700+ designs

>700+ designs
>he likes the generic anime girls

explain yourself

Attached: 1549168147130.jpg (558x1024, 133K)

it's called "cumbrain"
Literally can't think of anything but sex and jerking off to anime tiddies

>generic anime girls

Pokémon has a smorgasbord of fetishbait. Brown, fit, punk, MILF, tomboy, and other, lesser fetishes too.

Also don't you mean -300 designs now?

came to say this

But I like Ampharos

Attached: Ampharos 3.jpg (600x560, 149K)

men like cute girls. deal with it.

Attached: 1446576867033.jpg (850x1370, 176K)

Confirmed here:

Never really liked Yea Forumseddit's buzzword but gotta agree here, talking about how hot chicks are in a video game for kids is pretty pathetic

>Literally can't think of anything but sex and jerking off to anime tiddies
OP was explicitly asking about why the porn is the star of the franchise that's been getting shittier since before you were born (Gen 3).

Imagine being such a fag that you like some shitty kid's le epic fantasy monster pets over anime girls.

OP is cumbrain too, I know

Men don't jack off to cartoons though

because the video game part stopped being good like 6 years ago but the girls are still good

Attached: D_RH2BUU8AEZpga.jpg (940x1200, 130K)

They do and they have since prehistory. Stop being an insecure fagboy making up rules of manhood for yourself.

Probably the same men who failed to reproduce
This pathetic beta is do delusional that he associates being a genetic failure with masculinity LOL

Project more.

Have sex tranny, then go dilate, also seethe some more for me you cringy faggot

i dare you to insert more buzzwords into your post

whatever you say cum brain

But I only like the male monsters.

Attached: 1543922782913.jpg (1200x1600, 772K)

The betas and incels throughout history (and even before) needed something to alleviate the pain of being passed over for mating rights. Sometimes an inferior individual can be born from genetically adequate parentage. In this case cartoon nudity and porn are the ultimate social equalizer.
It keeps the betas and incels functioning and contributing to society while wisely keeping their compromised genes from entering the gene pool.
Pornography is good (as seen in pic related) as it effectively acts as a genetic barrier while pacifying those afflicted. People are freaking out about the proverbial "cumbrain", but really it's a good thing for society as a whole which benefits as these more undesirable individuals are sidelined by carnal urges.

Attached: 41sKH1_hHsK5JoxjdYxFevE2ys_WvMLuAr7PVzy__AA.jpg (952x717, 118K)

>the same men who failed to reproduce
>but yet they still exist
it doesn't adds up

I love getting my moral, philosophical, scientific and historical information about my well-being from Yea Forums's Yea Forums board!

But my favorite Poke is Shedinja.

that's one of the hottest

But I like many of the Pokemon designs as well as the cute anime girls
The difference is I don't want to fuck the Pokemon

Attached: jenny swimsuit.jpg (1280x720, 372K)

nah it just keeps blacks reproducing promoting negative culture and genes.

I've seen this image about 50 times in the last 3 days.
Is there some sort of fucking PsyOp going on?

Bad post but good taste in Pokemon

Attached: D5ZzIPqU0AAvYMP.jpg (1792x2016, 485K)

>porn can't just be for pleasure and a choice by those with no desire for a relationship
I pity your kind and your strange world where real women are this vital to your sense of value.

This. The smarter you are these days the more likely it is you'll weigh up your economic and lifestyle circumstances before having a child. Uneducated, low IQ trash controlled by muh dick will spawn a thousand retarded starving infants in some third world region or borderline third world impoverished shithole.
This claim of yours is self defeating because the people controlled by carnal urges are the ones having a million retarded mouthbreather niggerlets, and the same goes for lower class in first world countries.
The ratio of people affected by "cartoon porn" even in the context of a first world country is a statistical minority not even worth putting on a chart.

i-is this real?
im 27 is it too late for me t change?

No you fucking idiot stop buying into shill psyops. Nobody fucking cares if you jack off or not.

>psyop forced memes actually spooking people

The thing with memes is that they usually take time to slowboil and begin being posted to greater extents and evolve in different ways.
Last week that single image and the phrases associated with it have been posted hundreds of times on Yea Forums alone.
How nobody has noticed is fucking hilarious, and people getting spooked even more so.
It reminds me when the Cointel bots on /pol/ started spamming Bible passages to slide threads and christfag retards actually thought it was a good thing and were praising it.

>is this mspaint comic real?

You're one of those retards who asked "why wouldn't this work?" in Troll Physics threads.

>implying pokefags arent all cumbrains

it's just like every other shitposted wojak image, intentionally forced upon people to see if it stays like Boomer wojak did

>hate waifus for whatever personal reason
>hurr cumbrain
>gets refuted
great job convincing people to your side of the story, you know the point of debate

>The betas and incels throughout history (and even before) needed something to alleviate the pain of being passed over for mating rights. Sometimes an inferior individual can be born from genetically adequate parentage. In this case cartoon nudity and porn are the ultimate social equalizer.
>It keeps the betas and incels functioning and contributing to society while wisely keeping their compromised genes from entering the gene pool.
>Pornography is good (as seen in pic related) as it effectively acts as a genetic barrier while pacifying those afflicted. People are freaking out about the proverbial "cumbrain", but really it's a good thing for society as a whole which benefits as these more undesirable individuals are sidelined by carnal urges.
>actual discussion is deleted now
nigger what?

>the games keep getting worse
>the girls are cute forever
the choice is clear

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No I think "cumbrain" poster just got banned.

I like pokemon for the pokemons ( ash is a shit)

Oh my bad

Attached: Just look at that faggot.jpg (657x565, 44K)