Thoughts on him?

thoughts on him?

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Kinda cringe at times with the skits but entertaining just too see the amount of effort that goes into 100%ing a game

Seems like a pretty cool, if not somewhat autisimo. Him and Alex have great chemistry, I like SGS a lot.

I liked it back when they played scary games.

kind of annoying at times but he can also be entertaining,the channel is at maximum comfy when he plays games I actually recognize.Overall a decent youtuber

Closet case that co-opted gay bear culture.

awful humor

calls himself the completionist but most of his videos are his terrible reviews of games and not actually stuff about getting 100% or how much time you need to do that or I don't know, that's just a smalls section

He's a fraud. Someone else beats the games for him.

What? He goes into detail on how long and what is needed to 100%

A lame left wing friend betraying virtue signaling cuck.

These. He also has shit taste in games.

by the time he gets to the five minutes of the completionist mark, there's 20 minutes of awful humor and worthless opinions on the game, I always just turn the video off

He's a nice guy that supports himself and his friends via YouTube, so I'm a fan. He makes me think of that kid in school that genuinely wanted everyone to like him, and not in a sycophantic way. He was the kind of kid to invite everyone in the class to his birthday, knowing not everyone would show up but still hoping they would. And it would be a celebration of him, but just to have people over to have fun. Say what you will about his videos, Jirard is a nice guy. One of the few truly good people out there.

Not OP but I just need someone to watch that makes good vidya videos.

I remember him apologizing for something, can't remember what was it

Recent youtube channels I found that I didn't know before are LGR and Retsupurae

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Watching 4 fat guys drink and sweat on a couch is oddly compelling. Even if Alex and Jesse are libtard cucks and Davis may actually be retarded.

his content's pretty bland but I'm impressed by his dedication


He took down his first 120 episodes because his co-host left on unfriendly terms.

Retsupurae is hit and miss, there are some really funny playtroughs like Mystery of the Druids and Alone in the dark that are definitely worth watching though. I don't think they even make videos anymore but there is some really good stuff on that channel.

LGR is very comfy, but it will appeal to you way more if you played on DOS as a kid instead of N64.

The only thing I remember him apologizing for is when he took down all the old videos with Greg in them, per Gregs request.
Dude put the video out a month or so before removing the videos and encouraged people who enjoyed them to download them.

I don't really watch his content but he seems like a genuine kind of guy. I doubt he would solicit his fans for nudes.

does he even do the 100% shit all on his own?
i can't imagine him doing all of it, most of it seems outside of his ability.

Stopped watching after Greg left. Might watch some of his newer stuff. I just always thought Greg was the better of the two.

Reddit incarnate. Also his voice doesn't match his beard/body

Davis is what makes them worth watching to me, he's an absolute doof but not in a way that is grating or over the top.

A fucking tool. Unsubscribed after he wiped his vids because of some drama shit or whatever.

the schtick got old after 2012.

>I doubt he would solicit his fans for nudes.
what did user mean by this?

I don't watch a lot of youtube, but Gamesack make some neat videos if you're into retro games and retro consoles.

And I always return to the classic Spoony every few years

more like the cuckpenisshit

I thought it was him too, but I guess not going off all these teenbros posting.

Timeless kino

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anyone going to the live event in new jersey?

he's okay, I'd fuck him raw and shoot on his face
wouldn't put a ring on it

What is Greg up too? Does he even have a job?

Not a fan of his show but he seems like a pretty genuinely good guy

first laugh all day

His opinions somehow always manage to be terrible, it frankly kind of impressive.

Who knows, back before Jirard's fans ran him off the internet for making him delete any video he was in her appeared to be going the path of the hippy, joining some band that played hippy shit

The sad part is he had a kid shortly after leaving the show. I'm wondering how that worked out for him without having a proper job.

Youtubeing is not proper either, pal.

Isn’t he the guy who cheated on his wife?