For me, it's Yukiko

For me, it's Yukiko

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Other urls found in this thread: to inherit family business&rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS705US706&oq=pressured to inherit family business&aqs=chrome..69i57j33.4706j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

*sloppy kisses then lets her drool swoosh around my mouth for a bit*

notice how no one wants to contribute to your crappy waifu's thread?

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As expected from someone who doesn't like Yukiko

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I used to be like him when it came to Fuuka. Then the Dancing game came out and completely blew my mind. It must have been more than a decade of being an asshole to Fuuka and Fuukafags before I learned the errors of my ways and the power of Bare Hands.

I agree. Yukiko makes a great mattress.

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Should have made the thread once Europeans were up and Amerilards went to sleep.

You can have that annoying, retarded bitch, OP.
Have fun.

Chie looks like she'd make the better mattress in that picture.

For me, it's Fushimi!

I love Chihiro!

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>Fans of other girls are frothing at the mouth for no reason
>I an intellectual Yukiko fan like all the other girls but just happen to like the best one the most
Such is the way the petals fall I suppose.

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Why do Americans hate Yukiko?

I love Fuuka!

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For me it's Teddie

Fuck off Amanda Winn-Lee.

She's more subdued that they're used to. Not that being boisterous is bad, it's just they equate composure with blandness. It's like how they've ruined their tastebuds through too much salt and spicy Mexican foods, so used to loud in your face characters that a more quiet one doesn't register. Their loss I suppose

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I just want you Yukikofags to know that you're some alright folks and Yukiko's a good girl. Rock on.

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>mods delete 2 Rise threads but this one is ok

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It's Mitsuru. Not just for me. It just is.

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>Marie thread is still up

It's because Rise threads usually devolve into ERP and softcore porn. I guess Rise won the war after all, 404 is the biggest number.

They needed to be put down for being way out of control porn addicts as they've shown time and time again.

Wasn't it the same for Anne early on when P5 just came out and everyone was gushing over Makoto so much, even me, that even Futaba fags were drowned out? It seems they have a thing against Agi users in general. Both Anne and Yukiko are the best spell casters of their respective games stat wise.

The first girl in Persona 6 will probably be the next one to get this treatment.


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>Laughing after a well timed brap after an awkward silence.

For me, it's Anne.
I love her.

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>Welcome Home!

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My wife.


Fuck the music in P4 is too good

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Am I the only one who really digs this track?

Your post is bait but as a spit connoisseur that mental image made my peepee hard

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She whines about being destined to inherit the inn instead of just deciding to leave from the start.
Few of us would think twice about moving away from our family to work where we want.
Aside from that, she is a huge dork with her spergy laughing fits and terrible sense of humor. She also gave me bad flashbacks to Fuuka, who was also reserved and made the protagonist eat inedible food.
Her persona transformation was a visual downgrade, but her support spells are useful.
Slapped some blessed hands on her and forgot about ever using her for damage over Naoto and Chie_.

To claim Yukiko you must beat Chie in a fight.

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>Few of us would think twice about moving away from our family to work where we want.
Almost like you come from a different culture or something. Also that's untrue, there's family businesses in the states that pressure children into working for it or make them feel pressured to work for it.
A simple google search proves you wrong to inherit family business&rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS705US706&oq=pressured to inherit family business&aqs=chrome..69i57j33.4706j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
This is without even getting into kids who feel pressured to follow a certain career path like doctor or lawyer.