You belong to me.
You belong to me
Other urls found in this thread:
>too ashamed to marry byleth or give him kids
>marries ferdinand immediately and becomes his breeding slut
Who would want to marry Fuhrer Edgelord when Lys exists.
I’m not into carpet munchers
flayn and lysithea are top tier best byleth can do hahahaha
based and cunnypilled
Nothing wrong with lesbians.
I only will consider you a human being once you pick a side, until then you're just a living being.
the other byleth s ranks are inferior to male student a ranks hahaha best byleth can do is tie with flayn and lysithea they're the only waifus you don't get cucked bro hahaha
I got her and Caspar married because who wouldn't want a shonen protag as emperor for his ice empress?
Isn't Edelgard a lesbian?
No, sadly she's (((bisexual))).
>Turn her straight with power of the cock
Can´t beat the cock.
>she won't give you kids
>she gives kids to ferdinand
can't beat ferdinand's cock hahaha
So straight then?
Where did the lesbian meme come from?
Dude, free pussy. Damn incel.
wait, edelgard cucks you if you s support her?
Daily reminder that Edelgard S-dialog was TREEHOUSE'D because a teacher who date a student is creepy.
I can't believe this retarded nigger shows up every thread, holy shit
Bisexual chicks oerwhelmingly prefer men.
*betrays and executes you for war crimes*
Heh, nothing personnel, Edelgard
She’s an absolute berserker for me. Just send her out into enemy territory and cleans house
what's the original?
Every game gets at least one braindead shitposter who plagues threads.
>siding with the black eagles
>not siding with the chad Blue team
She did nothing wrong.
Most bisexuals end up with the opposite sex, so?
>You belong to me.
Reminder: All Black Eagle fags are KEKS
All the bisexual characters have the same ending for male and female byleth so none of them marry byleth since fag marriage isn't legal in japan
the writing, art style and design of this game feels awkward
Came here to post this. Based.
Char'd and Red is three times Fasterpilled
edelgard a shit
muh crests
What is even objectively likable about Edelgard
Well she has people who are willing to follow her to their deaths.
She can't be all bad.
Do which female becomes a breeding sow for M Byleth and lots of children? Serious question
Visually she's waifu bait, alongside the promotional material. She's being pushed as the "new" FE girl after Lucina. Therefore weak men attach themselves to her.
He's making shit up, you gullible jack ass.
she has an axe to grind, both literally and figuratively. Also, she's like a mix of Char Aznable and Robespierre. When I want to go off the rails, I want to go off the rails.
Nigga the entirety of the First World just got done with 8 years of YASS QUEENING Daenarys, only to be completely cucked at the end like the little bitches they were.
You bet your ass they're going to latch onto this carbon copy and YASS QUEEN her too.
Look at this fucking angel.
I want to protect that smile
What's the deal with everyone who defends Edelgard instantly going to "she's like ______" with people she shares almost no characteristics with?
Like now it's Char, before that it was Reinhard from LoGH.
Fuck off, gorilla, my alliances lie elsewhere.
For me, it's Lysithea.
I like all of the Beagles except for Dorothea. Hubert is an underrated bro.
I'm really enjoying the game, but that cuck guy is really fucking annoying
>not 1000 years old
She's genderbent Canute
There’s something incredibly fun about the idea of fighting the gods themselves to secure humanities future
Except that Edelgard's logic is retarded and nothing she does would accomplish anything even if she were successful. It basically just comes down to conquering shit.
"While many can pursue their dreams in solitude, other dreams are like great storms blowing hundreds, even thousands of dreams apart in their wake. Dreams breathe life into men and can cage them in suffering. Men live and die by their dreams. But long after they have been abandoned they still smolder deep in men's hearts. Some see nothing more than life and death. They are dead, for they have no dreams."
>he said this when she literally change the land
Who is dis
loved how the two characters i liked were pretty much the same
It's becoming obvious how many people haven't actually played through the Empire route.
It's the HAPPIEST and BEST ending of the 4 for the people at large.
End the nobility, equality for all, ends crest based racism and issues, and just peace for everyone. Oh and hubert and dorthea basically take out the slime balls after in.
She just wants humanity to not be ruled over by inhuman beings and for people to be equal.
She suceeds.
How the fuck is she the BAD guy if that's what canon happens at end in her route
Based hubert is too cool to be this bitch's beta orbiter
Is she the top waifu if you're a pathetic femdomfag? A-a-asking for a friend.
so yeah she might be evil and everything, but imagine the sex
Its like saying the Red Khmer was a utopia because everyone still alive followed all of the rules.
Anyone else only 5 chapters in and have 25 hours played? I think I'm spending way too much time in the monastery. Playing hard mode btw
why do you do this in every thread, why must every game have a super autist?
why did Hubert end up being so cool
what a fucking guy
fuck off retard she's a hypocrite cunt she won't fucking marry you or have your kids cause you're a commoner but she marries ferdinand and gets impregnated by him constantly nonstop fucking and breeding cause he's a noble and byleth isn't hahahaha
>Byleth x Edelgard
>S0 and Edelgard ended the tyranny of a\ngodlike being. S0 was wounded and lost\nthe power of the progenitor god, but it mattered not,\nas EK00heEL00sheEM00 and Edelgard had each other. To ensure lasting\npeace, the two fought against those who slither in the\ndark, and to ensure a society where people can rise and\nfall by their own merits, they spent their lives reforming\nthe antiquated class system. They achieved much in their\ntime together, and it is said that they were sometimes\nspotted leaving the palace to privately enjoy the world\nthey had created. How they spent those precious\nmoments, none but the two of them will ever know.
what? no marriage? no kids?
>Edelgard x Ferdinand
>As the Adrestian emperor, Edelgard appointed Ferdinand\nas her prime minister, and the two devoted themselves to\nruling Fódlan. Their sharply contrasting views made for\nfrequent and lively debate, but with each enhancing the\nperspective of the other, Fódlan was better for it. As they\nworked tirelessly to create a better future, they were soon\nbound together by marriage as well. Their children,\nborn to those who had torn down the old social hierarchy,\nwere encouraged to choose their own paths.
You are the same person.
I cannot wait to kill her :)
bitch i found out bout fucking slut i dropped her ass got with flayn and lysithea fucking retard hahahaha i won't defend edelgard she's a fucking disgusting dyke lmao
Has the brooding male dark mage character ever served us wrong?
Similar, I'm in chapter 8 with like 20 I spend a shitload of time talking to everyone between chapters, doing gifts/tea/dinner etc.
I've got a similar playtime but I have left it on idle for a few hours like when eating. Game's definitely going a lot slower than the rest and I like it that way though.
She ended everything because no one was even alive afterward. She became all the things she claimed she was fighting and reveled in the most needless of bloodshed.
>petra won't have kids with byleth in his s rank
>she pumps out babies as hubert's breeding whore in his a rank
This obsessive cuck is getting annoying
hahaha you can't handle the truth prove me wrong bitch i'm saying the fucking truth asshole hahaha i post evidence for the shit i say lmao
Nah. He's hilarious. His descriptions will get more and more detailed to the point where it became clear that he went from being mad about non existent NTR to actively fantasizing about it.
Is this a TGT quote?
>fantasizing about it
you fucking cucks are defending the cuckshit hahaha saying it isn't there you dumb fucks i'm exposing the cuckshit in this fucking cuck ass game lmao
>Edgelord is the only lord with a gay option
>Edgelord is also the only female lord
Hmmm I wonder which audience they were appealing to
Look at the fucking tits on Cornelia
>she won't marry byleth or have his kids
>she'll marry ferdinand and have his babies
The paranoid schizo audience, apparently.
>You belong to me.
I just got to the timeskip, and lemme get this straight. she kills your dad, she turns students into monsters, fucks up a village important to you, and expects you to just waddle on over onto your side? or am i missing something here?
I'm not the one writing increasingly more detailed cuck fics on Yea Forums, dude.
Her stats are off the wall and she’s cute pre time skip
it's in the fucking game you retard hahaha i didn't write this shit it was the fucking japs i post fucking evidence from the game for what i say you faggots deny it and talk about "interpretation" or "use your imagination" hahaha fucking excuses you fucking morons
You know you're a badass when you can tell the Death Knight to fuck off with a straight face.
Get help, dude.
post edelgards death.
Which one is better
>A loli that grows a boobs after time skip
>Someone who has big boobs since day 1
>he's still at it
hahaha when i bring up evidence you lying fucks shit your pants hahaha
You don't even understand what the word means, dude. Keep fantasizing of it helps you though.
post your proof or fuck off bitch you know edelgard doesn't marry byleth or have his kids but she does with ferdinand you know bernadetta won't have kids with byleth but she will with caspar petra doesn't have kids with byleth she does with hubert you know this shit you lying fuckhole so fuck off cunt i post proof you just act like a bitch
Annette is best girl and the most powerful mage.
Ferdinand doesn't need to imagine it, unlike Byleth
annette's good man she doesn't cuck you she won't have your kids not top tier like flayn or lysithea but she doesn't cuck you haha she doesn't have kids with any character
dumb cuckposter
Because newfags keep giving him attention.
Welcome to the internet in 2019, where fucking everyone takes the bait.
whats the fastest way to make money early?
>when you research the game more than actual fans just to "dab" on them
>when the "actual fans" cope and make up bullshit excuses
Do battles instead of explore
holyshit you're literally stalking threads to post this lol
you dumbass
It is the same retard that says hahahaha and LMAO. He is a resetera rapefugee.
Kek, no they don't. I've known quite a few bisexual women and they were all heavily leaning toward women over men. Very rarely did they find a man attractive, but most of the time they were staring at women or flirting with them. I specifically knew one bisexual girl that was so deep in the closet she was afraid to come out. She claimed to like certain types of guys, but overwhelmingly preferred women. All she did was look at lesbian porn and never seemed to care for heterosexual porn or anything heterosexual related in terms of sex.
please commit suicide
What exactly is the deal with the death knight? His attack range is only 1 but he can counter from any distance. How the fuck are you supposed to hurt him.
Read his abilities
Also you’re obviously not supposed to kill him yet
>64% chance to pass certificate test
>It actually means 0%
IS fuck off with these fake rates
Bitch I passed 4 master certificates with 35%
You don't know what that word means. It'd be like calling Jarvis Tony's orbiter or Alfred Bruce's orbiter.
He's just loyal to her and the throne as his family has been for over 700 years
Because goldcucks and betablues refuse to play other routes.
They just perpetuate the cycle of mankind being the gods endless playthings of war and destruction. The church always only looked out for its own interests and frequently lied about who perpetrators were in order to further those interests, using students as free endless cannon fodder. Even with the church reformed, a central body with so much control over the masses and given such a powerful mediating ability will inevitably lead to more corruption, more civil wars, and more large conflicts time and time again
Can you not save scum or something then?
Because I tried it 3 times, followed by doing stuff like buying items and other shit to alter the save before trying and nothing.
I'm gong to have to murder him if I go church, aren't I? He's one of my favorites in the game, even if a third of his lines are "muh lady Edelgard".
kek fucking spaceniggers I hate them all fuck
Alfred calls Bruce out on his bullshit, Hubert goes with everything she says and it's obvious he wants to fuck her.
The RNG is predetermined so you can't savescum for stuff like that
It's kind of sad how many people got tricked into believing that Edi actually cucks you and marries Ferd when it's literally just not true.
What is wrong with the guy just spamming that in every thread a couple days after release?
Who's the c-word unit that isn't the imaginary dragon
Hubert believes in the cause. He's very much the "sometimes intimidation and strict authority is needed". He also feels great sympathy for her situation and probably hates the gods + church even more than she does
No idea, I never save scummed.
I let my dick choose the team, so here we are
>the empire did this to her not the church
>they both hate the church
I'm on chapter 15 and I have 60 hours in.
Take your time and enjoy it all.
>if you murder everyone that disagrees with you, you end up with a "utopia"
>Excusing the atrocities the church has both encouraged and committed for their own gain for hundreds of years
>Oy vey look at those little countries fight each other how hilarious! More refugees for us!
>Haha and now the kingdom is going to kill them all, go nuts your majesty!
>Wait they formed an alliance? The winner of such a war would be powerful enough to challenge us? Shut it down!!!!!!
Opinions on Bernadetta?
>seiros bad so all religion bad and we should kill everyone
she won't have kids with you but she will with caspar hahaha
I thought that was Ingrid? Especially seeing as how everyone is playing blue team.
I mean that's unironically how it worked when they killed Nemesis and took everything. Over 600 years of peace and prosperity in the continent before some cuck got butthurt his ancestor wasn't emperor and split off with the kingdom.
>been replaying Blazing Blade lately
>remembering why Nino is so beloved
I just want to protect that little ball of green sunshine!
Also, oyakodon with Nino and Sonia would be top-tier.
>Man should not be allowed to decide its own fate, that should be for the gods that have been pushing countries and people to war in this world
>the church only exists because of humanity
>humans cause wars
>f..fuck you church
>not true
she won't fucking marry byleth or have his kids in s rank but she marries ferdinand and breeds with him in his a rank that's a fucking fact you fucking moron hahaha
Alright I beat Blue Lions. Ingrid was godlike.
What house next?
>has all the power
>nobody can challenge that power in the world
>decides to give it to another person
Edelgard you autist that is worse than Rhea
>a completely retarded gorilla should be allowed to razea continent to the ground because poeple don't agree with her views
>tfw when on normal chapter 6 and the game is too ez
You're unironically the most based person on this board. Respect. Expose this cvck game and the cvcks who play it.
How many students can you recruit from each House?
>Most gods established in the 3H world as being corrupt and using man for their own amusement
Okay so it's either kill off a few of them that might not treat mankind like shit
Or leave in place the system that absolutely abuses mankind and has for hundreds of years, just with a couple touch ups and make them promise to not do it again
Fuck that pussy shit, cheese him with gambit and canto
Get the bad one outta the way
Go do Edelgard's autistic hypocritical route
No, she's LITERALLY the same as Rhea. She's centralizing all the crest shit under the empire.
But waifutards can't see that.
That is cute. Is there a bigger version.
Seiros and Rhea are in the wrong, the church has done a ton of good as the game itself explains over and over, like keeping the empire's autism in check.
Edelgard removes all the gods even the good ones and gives all the power and I mean all of it to some random dude that "shares" her views. That is infinitely worse.
thanks man cucks took over gaming all the fucking games now have cuckshit plots cause game devs are fucking cucks what happened to fucking protagonists with pure love interest hahaha now it's all cuckshit and cuck apologists hahahahaha
No gods, no kingdoms to war against each other, just one country looking out for all the people living in it.
Sounds a lot better than 3 big countries constantly bullying tiny countries, going to war every 20 years, and a church that encourages the smaller countries getting their kick shit in while only intervening when they have something to gain or there's a perceived threat to their power
Rhea didn't have the power Edelgard has in the end. She is far worse. BRING IN THE GUNDAMS!
All of them aside from the retainers.
>single dictatorship with god hitler
>better then checks and balances
If anyone abuses their power they'd just get their shit kicked in like Nemesis did.
It's still too easy on hard
>Smaller countries getting their shit kicked in and civil wars allowed to continue endlessly racking up death counts as long as the church isn't affected
>Even remotely a decent system
imagine rating this low budget persona ripoff
How retard? The new emperor has all the fucking power.
The wars only continue because of the empire anyway. So get rid of the empire.
It is literally Atelier you zoomer retard.
Blue Lions and Golden Deer are cool. Black eagles drool.
Also Felix can go fuck himself
Its a great step, persona is a good series, second act content was sad.
Get a none shit engine, up the graphics and make these lame ass animations better for next game and this series will catch up to fe7 days.
also Become big enough so that it gets its own studio and a second team can make advance wars.
Relics, magic science etc.
The original empire before the kingdom split was great for hundreds of years with centralized power and authority.
Do you pay attention whatsoever?
The game makes numerous references to conflicts between the alliance and kingdom, with the kingdom engaging in falseflags from other countries etc. Hell the kingdom and alliance have as much of a beef as the kingdom and empire more or less.
Shhh bluebabies and deercucks didn't actually read any of the books in the library or talk to the numerous faculty while exploring so they fall for the narrative on the bluebaby path that the empire is pure evil and every conflict ever was caused by them, which is a parody of WWI revisionism that the countries that fought the central powers were good guys fighting selflessly and Germany was wholly responsible for the war and should pay dearly for it
>somebody think of the poor empire that tortures and slaughters Innocents
It's so painfully obvious the true route dlc is basically going to be Edelgard's route but with less bloodshed, the death of only some of the gods or some kind of forced exile for the gods, a complete end to the crests entirely, and a United Nations sort of thing with the 3 superpowers
Also childhood romance with our childhood edgelord himself
Convince me to get her game game over Tharja's game.
(I haven't played a Fire Emblem but Tharja has the best character design I've ever seen from this franchise)
>What? When has the kingdom ever started a war? Don't count the time they tried to invade the nations that separated from them leading to the formation of the alliance to stop the kingdom, don't count the false flags that even the church recognized the kingdom tried to plant as the empire's fault, please don't count the times the kingdom constantly invaded outside nations, and definitely don't count the wars every 30 years between the alliance and the kingdom, because none of those count. See, the kingdom are the good guys!
Play 3 houses while its still a fresh topic, much more fun. Awakening talk isn't going anywhere but new player talk of 3 houses is still going on.
>Successfully recruited the last possible student the final weekend before time skip.
>The other houses now only consist of Claude, Wamuu, and Dimitri while Edelgard and Hubert have fucked off back to the empire.
And yet I still feel like I could have saved more of them.
Both are memes.
All women are bisluts.
>Taking the unironic bad route
The madman.
There's literally no excusing taking the church route and letting them have even more power by the end of the game.
But user. At the end of the church route, YOU have all the power.
the number of people who've played deer+empire is tiny, they don't know the extent of Seiros' genocide and atrocities or why the stolen crests shouldn't rule society
Yeah, I knew ''''''bi'''' women like that too. They were insufferable cunts that no one wanted anything to do with, so they became dykes to have some kind of feeling of self worth.
They're essentially the female version of the incel.
So the best order would be Church-BL-GD-BE, right?
people who haven't played empire calling edge genocidal is ridiculous. she purges literally not human TWSITD remnants as well as the evil dragon who wiped out their society in the first place.
she sieges THREE cities in the entire route. two of which surrender after an elite strike force takes out their command, the third she rescues from a dragon burning it down and unlike seiros is waging a war of conquest not extermination
BE->Deer->Lion->Church for lore, Eagle literally starts with the big reveal blown wide
Is this supposed to be a cosplay of Florina?
>when edelgarde's reply to dimitri laying out why she ruined his life and will possibly ruin the world is literally OBSESSED, SEETHE, COPE, DIE
no wonder the fucking weak-willed niggers on this board defend her
she fucking gives the same replies they do
No, you belong to me.
Someone posted the actual image user.
did anyone save all the villagers in chapter 8? does the reward stay the same as long as its more than half?
dimitri is more of a woman than she is
self harms
if some cyclops fuck falsely accused you of murdering his parents when you're busy trying to do real fire emblem shit like kill dragons and unite the land you'd roll your eyes too
>have to pick house
>see this article
shit bros what do I do
I belong to nobody!
>Edelgard fucks with the save files of other games if you go against her in Three Houses
Holy shit she really is evil.
>Waggling the right joycon moves the little pixel Byleth around on loading screens.
I didn't realize this until about 45 hours in.
I know Golden Deer isn't the most common route, but Blue Lions players here haven't mentioned anything about it.
I noticed almost immediately due to playing handheld so often. It works for the pro controller too. If you press B, you can make him jump as well. Little details are nice.
you belong in a garbage can
>wants equality
>refuses to marry commoners
some animals are more equal than others
she only cucks fags who play women.
her being bi is a meme if you don't have a dick you can't keep her
Is that what this is about? Kek.
I can't wait to create little sociopaths with Edelgard!
They picked blue lions, they obviously can't be trusted.
he';s not wrong
how are you people finishing this game so quickly
edelgard route is half the size of the others
Do I only get certain characters with certain houses or do I get everybody? How long does it take to get a full team of waifus?
It took me 20. I thought he was just running at random.
it's summer, 5 days is enough time for people to neet through a 60-70 hour game, also it leaked on monday so some of us have been playing for well over a week
talking to EVERY student EVERY month+all sidequests is 40-50 hours depending on route
skipping side shit and tea its like 25
I miss being a neet sometimes. I got it at release and I'm 25 hours in and still haven't gotten to the timeskip yet.
why is no one posting how edelgard dies?
>24 hours
>Just got to chapter 5
I don't even know what I've been doing, though, to my own credit, I'll say at least 5 hours of that is idle time. These threads distract me. I should really stop coming here and just play the game.
Just play and only enter threads if you need to know something.
Isn't 60 just enough for one route?
Because everybody already posted about it weeks ago
>dad dies
>dude, it's just your dad, you need to get over it
>what, how dare you suggest that I-, I mean, the Flame Emperor was involved in it?!
Are they seriously trying to make me hate her? Under what circumstances would I even consider siding with her?
Why do so many autists hate edelgard?
They're incels.
Joining Edelgard isn't even one of the default three routes the church is actually the third choice. Since you can fuck up and get locked out of the Edelgard route if you don't do everything right and it's also the shortest route.
The empire has 2 factions, the one that killed your dad and experimented on edge are remnants of ancient ayylmaos rhea nuked for not sucking up to her mommy
but i want to see it
seriously these dudes are barely talked about but they clearly want them to be a big part of the story, i'm guessing they'll be the dlc big bad
>Dimitri is basically Guts
Huh. It fits so well.
But Edie didn't fuck Dedue into retardation.
I finished blue at 71 hours on hard/classic but at least 5 of that had to be idle time, possibly up to 10, I wasted a lot of time in these threads. However I only explored once a month, gave up on lost items early on, rested a lot and voluntarily gave up battle points if I had one left over when I was done with a battle sidequest/paralogue. Maybe I was just slow at clearing maps, a lot of people admit to just warp cheesing all of the "defeat the commander" maps but I didn't even know warp was in the game until I'd finished my first route.
so she really doesn't make any babies with you...
but with others she becomes a literal broodmare huh..
reminds me of marrying cordelia in awakening. marriage is completely unhappy, with her fantasizing over chrom and making a slut-out contest with her daughter
At the start after the timeskip, Dedue is proclaimed dead. So that's something.
>Even the same eye
Man that's pretty blatant. And cool.
D-did he get snu-snu'd?
Based Caspar tell it how it is.
Edelgardfags have terminal waifutism, can't do anything to try and convince them she may have done stuff horribly wrong for literally no reason.
Does Caspar's voice get deeper after the timeskip? This is very important.
>some cyclops fuck
>both eyes and completely sane in her route
Nevermind he's doing the real fire emblem shit like taking back his land killing the obviously evil, genocidal emperor.
>everyone is playing blue team
>every loading screen is flooded with online statistics of people only picking black eagle
I mean, with all that red everywhere Edgelord looks like fucking Hardin.
She's basically Walhart.
t. Brainlet that fails to understand a character that even normies can grasp. Kill yourself.
Majority of Yea Forums seems to be playing blue, but Yea Forums is definitely not the nuFE fanbase.
>that even normies can grasp
Only normalfags could think she's even remotely decent, thanks for sharing.
I can't look at Linhardt and not see Illumi from HxH.
Another town successfully protected.
>no bro when she threw a tantrum and stabbed dimitri after losing it was for a very good reason
I picked the band of the hawk because it was the first option given to me. It doesn't really matter in the end when you'll be doing all of them anyway.
>he actually did claude's retarded plan
>assassin catherine
Nice joke...Bi Doesnt exist only voer for being homo... even some bros that cant get pussy and bang are secrety homo...
Anyone else getting fatigued from the monastery segments? I want to recruit units and read supports but the lost items and whatnot are really draining fun from the game for me.
I'll keep telling everyone to just ignore lost items completely. It's not worth the tedium and with the current difficulty levels it's not necessary to bother with in the slightest. Just talking to everyone once a month doesn't take that long though.
You can get free pussy from any dumb village girl. Why settle for the psycho bitch that is Edelgard?
we did it patrick
It does not. I think it actually gets squeakier
autists gonna autist
I passed with 40 something
It does feel like a lot of wasted time on the first playthrough but I'm guessing on repeats it'll be much smoother, just buying and throwing a mountain of gifts at whoever you want to recruit will be much more practical
Fuck fishing for an hour and a half several times to optimize professor level though
So I'm currently at the segment where Fayn disappeared.
I'm walking around, see Shamir(whom I only talked to once so far) standing next to the blacksmith, talk to her, press recruit, and now she's part of the Black Eagles...
Is it that easy with teachers? Since she's a sniper, I'd guess that I'd need bow skills, but I've never even touched a bow with Byleth or skilled it.
Yeah Its just not well implemented. I'd have no issue if it was just a big menu instead of free exploration, but redditors and casual players are big on it because its "so immersive!!"
Most of the faculty will just join you after a certain point yeah, they don't have prerequisite stuff to work towards
Still have a Vagina
More like the opposite kek
Why go for the random village girl when you can get Edelgard pussy?
Why is Yea Forums so fucking gay for Claude and Dimitri?
He's right about her being ashamed of you, though. She won't marry you until she can abdicate and disappear.
I don't care what anybody says, I love a mentally unstable, powerful girl who believes she is above everyone else and wants me by her side.
Seems she fits that bill pretty well.
Yea Forums is full of fags and also butthurt contrarians who can't deal with BE & Edelgard being most popular
I'm fairly certain you just get more gold. It wasn't worth it whatever the reward was.
Mortal Savants are based
forgot pic fuck me
>Tfw plan to go on Blue Lions and Golden Deer routes and watch Edelgard die and never join the Black Eagles
was this a mistake does she get a forced class during the timeskip
Do I S-support her?
Go join the Black Eagles and go and betray Edelgard by going down the Church
Edelgard is voiced by the same VA that voiced Mitsuru in P3.
Instantly best girl for me. She could eat babies for all I care.
Church always for last
I dunno if it was a mistake, but I don't think more than 2 people actually did this
Her post-time skip design ruined her for me.
Would you a 3D Edelgarde?
So the golden ending dlc is going to be about you taking all the kids under your wing in your own custom house, right?
Probably a mistake since she has way better options. You aren't forced to play her new class though. Just change it back to dancer in the pre battle menu.
This QT village girl is better than Edelgard
not a bad choice
Her support with Felix is cute as fuck though
Of course, but not that one
Is that Maridah? Holy shit she's a fantastic Edelgard.
1-3 - Marry Edelgard
4-6 - Marry Dimitri
7-9 - Marry Claude
0 - Marry Rhea
Dubs - Marry Sothis
she looks unwashed and filthy
no its going to be about edelgard being absolutely 100% right and special cutscenes of her giving birth to byleth's babies
Felix has great supports. He wants to be hardcore but the houses won't let him.
Fem Byleth looks like garbage honestly. Not that I would ever play a female in a game. Other avatar options would have been nice though.
Good eyes desu, she's doing a set for it next month.
Rolling for Empress
Felix and Sylvain both, honestly Blue Lions is the best pick just for the cast and nothing to do with the plot, the closest one to a meh character for me is Ashe and I still like him
Neat. Empress puss here I come
No Gorilla please
Can someone help me out? If I want to make a character a certain class with certification exams do I have to wait until they reach it? Like I want to make Dimitri a Lord but hes only Level 6, is being a Noble still fine? So what are seals for in this game then?
same here started BE to get it over with, afterwards GL and Church last.
>thought Seteth would be an evil church asshole at first because he acts like a dick and because of his JP voice
>he turns out to be based as fuck and the most level headed church person
Isn't Sylvain just Sain? I'm on the Deus Vult route right now and I only got Felix so far since he has easy requirements. My lances isn't high enough to get Sylvain right now but I am interested.
Easily the best girl, but Petra is definitely up there.
first you have to wait until they become the actual level (5 for beginner, 10 for intermediate, 20 for advanced, and 30 for master)
after you get to the level you need a seal (beginner, intermediate, etc, there is also a dark seal but that unlocks dark magic based versions of existing magic classes), and the character taking the exam needs to have the stats required, you can check what stats you need before actually taking the exam
I scrolled through this thread only to see if someone else said it.
These cutscenes look off to me for some reason, I think it's the thin lining.
>don't wanna hurt based Dimitri
>don't wanna hurt based Claude
>don't have any problems with seeing Edelgard get fucked up and her empire crushed
Anyone else have this feeling?
No brown'd or barbed please
He's Sain but it's largely an act to cover up his issues like Dimitri does, his supports do a great job of having him be a likable flirt while also showing off his more serious qualities and most of the cast opens up to him a lot as well
Nope, Sylvain is unironically based as fuck.
Everyone is lions is, their own way.
You got trips, you're free to choose anyone
>Isn't Sylvain just Sain?
At first but his supports give a ton of character development to him. He spent his life being paraded around as a trophy husband for noble women so he's incredibly distrustful of women and relationships.
How are his stats? Is he worth recruiting purely as a unit?
Edelgard is unlikeable and a general psycho, probably.
It's hard to root for her unless you are a hardcore wiafufag.
In the interim it is best to make him a beginner class as they have a very minor increase in growths in HP, and also strength for Fighter, speed for Myrmidon, Dex for Soldier and Resistance for the Monk.
Fucking rolling for tulpa
new game plus lets you buy support lvl from earlier savegame so i got my sylvain and mercedes almost instantly onm my BE route start.
Doing only necessaryx stuff in exploring mode cuts the time wasting walking around gifting random peeps.
Literally anyone with a functioning brain had this feeling. Edgelord is unlikable and annoying
Same. Hell, even in game it's like that, Dimitri and Claude end the Lions route on good terms and in the Deer route Claude tries to ally with Dimitri and later on mourns him.
Anyone that doesn't have a dong
lance focus with a talent in black magic so he makes a great dark knight candidate, and you get his holy weapon ridiculously early in the game, like it's the very first one, and he learns physic so he always has something to do
I just finished Edelgard's route, Byleth becomes her 伴侶 (spouse/consort) and she tells him/her that once we defeat Thales and find a competent successor for the empire she'll retire so that they can have a normal life together somewhere else. I played the game in japanese so idk if the english version has the same dialogue or not.
Does he have an Abel cavalier buddy to have bants with?
It's basically that one scene in Predator between Dimitri and Claude.
thanks lads
Your pick of Felix or Ingrid, both have been his friend since childhood and regularly call him on his bullshit while still trusting him with their lives
Trips = Chose anyone
Is that the one where you fight a big monster for the first time? Because I gave that one back so I probably fucked up. I'm over 20 hours and and I'm really on the fence about restarting since I didn't recruit as much and I fucked myself out of getting Leonie as well.
It is but that is a shit post spammer trying to force their cuck fetish.
Roll em
I did the anti church route first and she's actually underrated. They really fucked up with that "secret society" though. DLC I guess. Pretty much a letdown since they ganked your dad.
Yeah that's the one but it's honestly just a luxury and he's obviously still completely usable without it, his wide black magic pool as well as physic/seraphim lets him do whatever you want while still having the bulk to square up when he needs to
Rolling for El
You aren't worthy.
>Get the brown homo
echoes had great arwork so kinda unfair to compare
That's nice. I'll go for a more optimized run later then.
edelgardfags are the biggest cucks on Yea Forums at the moment
Gib Dimitri cummies
>characters act retarded when they join Edelgard
It's funny seeing Leonie literally goes from almost figuring out who the Flame Emperor's identity is and figuring out who Those in Shadow are in the Blue Lions/ Golden Deer route to "lmao church evil me not know who kill jeralt" in the Black Eagles route.
its the same in english for male byleth, there's an incredibly thinly veiled epilogue line about the two of you sneaking off to fuck like total rabbits as well
i think that guy is a fag who played a girl. the baby shitposting also ignores the byleth+edge epilogue only covers a short period after the end, not even including their retirement to better serve self inserts whereas others give the whole life story
Edelgarde literally gets away with everything and lives happily ever after
>dedue is alive
absolutely based
What happens to Claude in Dimitri's route? Does Edelgard kill him?
Seros LITERALLY AS IN DICTIONARY DEFINITION genocided an entire civilization in autistic fury, she's an existential threat to mankind.
Slitherers are not Edelgarde's faction. The fact the most prominent villains in every route are only dealt with in the epilogues speaks to the rushed development
>dedue is fucking strong in BL
>dedue in GL blacked Edelshit alone
jesus what a fucking beast.
>goes on a rampage through the palace just to kill edelgard
Absolute kino
No. But you can choose to spare and rescue him
>Serios bad so everything the church does is bad even when they do good
nope. Edelgard's forces backs him into a corner and Dimitri bails him out.
Claude says hes done with all this shit, gives Dimitri the alliance and then fucks off to travel the world
you can help him fight of the empire, afterwards he gives you his hero bow thing and fucks off to wherever.
nobody has any beef with the deer and claude has no skin in the game. everyone can spare him and take in his side amicably, even edgelord
he by far has the lowest stakes
Sothis for me
>edelgard is too ashamed to marry byleth cause he's a commoner
>byleth has to wait for her to leave the throne
>she never ends up marrying byleth or giving him children
>this is byleth's fucking s rank ending
>in ferdinand's a rank ending she officially marries him and pumps out his babies
>nonstop fucking and impregnation
Edgelard killing Seiros is the only good thing she ever does AND SHE DOESN'T EVEN DO IT FOR JUSTICE, she does it because of a personal grudge against crests.
Please use a trip so I can filter you.
Who has the best supports with byleth? Im liking petras so far but idk who i wanna marry yet
Oh well
I'm getting your game today, love.
I just gathered up a massive list of the things and then spent about 15 minutes during the last month rapidly attempting to turn in every lost item to each student until they hit 3 "Oh yeah that's mine" and moving on to the next one
He's also FREE to recruit if you are the female Byleth.
He joins because of your massive tits.
You mean the Church that Seros has totalitarian control of and the slavish loyalty of?
They're so brainwashed they usurp the kingdom on Seros' orders and the knights willingly set fire to the entire capitol with all the women and children still inside just because Rhea ordered it.
Worship of the Goddess Sothis is fine. The Church of Seros is a cancer on the land
>3/4ths white in eyes
Bitch be crazy.
Spoil me niggas. I beat the game as Blue Lyons. I assume if you play as Edelgard it's Dimitri who's the Flame Emperor and goes to War, but where does Claude fit in? An actual different 3rd story or is it still one of the other 2 who goes evil?
>yfw you realize Dimitri wanted to save Edelgard not because he likes her, but because she's literally the only family he's got left like it or not
>just like Alm wanting to save Berkut even after everything
>tells the same shit literally in post nr 1 and countless reposts
Even by Yea Forums standards you're a fucking retard
>when the church does something bad post-timeskip, it's bad
>but when Edelgard does something bad post-timeskip, it's fine
>placing value on family that doesn't love you
There's nothing more pathetic in life than people who go "MUH FAMILY" when said family doesn't ACTUALLY mean anything in their life.
Lysithea (you better fucking save her, if not you pair her with Lin)
If you go the church route, though, you literally are the church. Byleth is in charge. Even if you find and S rank Rhea, she still steps down and takes a secondary advisory and dragon brood mare position while you stay in charge
So any complaints about siding with the church are null. Unless that complaint is Dimitri dying off screen. That was bullshit.
I picked male because I wanted to fug Catherine. I spent most of my time getting her support up only to find out she just joins me automatically.
People keep whinging about male Byleth's babies, but how about female? Any lucky lads get to knock her up?
>Hasn't tasted food in years
>Keeps having hallucinations of his dead friends and relatives to get revenge
>Get manipulated by the church
>His kingdom get fucked over by Adrestia and the Church
>Find out that his only family left is his greatest enemy
No. Edelgard is always the main villain. Even in her own route.
In fact, her route actually splits, and defaults to you siding with the church against her tyranny.
What they do depends on route you silly goose. Edelgard in her own route is a fucking saint compared to the psycho she is in the others, just like how Dimitri abandons his people's borders and Claude sells out to foriegn invaders
they're utterly divergent stories
I was afraid Petra would be nothing more than "me no speaky English", but I'm glad there's more to her.
What makes lysitheas so good? Her c was just you walking her to diner hall cause shes scared of ghosts lmao
I think I'll join him since it sours your enjoyment so bad.
All I hear when she speaks is Starfire and I love her.
Claude for life
>His birth mother died during the plague
>His entire family was slaughtered in front of him
>His sensei (one of the people that keeps him relatively sane) dies/goes missing for 5 years
>His father figure dies protecting him
>Hilda, who is basically Presea from Tales of Symphonia
How the FUCK can any other house even hope to compete?
She's the hostage princess of a tiny nation caught between two major powers who ends up growing close with the children of her captors
She's like a smarter, more likable Conquest Corrin
If you don't marry her, or pair her off with a select few other men, she ends up dying within a year of the final battle from some kind of crest aids that can only be cured by dragon god dick/autistic crest research/throwing cold hard cash at it until it goes away.
Blue Lions have the best dudes and Golden Deer have the best gals
Good choice, great epilogue text.
>The archbishop is known for wielding two deadly weapons, the sword of the creator and his wife.
Her backstory is enormous plot spoilers, get her to A and see her supports with Linhart and Prof. Mustache
I didn't really like Raph. so far all I've seen of him is EAT SLEEP TRAIN REPEAT and I'm not too fond of the gauntlet class either.
Dimitri, canonically, has at least one kid with whoever he marries.
The Blue Lions for the most part seem to have a lot of ties to the story in the monastery segment.
Eagles have Petra, Dorothea, and Bernie to be fair. Edgelord is immensely polarizing but there's no doubt she's overwhelmingly popular
The problem is that everyone else is fairly consistent in BL-GD-Church.
Edelgard is a villain.
Dimitri is quite crazy.
Claude is stuck in a rut.
Rhea is insane.
It's just Edelgard's route that completely rewrites characters to make her look good
>fucking deude in her route
>Her path splits
>Edelgard is still the most deployed
Jesus christ
i think it's more virtue of "main lord has to be deployed" and since there's a split people who were unfortunate enough to make a backup state will have to replay BE again
Everyone is pretty OOC in her route though I find it funny that Dimitri is the most sane in her route
Close to finishing my first playthrough with the blue lions, wondering if I should play another route, but have a small worry
Pre-release I heard bad things about the quality of Claudes route, post-release I've heard bad things about Edgelards route, and I know absolutely nothing about the church route with the exception of how to unlock it
Can anyone help me when it comes to ranking the routes, and tell me whether or not they are worth playing?
It's a shame so many just flat out disregard Dorothea because all they see is a generic Stacy at a glance.
She ended up being one of the most down to earth and likable females in a good long while in this series. Has the big sister vibe going on and actually behaves the way a real woman would; Dating a shit numerous men and discarding them because they aren't good husband material.
Do you still enjoy playing? If yes, play the next route that appeals to you. If not, then don't.
It's literally that simple. Just like you.
From what I see Dorothea is consistently one of the most deployed and interacted with units every day, she's popular I think.
Fucking bees.
Church nets you the biggest harem to choose from, as every single female can be recruited and carries over past the time skip. The only one you lose is Edelgard.
t. hasnt played the game
It doesn't hurt her that she's the most natural choice for dancer in the most picked house.
You're not going to *not* deploy yoir dancer. Especially one that can drop a 100% accuracy AoE meteor on the enemies head from half a map away and nuke down anyone who dares attack her with lightning bolts.
My dick hurt
You could argue that the others just show more of their true character in the route she's not effortlessly curbstomped in every battle and actually starts winning.
Claude is willing to pull in fucking Almyrans to avoid losses, then after losing is fine ordering his men to follow you and fucks off out of the country to avoid any hassle.
Dimitri would rather pursue revenge against Edelgard than defend Fodlan from outside threats. Dedue is willing to sacrifice his own life and honor and cruelly use the lives of his own men for even a chance of better aiding Dimitri's victory.
The church of Seiros in the end are fully beholden to her will and WILL kill whoever they're told no matter how awful the orders.
A dragon behaves like a dragon when cornered and ultimately disregards human life.
We never see the dark side of the other factions in the other routes because Edelgard is getting curbstomped in a 3 on 1 fight and they don't have to act cornered
I belong to ingrid.
Is it true Edelgard's route had a bunch of stuff with Those Who Slither cut, and that's why her route's only 18 chapters long and not 21/22?
I've clocked in 34 (chapter 18) hours since Saturday, I'm really enjoying the game, but a big part of my enjoyment comes from flirting with the teachers, something that I doubt will be much different among all 4 routes, plus I have managed to recruit and befriend all of the students I was interested in, I have been playing in hard and struggling a bit, so I doubt I'm ready to replay the game at a higher difficulty and don't really want to play the same game twice when it comes to difficulty
An important of my enjoyment was Dimitri and the story he took part in, I was wondering if the other routes are good enough to play despite having already experienced almost everything I wanted to experience when I bought the game
The problem here is that it's 3 routes of them acting consinstently vs 1 where they act whatever and coincidentally is the route that has to try its hardest to make the lord not look like a cunt.
So no, it's not them acting cornered, it's them being flat out changed or literally rewritten like Dimitri for the sake of Edelgard.
If you do Claude and Church you'll get answers to the mysteries the game poses that Dimitri's route ignores.
If you do Edelgard's you can laugh at how hard the game tries to make her look like the good guy in her route.
Yeah they have a lot of the best girls but somehow I am not too interested in their route. It will be the last one I play if I do play it.
Recruited all of their girls though.
almost definitely. you're explicitly told that they're the true threat that you need to deal with once the dragon is slain, they nuke Arianrhod and are the masterminds between literally everything important in the setting as well as Edelgard's tormentors
.....and then they're just instantly resolved in the epilogue, roll credits happy ending.
There should have been another 3 or 4 maps after Rhea exterminating more magitek slitherers who got bold with the dragon's death and ended in gutting her uncle
It has cut stuff, yes.
Which is funny for the shillroute.
>kills your dad, makes a childhood village slaughter each other. turns innocents into monsters
Is the game trying to make me hate edelgard? is this shit even justified in her route?
well fuck me then, im the user who posted that pic earlier who made edelgard their dancer, i remember watching the classes trailer and saw that dancers use swords, and i thought dorothea would lose out on magic by making her a dancer, and i am more than past that point
welp next playthrough then
She was forced to do all those things to put a stop to the church power.
Also obviously it wasn't her, just the people she's colluding with, which makes her blameless basically.
There was a lot of pre-release hype about the quality of Edgelards route, but I'm now hearing some calling it the wors route, is the quality actually there?
I have a sinking feeling Slitherer maps were cut for time and will be sold back to us as DLC. They're glaringly absent from every route but most obviously Black Eagles where edelgard's uncle is a bigger villain than Seros
Kinda, but as you can read, it was cut REALLY short, it has 18 chapters total and if you've done any route before it's hard to swallow Edelgard's bullshit.
I played blue lions first, so FUCK you
They give you so little reason to like this bitch in that route. Spoilers, especially at the very end when you beat her, and Dimitri offers his hand, but she just pathetically stabs him in one final effort. I appreciate this sort of character writing at least.
I am playing BE, I have Lysithea at B support and Leonie at C (says it will take some time to further the bond or something, what does that mean?) but I still can't recruit them. What rank do I need to get their preffered skill to if I already have them at B rank?
Also I am trying to get Hilda but I can't seem to really talk to her right now. At chapter 7 and when I try to talk to her she says she says whatever and then I dont get the options for lost item, gifts and all that. Can I not interact with her on BE route?
it's pretty good.
Edelgard is a massive cunt in literally every route she's in.
Started with Black Eagles house completely unspoiled, gotten a few chapters into the timeskip, siding with the Church.
I have a backup save to try the siding with Edelgard route later, but after reading about how low quality with respect to the rest of the routes it is, I'm thinking I might skip it completely and do a Lions/Deer playthrough instead.
It's not low quality. It is just that Yea Forums isn't capable of understanding that some characters are intentionally unlikable and evil and equate characters not being likable with being bad.
People who played other routes hate on it for being the most popular, its also expected to garner discontent when the enemy who loses in the other 3 gets to win and accomplish everything she set out to do.
Byleth's tardwrangler presence or absence DRASTICALLY changes how events play out. Since most people haven't spent 70 hours playing multiple paths to completion there's a TON of tribalism going on.
It has the best final map of any route imo but blows its load too early and has a rushed ending that screams of cut content. It's near mandatory to play to actually understand the Empire's factions and Edelgard's true motives
Golden Deer+Eagles gives the most history on the continent's backstory and the church's origins
I equate a route trying to make me believe an intentionally unlikeable and evil character is good as bad, yes.
I am currently in chapter 18 of lions after 34 hours (had to restart 3 fights), it might not be a perfect comparison, but if Edgelards route is only 18 chapters how did all the reviewers get 60+ plus hour playthroughs?
Were they all playing in non-casual mode and losing units every 5 minutes?
"time to further the bond" means that you need to progress the plot more since supports will usually reference battles you did in previous chapters. im not sure why lysithea hasnt joined yet but when you get someone to b rank they usually join during your lecture days
you cant interact with hilda on the be route because shes the deers' hubert, ie they suck the dick of the leader, same with doodoo in blue lions ||you can get hilda later on though||
>People who played other routes hate on it for being the most popular
Yes, I'm sure that's the reason, can't be anything else related to Edelgard's character or role in the story, not at all.
I liked Yagami Light, and Death Note is considered a good series.
DN makes like the protagonist, not the hero, pretty different.
Anyone can tell he has a retarded god complex, and is not the hero of the story, that's why he makes a good protagonist, no attempts at whitewashing him in the slightest.
I love these
>People who played other routes hate on it for being the most popular
Bullshit, people who played other routes find it hard to like Edelgard
Hell, she's not very likable even in her own route.
Those Who Slither in the Dark are the remnants of an advanced society Rhea genocided in a fit of autistic rage. They are the ones who tortured Edgey and Lysithea, killed Jeralt, Dimitri's parents, and nuked Arianrhod
Edelgard's uncle seized power and is a slitherer. The Emperor actually has very little influence by the time she is coronated and its only with Byleth's help that she gains control and is able to purge the Slitherers in the epilogue.
The problem is none of the imperial politics are shown in other routes so people think edgelord is a gigatyrant when the previous emperor couldn't even prevent his ten fucking kids from being tortured and murdered in the dungeons
the empire is not a monolith
Apart from the parts where he has a lot of people sucking his dick in the story and telling him how right and great he is.
>Empire has a problem with Slithers
>lol I'm gonna first invade the Church and two other neighboring countries that have nothing to do with it first
it isn't low quality. the story routes are like a VN, characters are completely different depending which one.
The last siege and dragon fight are fucking kino
Don't forget
>Im gonna side with the Slitherers
That's part of his god complex, yes.
You know he's evil and what he's doing is evil, which makes people sucking his dick an effective mechanism in storytelling because it means what he's doing is working.
Imagine if Dn ended with light turning the world into a super paradise with no problems or anything at all, that would be an awful ending.
>characters are completely different depending whether you are in Edelgard's or not
Fixed that for you, her route has the most amount of ooc shit in the whole game, starting with the Blue lions.
No she is just an awful person.
I played her route and she was adorable post-ts.
I'm still disappointed we didn't get to whack the fucker who killed Jeralt, which route has Thales as the main antagonist ?
>The last siege and dragon fight are fucking kino
I had a clutch win yesterday. It was late and I didn't want to restart so I ended up in a situation where flyers were constantly harassing my ranged units and I wasted all of my divine pulses on this.
Because most people run around every chapter and talk to everyone and try to get as much professor xp as possible.
The Church are the reason the slitherers fucking exist, not to mention they're too powerful for her to face right off the bat.
Slitherers despise Rhea for her genocide. She pits them against the Immaculate One to weaken both sides and then crushes both. This is explicitly her plan and she explains why you both aren't immediately fighting the people who tortured her and killed your father.
Its realpolitik and it works; you both get your revenge once Seiros is dead
Why not try explaining shit then, the root of it all was her uncle and mother.
That's what I've been doing
I wish others would get this point. Three Houses in general seems to push the lesser of all evils motive where no matter what choice you make, there are terrible consequences to it. Almost everyone you side with or face have their own personal reasons for fighting.
No one is innocent, and even the church is portrayed just as bad as those who slither in the dark.
Edelgard's route is simply the best. Fuck the contrarians on Yea Forums.
But the Flame Emperor thing was a bit too obvious when you played her route. Not only because his "ima make a new world" thing directly correlates with Edelgard saying "wouldnt a new world be better?", but mainly because the mask thing obviously implies that its a student or someone you know, and when you listen to the intonation in the FE's voice and compare them to students its immediately clear that its Edelgard.
Question is, is it the same in the Jap VO or did they conceal the intonation better? Maybe its done on purpose and they didnt even wanna hide it that much.
"Hey Dimitri, I'm using the fact that the ancient aliens who killed your parents and tortured me hate Seiros more than anything to root them out and weaken their position so I can fucking slaughter them all once the Dragon who is the namesake of Holy in your Holy Kingdom is dead. Wanna help?"
Dimitri believes it is impossible to do bad things for good reasons or if the ends justify it, Edelgarde is a consequentialist willing to temporarily aid the people who ruined her entire fucking life in order to guarantee they all burn. They're totally incompatible
Is there ever a valid reason for doing a seminar? It feels like a waste. It's never the right mix of characters I want, and if you're using it to boost motivation before the next week why wouldn't you just explore and share meals instead
>bad guys
They ain’t even trying. Griffindor’s mascot was a lion and Ravenclaw’s was an Eagle. Why the fuck is Claude the only one that’s original?
she's the only emperor heir in the game
she has the crest of flames
she gets annoyed when you imply the emperor and slitherers might be one conspiracy
he's a black and red SMT demon
People do then a lot during the second part, more as a time saver.
The roman empire's symbol was an eagle too, the kingdom of britain has a lion
golden deer flag looks a lot like house baratheon's
there's only so many cool animals
Yeah but neither really wanted to kill each other, and Dimitri is obsessed with revenge. At least trying to explain that she didn't kill his entire family would be a start, in his own route he couldn't bring himself to actually kill her until she shanks him.
>muh dullest franchise
It's Yu-Gi-Oh Gx m8. Red has the mass murderer, Blue has the elitists who get fucked up the most, and Yellow is just kind of there.
Remember when we thought Dimitri would be the genocidal maniac and Edelgard the one who bravely opposed him?
in her route Rhea has sunk her claws in him too deep and taken over Byleth's role but for nefarious purposes. Besides Dimitri's army hulking out into crest beasts he refuses to yield and edge does a battlefield execution.
The church has so much influence over the kingdom the king's death doesn't even end the war and Rhea usurps control to keep fighting
The only person to commit LITERAL genocide is the immaculate one. Edelgard always allows civilians to evacuate prior to sieging and she's waging a war of conquest/reunification not extermination. Half of Leicester and the Kingdom's border forces openly welcome her rule
Rhea killed millions but you can fuck the crazy out of her in her route which is admirable of byleth I guess
I just think people aren't satisfied with it because of the whole you being a secret shame she retires with as an old woman part.
there's nothing secret about it at least as male byleth in both jp and english
people who fell for the yuri memes get what they deserve
cry more in your cuck shed edelgard faggot
>Yuri Route
>Edelgard gets pumped and dumped by millions of dicks before coming to you as an old woman
>Male Route
>Fuck like rabbits
Heteros win again!
Thats just the cuck-poster and his entourage.
It fits her character very well actually.
She's an empress, an personally speaking, what I like even more, is that it turns the whole romance thing into a better aspect than simply the meat buffet it is in all games.
Usually its just a pick who you wanna fuck thing. This is like one of the few cases that actually adds a little bit of nuance that even makes sense given the circumstances.
And it BTFO romance fags so I'm all on board here.
Man, characters and stuff are completly inconsistent between routes. Not that user you were arguing with. I only finished GD route and there Edelgard uses the civilians of Enbar as shields and the alliance border lords only feign to be nice to the empire because they know they can't win a war.
It also mentions that it was Sothis that genocided the Slithers, not Rhea. It's basically painted as "Slithers go mad with power, challenge Sothis, get destroyed and run to their underground city to seethe for thousands of years"
>behaves the way a real woman would; Dating a shit numerous men
Not a statement on how moral this is, but it's funny to me that people take the last 50 years in the US as representative of all human history and culture.
Is there a way to save gilbert? That retard always get os by the black beast
Is the weapon triangle not in this game? Switching weapons seems to have no discernible difference when attacking.
Hubert feels more like a character out of Legend of Galactic Heroes than a typical Fire Emblem character.
Same with Ferdinand design
I believe you marry her even as Fem Byleth unless there is some dialogue change, the BE route is shipping Byleth x Edelgard so hard no matter the gender you pick so I don't think it's different.
So when do I get to recruit Monica?
He's so fucking handsome. The otome is getting to me.
You kinda gloss over how part of the idea with Light is for him to start with actions many people might agree with, even if only grudgingly (executing criminals on death row and using the fear of his name to discourage crime) and how it slowly ramps up as less and less people can defend his actions until even the most ardent supporters of his original philosophy (among the viewers) have abandoned him right around when you watch him start to rapidly descend into indefensible insanity.
Edelgard's route begins with her distributing a manifesto regarding the truth of the church/fucking evil dragon, she defends Fodlan's borders against Almyran invasion to win a lot of support from kingdom moderates.
A significant part of Leicester supports the Empire over the Kingdom and once Claude flees the country his faction collapses
I think people would be happier if they treated routes more like a VN instead of holding grudges across route
I think the random seed is fixed for the week so that you can't savescum to pass.
Nope. It’s a skill in this game, once you get C rank in a weapon you get a skill that gives you advantage over the weapon type it’s normally good against in the triangle.
for one of my units i can skip intermediate and go straight to advanced, should i do that or do intermediate?
why is he so fucking useless tho?
I wanted him to be my main man but his SPD is on 9 and while he has enough armor to not get killed, he's just the lowest performer in the team
This. Sadly enemies dont have breaker skills tho, for whatever dumb fucking reason, so its mostly another thing that puts the player at an advantage
do intermediate for the stat boost
Please, give me a better roll than the one Lorenz-poster got.
But people hold grudges across VN routes, because the characters are the same.
You are asking people not to shit on Edelgard just because she's less of a psycho bitch in her route.
Seems you got fucked by the same luck as him user.
switch ferd with caspar and thats me, my caspar is fucking slow as fuck but my ferd is able to double with steel lances easy, if you havent yet try to get i think d rank in heavy armor for ferd, you get weight -3 ability which should help
How much lore does Edelgards route have? I wanted to play it next to see how the empire works from the inside and how the maps change when you're the conquering empire.
GD route has pretty large lore dump featuring a rough timeline of the world, the origin of the slithers, Rheas people, where the red canyon got it's name and the origin of Nemesis, the 10 elites, the legendary weapons and crests.
>psycho bitch
And this is why people dont take you seriously
>there's nothing secret about it
Your relationship is mentioned as something private, user.
>I like it because it's a poor romance
On hard/classic mode should I be spamming battles every chance I get?
Seems like I should explore at least once a month, but not getting maximum exp feels wrong.
Seminars and resting seems pointless since battles give you level, class and skill exp.
ye im working on that right now
my Caspar however is an absolute unit who doesnt just double but quadruples regularly
>Lorenzposting is cursed confirmed
>I dont like it because it doesnt give me what I want
and thats exactly why its good
I've killed him in all three levels he's appeared in so far
i always just explore at the beginning of every month and then battle and maybe rest if special weapons are low on durability
if you have online turned on try just going with the flow and doing what everyone is doing, if you position smartly and take advantage of byleth's "units adjacent to byleth gain 1.2x exp" you shouldnt have to grind at all, if you just do quests/paralogues you should be fine.
seminars are really good if you want to get skill exp up once you start getting to c rank and higher, and resting is if you just want to go fuck it or you really like using the plot armor weapon
>poor romance
Its not poor at all. Quite the opposite actually. It might be the most realistic and considerate romance in the game.
You fags just get buttblasted because its not the shallow "pick me up and happy end" shit you expected
user, denial isn't a normal fetish.
I meant poor in the sense of being unhealthy. A romance where your partner is ashamed of you and has to keep it secret absolutely is not a healthy one.
>use the meme sword, to bring him down to 11HP
>finish with magic or bow
really fucking tough one
pls dont miss
And that's what makes it stand out though.
I take that over the usual buffet crap any day.
Go fuck yourself.
user, if you like fantasizing about being in a bad relationship then you either have some weird fetishes or have had a lucky (or absent) lovelife.
Just rewind lol.
I saved them all, I think I just got an extra large bullion. The better rewards come from killing the Death Knight and his cronies and getting a couple of crescent scythes.
Edelgard's route has more lore about the Slithers, the origins of the current balance of power, WHY the empire is invading under her, Imperial factions and power struggle, as well as the dark side of the church
If you're going to play it I won't spoil more but I will say that people who went Deer first will better understand the empire's struggles
F Lorenz. Can't even win a waifu in a mere roll game.
You can repeat the fetish line as much as you want, it doesnt stick.
Does Eagles get harder? I just started chapter 11, and so far every fight is just put Byleth in front then pick off the tards that attack him.
I offered another explanation in that post, user. To me, the idea of wanting to play through a romance in a videogame with an unsatisfactory and unhappy result is not remotely appealing, and the most logical explanations involve some kind of emotional masochist or a person who finds an unhealthy relationship to be novel.
LGB women simply do not exist. This is observable reality. Lesbianism is more of an inability to connect and bond with men than anything else. Bisexuality is an attempt to seem more attractive to certain kinds of men. And of course I don't think I need to explain what's wrong with trannies!
Lesbians don't exist.
It means I dont self insert and don't give a shit about romance in games.
Meaning I can look at it objectively instead of feeling emotionally butthurt because I "didnt get the girl".
And objectively it is a better and more realistic depiction of romance than the other shit thats just "oh you want me? well you can have me then!"
>Your relationship is mentioned as something private, user.
But it's not ? They need to sneak out of the castle when Edelgard wants to do things that an Empress cannot do in public like eating a bunch of sweets. The relationship itself isn't secret at all.
Nope, it's so easy that even journalists were calling it out.
You're making the mistake of conflating 'unhappy and unhealthy' with 'realistic.' Same as those people who push ugliness as 'realistic' or a dark/edgy tone as 'realistic.' Something existing in reality doesn't make it the only thing, and unhealthy relationships being real doesn't make healthy ones stop existing.
I do think that Three Houses should have scrapped romance all together, or just did what Echoes did and not really have it being tied to supports. It's kind of stupid that people like Edelgard or Dorothea are '''''''''''bi''''''''' when it doesn't really suit their overall characterization at all.
>Seiros rewrites history after genociding humanity
>Yea Forums eats up this fake news as the truth
Nppe. It's piss easy + Eagles have worst maps unironically.
>BLACKED eagles
I'm so sorry user...
I've given you the necessary information. At one point you should accept it.
Which route should i do next? Already done Dimitris route and i dont want Edelgards psycho route just yet
Do Eagles next. It's best done after Lions. Trust me.
+ It's short.
I accept that it is your viewpoint, but I still happen to disagree with it.
Edelgard's route if you ain't a bitchboy.
I really liked the Deer route. Offers some insight into the background of the world, too.
Haven't played church route yet.
Do her route. It will have a better impact precisely because you have done his route first. Do it, pussy!
Do Edelgard son. It won't be so bad. Trust me.
Okay then, I will do her least that saves me the Church and Golden Deer for later