Have you unlocked Lady Ragyo yet, user?
Kill La Kill: IF
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I don't play licensed shovelware.
Stop shilling this game as the second coming of Guilty Gear XX; it's annoying and embarrassing.
How do you unlock her? I just finished Satsuki's episode to unlock the modes that I should have when I started the game.
I'm skipping all these boring cutscenes.
Then why are you here? plenty of people love Kill La Kill
Zoom zoom
You unlock her and Nui by beating them in Ryuko's story i believe
I actually like the cutscenes just because my favorite characters are getting the most screentime out of it.
>people paid 60 dollars for a rock paper scissors shovelware
I'm pretty sure I'm older than you.
To be fair you have a point: a mature individual shouldn't get inside a thread discussing something he dislikes and should just ignore it.
If she doesn't have a move that lets her literally molest her opponent, then what's the point?
well, her SEN'I SOSHITZ! does involve the Megablast she used on Satsuki, only without the fondling part.
Soon, I will. Soon.
Injustice has that and people love that game, seems like you just blindly hate it user.
So if she doesn't have a move that lets her molest her opponent which I would have used on Nui all the time, what's the point?
At least it's not the usual
>Take this to /vg/
autism. I'll accept this amount of trash talking cause at least one can get away with that kind of thing here. Otherwise what would we be? Gamefaqs?
Wasted potential: The show gets a boring game years down the line. Trigger is easily the worst anime studio around today and Imaishi is a hack who has only ever made the same show over and over again.
Lady Ragyo? More like GAYdy FAGyo
>calling someone zoomer for a show that only 5 years old
>Trigger is easily the worst anime studio around today
What went wrong? I thought Gainax died so Trigger could happen.
i thought gainax died so that kyoani could die in a fire
holy shit, burn!
Then you failed. They just recovered all the drives and all the key frames were safe too.
whew, i'm glad all that happened was that bodies of some employees were set ablaze, but if the keyframes were lost i would have infinitely doushio'd my entire life away
Yeah. Gainax is dead and Kyoani survived a fire. Sure worked out for that argument.
Is this game actually any good? I love KLK and believe it's leaps and bounds better than TTGL. Despite this, I have no interest whatsoever in purchasing a game based on the show because I am absolutely sure that it is shit.
I'd just like to know of one of the greatest anime series of all time managed to actually have a decent vidya spinoff or if it's doomed to the same realm of mediocre fighters as DBZ.
Is Mako a playable character?
She will be soon
Did we get any model rips yet?
I'm enjoying it a lot, the gameplay has depth and the PVP online is fun, but the two story modes are short, if you liked the good Ninja Storm games you'll like this even more, you could try the demo and see what you think of that.
>Is this game actually any good?
Think Bamco arena fighter, but made with actual competence and a budget greater than bubble gum and leftover floss. The game is really well polished and smooth.
>tfw shitty internet for a week
Man, I really just want to go back online and beat up a few more people with Ryuuko before the game dies.
i'm going to play the game for a long while since i love my bae Nui
you on switch?
also you can count on online full of Makos once she drops
They had better announce upcoming DLC once Mako and double DTR are available
they implied there's gonna be more but it might depend on how the game does
PS4. I'm probably going to play this game for awhile just because I find scissor blade Ryuuko so much fun to play. I really do hope the DLC characters get super popular, just to add some variety in the online match ups. After day 1 everyone just started playing the dual wield characters and it started getting a little stale.
She dlc
Hopefully it does well enough to warrant story only forms and costumes to become playable
Yeah, of the MCs they feel more iconic with the single blade, and i wish i saw more of Nonon online.
You mean Fiber Arms Nui with the Needle Sword?
I'd like her to get the Fiber Arms as her own moveset but i wouldn't mind that at all either.
Only other story only stuff that sticks out is Koketsu Ragyo and the Super Forms for Sats and Ryuko
All of the elite four are pretty under represented online, except for Sanageyama. I think he's the only one I've seen multiple people play.
is the cyber ninja guy fun to play as?
MakoCHADs telling how it is
Injustice also has TMNT
Does ur titty fighter have the TMNT user?
people pick him and the duel wields because they can button mash more i think, it's like online Shotos
He doesn't really fit my play style so I didn't play much as him. A little bit more keep away than I like to play.
I was talking about Injustice 1, which was far better than 2 because it had Lobo.
Which version is the least dead?
No clue, but it'd be between PS4 and Switch, i'd guess PS4 since switchfags went to 3H but i myself got it on switch so i can take it on trips and for cheaper online
Really feels like the game fights you at every possible second instead of just letting your skills speak for themselves. I can handle when an action game throws in harder enemies, but when shit like
>specials doing the exact same damage as combos, sometimes barely more
>no manual lock on despite the game throwing multiple fights where you fight more than one opponent at once
>the worst god damn 'final' boss form
and shit like how you have almost no way to get out of an attack if you just happened to let go of the guard button really throw me out of the loop.
Although seeing the trophy list it looks like it doesn't penalize you for playing it on easy, and to be honest if I wanna play KLK I wanna feel like a badass and throttle the other characters.
Also god damn the roster is the worst I've seen in any game, but since it can't figure out if it wants to be a fighter or an action game I guess it fits.
How's the online on switch? I'm really tempted to pick this up
i haven't beaten the story yet, but you have to play through some of Satsuki's mode to get online i think, like after the third mission i think, people seem upset about online being filled with Duel Blade Satsukis and Ryukos though
The story mode related stuff is pretty crap, it really feels like they designed it around the 1v1 multiplayer.
>specials doing the exact same damage as combos, sometimes barely more
I think once you figure out how the combos work with specific characters it'll get a lot better. With Scissor Blade Ryuuko I felt that problem until I learned how to launch the opponent in the air and get an extended combo for like 3.5k. Once you really get the combos figured out with Ryuuko you can use her ranged special to combo back into another ranged special for like 6k damage.
>shit like how you have almost no way to get out of an attack if you just happened to let go of the guard button really throw me out of the loop.
You can burst to get out of combos like that for 2 meter, better to burst early just to reset the positions to neutral.
God I can't wait for the models to be ripped and we get some new porn.
Hopefully they wont to much work to look nice in sfm
is there a naked Nui shot like this?
Can you dick down Satsuki with Ragyo yet?
no takarada
no buy
dlc most likely, he was only below Nui and Tsumugu on the official poll long ago
You know the story fights where you fight multiple enemies can be pretty fucking bullshit
they used her worst look in the show by a wide margin
>if nui delays her air projectile combo extension she can land in time to start a fresh ground combo or a ground EX move
Nui's damage was already good but that's just nasty.
This game is so fucking good
Hit the fucking lab my dude, learn some combos. Explore the movesets. This isn't Naruro trash, this is an actual fighter.
Fuck them: Yall know what to do
>you know what to do
Continue playing ranked because I'm not a child struggling with a misplaced sense of impotence?
Umm sweaty, I think you meant to go on reddit. We dont deal with corporate bootlickers around here
they aren't a big corporate company
>A+ games
>"Corporate bootlicking"
Is this nigga for real
Haven't played the game but is there a way to not play as clown Ragyo?
not yet, but if they decide to add Tron Arm Nui then a new Ragyo may come with
Nope, hopefully they will add alternate costumes
There's a Nui one literally in story mode, so i don't see why they can't.
Ive been trying to get one, but my game keeps crashing.
Ouch, why is it crashing for you user? i assume you have a PC port, is it pirated?
I'm sure they can, but whether or not they will remains to be seen.
Mother of God...BASED
You could try going to their contact page.
Nope bought it on steam, the port is pretty bad honestly.
From what I can tell, the PC Port uses the CPU to render its particle effects which is the most retarded thing you could do. Forcing it to use the GPU in Windows didn't help, nor did forcing it through NVIDIA Control Panel.
ouch. that sucks, i suggest doing for bug fixes
I have it on Switch and it's amazing so far.
Nip developers do the weirdest shit when it comes to PC releases.
I wish there were a way to fix it, my CPU can't handle it all by itself and it causes nasty lag.
I haven't because I'm not buying it.
then stick to your smashthreads
I would consider buying it if it wasn't $60. Like c'mon, man.
>h-he must be a smash babby!
Try again retard. I just don't like kek la kek.
Considering Ragyo's traditional look is in story mode I assume it wouldn't be too much to ask to make it playable
they could be a dlc for all we know