anything and everything he may decide to use you for.
Shut up old man
I am adult (maybe manchild) and I am afraid of the existing mobs
This. It's not like we give a shit about any ants we step on when we're walking.