Why does he sheathe his sword like that?

Was it autism?

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Yes. Next question?

Vergil is LITERALLY everything Yea Forums would hate in any other situation. I'm calling hypocrisy.

He's unsheathing, you goober.
But yes it was autism

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There's plenty of edgy characters that are well liked by the majority of Yea Forums like Raiden and Travis Touchdown.

It's Dan's voice that's part of the charm and the game itself isn't meant to be taken seriously.

So is DmC but you guys shat all over DmC

>not taking itself seriously

DMC is cheesy
DmC is edgy

Truth to be told, yes, every anime character has autism or some sort of social anxiety or problems

Think for a second; not only they come from Japland, but characters like Vergil and Dante and every MC from anime were born with stupid superpowers. Imagine always being super powerful and excel at everything from the moment you were conceived, or having aptitudes so high that you never ever trained, or if you did, it wasn't really a serious training. You just had it in you. That's why Vergil, as well as Dante, seem to sheathe their swords or do crazy stupid things like that. Vergil clearly never ever trained with Yamato, it's just his magical cutting stick and he poses like he's cool or thinks it's cool but in reality that's not even a fighting stance, nor a practical one. It's just an autist drawing his OP papa's sword the only way he thinks it's supposed to be done. But you can't really correct him because he still would cut everything down regardles of technique. The same as their dialogues and shenanigans, way of thinking and act.

So Dante and Vergil are super spergs out sperging each other.

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Raiden looks edgy
But he's more like Kamen Raider, a hero of justice

why does he keep resheathing it?

Scared to get the blade dirty.
Read: autism

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Because it HAS to look cool when you kill something I mean if you don't make it cool then what was the fucking point of a katana? Just grab a glock or something.

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Virgil was grandfathered in, he predates the age of edgy hate

but if you do it too many times it loses its cool factor

He needs to clean his blade, he doesn't want blood from demons dirtying his swordfu.

I really think Vergil has never thought of that, or maybe he's killed everyone that has pointed out this to him. It's something he would do.

he lost many times before but he's still cool

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There's a thing in Japanese swordsmanship where certain moves/styles always have to start from a sheathed position.

Well when you really think about it, unless you're Dante or Nero, chances are you'll be dead before ever getting to see him do it once

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They canonically trained from a young age though.

I get this argument but if you actually pay attention to Dante, at least, his form with a sword is surprisingly coherent for a videogame character. Sure, he does wacky nonsense occasionally like Prop, but if you watch his attacks, he almost never turns his back to an enemy, and maintains good cutting form. Most of his twirly stuff is visibly designed to hit enemies around him in a circle. Compare that to a “more grounded” character like, say, Geralt, who is constantly flipping and twirling around for no discernable reason, taking his eyes off of his target and leaving himself open to attack.

The same is true of Vergil; some of his re-sheathing is overexaggerated, but for the most part his technique is restrained and believable for a person swinging a katana. More so than, say, Sekiro.

Then you have Nero who falls into the same category as Dante but only because his fighting style is "unga me hit thing hard"
When he spins it's just because he ungas extra hard

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I think its more that he has this edgy bloodthirst they forced into him but becomes aware of it and sublimates that thirst of violence into fighting for what he thinks is right. He's great.

>tfw no mod that replaced Reb/Sparda/DSD with the Zweihanders in Dante's office yet
It'd pretty much only be for the novelty of it but god damn why hasn't it happened yet

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i would still happily unsheathe his yamato

because its funny when devs shit talk to fans and it backfires. NT is nothing but a tryhard studio and I'm glad they'll never make a DmC 2 in the future

It’s funny because a typical sword is like 3-4 lbs, and “adding momentum” doesn’t mean shit; Nero and Dante are among the few wielding swords that obviously weigh enough for actual rotational momentum to matter, but they both still rarely engage in full spinny nonsense. Even Nero only really does it when the Red Queen’s motor causes it to get away from him.

Cause he fights using Iaijutsu.

Geralt's spins are supposedly a witcher technique of flurry strikes to overwhelm opponents by being agressive and taking advantage of his mutant super senses, and some of those movements are thought for monsters too.

Also, videogames. Nobody has ever fought with swords like that.

Geralt's spinny shit makes a little more sense in the books where it's supposed to be much faster and look like nothing but a blur to people watching, but it's still pretty goofy.

I understand rule of cool, I’m not shitting on Witcher, I’m just saying it’s ironic how invoking “he’s so naturally talented he never learned proper technique and fights like a stupid weeb” works well for Dante but he actually has a comparably grounded and serious technique with most weapons.

You wouldn’t expect wacky woohoo pizza man to have such a serious grasp of martial arts but his techniques are much more realistic, overall, than almost every other action game protagonist.

Someone once explained this to me as “Itsuno was a fighting game director first so he learned to communicate detailed information about a character through their animations, so Dante’s animations all communicate martial arts expertise”

if he's so use to sheath-ing then why didn't he do the same for his beanus?

He uses iai though. An actual martial art.

>Iaido is associated with the smooth, controlled movements of drawing the sword from its scabbard (or saya), striking or cutting an opponent, removing blood from the blade, and then replacing the sword in the scabbard.
It's the most stylish style.

bajiru when

Vergil on SoS is kicking my ass, anyone got tips? I can get him to half health no sweat, but SDT is fucking me up.

Use orbs, train against SDT for a while until you get used to it. Then you just git gud by exp.

The Ol' Faithful

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use the roundtrips when he's in DT and start using Royal Guard

Play a different game.
Doesn't even have to be a DMC game.

literally spam round trip until he gets stunned then run in and combo him. run around spam jumps in the mean time to not get hit.


>You wouldn’t expect wacky woohoo pizza man to have such a serious grasp of martial arts
Canonically, Sparda trained both Dante and Vergil how to use a sword. And Nero was raised in the order of the Sword and was trained by Credo.

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>not taking itself seriously
>a game that is a literal social commentary

Vergil is not retarded so no

I need some more horrible closeups of dmc5 characters

The comedy in DmC wasn't intentional. It was supposed to be a serious social commentary.

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For some context on this monster, it's an off-scene Vergil model with completely fucked up face rigging because if it was never meant to be seen, why fix it?

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damn those ears

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DmC took itself way too seriously and Tameem is an edgy faggot.

DMC 5 is a crazy party that doesn't even know what serious means. It turns it from ow the edge to lovable chuuni.

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No fair you get two dante's?

Who has the Derpy Nero?

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You mean every Nero?

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>Nero finds another one of Vergil's illegitimate children.