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Was Perfect Dark Zero that bad?
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It had very minimal content. Extremely shit compared to most FPS titles at the time.
>hey let's take the protag from the last game and make her a bimbo slut with colored hair
Yeah it's pretty bad but so was everything else in 2005. PS3 was still 2 years away from having Resistance which wasn't even better though people will claim that it was.
I miss Wall Guy.
Nah, Timesplitters 3 was also released in 2005.
Amazing. Had fun as fuck multiplayer. Infected mode was so much fun.
This is the exact thing that Yea Forums should love.
I remember my cousin got it as his first game when he got his 360 right around launch, and I remember having a fair bit of fun playing it co-op with him, but I honestly can't remember a damned thing about the game itself other than a part with a character who had a stereotypical jewish accent going "NOW WHADYA HAVTA GO AND DO DAT FOUAH".
I always liked it. I heard it was supposed to come out in 2006, but MS made them push it forward.
Probably one of the ugliest, stupidest games I've ever played. It's been completely forgotten for good reason. The fact it got 9/10 from places like gamespot is insane. It's a terrible game.
I like it, first game on the 360 and the protagonist is cute af
Wrong generation of consoles though. No one talks about that one (I wonder why) and Timesplitters was always an overrated franchise by people that had never played good FPS before. Similar to PDZ.
FEAR came out in 2005 on 360 so it is the exception.
Yes. It was an unpolished mess.
Did that magazine go through that gun?
it was okay , too bad purists will fucking destroy this game
Felt like it took place in an entirely different universe
I can hear it on my mind
Yeah it was horrible. I wasn't a big fan of the first one but this was a big case for devs missing what made the original good. No surprise that Microsoft never gave RARE a real chance afterwards.
Extremely underrated. Level design inspired by deus ex with multiple paths and multiple ways to complete an objective, 3 different functions for each weapon and amazing atmosphere.
Pretty good level design, fun weapons, decent soundtrack, but that's it. The original Perfect Dark does just about everything better.
Yeah man.
Pretty good game
Cringe. You obviously never played the game, faggot. Shes just as asexual as she always was, just in a pseudoanime art style
I liked it well enough, but I can see why people wouldn't.
Loved the soundtrack.
How does it stack up to the originals soundtrack? Perfect Dark 1 had a fantastic OST.
PDZ has some really good music. Overall the only problem the game had was Microsoft rushing it to release with the 360
People tend to prefer the first game's OST from what I gather but I think Zero's stands up to it well.
Look at this S O Y