What was your first console?

What was your first console?

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That one.

Had an atari then a snes.

Atari 2600 or some shit.
Was real young so can't remember right.
Used to play River Raid and Space Invaders on it though.

we had a NES and a SNES in our family actually

Does it count if it was a computer with a cartridge slot?



>American education

YaMuthasBox 069

The NES was the first one I ever played. The Genesis was the first one I ever owned personally.

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NES, if you mean "my" first console, but the family had a colecovision. Or an Atari. It's hard to recall, I was born in 84 and the 80s aren't that clear to me.

Gamecube, except it was in 2015

Atari 800XL, the first game I ever played was either pong or pacman.

Some amiga computer from around 92-93. I remember having a ton of floppies and more games than I could ever feasibly play. I'm sure that's what caused my backlog to get so crazy on steam/later consoles.

You make whatever country you're from look retarded
Enjoy "you're" (you), fucking numpty.

>1st played
>1st owned
PC, gameboy color, gamecube

N64, but that got stolen
then a GameCube but that got stolen too
Then I bought a Wii and managed to hold onto that, but my Xbox 360 got stolen. As far as what I played first, I can't remember. We had a Pong machine, Atari, Master System, NES, Genesis and SNES growing up.

PC Engine

>"You're" as in possesive faggot

' means you own it. honestly no wonder you Europe wile pass you by

>honestly no wonder you Europe wile pass you by
I see literacy and prose are not your strong suits.

Sega Genesis.

Where did you grow up?

NES. I was incredibly lucky/blessed. My dad's co-worker gave him an NES so that I could play with it when I got older. I don't know why he did that, but holy shit what a gesture. Anons, I'm talking an NES with 2 controllers, the Advantage, Zapper, and 50+ Grade A games: SMB 1-3, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Mega Man 1-3, TLOZ 1, Clash at Demonhead, Knight Rider, Duck Tales, etc.

We tried to find that guy again but both my dad and his manager have no idea about him.

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wait was the console rated T or was sonic 1?

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Sega Genesis was my first console.

Original Gameboy was my first handheld.

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nes homie i still have the original me and my brother played

Xbox 360


NES, but parents had a 5200 (lol) in the house when I was a baby.

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An nes. Nes sucks. It also broke like most of them do. Got a sega cd later with a bunch of games. It pretty much sucked outside of a few games. Then n64 came out and things werent so bad

SNES, First Games were Super Mario World, A Link to the Past, and Actraiser.


I only played iPod touch games until I got a PS4 on my 13th birthday

What's this ?

i'm very upset knowing that this could be true and you could still potentially be over 18

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