You wouldn't steal a steak would you?

>you wouldn't steal a steak would you?

Attached: pirating a steak.jpg (474x711, 53K)

Not that shit cut, that's for sure.

what kind of retard puts shit in their purse, just go to self checkout and dont scan whatever you dont want to pay for

>buy steak
>make a copy of it
>send multiple copies of the copy to others for free
how is that even stealing bruh

Attached: 17194.jpg (1920x1080, 387K)

I would steal these girls pussy fluids if you know what I mean.

I don't know what you mean, please explain

It's gonna beep when you get out of the store, nigger.

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>Not realizing all things turn to dust and even with the proper documentation ALL """achievements"""will be lost to time
>Even entertaining the idea of a dollar
>Not realizing the meat is there for you to take however you want, and the only things stopping you is made up human head-lore.

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If we all lived the way you propose, there would be no meat at all.

no but I would pirate it and print it in my 3d food printer

based retard

>Not realizing the meat is there for you to take however you want, and the only things stopping you is made up human head-lore.
also, you know, laws and not being a retarded savage can't understand the concept of property

where do you live

Is there any evidence that suggests absolute chaos is the incorrect way?
You agree to being a fundamental cog in somebody else's success a normal way of living?

anyone got the webm of the nig nog pulling like 5 steaks and a roast out of his baggy pants at some supermarket

Without cooperation, where would we be? What would we have accomplished? We'd be worse off than niggers in africa.

Law is a made up human logic. There is no such thing as a "law", in all actuality. If that were the case we'd be cuffing vultures and house flies.

I prefer to steal meat over anything else from the grocery store.

protip: people wear baggy pants to hide things

You know what else is made up human logic? Everything you're touching right now, the building you're sitting your fat fed-by-made-up-human-logic ass in, and everything else you take for granted.

Attached: MKT_6386.jpg (1900x1255, 1.49M)

We would likely be much more animalistic, sure, but we'd at least function as nature intended.
There's nothing natural with the current function of the human. We were not meant to sacrifice for the gains of other at this scale.

The employees literally can't touch you. They are trained not to stop you. If they touch you, they will get into trouble, even if you are shoplifting
If they even do, you sue for kidnapping and unlawful holding and the company will let you off.

Please stop replying to me. I have no use for somebody who isn't open to other views of interpretation.

Nature doesn't exist. The concept of nature/natural living is another invented idea, much like time.


If you're going to espouse a point, live it. At least the Unabomber followed his own preaching, you charlatan.

nigger it does that everywhere

you have to be 18 to post here kid

B^uckly! Put that ham back!

Attached: STEAK.jpg (270x82, 13K)

Where the hell do you niggers live? Here in Canada I have never seen a grocery store with beepers at the door.

no those are physical things. Logic is not physical, simply a physical interpretation of it.

They are physical things built upon the foundation of human logic. Much like a house built in the sand, if you take the sand away, the house will fall as well.

I live in bumblefuck nowhere Nova Scotia and even here most bigger stores have them at the entrances.
I dunno what you're on about.

>if you know what I mean
no, I dont

People would steal anything if it meant they don't get caught.