>Be mac
>Be a huge fag and DMCA everyone who rehosts gmod tower
>Get ultra dabbed on by a high schooler who exposes you for fraud and makes his own gmod tower
>Try to damage control by releasing GMT open source

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The full story

oh yeah facepunch is dead now, isn't it?

fuck MacDGuy
and fuck Tower Unite

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jesus christ why are modding communities always full of the most over-dramatic and egotistical people?

Wait. did Garry go full anti-gamer or something?
Garry used to be huge into the whole modding scene and promoting people making their own content. But I read some stories lately and it seems he's gone full censorship lockdown bans and control.

It's not Garry, it's some other fag, MacDGuy. He mad a hugely popular GMod server called GMod Tower, but then shut it down in 2016 to make way for Tower Unite. A lot of people want to revive the old server because of nostalgia, and the minigames on the old server were honestly better, but Mac always throws DMCA claims at these servers because he wants more people to buy Tower Unite.

Does he have any standing whatsoever? If he uploaded his shit to either garrysmods or facepunch then he's forefeited rights to them.

this reminded me I SWEAR I found an official/cloned gmtower php backend github repo back in 2015 and i didnt fucking dl it FUCK

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The assets to the server were available to download through the Steam Workshop, but he took those down when the server went down. He claims that the revival servers are copyright infringement because he never released the backend code for the server. I think it's pretty bullshit anyways, since the old server used copyrighted assets from other games (SSBB, GTA IV, Fallout 3, etc.) anyways.

Because they're desperate to have some influence, if not directly, then indirectly.
Taking that away from them is like taking away their life, as there's really not that much to take. You gotta think about the impactfulness of a project relative to the person heading it.

What kind of game was GMod tower? Out of curiousity

It was a shitposting minigame den for zoomers

10/10 Tetris simulator

It was a big gamemode where people would join a "tower". The tower had suites for players to live in, where they could customize and decorate apartments. You could earn money for apartments and player skins by playing minigames like Minigolf, Ultimate Chimera Hunt, Ball Race, and Deathmatch.

So basically like minecraft but predates minecraft

Don't forget it had buggy races and an early rudimentary youtube embed support. I remember people would just spam galo sengan or vocaloid songs all day long.

>tfw remember spamming Mowtendoo and gachimuchi videos in the cinema every time I went

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Because large scale modders almost always develop a superiority complex and they start believing that their mod makes the game it's based on. They always forget that what they make is still a derivative of the base game without it their mod wouldn't exist.

how is Swamp Cinema not better than this in every way?

Tower Unite is better anyway

Do Swamp Cinema and Tower Unite have Ultimate Chimera Hunt?

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So is the server back up? I wanted to play since a while but didn't want to download all the bullshit needed for tower unite.

>Goes from source to UE4
Yeah I can see why amateur devs would get fucked

Swamp is pretty good if you enjoy getting ear fucked from micspam

That would be Roblox and Blockland, and all the Lego video games actually.

and Infiniminer possibly

TU does, it has a different name though
dragon slayers or something

>played on the rogue GMT server in January before it was taken down
>seethed for months afterward
>tfw reading this news
I thought Mac would never give up on his bullshit. Justice has been served today.

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>what is mute

its literally in the op

>Don't care about Gmod Tower
>Play the shit out of Tower
>Little to no Drama surrounding Tower
>GMT Babies at eachother's throats trashing up the forums and trying to invoke muh personal army on Yea Forums

Its a dead game, get over it. I hope this open source situation gets all GMT fans out of Tower and I can go back to playing my ~150 population bowling simulator.

Giant mod for g-mod that everybody loved shuts down.
They remade an incomplete version and sold it stand alone and sold it on steam.
Old version is now open source.
Discord trannys losing their shit because anyone will be able to host a server and they can't suck the devs dick for special treatment anymore.

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Sassilization RTS was my favorite thing, aside from melon wars, gmod racer and warioware stuff

Fortwars, Nox CTF, robot wars, Laser Dance, Hide n Seek (before Prop Hunt was first created), spacebuild…
Before the Spacebuild gamemode was created, I remember people developing purpose built maps for space wars and roleplay. There was this one extremely early server and map I vaguely remember that was set in empty space but sequestered into discrete "zones" so that the engine wouldn't shit itself (zones were basically very large cubes of space separated by non colliding walls), with areas containing different ports and space stations and ship yards.

original gmod tower should never be touched after the gmod backdoor/spyware stuff that's come out
unless you enjoy having garry record everything you do on your pc

cant you just block all that shit with hosts?

Because Swamp Cinema is run by a jew who endorses censorship.

Even if that were true that shit is easy to block and get around.
I can't remember if they stated whether or not they were dropping the third-party shit but per their implementation it just gives them finer grained control over how stats are compiled and presented while collecting just a bit more info on specific system configs.

Oh man, thanks for reminding me of the good days, I played and LOVED all of those, including super old Nox CTF, it was based af

>the gmod backdoor/spyware stuff that's come out
I haven't heard of anything like this since gmod 9 with the lua bullshit that was going on. What happened?
Get in here Yea Forumsros

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Oh shit, server?
Do I need to download the assets separately like with GMT Classic?

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Just play Tower Unite its good.

fuck off mac, tower unite is dogshit

garry added redshell to it (again) about a month ago, there's a bunch of news about it

ya’ll vaginas are mad you can’t afford a 15 dollar game

>Devs pour 10 years into a mod
>Work on Standalone for less than third of that time, creating everything from scratch
>"GMT is better"

From an outsider's perspective, GMT enthusiast got some THICK nostalgia goggles.

So apparently, the guy who ran the revival server back in January doesn't want the server code going open source because he worries that there will be 50+ servers and people won't be unified into one lobby like with the original server.

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It's 0~5 dollars since it was given out as a key in a humble monthly.

Imagine having a panic attack over a fucking 15 year old game

The modders are never doing it for others

Personally, I really don't see the issue. I don't think there will be those 50+ servers, since the demand just simply isn't there. Most of the people playing will be the 100 or so people that played GMT 5-10 years ago and want to go back since they believe that Tower Unite doesn't live up to its predecessor. All you need for them are 1 or 2 servers like with the original game and you're good.

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>Gmod Tower
>Ultimate Chimera Hunt
Gone are the days, lads. It's been 10 years.

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Have you read the OP? It's back again, for good this time

tfw just found out about it
tfw Garry's already got my mac and up address

Because the ones that always make a flashy spectacle like this are attention whores. If the internet of today had been a thing during the heyday of the NES, they'd be the type of kid to mash in random shit on a Game Genie and then if they land on something useful would spam forums with some variant of "ALL CREDIT TO ME" any time it or a similar code got reposted. The people who do it for fun/love of the community/passion for the game will cast their die and then quietly ride off into the sunset to let people enjoy what they made.