Look how they massacred my boy...
Look how they massacred my boy
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Hes still broken, what are you crying about?
>Still has a 100dmg long-range harass level one
He's still good throughout the whole game
Grimstroke was such an overtuned piece of shit
your boy's just fine, look at my girl here
>introduce aghs that's wayyyyyy too fucking good
>promptly nerf the rest of her to accommodate it
Fuck off dumb slut. The fear and guaranteed stun+euls was the best part of her kit anyway.
>what is mana
many heroes have much better harass capacity now
What other support has a stun/silence/slow/bkb-piercing ult all in one kit
>5 fucking spells that can be ults
>waaa waaa
Fuck off, she is so fucking annoying
still isn't going to stop me from playing her
fucking spells that can be ults
never understood what people mean when they say this. is this butthurt code for 'why do her spells do things to me'?
Remember when arcana were $35 instead of $350? I hope every zoomer dies in agony for enabling these insane revenue models where everything cool is locked behind gambling and/or absurd amounts of money.
Dont mind me, just posting the most based pos4
>has a free bkb
>has free heals
>has free crit
>has an ultimate that can dodge every skill in the game and solo kill 99% of the heroes in the game with a press of a single button
>is in every single game from 1k mmr to professional
I'm so tired of this fucking hero.
I play a lot of grimstroke but he kinda deserve it
>it's a tinker meta
i haven't played in a year and tinker is my favorite hero. i thought he was still shit?
I hate playing against Tinker more than anyone else, god what an annoying faggot hero
Latest patch gave him a 11% manaloss/manacost reduction talent which also stacks with Kaya
People still play this ?
general buffs and he can stack/farm 3 camps at the same time
>its a tinker and alch game in the enemy team
Its not like I wanted a fucking 2 hours game
Why aren't you playing the objectively most based and halal hero in the game?
Does it Stacks with CM manaloss aura too?
Yea AND also with arcane rune
Yeah, and with arcane rune too.
I hate him too
I haven't enjoyed techies since they changed Proximity Mine, but maybe I'm just doing it wrong
what? people like games instead of jumping on the hot shit that dies next week?
If were led to believe heroes are "balanced" around the current meta, then grimstroke is definitely in the top 5 for most nerfed heroes of all time. I'm not saying he's not good, or even still an S tier pick. but he's lost
>50%(?) slow down to 30%,20%,10% and now 0%
>his stun used to do a lot of dmg, now it tickles you to let you know you're going to be stunned soon
>movespeed been nerfed atk dmg nerfed to almost nothing
What's he gained? an aghs that gives you an incredibly strong illusion. And you can farm aghs on him too.
I still think he's good, but he's been nerfed so much its almost changed how you play the hero.
They need to nerf/remove morphling more, from a game design perspective I find it really annoying that he's better-rubick now and watter-niggers have been the scum of this game for years.
Grimstroke was probably the hero released with some of the most broken god damn numbers.
I remember feeling bad after playing him 3 times on release. It still feels kind of dirty. Like unholy DK on at WotLK launch.
that's dota 1 release phoenix and monkey.
Does Ice Frog still hate Monkey with a burning passion?
apparently im icefrog because i hate monkey faggot with burning passion and i ban him every game
Don't go bananas over it bro, just carry a quelling axe
WR and PA said hi. Pugna is looking out in the corner as well. Mars straight up walks in front of you and slaps your ass for some fine roman mating press.
jugg is overrated POS
200 mmr im guessing?
Try 4k you 2k scrub. Juggernaut is a brainlet's hero like you
>I'm going to post heroes that can null omnislash, that counters jugg!
Yeah, and so does euls but people still get killed by it.
Any player with more than 10 IQ know when to use omnislash.
>he wasn't there for release Centaur
>huehue omnislash can kill any hero who is dying and the player has to be clinically retarded!
That's what you're saying right now as you also move the goalpost. Now you are going to say Juggernaut is unkillable
I'm not even the same guy, nice cope. I'm not even sure what the fuck you're trying to assume my argument is.
Just the fact that your definition of countering jugg is "counter omnislash" is laughable.
If you want to mention counters, at least go with shit like Ursa, CK, and Void.
Its the chinese enabling it, retard. Not zoomers
make mine trifectas instead of mine fields. Also Stasis traps range is the same as proxi mines blast range so abuse that to make melee heros wanna kill themselves
The heroes I listed are counter juggs regardless of his ult. WR can shackle and ult his ass and PA straight up slaps him and Mars just tanks.
If you are having a hard time dealing with jugg you are retarded. The toolkit is also diverse enough that any hero can dodge his ult/attacks
PA is way too reliant on farm and rng, Jugg can out-DPS a PA with the right items early and mid game especially.
Both Mars and WR have projectile stuns that Jugg can spin and get away off.
Mars is especially fucked by Jugg since his stun has slower cast point, his ult can get spinned out of, and Jugg often builds diffusal to make his mana problems worse. What the fuck are you talking about?
CK bursts Jugg and his spell-piercing talent on level 15 makes it a lot easier. Jugg isn't tanky and gets killed by one chrono before he can do anything, and bash and chrono goes through spin.
Ursa is the worst since he can outlane and outdps him in every part of the game.
that ult is shit anyway and so is his silence now that its been nerfed to shit.
It's litterally only useful in herald games where the players can't right click it quickly enough and panic.
His stun has also been nerfed to the point where I never see it used successfully.
Good times
>PA being out DPS by jugg just having enuf items
Moving the goalpost. Jugg also has RNG but never did I see a PA get out-dps by jugg. PA would just dagger the shit out of jugg until she can 1 hit crit that bitch
>my jugg can dodge those stuns
Again, moving the goalpost. Why would they throw their stuns if they know that jugg can dodge that?
Your scenarios are stupid AF. Play better and watch sum YouTube bids.
Jugg is straightforward and stupid. He can juke you but you can outsmart and outplay him.
>literally nerfed some 30 patches in a row
>what other support has this
>all those things are shit ur dum
okay buddy nice argument
To counter jugg you don't survive omnislash, that's the easy part. To counter jugg you have to catch him, he's usually itemize to be very fast, strong laning presence and inbuilt BKB.
>unironically trying to argue that a hero that has been a meta staple for the last 2 years is bad and easy to deal with
>not even understanding why he's good in the first place
>muh moving the goalpost
Do you know what a goalpost is? You can't fucking counter a hero if you're getting killed by that hero.
PA can't do shit against Jugg early and mid game, plain and simple. With a support that can stun PA dies with one spin in laning phase. Jugg can get crit as early as level 1 and PA needs level 6, and hers is a lot more underwhelming without farm early game.
>Why would they throw their stuns if they know that jugg can dodge that?
Are you retarded? Mars is an initiator, guess what initiators do. If the fucking jugg can spin out of your initiation with little effort you're fucking useless.
Hell, with your ingenious powers I can ask you this: Why would Juggernaut use omnislash if they know the hero can dodge it?
Are you sure you're 4K? By the gods, the standards have lowered these days.
Jugg is just a very safe hero. Decent laning. Decent farming. Can solo kill people early on. Has a free crit and healing ward for sieges.
And most importantly has a free BKB.
doodaa is complete dogshit after 7.00. please get some self respect and stop playing it.
dota was shit in 6.82 yet it was amazing in 6.88
I wonder if you know what i mean
i've looked through the archives and nobody has ever delivered the source on this. reverse search didn't either
please tell me you have it
>Decent laning. Decent farming
you mean god tier. He's impossible to deal with in the laning stage unless the player is shit or you have one of those 3 specific heroes that can counter him.
The best way to deal with Jugg in laning phase is probably Razor and Ursa.
Jugg is an amazing laner, though. Give him some mangoes and his sustain skyrockets.
Personally I think his best part is his 5 man pushing power. Healing ward is godlike in sieges, especially against lineups that lack in mobility and good range.
At least your hero isn't fundamentally shit unless played against just the right draft
dont know sauce but heres full
slark also does pretty well manfighting him
>go to your lane
>see these wonderful people against you
Wat do
hell yeah thanks
Reactive armor should give damage block that applies to all sources.
hide in the trees and leech experience.
not a worry bro auroth is a treasure that a man should get to see in all her glory
>ghost sceptre
save them the trouble and dig your grave yourself
Underlord is greatly underrated as a character
>1000 hours
>Still no fucking clue how to play
Send help I keep either feeding or sitting glued to towers doing nothing at midgame
Just spectate games and start imitating the best tactics you can see
Just accept you aren't getting to level 6 by the time they push your tower.
>Enemy team has Tinker or Alch
Oh fantastic cant wait to lose in 40 minutes
>impossible to deal with in laning
lmao just pick mirana. Any ranged offlane hero with an escape can just right click jugg and make him miserable. Add a second for a dual offlane to make his support unable to trade with you and the little fucker won't get any farm and you've turned their safelane into yours.
razor and ursa get destroyed if jugg is paired with shadow shaman
>Any ranged offlane hero with an escape can just right click jugg and make him miserable.
and then he just steps back, summons his healing ward and comes right back. Meanwhile his support kept harassing you and you lost a lot more hp than he did.
>healing ward at low levels
The heal is slow and he has to, as you said, step back. While he's stepped back, you farm an entire wave or two and he doesn't. Then he comes back with full hp, and you right click him again, and he has to step back again.
>his support kept harassing you
Plenty of ranged heroes can trade with most safe supports, and as I said, pair with a second offlaner and the support can't even trade with you.
>Then he comes back with full hp,
and farms 1 entire lane + your support with blade furry
>can fucking spin to win out of CM Frostbite
>any root for that matter
makes him so fucking annoying to lane against.
>Hurr grimstroke was OP
>winrate was barely above 50%
>meanwhile rikki...
>bladefurying anyone with an escape
>having mana to repeatedly healing ward and spin at low levels with their high mana costs and long cooldowns
>b-but the hero I don't like is unstoppable under extremely specific circumstances that I pick!
I, too, think jugg is a bit strong right now but holy fuck calm down there are plenty of ways to play around him
that's a drawfag from /d2g/
Been getting a lot of invoker time this patch. Feels great, my dudes.
The new "persona" looks damn good and has the best model and animations of the game.
Why is my nigga so bad right now? I am 6k mmr and people just leave if I try to pick him
>still playing this game when most matches aren't enjoyable
But why?
>Play well
>Play like shit
Every time
Unironically why does that always fucking happen?
I feel so bad when I have a bad game and end up getting carried by my team, and on the other side of the coin when I do REALLY well I lose
It's probably because you're not doing as well as you think. That or teammates are feeding.
>is still incredibly strong
>being bad at dota
>get lastpick even though I only play support
>take PL cause we are up against singletarget team with no cc
>ruskies go haywire and cyka blyat
>support for botlane has a wooden computer and takes 4 min to join the game
>play against necro and sproinker
>get rekt
>go jungle, mute all, go midas
>win by just splitpushing and letting the cykablyat team go all cykablyat
>also have a pudge mid who raped everyone
*bramble mazes you*
heh nothin personnel kid...