TaoPaiPai is in Smash

>TaoPaiPai is in Smash

Attached: Mercenary_Tao_DB_Ep_59_006.png (1271x1892, 2.56M)

We truly are the super smash brother...

>Another goku looking anime swordman with a down b counter
Keep them coming

Superior school wins again baby

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I get the hat, but doesn't the outfit look more like Yamcha or Tien?

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why is he wearing pink? is he gay?

he was my dad's__ favorite db character

Hero doesn't have a counter user...

Tao was a Crane student

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god I love 80's Toriyama designs

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I don't suppose I can actually change the colors of the costume, right?

Tien it is then.

toriyama is such a fucking hack

>No anime allowed
>Toiryama still gets in
how can one man be so based?

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Sakurai is a faggot, now I can't complain about it on every thread

>People are only now realizing Dragon Quest took a few pages from Akira's works
Enjoy the series while you can.

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Oldschool Tori best Tori

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>young toriyama
>all those awesome demons, vehicles, wild animals, humans that looked different with rounder faces
>tired toriyama does simple designs everywhere from android saga except for Cell variations especially Imperfect that looked awesome, but games are rewashed designs from previous works
>old toriyama just makes everything a manlet and skinny
Cant we go back in time and clone young prime Toriyama?


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Yolandi is in

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i still enjoy his new style

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Not video games, but on the topic of Toriyama's artstyle: Do people not like Moro's design? I was bummed that anime got buffed ayylmao and the manga got wizarf goatman

Forgot to post the picture, oops

Attached: Moro_by_hirus4drawing_dcy1c7t.png (2000x3500, 1.84M)