Fire emblem 3 houses looks like a Ps1 game

This is really the power of Nintendo switch

Attached: B5F89F81-52CF-40EE-81C0-501CD600D976.jpg (680x383, 67K)

Edelgard best ending

The only thing they put any effort into is the character models and those still look bad with low res. Overall still enjoy this game but this game looks fucking awful and be will always go to well the series never had good graphics and were handheld series. Empty excuses because this a first party Nintendo IP not just one that is published by them. They know what their hardware can do. This wouldn't be so bad if you didn't spend so much time at the monastery or they were actually other places to explore but this is literally it there is no where else you go.
textures and no anti aliasing

A fire emblem game after they ditched the sprites looks like shit? well god damn, i never would've guessed. thanks for opening my eyes op.

kill yourself phoneposter

Reminds me of Heavy Rain.

It was almost a 3ds game

Do people still care about graphics?

is ok when dark souls does it

Attached: Ok then.jpg (1622x1792, 2.12M)

that's pretty bad but i didn't notice it because i think that area is normally really dark

worse than the bioshock infinite fruit

only retards and shitposters defend ds2

i have one with the area being dark

Attached: ok then 64.jpg (1920x2152, 457K)

oh look
its dark souls 1

you know dark souls is nearly a decade old right

I'm not playing the game for the graphics my dude.

They did this shit with the apples and oranges in bioshock infinite too

If i use my laptop but I'm using hotspot data through my phone what kind of poster does that make me?


ps1 rpgs were great so this must be a good thing

who cares?