Games on sale on Steam but I never played the other games. Should I still get it?
Games on sale on Steam but I never played the other games. Should I still get it?
I enjoyed 4 on the ps2
They are far enough removed from each other. There are only small details like the Stonehenge weapon that veterans will recognize and appreciate. Other than that they are not related to each other. Just play it.
The games are all self contained stories. You can honestly start wherever.
Ace Combat is one of those series where the games only "click" with people that are already familiar with them.
If you've never played one, stay way.
It's a sequel to AC5, but takes place like 10 years later.
Play 5 first if you have any interest in pretend geopolitics, otherwise you can jump right in and have fun blasting niggas outta the sky.
If you like it at all then deffo go back and play 4, 5, and 0. They're all good games.
Not worth more than $15, it'a 8 hours long and has no replay value. Multiplayer is garbage and dead. Totally mediocre arcade game with an awful weeb story that it won't shut the fuck up about.
>game is good if you've already played it, if you haven't played it don't play it
so you literally have to be born from the womb playing this game? retard
AC7 was my first AC I ever played and I fucking loved it. Here's your (You) at least
It was literally made for newcomers.
Like, can you imagine a series not having a relevant title for over a decade, then having a new game that expected you to fully know what you were getting into?
It's pretty fuckin fun
>no replay value
It's an Arcade game, you're suppose to replay missions to improve your score.
Is the VR part of this game PlayStation only or is it in pc too?
PS4 only, wait for Project Wingman if you want VR or get VTOL VR
>gun ------
Only Playstation. And it's only 3 missions and a nod to Ace Combat 4 where you're back to flying as Jesus Christ again.
Fuck you faggot, I bet you're the fuck who makes those godawful threads to shit on the damn game.
It's literally impossible to get even 1/4 of all the planes in the game on one playthrough, and you need to replay the campaign to shoot down all the secret aces and do the challenges
And S rank for achievements and the no gun-run for the medal.
Missile*, I mean, fack
where's skycrawlers
No damage is annoying, but I realized they actually buff the AI depending on what plane you fly. Like holy shit, hop into the MiG-21(bis) and the AI planes for Dark Blue go fucking braindead and do nothing to evade gunfire.
Of course not.
You grab one of the first games in the series and play it. If you liked it, probably you'll like the others.
Especially such an unusual series like Ace Combat: a first person / third person shooter where you move 360°, missions are scripted on "events" and dusted with anime flavor.
I disagree. According to Steam hours it took me 27 hours to finish the campaign on Normal.
>no replay
if you didn't beat it on Aces with all medals & enemy named pilots killed you didn't finish the game
considering most of the planes except the endgame ones all handle the same i dont think it matters to grind out that crap
the best plane in the game is the fucking mig21 because mgp is op as fuck with broken as fuck hitboxes and you get that at like the start
>Sir we need those clouds
Fucking lost it
I don't make anti-Ace Combat threads. But, I do try to keep people away from the game.
If you don't know what are you getting into you have no business here. The game doesn't need new unfair negative scores on Steam / metacritic.
It's not quite as kino as the PS2 trilogy, but still pretty damn great. Definitely worth it, though the some of the story will probably go right over your head.
really? thats fucking dumb
are people working on mods for the game to fix things like this?
Just get it here, multiplayer isn't really worth it.
>grinding achievements and arbitrary scores is replay value
Yikes. Shut the fuck up shills. The game is trash and offers nothing beyond a single playthrough.
you aren't doing anything but telling everyone you're autistic
AC7 plays way faster than the older games, just tell them to play one of the older games either on the PS2 or at least AC6. Infinity was actually really good beyond the fuel economy.
How is the vr version?
lighthouse is worth a run every few weeks desu but im pretty burnt out on it by now
this is literally bullshit, they always use the same tactics and maneuvers no matter what plane you fly
Don't you have a manual to pour over DCSfag?
I've been playing Ace combat for years and got did the no damage run completely by accident on my S rank run. It's not impossible it just takes experience and 500+ hours of playing AC:Infinity online.
Maybe, but I believe it's the right thing.
I do it for all the games I like when someone on Yea Forums shows interest on them; if mere words convince you to not play a game, you weren't fated to play it in the first place.
Only PlayStation sadly. I have a PSVR and the mode is great, it really adds a whole new dimension to the game and Ace Combat gameplay is a perfect fit for a pick-up-and-play VR game, but it's only three chapters and a virtual airshow long. I'd kill for a full length spin-off.
Also, getting shot down is fucking terrifying.
Wrong, they don't bother fucking lasering your missiles down because there's no fucking missile tone to alert them and evade. They actually go fucking braindead when you use the MGP.
There's something that draws me back to the score attack missions, maybe it's just not for you. What should they add to increase replay value?
Post sick moves.
I wanted to get the "all missions finished on all difficulties" achievement but got bored halfway through easy (completed medium, hard and ace) and Bloodstained released around the time so my attention went there. That said, how can you said that the game isn't worth at least a second play-through?
Amazing game. To be fair I haven't touched the PS2 games since 2009 or 2010 so maybe I'm giving it more credit that it deserves.
I wish multiplayer (for PS4) wasnt deader than fuck.
I miss my old 200 point lobbies, no special missiles.
Now its unlimited with everyone flying super planes or SASM planes stock full of instakill super tracking upgrades.
What upgrades and planes should i focus on. Just started.
how much is it on sale for
If you want and easier experience go the American route and unlock the F-15C for the SASM and Pulse Lasers
Depends, the further you get the better, it mostly seems to be what aesthetics do you prefer, Russian or Western designs?
You could just pirate it to see if you like it or not if money is a problem.
just get whatever has qaam and high mobility
maneuverability and speed is all you need
I'd definitely wanna go with aesthetics. Always liked american shit more but i don't mind russian shit too
I already have it
OP asked if he should get it on sale
if it's $20 or less sure
more than that ehhh
There's a little here and there that references the other games (mainly 4, 5, 0) but it's very much a self contained story. It's also a good way to see if you like the game, then you can emulate the "Holy Trinity" which is Ace Combat 4, 5 and 0, all 3 which work well on the PS2 emulator
Go for Typhoon if you just started.
Go with whatever you like bro, also if you're new to the games you might need the A-10 for a few ground pounding missions like Pipeline Destruction so make sure you go for that.
The Rafale M is the best plane.
This is correct. Also, if you maneuver with L1 and R1 instead of the left stick they don't rubber band like crazy, so even without MGP you can line up behind them and spray Vulcan damage.
Should i get any dlc guys? that F-4E looks sweet
which one did it better
4 and its not even close
Nah, I prefer the remix from Infinity. Now Comona on the other hand.
i see, i really like the intensity of infinity's but the operation bunkershot doesn't hold a candle to megalith and yellow squad
Ace Combat 7/10
Armored Core is the best Animal Crossing that isn't Assassin's Creed.
>flying rust buckets held together by hopes and dreams of a malnourished Russian worker that some how can stay together for mach 3 flight
Nah, I would rather fly a well designed and built machine.
My buddy busted out his ps4 and showed me this game like a month ago. He was playing the mission where you have to destroy like a whole naval fleet(mission 7 I think?). It was so epic.
Northrop/Lockheed shills need to fuck off
Playing it for the first time now and having a BLAST, but you see I hope you're good with videogames this games gets better as you get better at it.