We all agree dog was op, right?
Quiet is OP
D-Walker is a bit tricky
DD is okay
DHorse is undervalued
It's a wolf
Quiet sucks, she can't handle helmets and she tranqs guards you hold up
D-WALKER is just useful for like one mission and then it's just a fun thing that isn't actually very fun
D-Dog is overpowered and can smell cameras and everything else from a billion miles away making the game stupidly easy and unfun, walks in the way of your bullets all the time, and has gimmicky shit in combat you'll never need
D-Horse is for speedrunning but since every quest is scripted and the same starting with the exact same enemy positions you will never need to use any of his abilities for anything ever
D-Walker is sick, you can tokyo drift around while headshotting people with a tranq gun
Hell no that takes up DHorse. If you need wall hack then you're beyond casual
Quiet also fucks off before endgame
Go solo
Whole game was poorly conceived, but we've been over this.
That feel when people are already forgetting this game and series.
Quiet can handle helmets and armor of you get her the biggest gun upgrade.
That one mission where you find the film cannister was the first time I ever went lethal. Sent her up on a spot to cover me and I just kept hearing that awful sound of heads popping all around me the whole time I was looking. Felt kinda bad.
A shit ending will do that. There were always MGS threads on Yea Forums; anyone remember Stream Eater? But MGSV put the kibosh on any sort of discussion because it invariably comes up.
she also relocates through entire fucking bases knocking down / out guards who will either be found by others guards causing a general alert, or just trigger one themselves
soldiers are aimbots so the minute she takes a shot they all start pelting her location with bullets, she dies, then hates you
Quiet and D-Dog are OP
D-Walker is a tooled up D-Horse that can either help you a little or allow you to cheese certain missions/tasks
D-Horse is underrated
The real question is what was Walker-Gear going to bring to the table?
the only downside of DD is how his only good loadout is the taser.
They all have strengths but the game is better played without them.
D-Dog was a crutch, but is undoubtedly the best companion
D-Walker was a crutch for certain missions, and just average for the rest
Quiet was shit tier
D-Horse is underrated because his mobility is very useful for S ranking missions, and so is his shitting
Fuck Konami and Kojima, both are guilty of doing his franchise wrong. Kojima for being a massive money sponge and jumping ship before finishing the game. Konami for being a shitty company that stands as an example of the worst traits of huge corporations.
Also Metal Gear Survive did not help, Konami literally drug the corpse out from the building and used it like a puppet to get one last bunch and pulled down their pants and shit on remains.
Dog was a good boy.
Dog (Knife/Stun) is a useful utility that has limits since guards will often open fire before Dog can even reach one of them, let alone when there is more than one guy in the vicinity.
Dog (Fulton) is a useful utility that you just send off to scoop everyone up after you do all the work without really caring since guards don't pay him any attention.
Dog in general is powerful because of his soft Marking of every damn thing in a 150m radius automatically.
Horse is useful in key circumstances for its side-saddle concealment and some cases where you can get the fuck out of somewhere real quick. Side-saddle especially can get you through a lot of outposts and missions, trotting right on through the entire enemy force as they pay the fully-geared horse with a facemask absolutely no mind.
D-Walker is powerful and fun as fuck.
You get superior Marking over D-Dog with the Scout Head.
Insane mobility that Horse and vehicles can't even come close to, especially when you figure out instant turns and aim-drifting.
Low profile crawl mode has surprisingly high camo index, so you can roll in fairly close proximity to enemies and then leap off of it immediately to go into prone if you do draw attention.
Overwhelming firepower with its minigun, rocket launcher, and its Skulls Blade that not even your own Serval sniper rifle can match.
Quiet sucks, and is more like a crutch for when you fuckup and get caught since she'll try and stop them.
You must hold her hand and only set up very specific on-my-mark takedowns. Never just let her "open fire" because it'll just have the entire enemy camp gun her down within seconds. It's kind of fun to play sniper-spotter team with her, but as a support while you sneak in, not so much.
I've been playing it again recently, honestly i didnt remember it was this fun and now i'm sad Kojimbo jumped ship so no more "classic" Metal Gear
>people are already forgetting this game and series
We still have threads over MGSV in pretty much the same way Yea Forums is still having Batman v Superman threads.
>The feel when you just got into the series a month ago and see shit like this
>Never just let her "open fire" because it'll just have the entire enemy camp gun her down within seconds.
Quiet is only vulnerable if there are enemy snipers.
If she or you take out all of them, Quiet is so OP you might as well just walk out in the open.
wolves dont bark.
Hes a half wolf at best.
Was magical. One thing I liked is this one ladder in Dark Souls 2 that is sorta long, there was a message on the ground "Visions of endless" with an absurd amount of votes.
Im a MGS fan who has not been through the releases of the former games. I have just started playing the games a month ago and i will never know the pain of the longtime fans. Just gonna enjoy the games
Yeah. I still play MGS V each night and I stopped using D-Dog because he makes it too easy to spot the enemies. Takes all the suspense out of it.