Mass Effect 3 was a great game

>satisfying conclusion to Geth/Quarian conflict based on your choices across all 3 games
>satisfying conclusion to Genophage dilemma based on your choices across all 3 games
>closure for pretty much every single character that appeared in the series
>insane amounts of content most people will never even see based on their choices, squad combinations, and mission order
>GOAT ending choice that tests the entire philosophy of the series--whether you repeat organics' mistakes in trying to control uncontrollable technology, get sweet-talked into destroying all organic life by merging it with machines and giving them what they wanted all along, or destroyed the Reapers like you intended from the start
>b-b-b-b-but the literal last cutscenes are just different colors!
Mass Effect 3 was an incredible conclusion to the trilogy. Anyone who disagrees is a low-IQ brainlet who missed the point.

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downloadable content.

Javik was the only good thing to come out of that god forsaken game and he was day 1 content locked DLC so go fuck yourself with a dehydrated cactus
they even managed to ruin Tali

>Covering for all the mistakes made in Mass Effect 3 by pointing out a few qualities the game did have
Don't be so retarded

Every point you made is wrong, but okay.

The first 4 memearrows are right, the last 2 are so very very wrong.
Mass effect 3 was a great game and the conclusion everyone wanted until the last 20 minutes. This game is a textbook example of why you should actually bother to write out your whole story ahead of time and not make shit up as you go.

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How? She had probably the strongest character arc next to Garrus across 3 games.

Mass Effect 3 is a perfect example of how a poor climax can spoil all the rising action that leads up to that climax. It could be studied in cinematography classes for years to come.
>repeat organics' mistakes in trying to control uncontrollable technology
Too bad the ending confirms that Shepard ascends to overgod status as lord of all reapers and can attend to the lesser races for perpetuity with his infinite reach and eternal wisdom.

>doesn't like the ending
>is a low-IQ retard who missed the whole point of the series and didn't pick Destroy
Thank you for affirming my theory.

>dude if I just write my fanfiction in it's a better story lmao

>the trilogy's theme of organic arrogance being their own undoing in attempting to control advanced technology that results in their own destruction is fanfiction because I was too fucking dumb to understand it even though it is explicitly spelled out to you in every single game
Literal sub-40 IQ retard. Thank you, again, for affirming my hypothesis that the only people who dislike Mass Effect's conclusion are braindead morons too stupid to understand it.

Nice bro maybe clean up the rough draft and publish it on

>>GOAT ending choice that tests the entire philosophy of the series--whether you repeat organics' mistakes in trying to control uncontrollable technology, get sweet-talked into destroying all organic life by merging it with machines and giving them what they wanted all along, or destroyed the Reapers like you intended from the start
Yes this is actually a solid ending. Not the "good ending" by a long shot. Even the outro is incredibly ominous with reaper-sheps seeming as much of an omnipotent tyrant as a savior. But that's great, because it does break the mold of each colored choice being clearly the good-mild-wild options.
Garbage. The fagchild even calls it the 'preferred solution" which automatically makes it garbage. It's so clearly worked in those last 10 minutes to be the authors preferred solution it hurts, with absolutely zero build up to it. Unless you consider Saren more or less being the series advocate for the closest thing to synthesis, with the syntheticization of organics being their "next step" or whatever. The transhumanism talks never even brought up the idea of humans becoming more like machines, neither do they talk about machines becoming organic. Weird and not-aligning solution to anything the game put in front of you that again, the authors love. There is no "sweet-talking", no secret "gotcha bitch didn't pay attention" angle. It's just shitty.
Best ending b/c Shep of all people deserves to live, but it's hurt by the authors absolutely braindead and worthless writing. Why even make the Rannoch arc have the potential for peace, signifying how you're going to defy the cyclical "AI arise, fight creator, AI need to be put down", and then destroy all synthetics? It completely invalided everything your Shep can believe and one of the 2 best arcs. How does the crucible even work to destroy all synthetics? It's specifically made to destroy all reapers wasn't it? Not just "all AI". is right.

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>Cerberus/Luna AI
Imagine missing all of that across all three games. You're so fucking stupid, man.

awful. ruined the series.

>>satisfying conclusion to Geth/Quarian conflict based on your choices across all 3 games
>>satisfying conclusion to Genophage dilemma based on your choices across all 3 games
>>closure for pretty much every single character that appeared in the series
>>insane amounts of content most people will never even see based on their choices, squad combinations, and mission order
>>GOAT ending choice that tests the entire philosophy of the series--whether you repeat organics' mistakes in trying to control uncontrollable technology, get sweet-talked into destroying all organic life by merging it with machines and giving them what they wanted all along, or destroyed the Reapers like you intended from the start
Holy shit
Someone actually typed this up and thinks any of it true
Holy fucking shit, that blows my mind that someone in the world thinks this

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Refute a single one of my points.

All you're saying is they violated their own principles and wrote an ending out of theme for their own story, bro. Which is bad writing.

No, it was great writing. You chose an ending that was perfectly in-theme with the cycle of organics repeating their own mistakes out of stupidity and arrogance because you're a brainlet fucking retard who didn't understand you were supposed to the first one to break the cycle.

Too bad it resulted in Shepard becoming an overgod and therefore breaking the cycle by achieving the impossible.

>The kid

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>Satisfying conclusion to Geth/Quarian arc.
>Geth don't desire individuality, they actually want to merge into a greater consciousness.
>lol, nevermind we're all Pinocchios now. What an original take on AI!