For me, it's Dragon Age: Origins.
For me, it's Dragon Age: Origins
Other urls found in this thread:
For me its Witcher 3 and XV
Why would you finish it retard?
Dar souls 1
i'm guessing you haven't played the sequel
This question gets asked every thread and I'm not sure it's ever gotten a satisfactory response.
Dark souls 2
Super robot wars J (kinda)
That said, I still mostly enjoyed all of these. DaS 2 is definitely the worst of the bunch. I continue to sink hours into Skyrim for some fucking reason
I just played this game and wasted 6 hours of my life after I found out how useless an archer build was. I only got to the part where the game opens up also cause I kept dying.
Last game I actually did this with was Devil May Cry 2. Only because I wanted to play every game in the series after lurking so many DMC V threads. 3 is pretty fun so far.
Mass Effect 3
Dark Souls 2. I felt so fucking angry and calm at the same time watching my guy sit down in the throne after killing the ugliest final boss in gaming history.
3 is amazing. The combat gets shit-hot by the end and there's a good reason people still discuss the final Vergil fight to this day. Good luck with him.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Mass Effect 3. It was so long ago but it still stings like it just happened yesterday.
I don't play horrible video games
Spec Ops: The Line
Turns out I wasted my time on pseudo-intellectual bullshit pretending to be a videogame.
it's funny i also finish the game today, last segment of the game it's pure trash
A lot of these pseudo intellectual games often fall flat on their face just because of their own limitations or just not being able to think ahead. Got the game for free and still didn't play it.
Wanted to post the same thing. Fuck that game and death to all the waifu fags
Dragon Age should have just been a short story anthology RPG series. Multiple games, but multiple perspectives and chapters within each game.
Exactly how I felt finishing Assassin's Creed 1
All that bullshit and I'm rewarded with sequel bait and 20-minute unskippable credits
Never picked up another AssCreed ever again
There's other types of media that do this way better than video-games. If I wanted to play Conrad's Heart of Darkness, then I'd just read the book or watch Apocalypse Now.
They didn't get a satisfactory game either so at least there's some sympathy to be had there.
For me it was thief (2014). That shit was boring and sneaking/using alternate routes in that game sucked dick.
Because for some reason I have more of a drive to finish a game that is shit than one that is mediocre or good
this never happens to me because i don't finish it if it is horrible
why the fuck would you do that
Symphony of the Night
It's castlevania for casuals
I think of it like this. You have the option to kill somebody, a easy choice that will determine the outcome of a game. But when you come across some asshole you really want to kill that isn't a pivotal character you are then unable to kill them therefor removing the choice from the player. Or to put it simply, three colors ending. It make you look like you forced the player into a corner only to chastise them about how bad they are.
Not exactly horrible, but Persona 5.
After P4 tore my heart to bits, Persona 5's shitty final dungeon and retarded ending basically ruined all enjoyment I was having. I still haven't touched the game again since I beat it to fight the twins. I just don't care anymore.
For me it's Golden sun 1+2
Fuckin Diablo 3 was a fucking chore to end but I paid 30 bucks for it
Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs
Aliens Colonial Marines
Dragon Age 2
You have no idea how absurdly OP they get in the expansion, able to solo the entirety on Nightmare with ease.
If you thought that was awful, Black Flag's credits sequence is nearly twice as long at around 38 minutes.
shit taste but also
why play part 2 if you disliked part 1 what are you some kind of idiot
I unfortunately got swindled into buying this a gamestop employee.
Easily my dumbest gaming moment
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Then Prince of Persia: Warrior Within.
Currently playing through Prince of Persia: Two Thrones. Truly the most mediocre, monotonous, sad little series I've ever had the dishonour of playing. But I've got sunk cost fallacy and want to see it through to its dismal end.
Don't want it to end up like my Metal Gear playthrough where I just gave up on MGS4 out of sheer boredom.
Ubisoft is a joke.
Shit games can be unintentionally funny
Warrior Within was the best.
I'm inclined to agree so far, user, but it's by degrees.
Being able to just slow-mo spam and skip every single fight as the wraith is something I really miss when Two Thrones is making me fight through another wave of boring motherfuckers.
>kingdom hearts dream drop distance
>command system feels like shit compared to bbs
>passive abilities are dependent on pokemon
>massive areas that are empty with nothing to look at or explore
>compensate by greatly increasing numbers of treasure chests
>everything stunlocks the shit out of you
>retarded drop system
I don't understand why the fucking drop system is there. Birth by sleep did it right by having shorter playthroughs with 3 characters. Why couldn't it be like that. This game feels like it's trying to be birth by sleep but forgoing everything that made birth by sleep good. I forced my self to play this just so I could get caught up on the retarded story before kh3 dropped. What a fucking pile
did you post the right image?
gotta get them cheevos, lad
yeah dude he's spamming mask images everywhere. There's actually a discord dedicated to pushing this meme. It's the fakest and most forced shit in a while. I've been collecting their chatlogs so I can prove it when the meme gets a little more popular.
>command system feels like shit compared to bbs
But it's better in every possible way
It's more responsive, commands don't lock you into overly-long animations, commands link together more easily, and you can actually do respectable damage
They nerfed the shit out of i frames during commands which to be fair, bbs had massive amounts to the point where that game is incredibly easy, but I got stun locked and my commands interrupted so fucking often in 3d that most of my play time was spent frustrated
"My bad"
>Lack the quality of life changes the sequels had making it vastly more inferior and tedious by comparison
the sequel is SO much better
I didn't finish it per se, the emulator I was using won't let me access the final area without it soflocking and crashing, with the game save being incompatible with other emulators for some reason
>bbs had massive amounts to the point where that game is incredibly easy
That's actually the opposite of true
BbS had a big problem where commands did NOT give you i-frames, and locked you into long animations leaving you wide open to taking damage during the attack
You might be confusing that with Cartwheel and Dodge Roll, which at max level were completely covered in i-frames
DDD's commands are shorter and have fewer start-up/cooldown frames
Just look at how fast Blizzard Edge is in the DDD .gif compared to the BbS .gif on this page
DDD's combat in general is faster and more fluid than BbS, and the bosses are more well-designed/balanced.
I got stuck in the waterworks level. A combination of being attacked every 5 seconds and not knowing where the fuck I was supposed to go made me put the game down.
Spec Ops: The Line
sunk cost fallacy
Final Fantasy XIII. Felt nauseous after finishing it.
I dunno man maybe I'm just ass backwards. I did bbs on critical and ddd on proud and I found the latter to be 100 times more difficult. I felt like 90% of my deaths in ddd were bullshit
DDD is definitely more difficult but that doesn't make it bullshit
When I first played DDD (on Standard) I felt it was the hardest game of the series in terms of main story, still kinda feel that way though I've gotten better by playing it a few times on Proud and Crit
Why do people act like XB2 is good? Anytime people say they love the game they instantly start sperging out about waifu fag shit. They never talk about the gameplay or story or anything. Holy shit I hate XB2, it disgraces the xeno series
metal gear solid
ugly outdated boomer graphics and then "lol let me hide in this box"
serioiusly it was stupid the whole way through, never listening to anyone that tells me to play old ass games again
>Get all 120 shrines in BOTW
>Start upgrading all the armor to level 4
>Immediately realize after farming electric lizalfos that everything in the game is retardedly easy and for some ungodly reason the only thing the game counts towards 100%ing it are korok seeds
>Immediately lose all interest in ever playing it again
I'm pretty sure the only reason I got all 120 shrines was because I was a stubborn fuck that refused to quit when I could easily just look up where the last 20 were and quickly complete them. I should've just quit.
For me most recently it was Final Fantasy IX.
Go suck a huge fat cock everyone on this miserable hell hole that said it was a bad game. It's my favorite FF game to date.
it's like a single-player mmorpg, which is as stupid as it sounds.
alpha protocol
for my first time i wanted to do a kill everything playthrough but i couldnt even do that,as that one guy in rome had the most asinine requirements for you to be allowed to kill him, not even hex editing changed anything.
the gameplay was absolutely atrocious, and i would've dropped the game like a brick if it wasnt for the branching paths, so i just cheat engined it for most of the game.
>not liking best boy
>Play through Parasite Eve 1 and 2
>Different experiences but enjoyed both of them a lot
>Parasite Eve is now one of my favorite games
>Finally play The 3rd Birthday years later
I can't believe you've done this. You've completely ruined my day. Thank you.
Starting a game and not finishing it is for the weak.
Horrible is a stretch, but playing it after having played a good chunk of the later Igavanias it fell really insanely flat.
That's how I felt playing PEII
Parasite Eve immediately became one of my favorite games of all time
I was so excited for more of it, only to be met with a half-baked Resi clone instead
Absolutely loathed the story in 3rd Birthday but the gameplay was fun.
The For Honor single player campaign
I don't know what's wrong with me either.
fucking two worlds
you cant proclaim it's truly shit until you have the entire source to back up your argument
at least this is the case in my autistic brain. i do drop games but i try to finish most of what i play even if it's garbage
it wasn't THAT bad if you played through it
I'll admit that I didn't take too kindly to Parasite Eve 2's changes, I wanted something like PE1. That said, I do kinda like the idea of Resident Evil but the main character has super powers that can grow in power, it's not what I wanted but I still sorta enjoyed it. I just did not enjoy anything about the 3rd birthday, I heard about what it did to story and that the gameplay was still good but I just can't into PSP shooters, something about it just seemed really clunky and made me wish it was a console game rather than PSP game. On top of that, not only was the story disappointingly not really connected to previous games because of copyright legal issues, but also it was so insufferably stupid on it's own that it made me mad anyway.
Imagine wasting your free time with shit you hate, I never understood people that finish games they aren't liking.
Nice echo chamber, talk shit on the actual thread, fag.
Sunken cost fallacy.
Yea Forums clearly has people with blogs or YouTube channels, it's the only explanation that makes sense.
All Kamen Rider Rider Revolution for 3DS.
I only played it because I love Kamen Rider, but boy was it shitty. Viewtiful Joe and Wonderful101 are probably the only good toku games holy shit.
Ori and the blind forest
I remember getting so invested during E3 just to be left with a bad taste in my mouth
I finished Darksiders 2 a few months ago and truly despised it. Have no clue what made me get to the end.
It's morish in its own way. Completely mentally unchallenging.
Danganronpa V3
Dark Souls 2, by the end of that shit I couldn't even bother with the DLC.
This thread convinced me to just go and delete every game I wasn't having fun with.
Ended up deleting almost all of them. Whoops. I swear I'm so irritable and it's hard to concentrate on anything these days, I don't know what to do about it.
I wanted to make sure I finished every DMC game before V came out. If nothing else, I gained perspective and understanding at what four to six months of absolute crunch results in for a game.
Bionicle: The Game
so was kingdom of amalur reckoning and i nonsensibly loved that fucking game man
The Castlevania Adventure
when you beat nioh on way of the nioh
Dragon Age Origins is good but man it's bloated as fuck. I feel like I got 30-40 hours of actual content out of my 76 hours run.
>tfw have autistic obssesion with completing every game in a series
I have beaten so many shit games because of this. Its cool seeing how a series improves or degrades with each new game, but god damn have I wasted so much time on shit games because of this.
For me it was DA:2, i only pushed forward because i was sure i would eventually get out of the fucking city and stop replaying the same 3 fucking instances. After hours of play/hating it i finally finished the city arc and the game was over.
It was pure suffering
the last game that I truly hated, that I also completed was Metroid Other M. And I did it in part to see how deep that rabbit hole went, and so that when I encountered the troglodytes who would give moviebob a run for his money I would have ample ammunition to shoot their shit right down.
and yet it was all for naught. Shame piles higher than pride.
Im pretty sure Other M is remembered as the blight on the series it is and not the introspective character study and series evolution its supporters would have you believe. Every raindrop raises the sea.
DA2 could have been so good. Legacy proceed the game had a great foundation, it just had fuck all for content.
In games that are heavily story based, you can't tell for sure that it's total shit until the VERY end.
Zero Time Dilemma is the perfect example of this. You can at least tell it's worse than the earlier games as you force yourself through it, but it's only at the last scene that you realize:
1. Yes, the story is that bad in totality
2. Yes, it completely shit on the previous game and barely resolved any of the plot points it claimed it would
Fuck off, Sands of Time is pretty good and Warrior Within is a masterpiece.
deus ex
god what a fucking waste of my time, never listening to you retards about games again
I play through the entire Mass Effect series (including Andromeda) every couple of months because autism. The first one is still extremely fun but the others make me want to kill myself.
Kingdom Hearts 3. The game sucked but I was thinking "at least the final boss and ending were alright" until Sora disappeared right at the last minute and then they released a secret ending that was fucking garbage. The ending also retroactively ruined the verum rex commercial in Toy Story world because it actually WAS in-game advertising as opposed to being a funny parody. God what a shitty game that was.
Assassin's Creed Unity. I like to 100% these games and it was such a chore that I nearly stopped playing completely. When I finished the game I felt worse for the experience.
That is just irrationally retarded.
Dead Space 3 is the worst game I have ever played to completion. Honorable mention goes out to Dark Souls 2.
Xenoblade 2
It’s bad? I just beat the first one recently and really liked it
Bioshock Infinite
thief 4, was a horribly disappointing tragedy that severely hurt the thief legacy
me after finishing Mario Sunshine
>Honorable mention goes out to Dark Souls 2.
Fucking NPC cuck. DS2 is great, now fuck off and die, brainless fuck.