Why was it all downhill from Snake eater?

Why was it all downhill from Snake eater?

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Because it was all downhill from PS2

Because Kojima gave into the fans demand to make a sequel that tied every loose end. And from then on, it just got worse as he gave up on trying to keep up some semblance of historical and timeline consistency.

MGS 4 is the worst game in the series.

Lost his writers, gained a bunch of fame and decided to go it alone.

The games got too ambitious.


But that's wrong you nigger, we got MGR after MGS3. It may not have been better than MGS3, but it was definitely better than a lot of the games before it literally all of them if you ask me

>written, directed and developed by not hideo kojima

4 made sense to make since it tied up all the loose ends 2 left. PW and V didn't need to exist, since those didn't really show how Big Boss fell from grace and becoming the man he was in Metal Gear 1 and 2, unlike 3.

Its because they tried to make the legendary big boss into an actual character and messed up badly in creating the thing that they were supposed to fight for in mgs1, 2, 4, PW, GZ and V.
It all comes down to that scenes where the Boss just beats Naked Snake up with her horse, and the Patriot with the spinning bullets, and the last battle where she says nothing and just dies.
As a player, I kept waiting and waiting on where Big Boss was going to get his big revelation from. But it never came.

Then in MGS4 they realized they fucked up so badly that they spend the entire game and post credits trying to explain something that should have been done in MGS3. Solid Snake's final moments were literally spent on MGS3 exposition.

This is why MGS3 is the lowest point in the series. It is the wound that would not heal. It was so bad that all the sequels that followed had to be about MGS3, but not MGS3.
>MGS4 was exposition of MGS3's characters
>PW was explaining how MGS3's Boss' ideas would (not) function, but fuck it Big Boss says it just werks
>MGSV is Big Boss saying, it doesn't work so I'ma fake my death and take a looooong vacation

Agreed, and you're only scratching the surface of MGS3's writing issues especially in comparison to 1 and 2. BUT literal autistic retards on Yea Forums who somehow cried at the end of MGS3 are going to sperg out if you're not careful with your facts

I'm just really hurt at how the series degenerated through 3.
I mean, you know you fucked it up when Konami wanted to kill the series with 4 and Portable Ops, but you somehow rope Platinum Games to "revive" the series with Rising, and then somehow worm your way into creating Peace Walker while pretending PO doesn't exist, and then using open world as an excuse to make two MGSVs.
Konami had had enough a long time ago.

it was downhill from MGS2
>people actually fucking worship this run north simulator

because he wanted 2 to be the last one, then 3, and 4 and

He started to lose passion and interest in the series since MGS2, and 3 is a continuation of that. While 3 is still a great game, it added so many story threads that were not elegantly tied in 4, like the Patriots.

>implying MGS3 wasn't a massive step up from the Raiden Shitshow of MGS2

Yeah it was too much and just milking the Big Boss character for the actual retards who find him deep or interesting, that being said I think the revelation you were waiting for in MGS3 was realized from Volgin rather than The Boss. The Boss is a worthless as fuck character while Volgin basically had his own Outer Heaven set up that Big Boss literally copied

Seriously. Camouflage was a terrible mechanic.
Enemy AI was braindead fucking retarded on every difficulty.
Combat wasn't really dangerous aside from maybe the flamethrower guys who are in one area.
Mechanics that were fine in MGS2 like the first person leaning were completely ruined in MGS3
level design is somehow more like a hallway than MGS2, the game that takes place in hallways
Story is too straightforward and doesn't really seem to have a moral it's trying to tell.
Game is slower than fucking dirt, enemies patrol at about 1/4th the speed of MGS2, Snake moves about 1/3rd the speed.

The only areas I think MGS3 is actually better than 2 are the cutscenes, characters, boss battles, soundtrack, and easter eggs.

>*implying MGS3 wasn't a massive step down from the Raiden Shitshow of MGS2


lets be realistic. it went downhill as soon as mgs2 tanker mission ended.

>promised more Solid Snake
>Get pretty boy no one wanted or cared about
Name one thing good about MGS2 that wasn't MUH MEMES AND FUTURE MESSAGE

brilliant, kill yourself autistic retard

mgr was after mgs 4 if i recall

>t. I only like playing as snake

best level design in the series
best enemy AI in the series
best stealth gameplay in the series
VR Missions are the best of the series
impressive example of deconstruction in a video game sequel, probably only surpassed by KotOR 2.

it went downhill after MGS1, the entire plant section of MGS2 was worthless

MGS went downhill right after the intro cutscene in 1.

i was going to say that too but i did this instead mgs1 ended and wrapped things up from mg1 and mg2. we didn't need a sequel. but i think because it sold so well, konami wanted more.

Thankfully for you MGS3 is the magnum opus

Volgin is so much better, no homo by the way.
There are many clones and doppelgangers of Liquid and Ocelot as well as the Cyborg Ninja and every single one of those boss unit groups are copy pastas of each other.
Volgin is pretty original. But he's surrounded by fucking retards like the Boss and the Cobra Unit. Did I mention that everyone in that base were trying to kill each other even when they've defected and were supposed to be allies now?

>best level design in the series

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This. Also, MGSV should of never happened.

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Volgin is just a Bond villain. He sucks. So does the boss but that doesn’t change that he’s weak.

The greatest accomplishment of mgs3 is ocelot and his relationship with big boss. The best character in that game and his relationship with bb is more interesting than the “tell don’t show” fag shit with the boss.

Camoflague would have been interesting if you could only change it at certain safe points

It wasn't. 4 was a good game.

Everything after that was shit. MGS5 shouldn’t even be considered canon.



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4 at least felt like an mgs game. For as many problems I have with it, it feels like metal gear. After that the series identity was entirely lost.

Constrained tense areas with precisely thought out movement paths and hiding places are 100% better than "lol turn invisible by laying on grass"
The encounter design in MGS2 is light years ahead of 3.

>4 was a good game

>4 at least felt like an mgs game
Nah. Classic MGS 4 apologist cope.

Because you forced Kojima to make Metal Gear games after MGS3.


>that MGS3 wank
shit chart, retard

I didn't make it but it gets many things right
and yes mgs3 is objetively the best mgs game after ghost babel

Idiots like you forced Kojima to make more Metal Gear games, which eventually resulted in him running out of ideas to the point where he had to resort to a different, unique but unusual concept, which, unsurprisingly, didn't work out well.

See: MGSV where he tried to make us roleplay Big Boss-- uh, I mean, "The real Snake", sorry Kojima and Murata, using only our imagination, an avatar creator, the Mother Base management system, the ability to kill or keep Quiet and the ability to develop (and steal) or dismantle nukes.

4 is terrible and is honestly one of the most disappointing games ever released. I don't know how people can think MGSV was a disappointment when 4 was so much more important to the story and franchise and was so, so much worse.

>I fucking hate Solid Snake, and I love Big Boss!
>In fact, Big Boss is the only Snake that matters! He's the true Snake! He has way more emotions than Solid Snake, and he's way more compelling to write, too. That's completely false, but I'll make it FACT and thus TRUE because I say so, since I am the creator of Metal Gear, and thus, I can do whatever I want!
>Sorry, Solid Snake, you came first, but you're a piece of shit compared to Big Boss!
>Fluff my pillows, Big Boss!
>Fire your weapons for me, Big Boss!
>Make me happy, Big Boss!
>Dress like a desperado and wear a ponytail for me, Big Boss!
>Make sure that monsters don't come in my bed, Big Boss, even though you're one too!
>Have sex with me, Big Boss!
>Be my penis, Big Boss!
>Watch Death Stranding with me, Big Boss!
-Hideo Kojima

Retard opinion stated like a retard

BiBo is an outlet for kojimmy's daddy issues. That's why he cares more about him than Solid

4 ended the series, and tied up most of the loose ends. I don’t agree with every choice the team made, but it was at the very least an ending.

5 added in more questions, loose ends, and left glaring plot holes.

>Volgin is just a Bond villain
This is supposed to be a bad thing?


>MGS 2 supposed to be his magnum opus, end of his involvement in the MGS series.
>fans, IE Konami keeping pushing for a sequel
>Decides to prequel the whole series, explain his whole imagined backstory of big boss with refined elements of MGS 2's game play and world building
>Huge success leads to even more fans, Konami, pushing for a new game
>less passion than before, he limply continues the stories with more bullshittery
>fans still eat up any scraps from the MGS name
>makes MGS V to fill in more gaps that weren't explored before, realizing he can't continue after MGS 4's rampant exploitation of characters but not enough interesting material to make a quality game
>finally breaks relationship in hopes of pursuing a new vision
Fuck I hope death stranding is great

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>I don't know how people can think MGSV was a disappointment when 4 was so much more important to the story and franchise and was so, so much worse
The answer is pretty obvious. Either they never played the game (Didn't have a PS3, were babies when the series came out) and only came into it later already knowing in advance it was gonna be a disaster, thus tampering their disappointment, or, more likely, they were just young enough to play MGS 4 when they were 16 years old right on time to ignore all the retarded plot holes, character butcherings and let themselves be taken by the shallow fanservice ("MUH FISTFIGHT ON TOP OF THE BUILDING, OMFG SO EPIC")

>4 ended the series
By raping it to the ground and making sure a good MGS would never happen again? Yeah, thanks a lot, faggot.

insulting, checking typos and using them as an argument is a clear sign that you've lost my friend
Have a nice day

We've only been going uphill my friend.

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>Still spreading this bullshit
Yea Forums: Brainlet sheeple, programmed by troll masterminds.

Why Kojima is excited for Control? he tweet shit about it

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Venus is cute!

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>Nobody noticed that the president of the United States was an exact clone of the most legendary soldier of all time

Would some MGS2 apologist explain this one to me

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No one knows how Big Boss looks

Listening to Joy Division ^ ^

Wasn't the point of 2 to end without conclussion? With Snake's final speech it seemed like a way to tell you "hey, this is not real and you shouldn't try to be me, you are your own person so go after who you are and forget about this"

But without it you faggots wouldn't have MGS vengeance that you love oh so fucking much.

Did big boss have a public appearance?